
Dominatrix System

Salvie passes away by a hit by the very people she blackmailed exploited and controlled. She finds herself in a Game of the gods in a universe with a system, in a competition that was randomized based on her personality. Watch with the gods as they entertain us for our amusement. Warning the first few chapters are a bit rough since I had just started writing for the first time. Please Enjoy. The image is not my own and will take down if asked. Support me and my works at www.Patreon.com/Madjic

Madjic · Fantasy
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228 Chs

Chapter 223: Letting Loose Part 1

I licked my lips, looking at Avery as his handsome, robust and muscular body came into the picture, and I walked over to the counter, where I picked up the cream for Avery. I turned to him with a smile, "This is no punishment, this is no reward, Avery; I am going to show what a sick, sadistic woman I can be. The only depths I will not go to are the ones I save for my enemies or those from which I need information. I am not a good woman, Avery; I am not a nice woman, Avery. Are you sure you want to try and accept me for who I am instead of just a woman you meet to enjoy sex with?"

Avery, now naked, was standing before me, his large cock throbbing with need just looking at me. I could see his determination; every attempt to push him away was me slowly closing the trap on his mentality. His determination reached a new peak, and my smile grew as I tossed him the cream to stop scaring him despite the scars already on his body. "Fine, Put that cream on, and I will get back. Although your scars make you more rugged, I don't want others to know about our bedroom activities."

He smiled but momentarily looked down at the cream as I started planning what I wanted to do with him. I enjoyed his cock the other day. My pussy was stuffed to the max to the point that I would not be surprised if I did get pregnant. I believe that I did a fine job with my energy, eliminating that from happening, but I did drain his cock till my womb was full of his seed, including my tubes and vaginal canal. I was leaking for a while the next day or two.

This was excellent. I needed a toy with robust stamina, and Avery came along and delivered himself to me. Now, it was time to show him my playful side, and I could let loose. He was a B-ranker, after all. He would not die easily, and I could let loose with strength on him. Let it cut into him and make him scream in pain as I ridden him. 

Honestly, It probably would not be too different from last time, but it was much more painful, and the start was going to test his resiliency to mental damage. I could not help but chuckle as I knew the part that men were the most careful about was the very thing that men wanted to be touched by the opposite gender. They defend it to the last heartbeat and give it freely for me to tease.

What a shame for them. I love torturing them.

Physical pain was not a deterrent for Avery, though. He would never become a mindless pain slut unless I broke him. I did not want another pain slut at this moment anyways. Freya and Stacy were good in their rights, and I had no need to turn Avery into one. No, Avery would become locked to me by his cock. I would make it so that he would only get hard to me and that he would always think that he was here because of his own choices.

That is rarely the case, though, and as I turned to him, I smiled. His naked body was now glistening with a layer of cream, and I decided what I was going to do. I had not done this in a bit and grabbed rope, lots of rope. It was a fine rope of a hundred feet in length and was meant to be used only for one thing.

It is binding in suspension. 

I would need to do this carefully, and I smiled as I slowly dragged the rope out, shooting it up over one of the pulley systems I had in place. The rope came down without a misstep as I walked toward Avery with a grin. "Tell me, Avery, what are you expecting?" I asked as I brought my hand to his chest and let it glide down on the cream-covered chest before moving over to his hand and removing the cream from it.

"I am expecting something harsh like last night. I think you enjoy pleasuring yourself with others, and I like that," Avery told me.

"Hmm, not completely wrong," I replied as I dragged the rope around him and started to coat his back with the cream. "Not wholly correct either, but I will not say anything more. I have warned you as many times as you should have needed. Now you are here in my hands, and you will be trapped till morning. I will have my way with you as you no longer have the ability to withdraw. You are my toy for the night, and I am very excited to use you. Break these ropes, and you will have displeased me greatly."

My hands traveled down to his sculpted ass, and I slowly rubbed the cream in before I backed up and looked him over. I took a moment to check for a missing spot before I got to work. This took time, and Avery, although not keen on being bound, was also following my orders. He knew this was the last test, and he wanted to pass and the sunken cost fallacy was in charge now as I handed him soon in a suspended binding. With a simple pull of the rope, it would rotate his body.

