
19 The End of Bloodborne, part 2

Word count 6,988

For a long moment, we silently looked at one another, the First Hunter staring down at the Last.

Finally, Gehrman smiled slightly.

"Good Hunter, you've done well, the night is near its end. Now I will show you mercy. You will die, forget the dream, and awake under the morning sun. You will be freed from this terrible Hunter's Dream."

I shook my head, smiling sadly- but with determination.

"Sorry Gehrman, but I can't do that. Not only because of the Doll- my Hunt is not yet over. There's still one last soul to free- and one last Nightmare to slay."

The First's Hunter eyes narrowed. I could see his tiredness, his resignation- and his own determination in those old eyes who had seen far too much.

Then, he let out a long sigh.

He opened his mouth… and then closed it, giving me yet another piercing look.

"You truly are a great fool to the end… Very well, then, my keen hunter. You aren't the type to so easily be convinced- as I feared. I don't want to do this, I truly don't, but you leave me no choice. It always comes down to the Hunter's Helper to- no… that isn't right, too impersonal…" He trailed off, before smirking at me. "It's the teacher's job to beat the stupidity out of their student's head."

I chuckled. "Oh yeah? Well, come on then old man-"

Gehrman slowly rose up from his wheelchair.

Then, with a grin, he took the Burial Blade in hand.

"Tonight, Gehrman joins the Hunt."

I stared.

Not at the fact that he got up- I knew it was coming.

No, I was too busy staring at the sheer concentrated bullshit he had in his hand.

Burial Blade (+10): Trick weapon wielded by Gehrman, the first hunter. A masterpiece that defined the entire array of weapons crafted at the workshop. Its blade is forged with siderite, said to have fallen from the heavens.

Gehrman surely saw the hunt as a dirge of farewell, wishing only that his prey might rest in peace, never again to awaken to another harrowing nightmare. The sheer amount of death this blade had seen grants it special abilities: Any successful hit with this weapon has a 25% chance of inflicting the [Death] status effect. If the target has less than 33% of its health, the odds become 50%. Works on everything- including gods.

I was suddenly IMMENSELY happy that I had maxed my (Death Magic) skill, and as such was immune to Instant Death status effects, because HOLY SHIT THIS WAS BROKEN.


"Gehrman, that weapon is BULLSHIT." I deadpanned, mentally thanking all my lucky stars that I had prepared to hell and back for this fight.

He blinked, before grinning wider. "Ah, the Burial Blade... You have keen eyes, Good Hunter. But it will not save you!"

And with those words, he charged.



Deflecting the Burial Blade with the Holy Moonlight Sword, I tried to counter-attack with my gun, but Gehrman Quickened away, his own gun firing.

I dodged, sending Arcane slashes at him.

Gehrman Quickened in between the incoming Arcane attacks with ease, and both of us found ourselves showing off our swordsmanship as attacks, counter-attacks, feints and more were exchanged by the dozen in less than a second.

Eventually, seeing that we were frankly both far too skilled with our chosen weapons to break the deadlock, I Quickened backwards, waving my hand and sending dozens of fireballs at Gehrman as I did.

He promptly weaved and dodged through them all, but by then I had already prepared my next spell:

A Black Hole.

Gehrman's eyes went wide at the sight of what appeared just in front of him…

And then the Burial Blade came up, cutting through the Black Hole like it wasn't even there, letting him free to keep charging at me.

The only reason I didn't stumble in shock at him inflicting the very concept of Death on a fucking Black Hole was (Gamer's Mind), which forcibly kept me calm and allowed me to deflect his sword slash aimed at my neck.

"Such Bullshit." I grumbled, Gehrman flashing me a smirk before trying once again to take my head off.

I rolled sideways, gathering a handful of dirt in my left hand and, after turning to face him again, threw it at him.

Gehrman probably expected it to be an attempt at blinding him, so he was noticeably surprised when that dirt suddenly turned into small but razor sharp Earth spikes directed at his head.

The old man was still the First Hunter however, and even with less than a second to spare before being hit, he still managed to come out of it without damage by both Quickening through the incoming deadly volley and using his blade to deflect what he couldn't dodge.

I merely grinned however, as again I hadn't expected this to work on him- what DID work, however, was the sudden Wall of Wind Gehrman promptly hit after he dealt with the Earth spikes.

