
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
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363 Chs

Chapter 33

Samuel estimated that the three corpses were actually Rank 2 Warriors. So the fact that there are two Warriors skills is to be expected.

And in the small storage bag there was only a long sword Pseudo Artifact.

Just the pure Spiritual Crystals reached 50! If you count the rest of the Artifacts and warrior skills the profits are definitely much larger!

Of course Samuel won't sell these. Warriors skills and Artifacts aren't things that can be purchased if you have enough money.

But this is the profits from the first room! Samuel could tell that these three warriors aren't the owners of this Tomb. After all, they are too weak to have something like this.

The minimum qualification for building an inheritance ruin in the Eternal Battlefield is to be a Rank 4 Warrior!

But just as A1 was planning on continuing through the next set of doors in order to make more money. His body began to shake as a powerful aura immediately radiated from the hall behind the doors.

A1 slammed closed the door he only slightly opened. That was the Aura of a Rank 2 Beast! Naturally A1 didn't dare continue.

However Samuel was happy with the benefits brought from this expedition. Two corpses of Gargoyles could sell for 1million credits in total, 50 Spiritual Crystals, 2 Warrior Skills, multiple Pseudo Artifacts and finally a Golden Pendant Artifact with an unknown use.

A1 quickly returned to Bluestar with the rest of the team, leaving only two Dogs of War behind to guard the Tomb. Well not really to guard it, rather to alert Samuel if anyone else enters.

Soon Samuel was holding two more books and a familiar prompt appeared in his eyes.

[Detected a Cultivation Technique *2 Does the host wish to store it in the System Gallery?]


[Added Rank 2 Warrior Skills: 'Spark', 'PermaFrost']

[Rank 2 Warrior Skill 'Spark': Use your Spiritual Energy to create a spark of fire at any location. The more Spiritual Energy applied the larger the Spark.]

[Rank 2 Warrior Skill 'PermaFrost': Using Spiritual Energy, create a sheet of ice around the casters body. The more Spiritual Energy applied the bigger the radius.]

Two pretty simple but powerful skills. Spark would be perfect for people talented with fire, able to create a flame anywhere could definitely surprise an opponent. The only downside is that the Spark is pretty weak and Energy Consuming.

And PermaFrost is a strong AOE Slowdown skill. Not only can it freeze the feet of opponents and make them watch their footing constantly to prevent falling, it can also be used as an attack if enough Energy is applied.

After loading the two Skills into the gallery, Samuel turned his attention towards the Small Golden Pendant.

He was currently sitting at a desk with one of the books looted in front of him. This book recorded hundreds of different artifacts from Unique ones to mass produced ones.

Finally after an hour of searching Samuel found a picture identical to the little Golden Pendant.

He found it was called the Descendant Development Pendant. Its purpose is pretty simple, you place it on the neck of a child under 5 years old and it will slowly increase their talent.

Although it's impossible for it to raise their Spiritual Root by a level, it would slightly increase their talent. Samuel gave it to B1, the oldest of the new generation and also the most talented.

Samuel predicted that after 5 years of nourishment from the Golden Pendant, B1 will be able to absorb aura 20% quicker than people at the same level.

This is already an incredible number. If it would take ten years to break through a level then for B1 it would only take 8! This isn't even including the benefits brought by the herbs she is constantly using.

And with the assistance of A15s Mentorship talent increasing her practice speed by 10% it will be even faster!

Naturally this Pendant was an unexpected joy. Especially since it can constantly be reused. Even if Samuel finds something more precious in the future, this Pendant will never lose its value.

It can always be handed down to younger children.

Of course it's something that can only show its value in many years. So right now Samuel focused on the immediate benefits, 50 Spiritual Crystals.

All of which were immediately exchanged for 5,000 Energy! Enough for 50 More 1 Inch Dogs of War!

But the sad part is that this is less than 10% of the Energy needed for a 2 Inch Spiritual Root Warrior.

However Samuel wasn't discouraged. He had already earnt over 100 Spiritual Crystals in a little under 2 years and his development speed will keep getting faster and faster.

Of course the large amount of Spiritual Crystals earnt has to be contributed to the adventures Samuel has encountered. But that's to be expected with over 40 Dogs of War adventuring within the Eternal Battlefield.

So Samuel naturally summoned another 50 Dogs of War. After relocating to a large hall of course.

Soon 50 figures of varying heights, ages and looks appeared in front of Samuel. He could already see some handsome and beautiful Dogs of War but at the same time he saw ordinary and even ugly ones.

There were 10 over 60 years old at first glance while the other 50 were surprisingly younger than that. And so Samuel started looking out for those with special talents or Auras.

And he actually found some. There were many with common Auras like the Aura of Care, or the Aura of Peace. And one even had the Authoritative Aura.

However there was only one new Talent in the batch, the rest all had similar talents to the previously summoned Dogs of War.

But at least there was one new Talent.

[Dog of War: A66 (Female)

First Generation Dog of War

Spiritual Root: 1 Inch

Rank: N/A

LifeSpan: 35/100

Aura: Low Rank 1 Warrior

Talent: Bloodline Supremacy, Lonely Wife (Desperate to create a large family, has a higher chance of finding a partner to battle her loneliness.)

Summary:Having Lived a partnerless life she is now desperate to start a family. Potential is limited due to the 1 Inch Spiritual root but is to create a large family.]

Naturally Samuel was happy to have a partner finding talent. He is always encouraging his Warriors to find partners, even if they are untalented. At this point the Organisations Financial situation was enough to feed hundreds of thousands of people!

Although Samuel would prefer to only have Talented Dogs of War he knows it isn't possible. An Organisation can't be built by solely talents otherwise they might get distracted from their practice.

How many novels have you read where the villain has a less talented guard next to him? Or has subordinates who are strong enough to complete tasks. That's what Samuel wants.

Unlike a Protagonist's story where they create this shell of a force which would inevitably crumble over time.

For an organisation to run it needs every part of a ladder, and these untalented Dogs of War are exactly what are needed. For guards, resource collection, running certain businesses.

Even becoming the Ancestors of the Organisation in the future, able to fight in future battles!

So Samuel completely removed the restriction on the partners warriors can pick. Regardless of talents, looks and personality.