
Dominatrix System

Salvie passes away by a hit by the very people she blackmailed exploited and controlled. She finds herself in a Game of the gods in a universe with a system, in a competition that was randomized based on her personality. Watch with the gods as they entertain us for our amusement. Warning the first few chapters are a bit rough since I had just started writing for the first time. Please Enjoy. The image is not my own and will take down if asked. Support me and my works at www.Patreon.com/Madjic

Madjic · Fantasy
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228 Chs

Chapter 224: Letting Loose Part 2

I leaned back with a womb full of Devilish cum and smiled, and my finger teased his nipple while Avery's cock throbbed in my pussy. I could feel it throb against my womb, and I smiled. I leaned back, grabbed the bindings and pulled myself up into the air off his cock, and flexibly moved off his cock and back onto the ground by making a show of my inhuman flexibility and shifting my body around. 

Avery was harshly breathing from the massive orgasm I had just wrung out with my cunt, and I smiled, pulling the rope and making him stare at the ground. His ass was now up in the air, and his cock was defenseless. I licked my lips and decided now was going to be the time I grabbed him by the balls. 

Avery was going to be punished with pleasure beyond his comprehension. Maybe he did not want it, but I did not care. He would shiver and cum as much as I decided to make him, and my womb full of cum spoke to that. I was the one who decided on that, and now I would milk him. He had a week or so of rest to fill up these balls, and until that cum was clear, all sperm cells would stop. Then, I would continue until he filled a bucket for me to drink.

I shivered at the sadistic thought. 

Now that I had thought it through, it was time to put it into action, and I wondered if Avery understood. No, I would tell him until he understood what was about to happen to him. I licked my lips in anticipation and grinned. "Avery," I said, squatting down before him. I twisted my body into a bridge and looked up at him before flipping my legs into a more proper, comfortable spot. 

"Y- Yes Mistress," Avery replied through orgasmic bliss. 

"You have two options; I am going to milk you; I want you to fill up a bucket with clear cum. But there is a problem," I sighed and waited for him to ask. A minute passed with his cock throbbing barely in my vision as he eyed my body before looking at me.

"W- what is the problem, Mistress? H-How can I solve it?" Avery asked.

I smiled and saw him shiver as he finally learned that my smiles were not a happy thing for him. "See, There are only two ways to get what I want. The first is edging you till I fill up a bucket of cum. But I think I don't want the sperm. So that means I am going to go with method two."

"What is that, Mistress?" Avery asked, much to my delight. I got up without using my hands and stood before turning around and squatting next to his head.

Slowly, I whispered into his ear. "I am going to drain your balls dry of sperm; then I am going to make you cum a bucket full of cum." I watched him shiver, and I grinned, "I wonder how many buckets of cum you have. In fact, if you shoot out less than a bucket, I might be disappointed. I hope you did not masturbate to me while I ignored you."

"M-mistress," he was about to complain, but I pressed a finger to his lips.

"I don't care, Avery; I do what I want, and if you want to leave, the door is over there," I pointed, smiling, "We both know you can break these bindings. We both know you can push me off you. You CHOOSE to remain here, Avery. Helpless in your Mistress's hands. You are enjoying this deep down and cannot wait for me to do more for you. Now, I think it is time to begin." I stood, no longer letting him see straight down my cleavage, and I grabbed the tools needed and a couple of buckets. Honestly, I had no idea why I had half a dozen buckets in this room. Freya put them in here, and I expect she wants this type of play at some point.

I wonder when was the last time I drained her balls and whipped her till she continued to cum.

I didn't know, but that was a thought for later. Then again, there were other bodily fluids that I might need to drain from time to time, like blood.

Instead, I returned to Avery and moved him so that his head would be straight down. If he strained himself, he would be able to see my dripping wet cunt, and that was it. I got into place and got one of my most expensive pieces from that blacksmith so long ago when I ordered urethra-sounding devices. One with a hole through the center. The dwarf had been mad at this one, costing me more gold than I cared to admit. But he did it, and it was glorious for what was to come. 

I brought it to his throbbing cock, and I smiled as I penetrated it once again, and I heard him groan. "Oh, this is just the start, honey. I will be milking this in a way you never felt before. You are going to lose your mind." 

I grinned as I heard him groan more. I pushed it down deep into his cock and saw his cock fill with my tube. Once it reached the prostate, the rod was poking out only half an inch. I grinned. My hand started to give him a hand job, and he began to moan. "You know before where you could not cum. This will allow it just to slip out, Avery. I am going to milk you so hard; enjoy~!"