His surprised, wide-eyed look at hitting an invisible wall at full speed was certainly amusing to behold, though I was left grunting in grudging respect when, using truly spectacular agility, Gehrman then proceeded to dodge the next waves of Earth spikes, high-pressure cutting water streams, lightning bolts, and much more that I had been preparing from the moment I was done turning the thrown dirt into deadly projectiles.

And apparently, he decided that turnabout was fair play, because Gehrman followed that impressive scene of masterful dodging by slashing the air towards me- sending cutting blades of Wind at me.

Of course, I was immune to THAT, a fact I proved by charging THROUGH his attacks.

The First Hunter, despite being obviously surprised- first by my supposedly suicidal move, then by my obvious survival- reacted almost immediately, his blade coming up to deflect my thrust at his neck.

Almost, however, did not mean immediately, and as I once again held my gun tightly I was able to shoot him just after he finished deflecting my sword thrust.

Gehrman gasped as he flew backward from the damage done by my gun, blood coating his torso, but as I rushed forward to press my advantage Gehrman once again proved why he was the First Hunter, rolling up with the blow to better strike at me with his blade afterwards.

Caught somewhat flat-footed by his swift recovery, I ended up grunting in pain as his sword slashed at my own torso just before I Quickened backwards.

For a moment, we both stopped, Gehrman jabbing a Blood Vial into his leg to heal himself from my shot while I waited for my regeneration to finish doing its work.

When that was done, I smiled, held my sword up towards him.

"Pretty impressive, Gehrman- as expected of the First Hunter." I praised.

Then my smile turned into a wide grin. "But now, I think we should get this warm-up session over with and TRULY get started, what do you think?"

Gehrman stared at me for a moment… before grinning back.


And with that, the Full Moon above began to glow, and Gehrman became surrounded by an aura of white/silver Arcane energy.

We both charged at another at the same time, Holy Moonlight Sword shining darkly when I infused it with Void magic while the Burial Blade glowed with Silver Arcane power.

As our blades clashed, I could feel the Void around my blade greedily suck in the Arcane power of Gehrman's weapon, though I also noted the almost non-existent difference in the power held by the Burial Blade- as what power the Void absorbed was swiftly replaced by more.

With a grunt, I began using (Multi-strikes) over and over again, though Gehrman somehow managed to dodge or deflect everything I sent his way.

I could still feel his surprise- mixed with interest and respect- as I kept seemingly breaking reality to attacks a dozen times at every slash of my blade, but the First Hunter soon began to deal with everything I threw at him without even thinking about it- sheer god-like instincts allowing him to easily survive all that I sent his way.

Soon, we began fighting even harder- dozen, if not hundreds of Arcane or Magical spells flying Gehrman's way, even while I used my sword to repeatedly send (Multi-strikes) his way.

Unfortunately, my tactic of trying to overwhelm him through sheer numbers of attacks didn't work, as the First Hunter used his bullshit scythe's abilities to inflict the concept of Death on every spells he couldn't dodge, snuffing out fireballs, lightning bolts and more by the dozen in but a blink of an eye, and carving himself a path through my attacks to try and reach me.

Every time he came close, I teleported away, and I could feel his frustration at fighting a teleporting enemy who could just keep attacking him over and over again until he made a mistake.

The problem, I soon discovered, was that the First Hunter seemingly never showed any sort of openings, and no matter how many spells I threw at him, no matter how many (Multi-strikes) I sent his way, no matter how frustrated he became, Gehrman NEVER misstepped or hesitated even for a fraction of a second.

Eventually deciding that, since Gehrman kept on cutting through my spells and dodging my (Multi-strikes) without any issues, I needed to change strategy, I finally stopped my magical artillery barrage and teleported behind him, my sword strike seeking out to cut through his spine.

The First Hunter had begun turning the moment I had teleported however, and instead of a deadly strike capable of ending this fight, all I succeeded at doing was getting into yet another vicious sword fight with him.

Having decided that long-range attacks were pointless against someone of Gehrman's skills, especially with the Burial Blade's abilities allowing him to negate any and all spells, I thus once again changed strategy.

From one moment to the next, I went from using the Holy Moonlight sword to using the Boom Hammer, Gehrman's eyes going wide as he frantically Quickened out of the way.