His legs were bound and behind him bent and spread, leaving his cock, balls, and asshole open to my play. With a simple pull of one rope, it would rotate his body, and the other rope controlled how high and low he was on the bindings. I truly was getting much better at rope binding and was proud of myself for this work.

I smiled at the bound artwork and got ready while Avery watched me. His mouth gagged now with his arms and hands bound together straight behind him up into the air. Without utilizing mana, he would never be able to break free, and I loved it. With Avery being all tied up, I still had a nice gap to whip his back, balls, ass, cock, chest, and face. All with a simple pull of the rope. 

This took me longer than I would like and I angled him into position to have his cock angled up and for him to watch what was to come. I could see he was not a fan of being tied up, and I did not care. I smiled, walked around in front of him, and stripped, letting my clothing pile up before kicking it away. 

My robust, strong, flexible body came into view. Then I did something I did for another man. I started to show off my body's abilities. I started to show off the pure flexible might that allowed me to control every individual muscle to the point where I could move my organs. My body was flexible as a whip to increase my striking range, and I was still learning how to use it to the maximum.

I wondered what level I would be at when I reached A rank.

That did not matter as I pushed my body to human levels, showing off different sexual positions that men could only dream about. My legs moved, dislocated, and reattached or appeared to have detached that Avery's eyes were wide open, gobbling up the show in front of him with his cock throbbing with increasing need, and a clear liquid started to bead from his cock as he watched me.

Then I turned and stopped the standing show of flexibility that would boggle the mind. I stepped toward him and reached out, grabbing something that would become his worst enemy. His eyes widened as I took the sounding rod, and he grunted, "You know what this is from last time, but did you know it can bring you to a level that you could never imagine?" I asked, making him shake his head, and I grinned.

Showing no mercy, that Sounding rod pushed into his urethra using his own cum as lube, he roared as I pushed in, and his cock throbbed as I pushed it in deep. I allowed it to reach that perfect prostate point, and energy shot it to life deep inside him, making him roar into his gag. But I was not done, and I smiled at him, "You will love this, Avery; enjoy ~!" I grinned, and my mouth opened, and I took his cock into my mouth and started to suck his cock in a way that most men could only dream of. 

The memories in my head from some Shadow leader mistress were quite full of techniques, and Avery was moaning into his gag as I fucked my throat with his cock making him shiver each time my tongue teased that vibrating rod before I felt him pushing out the rod with his sperm as his cock got bigger on the rod. He was cumming, and no relief came as he tried to ejaculate, and it was forced to stay in his tubes. His own robust body was going to work against him this time as it all remained deep in his balls. 

"That's right," I moaned, looking up at him, "Cum for Mistress; release it into my mouth. Until I taste it," I grinned, "I will not stop."

Avery shivered as he moaned, and my mouth opened, and my tongue went to work as I pushed the rod deeper back in. His cock shivered, and I could feel his mana start to build as he contemplated breaking out and fucking me senseless. I would be impressed at this point if he did and I would respect him in a different way. But he wouldn't, and my mouth worked on his cock hard, and I sucked and fucked it with my mouth making him cum again. I felt the pressure of the rod to pop out was building and I worked my head harder.

My head game was amazing, and I could feel his sensitivity build, and I continued to go at it with increased need. His cries into the gag were getting increasingly louder, and I made him cum again. 

Then Again.


Again and again. His body shivered and the pressure on the rod to be pushed out was building. His moans were turning into groans, and as I did what was best for him, my hands found his balls and started to massage them. Instantly I could tell they were full of cum to the point of bursting. His mana was now around his balls, reinforcing them, much to my delight as Avery was now worried about the pain he was feeling down there. I went hard, my hand and throat pleasuring him as I brought him to the brink, and I felt the cum build as he orgasmed again.

I felt the building with each orgasm, and my tongue had to press onto the rod constantly, or it would shoot out, and I still did not stop. Avery was in a place between heaven and hell, and I was the Mistress at the door, ensuring he could step into neither. He was trying to thrust into my throat and orgasm more on instinct than his own thoughts.

