
Dominatrix System

Salvie passes away by a hit by the very people she blackmailed exploited and controlled. She finds herself in a Game of the gods in a universe with a system, in a competition that was randomized based on her personality. Watch with the gods as they entertain us for our amusement. Warning the first few chapters are a bit rough since I had just started writing for the first time. Please Enjoy. The image is not my own and will take down if asked. Support me and my works at www.Patreon.com/Madjic

Madjic · Fantasy
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228 Chs

Chapter 225: Answer

It was a long night for Avery, and I cleaned myself up while I had Freya licking my toes to ensure that there was not a single drop of Avery's cum on me or in me. I came a couple of times as she worked cum out of my cunt with increasing desperation. It was an enjoyable experience, but Avery needed to be cleaned up. I also wondered what I could do with Avery's cum. Was there something interesting and fun I could do with it?

I did not know at this point, but something in me wanted to keep it around for some reason. I decided because I emptied a bit of my system inventory that, I would put the buckets of cum into the system. It might come in handy later, so I looked down at Freya and kicked her off my foot. "What is the financial situation of the brothel working out, Freya?" I asked, putting my foot back into the water and glaring at her.

"Mistress, the financials are looking up. With the new Medusa you recruited and the toys that you provided to play with her, there is an increase in interest. I have personally heard from some of the new customers that they used to come here before the last management and are happy to see it revived. This building has a history as a brothel, so they are happy to see it revived. We are seeing an increase in want for Succubus and Incubus attendants, so I decided to put out more help-wanted advertisements. Because of us taking over, I am starting to get applicants. I am starting to have questions about who to fill positions." 

"Good. Having female clientele will be good; we need to start laundering gold through here soon, especially silver and copper. Maybe we should purchase a place for trash to fuck a bitch and leave? I am sure that some Succubi might be interested, or I might put them into the mindset to be used like a toilet for cum to fill up the place on a rotating basis. It would bring in a large amount of small silver coins. This would allow us to funnel small coins through." I hummed thinking about it, and I nodded to myself. I could definitely break a couple of bitches into it, but it was better to see if it was even needed. If I was to open a place like that, it would have to be near the port. It would be sailors and people with only petty coins going for it. Those with gold coins to spare would go for the clean women who had not been used by a dozen men already.

Suppose I could also get something with a basement for warehousing for when I needed to sneak things in and out of the port area. This was a fantastic idea and would make a great place to run operations through the docks. I could even have water and various things sold for copper coins to make there a good reason for carriages to be loading inside the building. Maybe even a general store? It would have to depend on the size of the store I could get. I could also have lower-level women if there were an upstairs for the managers of the docks, too. Sure, I would compete with other businesses in the area, but that was fine. I was not worried about competition, even losing a bit of money, as long as people were moving through the business so I could launder the prizes the Necromancers brought in.

That brought me to the next problem I had: "Freya, signal and get our new business partner to meet up. Tell them we have highly valuable cargo to start unloading and must meet up."

"Yes, Mistress, I will pass that along. Is there anything else that you wish to convey?"

"Tell him that he will owe me a nice meal. Let's make our business deal in a private place so we won't have people able to see it. But the arrangements are for him to make. This is a sign of my trust in him. Other than that, I can't think of anything."

"Yes, Mistress," I waved with my foot, dismissing her, and relaxed in the water. I saw Freya's wet, naked body depart, and I sighed. There is too much going on at once again, but this time, all good things.

Leaving the Empire had been just in time. I could not believe the significant civil strife the Necromancers wrought on that border city. No word about what happened had left the city, and I was curious if they ever would. That A-ranked Necromancer was killed before that spell, but I felt it was not over with just that, and I knew yet again that A rank was what I needed to achieve. 

The true rulers of this world were A-ranked powerhouses that did not even show their faces to the world at most times. The memories I had made them into almost demigods with power, and I barely understood what those memories meant in my head. They were so contrary to my understanding of power that I understood at this point. It was like there was a fundamental question with Mana and energy that I had not answered that made their thoughts different from my own, like a piece of a puzzle that was so important that you could not even start to put together the second half of the puzzle until you had it.

It was annoying to have those memories, and the reference was so arbitrary and difficult to understand.

I shook my head, pulled my hair back, and brought it into something more manageable while I got out of the tub. I dried myself off and let my hair remain wet as I walked back to the room with Avery, a twitching mess as I had left him. I felt his mana almost in a more depleted state, but I could tell that he was dangerous. I grabbed the buckets of cum and put them in my inventory before I grabbed another bucket and went back to the bathroom and filled it with my bath water before bringing it back.

Dumping a fresh bucket of my bathwater over him slightly cleaned him up and jolted the berserker out of that mindset. Avery's eyes snapped open, and he shuddered before he started to get back up as I sat back on my throne naked and wet from the bath. "Welcome to the waking world, Avery. Did you enjoy your sleep?" I asked, amused.

"How was I freed from my bindings?" Avery asked.

I chuckled and looked at him with half-lidded eyes. "You went berserk, Avery; you took me and pounded my pussy so hard and came inside me, all over me, and had your way with me once I brought you to the edge. How are you feeling after resting a bit?"

The devil shuddered as he realized what I had done to him and looked at me with more fear and respect. That was much better as he started to realize the type of person I am instead of his ideal. "Amazing," He replied, and I raised an eyebrow, "I never felt like that, but I never felt this," Avery paused and appraised himself, and his hand went down to his cock, and he grabbed it. He looked it over and saw the swelling, and I reached out and tossed him the cream. He snatched it out of the air, knew what it was for, and started to apply it.

I watched as the wounds started to heal, and he sighed, "I have never felt this satisfied and released. My balls actually feel empty, and I feel good. I never felt this relaxed at the moment, but I had never felt this relaxed before. My stamina has brought me to the point that no woman I have met has been able to," Avery paused and smiled, "Satisfy me. Till I met you. Sadistic bitch that you are, Mistress. I like this feeling. I might not like it at this moment, but I feel so free right now." Avery was applying the cream on himself, and the wounds were closing. I watched him silently as he looked himself over, and I believed that he was telling the truth.

"So, I asked you, do you want to truly come into my inner circle? People who understand my dreams and ambitions? Striving endlessly for a goal so hard and unattainable that it will drive you crazy all to fulfill your Mistress's lofty goals for no reason other than I want it?" 

Avery looked at me and smiled, and I knew I had him. "Yes, Mistress, I want to be there for you," he replied.

I grinned crookedly and leaned back, "Then maybe in the future you can earn that trust from me. For now, I have things to do, Avery. I will be in touch with you. Leave a note with Stacy where I can send you a message, Avery. I will reach out to you soon for some fun, and maybe you can earn my trust and reach my inner circle." I waved to dismiss him, "I have important things to do; Avery and I do not have time at this moment."

I saw Avery twitch a little as he finished putting the cream on. I saw him look a little annoyed at the way I dismissed him, and it would be something I would train out of him. "See you soon, Mistress," Avery said before departing after grabbing his clothes, and I smiled, watching him leave with frustration despite being satisfied just moments before.

I chuckled. The fool had fallen into the honey trap, and I doubted that he would ever be able to leave.




Hey Everyone, Thank you all for your support and Enjoyment of my Novel. I am writing this because I have released a couple of things that I think you might enjoy. I released a new Book, An Alternate Week of My Life of a Dominant Futanari, which is free for those with Kindle Unlimited. You can check it out at the link below. 




Thank you so much for reading my announcement, and I really appreciate your comments. Please continue to enjoy my work.