Not letting myself be surprised at his quick dodging (I was getting used to his insane agility and reaction times by now), I instead smoothly turned my swing into a full body turn, switching to the Rifle-Spear as I did and promptly shooting Gehrman the moment I was done turning.

Again he managed to dodge my attacks, though the way his eyes narrowed in concentration made it clear even he had been surprised at my new strategy and was scrambling to react.

Naturally I wasn't going to let him have the time to really recover, and I switched the Rifle-Spear with the Machine Gun instead before firing.

Once more Gehrman's eyes went wide, though he still kept running, staying a mere fraction of a second ahead of the barrage of bullets chasing after him.

That was yet again something I had expected however, and when he looked away from me to focus on better running and dodging, I used my magic to make the machine gun levitate and keep firing at him while I took out the true weapon that would herald his doom.

The only warning Gehrman had was the unexpected sound of a cannon being fired before a cannonball exploded right where he was about to set foot on.

Even still, he had instinctively Quickened away just enough to dodge the worst of the damage, and instead of a killing blow it merely sent him flying with several bloody wounds from shrapnel to show for it.

As he hit the ground, Gehrman, still running on sheer reflex, rolled backwards and then jumped to his feet, his instincts screaming a warning that death was near.

To his credit, he managed to dodge the incoming gunshot.

He did not, however, manage to dodge the Holy Moonlight Sword when it was thrusted into his stomach.

For a long moment, neither of us moved, before both of us grunted in pain.

"Damn it… So close, yet so far." Gehrman whispered before coughing blood, looking at where the Burial Blade had pierced through my right shoulder.

With another grunt, I jerked back, the bloody Burial Blade coming out of my shoulder, which promptly began to heal.

"Sorry Gehrman, but you have suffered in this place for far too long. As I told you… I had one last soul to grant mercy to tonight. For so long now, you have granted mercy to so many hunters… It's about time that someone did the same kindness to you, old man." I replied softly.

Gehrman coughed again, more blood falling from his lips, though he still looked at me with surprising strength, considering the sword in his gut.

"Damn it, you foolish boy… You have no idea what is coming-"

"I do." I declared firmly, staring at him with determination. "I know exactly what is coming. I told you, no? I had one last soul to grant mercy to… and one last Nightmare to slay."

The First Hunter gave me a long look. "You think that you can fight the Moon Presence, Good Hunter? You think you can WIN?"

I smirked sharply. "I've been preparing to kill our Moonlight Benefactor since before I set foot into the Hunter's Dream, Gehrman. I have no intention to be anyone's slave. That thing will die tonight. I swear it!"

The First Hunter stared at me for a long moment, examining how truthful I was… before returning my sharp grin with one of his own.

"Give the Moon Presence a good strike or two for me, will you?"

I nodded- and with that Gehrman, the First Hunter, finally allowed himself to collapse.

"The night, and the dream, were long..." he whispered, before closing his eyes.


Seconds later, his body disappeared into silver mist, leaving behind his gun and the Old Hunter Badge, which I put into Inventory, before taking the Burial Blade in my left hand.

Then I looked down upon where he had died, smiling sadly.

"... but all nights end eventually, Gehrman- and with it, all the nightmares they contained. Who knows, you may even think it all a mere bad dream…"

I chuckled at that, before sobering up.

Burial Blade and Holy Moonlight Sword held tightly in my hands, I slowly turned around, staring at the Blood Red Moon up above- and the Great One flying down towards me.


I scowled at it. "No."

I could feel its surprise, before it turned to determination.


I scowled harder. "NO."

Suddenly, it lunged towards me, screaming.


My eyes went wide and I stiffened when I felt the spiritual chains put upon me by the contract I willingly entered suddenly tighten, my body freezing and immobile as it took me in its hands.

The moment it did however, I felt something deep within shift- and then ROAR back!

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An explosion of Arcane energy came from my body, pushing Flora, the Moon Presence, back and making her shake her head.

Then her focus returned to me, and this time I could feel the rage and hatred within her.


And then the Hunter's Dream, usually so welcoming, suddenly turned against me.

The air felt heavy and hard to breathe or move in, the sky was completely Blood Red, the ground turned into deadly mud, seeking to trap me in and drown me…

The entirety of the Hunter's Dream was filled with hate for me… except for one specific part of it.


My eyes widened as another voice joined in- this one distinctively on MY side.