The next moment once again, it sprang to life with enchantments, and he groaned, and his cock throbbed in my hand. I pulled the ropes to bring his cock back, pointing down and lifted him into the air, and grabbed a bucket. "You already filled my womb, Avery; now you need to fill my stomach. But I want no semen, just no pulp cum." I told him.

"I don't know what you mean," Avery groaned, and my hand came down hard on his ass, making him shudder. "Mistress," He added as he realized where my anger came from.

"Good boy~!" I said with a grin and saw him shudder as I grabbed the next thing and listened to him moan. This was a nice little prostate massager. It was a bent metal prostate massager that I had made by the same dwarf and took up the much easier challenge, and it was bumpy just for what was next. I came back and pushed it into Avery's relaxed ass before he even knew what was happing and shot it to life, making him moan.

Instantly he groaned for me, and I grinned as the first drop of cum started to leave his cock, and my hand grabbed his cock and balls. "Time to cum~!" I cried out and began to jerk his throbbing cock, and seconds later, a load of thick white cum started to shoot out of the vibrating straw.

"Wh- what is this~?" Avery moaned as his prostate was attacked by my twin vibrations both inside and outside, my hand massaged his balls and jerked his cock as the tube stayed in place, and he moaned, "W- What Is this~!" Avery moaned louder, and I smiled as more thick cum started to flow out of the tube. His cock was trying to shoot it out, but it came out like a slow tap as his cock produced more and more cum. His moaning filled the room, and I continued to jerk his cock hard and spat on my hand to loosen it up, and he moaned louder while I massaged his balls. He groaned, and I felt his cock throb and the sound of thick cum dripping into a bucket sounded in the room. He shivered, and his legs pressed against the restraints.

"Oh, you're going to try and break the restraints, Avery?" I asked as I continued to milk his cock, and he moaned louder for a moment but froze under my conversational tone as he realized he was pressing against the bindings. He groaned louder, and I continued to milk more and more from him.

Time went by quickly as I jerked Avery's cock. He continued almost to break the restraints till I reminded him of the consequences. I could tell with increasing need to have a proper orgasm that actually felt good. One of the things that men need in order to feel good is that cum shoots out quickly. As he filled up the first bucket, the first of his orgasms shot out relatively fast. I made him cum again and again, letting each time push out the thick semen that his large balls created. I had even to put down a second and third bucket, and I had lost track of time milking him.

The smile on my face was one that would not break as the tap of cum was slowly turning from a thick white semen over hours and hours of milking. It turned slowly into a grey semen that was much less thick, and slowly, as he started to beg me to stop, it turned into a clear white syrup-like substance that looked very close to precum. 

"Please, Mishtresssh~!" Avery cried, "My balls, my cock, it hurts, there is no more," He groaned.

Honestly, his begging had been going on for four hours, and my pussy was dripping onto the floor for hours. I grinned as I pulled out the bucket finishing a third bucket of cum. 

"Good boy, you reached the final point, Avery. Isn't that such a good boy? You have been a good boy for Mistress," I reassured him, making him groan. I put in an empty bucket and smiled, squatting down in front of him. "Now you need to create enough for this bucket, and I am going to swallow it all. Don't you want to see me gulping down your no-pulp cum like a delicious treat?" I asked him.

Avery looked at me with tear-soaked eyes from hours of cock milking, and he shuddered and finally nodded, and I smiled.

"Then cum more for Mistress," I said; his cock was hard and throbbing on the tube again, and it started to fill the bucket with more of his sperms cum, and I grinned. Then I had a thought, and I brought my lips next to his ear, "Once you are done filling this bucket, I am going to do something extra special for you," I cooed, and he shuddered more, "I am going to hop onto your cock and ride you till you fill my cunt again. All while kissing you deeply."

Avery froze and looked at me, scared, only to see my sadistic grin and my cunt dripping wet, he shivered again, and I got to work.

His cock was red and swollen but still hard from the milking, and I grabbed it again, and the aggressive milking began once more, and his prostate was under constant attack keeping his cock hard and throbbing. It was a painful pleasure for him, and his prostate would definitely swell after this abuse.

"Please, no more," Avery started to cry as I filled the bucket up to half, and by the time I finished it, he was just groaning, and I smiled, massaging his balls. I pulled a rope, and I slowly and carefully pulled out the tube inside his cock and retracted the energy keeping it vibrating and pulled out the prostate Massager and I sighed as I felt great. My cunt was dripping wet, and his cock was swollen as I finished everything. 