I felt him cum more and more, and the pressure was insane till suddenly, and without warning, I pulled back and let the rod shoot out.

Avery screamed into the gag and his cum got stuck for a moment as the thick juice tried to shoot out. I could literally see the lump in his cock as it slowly pushed forward all together, and to my delight, I reached out and wrapped my hand right before the tip and gripped it tight, shutting the urethra tight so no cum could come out.

"Tell me, Avery, Do you want to cum?" I asked and Avery nodded.

"Really, I don't hear anything. Maybe you don't want to cum?" I asked myself, and I pushed the cum slowly back down with strength. Avery lost his mind and tried to shout at me through the gag, and my pussy was moister than ever, and I wondered what a thick load like this would feel inside me. On a whim, I leaped up and pushed my juicy pussy down on his cock and controlled my pussy to perfection as I dropped my cunt onto his massive cock.

Avery's head shot back, and my pussy slowly shoved that cum back down into his balls before I pulled back up, and the cum could move up his cock, but my pussy gripped the head of his cock tight. He screamed as it reached the halfway point before I dropped my cunt slowly back down onto his cock and pushed that cum back inside him. I felt him tremble and the pressure of his cum build as I made him cum again in agony. I bent my body and started to suck and tease his nipples as I repeatedly let the cum rise before pushing it back down into his balls, feeling the pressure build and build as he came again and again.

My head was blissful as I fucked his cock and pushed that desperate cock to the edge. I reached the edge of my own orgasm, and I leaned forward as I pinched his nipples while pushing the cum back down into his cock. "You want to fill me, don't you, Avery? You want to pump me full of your Devil cum. You want little devil tiger girls running around. You want to see me full of your children, don't you?" I whispered into his ear and felt his cock tremble and cum once more and I pushed that cum back into his balls.

"You are in me raw, Avery, I am Fertile right now, cumming inside me would result in exactly what you want. Can you imagine it, Avery? Your Tiger-kin Lover with snow-white hair and a massive Baby bump, knowing it is your child. All you have to do is release your cum into me, Avery. Think about it, Avery. Think about it and push that cum into my pussy. You won't be defeated by my cunt will you?"

My words were poison to his mind, and I pushed that cum back into him again and again as I gyrated and fucked his cock hard, whispering into his ear. "Fill me, Avery, Make me yours. Impregnate my Tiger-kin cunt. You can do it!"

My words of encouragement, with my tight cunt being perfectly controlled, sent Avery to the edge of his sanity, and before he knew it, he was fucking me. His eyes rolled to the back of his head almost, and he was blindly thrusting his hips with pure abdominal strength, much to my delight, my cunt was tight, pushing that cum back into his balls till I decided that the pressure was the perfect moment, and I loosened up.

It was magical, and I felt pure sadistic pride as he mindlessly continued to shove his cock in and out of me that cum jammed up. I could feel a thick bulge moving through my cunt as it slowly pushed up into me, and I lightly orgasmed as it reached the midpoint as he mindlessly fucked me. I loved this and continued to encourage him only for the last moment as it was about to reach the head and burst through and inseminate me. I tightened up my cunt and delightfully pushed it right back into his balls.

The scream that erupted from him made me orgasm so hard that I lost control of my pussy and I must have destroyed the thick cum blocking the cum from shooting easily in as I felt my cervix suddenly blasted with thick heavy cum without restraint. I moaned as he shoved his cock deep and hit my cervix again, and blasted his cum constantly as he emptied his balls.

It took over ten minutes before it finally finished and I got off of him. I smiled, looking at my work, and touched his cock. "I guess I should suck the rest out," I said, and I pulled him up into the air, and I started to suck the cum out of his drained cock, and he screamed as his abused cock had the cum sucked right out of it. 

It was delightful to hear his screams, but if he thought I was done with just this, then he was gravely mistaken. I grinned and walked away after emptying his balls and leaving a hard throbbing cock behind as he groaned. I needed him to recover a bit after sucking the soul out of him.