The Hunter's Dream still felt as hostile as ever- but this time, I felt strength and power flow through me, and a blood red aura began to surround me.

Tightening my grip on my weapon, I grinned darkly at the Moon Presence.


I declared, though my voice had a strange echo to it.

And then I charged.



Flora, the Moon Presence, let out the Great One equivalent of a snarl of hatred, before pointing at me with one of her tentacles.

Several Blood Missiles appeared and then targeted me, but since I was immune I went through them.

I ended up blinking, however, when I suddenly felt STRONGER instead.


Came the smug reply echoing in the air of what was unquestionably Oedon's voice.

Flora snarled at the words, sounding thoroughly pissed, before obviously deciding that if Arcane wasn't going to cut it, she was going to take care of me using her bare hands!

Or tentacles. Somehow, I doubted she really cared as long as she killed me.

Naturally, I was all too happy to have her come closer to me- especially when I was the one with the Burial Blade's death-inflicting Bullshit!- and kept on charging towards her.

To my annoyance however, Flora was apparently well aware that letting the deadly, potentially god-slaying weapon hit her even once was a BAD idea, and kept breaking reality (or was she simply manipulating the very fabric of the Hunter's Dream to her advantage?) to perform dodges that just simply shouldn't be possible.

Oh, and I couldn't do the same or teleport- she was obviously blocking me from pulling that shit off in her own realm.

On the one hand, that meant it was harder to dodge.

Especially when Flora had no shame using my own tactics against me by teleporting all over the place.

On the other hand, I had suspected some crazy shenanigans when I went into this fight, since after all this WAS Flora's realm.

So all told, something like this was pretty tame, I thought.

Ah! More the fool I was, to believe she would be happy with just that!

Oh no, no Flora soon enough decided to get CREATIVE!

Because FUCK ME, RIGHT?!

That explains why UP suddenly turned into DOWN, LEFT into RIGHT, or why the air turned to acid, the ground to lava, and other such unholy Bullshit!

I call foul!

None of the other Eldritch deities just went up and decided that "turning right" would become "and then you were a thousand meters into the air!"

Or my personal favorite: turning "stepping forward" into "smashing face-first into the ground"!

Seriously, I would say it was paranoia to believe Flora was doing it only to mess with me, but I could FEEL her sadistic enjoyment each and every time I tasted dirt!


… Feeling the sadism of my would-be enslaver may or may not have pissed me off greatly.

Still, that was easier said than done, so eventually I just brought out the big guns.

Literally, since I took the Machine gun.

"TASTE THE RAINBOW, BITCH!" I shouted, making sure to infuse every bullet I shot with a different element- amusingly enough, the end result sort of DID look like a rainbow.

The deadliest rainbow of all time! I thought with a wide smirk.

I actually managed to hit her a couple of times with that one too, though eventually she cheated again.

Mostly by breaking reality so that my bullets would fly back at ME, instead of at her.

With an annoyed grunt, I returned the machine gun to my Inventory and took out my two swords again.

At that point Flora looked upwards and SCREAMED, a black-red Arcane shockwave exploding from her and going through the entirety of the Hunter's Dream.

That technique was pretty insane, causing me to fall all the way down to ONE HP left.

Now, other warriors who were not hunters- and maybe many hunters too- would have tried to heal themselves or hide for a time.

Naturally, I charged straight at Flora instead.

Obviously, she hadn't thought me that insane, since I could feel her shock as I charged.

It was the last thing she would ever feel.

I may not have been capable of teleporting, or breaking physics to dodge better- but I still had maxed stats.

I was still insanely FAST.

Which is why she didn't have time to feel anything but shock when I suddenly charged while she was busy recuperating from using such a powerful technique- nor when both the Holy Moonlight Sword and the Burial Blade went straight through her neck.

"That's for both Gehrman and myself, bitch." I declared as I passed her by.

And then I was on the other side.

For a moment, the world seemingly froze.

As if it couldn't believe what had just happened.

And then Flora's decapitated head fell, followed by her body.


Breathing deeply- for despite the power boost I received thanks to Oedon's help and Flora's mistake at the beginning of the fight, this had still been two incredibly hard boss fights, one after another- I slowly turned around.

Put my weapons into Inventory.