Still, Avery's cock was rock hard but also swollen, and he was groaning. I grinned, and I stepped back and pulled the bucket out and grinned as his cock started to go flaccid. He was done legitimately, and I think what I was about to do would bring one final round out of him. he was a groaning, crying mess, and so many times, he almost broke his bindings. Honestly, I was impressed with his willpower.

It was flattering how badly he wanted to be with me at this point. Either he thought he would never come across another Tiger-kin woman with his favorite body type, or he loved this deep inside himself. I believed it was a combination of both and pulled the ropes. His body started to swell with deep red marks from being suspended for hours and hours on end, and I pulled the bucket in front of him. Now he was in a position where his cock was in front of him once more, and he had a good view of what was to come.

I grabbed the bucket and showed it to him. "Look at that, Avery, such a big boy. Did what mistress wanted. Now, you get to watch a little show," I said with a bright smile. "You got to fill my womb, now my stomach." Without another word, his tear-soaked eyes started to gulp in the sight before him.

The clear liquid was in the bucket, and I wondered if I was right about my assumption. Avery was a manly man, and he pictured his seed as something used to conquer his woman. There was nothing more of a turn-on than marking his woman with his seed, and despite the thin liquid probably having a very low sperm count, I picked up the bucket and turned to the side, and started to drink a gallon of clear cum. I let it slide down my face and onto my breasts and chugged more and more, letting it get into my snow-white fur and hair. I pulled it back to let it cover my ears a little, and Avery was no longer crying. His eyes were drinking in my drinking of his seed. Most importantly, his swollen flaccid cock turned hard and reached a new size. He was hard as a rock as his seed over my body, and I drank it.

That was it, this macho man got to 'mark' me with his cum, and his mind was in heaven once more with pure mental love. This was what he wanted and needed. This was his ultimate high, and the sweet flavor of his cum was missing the more bitter and salty flavor. I chugged it down and poured it all over my body till the bucket was basically straight up in the air with my back arched and a pool of cum below me and my body drenched in his seed.

I tossed the bucket aside, grinned, and saw Avery's raw look of need. I could not help but wonder what he would choose to do. "You're allowed to break free of your bindings if you fuck me and fill my womb with your cum once more. But if-" I did not even finish speaking as I felt the mana in his body surge, and Avery's muscles shattered the rope. He fell to the floor and stood a moment later. There were no thoughts in his mind, and I smiled as he was atop me a second later.

"MINE, MINE, MINE, MINNNNNNEEEEEE~!" Avery roared and screamed as his throbbing swollen cock pushed inside me, and his instincts took over. The mana in his body raged all around him, and much to my surprise, as pleasure exploded in my head, his body started to strengthen as his emotional outburst must have brought out something inside him. I felt his mana getting thicker as he grabbed me and had his way with me. Pounding my cunt with loud, powerful slaps sending shivers of pleasure through me, and after holding back so long with him and loving his pain and suffering, I orgasmed again and again.

Avery was not in control of himself. I was along for the ride as his muscles pumped me up and down on his cock, sending him into painful pleasure that destroyed his mind. I loved it; I could see his pain and desperation as the rage in his body sent him harder, and he filled my cunt up with cum with each thrust, and he was screaming. "ARRRRAAARRGGGHHHHH~!!" He roared, and my body took his strength, using energy to protect myself from his overpowered thrusts. He wasn't trying to kill me. He was marking me. He was filling me.

He needed me, and his lust and love were there, and I loved it. What a fool.

Avery suddenly roared, and I felt the building shake; he came inside me like a geyser, suddenly filling me up, and then his eyes rolled up, and he fell, leaving me chuckling as he fell to the floor and passed out. I shuddered as I came on his cock once more, and he lay on the ground out for the count, and I looked at his skin full of bruises and marks from the repeated attempts to almost break the bindings. They would scar along with his others if I left them, and I sighed with both pleasure and contentment.

"Not bad, Avery; maybe you will make a good toy to keep around. I wonder what your answer will be in the morning." I said aloud and chuckled and wiped cum from my eyes.

Time to clean up; I wonder if Freya would like to eat some cum out of my cunt. "Freya!" I snapped a moment later, getting ready to wash myself, leaving Avery the fool on the ground. I would clean him up after a nice bath.


I just Published a Kindle Unlimited book for everyone to enjoy. It is an Alternative non cannon Week4 to my Life of a Dominant Futanari Series. You can check it out on the link below!