And then I stepped forwards, towards the corpse of Flora-

And with a fierce, triumphant grin on my face, I consumed her Blood Echoes.

The first thing I felt was a sensation of freedom, as the chains put upon my soul FINALLY shattered utterly.

And then-


-My EYES flew OPEN-

-a CHILD born in BLOOD, born FROM blood-

-The COSMOS flashed into my MIND-

- And the DREAMER finally WOKE UP, for the STARS were RIGHT!

And as planets and stars and more flew before my eyes, as universes previously unknown to me opened themselves to my sight, as my mind and soul grew and grew and GREW, I laughed in triumphant joy.

That joy grew even more as a presence that I recognized all to well came to rest by my side, radiating JOY and PRIDE and sharing in my feelings of TRIUMPH and LOVE, and I turned towards the worlds and stars and universes beyond, before speaking a single word that defined me- and all my hopes and dreams that I wanted to share together with the one standing by my side.


The sounds of footsteps echoed in the silence of a peaceful dream, the individual calmly walking towards their destination.

Despite the unhurried pace of the slow walk however, there was an undeniable tension in the frame of the tall, beautiful woman walking upon the dirt path, one born not so much of urgency so much as excitement to arrive at her destination.

Finally, her walk slowed to a stop, before she gently, carefully, indeed outright lovingly picked up what was laying on the ground.

"Are you cold?" She asked softly, lovingly stroking the creature in her arms.

The tentacled being put its head on her right shoulder, one of its tentacles gently caressing her cheek.

The Doll giggled, tenderly hugging the infant Great One close to her.

"Oh, Good Hunter… I love you, too..."

Aeon, the Good Hunter and the newest Great One in existence, took a deep breath before exhaling, finally opening his eyes and smiling triumphantly when he saw his human form before his eyes.

A few meters away, the Doll, or Oedon as he truly knew her, clapped proudly, as he finally managed to return to human form.

True, it did not last THAT long, one of his newest divine domains having helped greatly in speeding up the process, but that very same domain would not properly settle within him until this was accomplished.

And indeed, a certain tension from within him finally faded away as the conditions for his "God of Humanity" domain were at last satisfied, due to now being able to manifest in human form at will.

"Well done, Good Hunter! Well done!" Declared Oedon, smiling brightly.

I chuckled. "Thank you, my love. I admit, it felt strange to have only my other form since my Ascension."

I stood up from where I had been laying on the ground, stretching out happily, before turning towards Oedon with a grin.

"That, and it prevented me from doing this!" I declared brightly as I took Oedon in my arms and closed my eyes in bliss as I finally kissed her again.

A feeling very much shared by the woman I loved, as she happily melted into the kiss, moaning slightly.

When we broke the kiss, panting for air and grinning widely, Oedon chuckled.

"I must admit, I missed that greatly."

I grinned. "So did I!"

And then I kissed her again.

It took… a while before either of us were capable of thinking of anything except kissing one another silly, but eventually we managed to sit around a small round table outside the Workshop.

Looking up at the night sky and the bright, white moon above, surrounded by twinkling stars which seemed to dance- and if I tilted my head and listened closely, sing too- for my enjoyment, I smiled softly.

"We did it." I finally declared, the words heavy with a mix of triumph, shock and awe.

Oedon smiled brightly. "Yes, we did."

For a moment, I said and did nothing beyond staring at the night sky, before looking down and opening my Status.

I was obviously a Great One now, though I have more Divine Domains than most.

Having consumed more Umbilical Cords than required let me have some "bonus" Divines Domains.

To say nothing of those I naturally acquired thanks to my actions through Bloodborne.

I was a god of many MANY things, now: Humanity of course, but also of Dreams and Nightmares, Light and Darkness, Magic/Arcane, Insight, the Moon and the Stars, Vitality/Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma and Luck (from my maxed stats), god of Blood (from my Bloodtinge stat, Blood magic, being Vileblood- and Oedon's favor, I suspected), I was also a god of Life and Death, Order and Chaos (though Life and Order, I had to get those from the bonus domains) and God of Nature (though that one I got from having all my Elemental magics maxed).

Oh, and there was also Time and Space, Poison, War (I suspected my bloody rampage through Bloodborne, mixed with my fighting skills, of having given me that one) and of course…

God of the Hunt, patron god of Hunters, and god of Good.

Which had, frankly, given me the most OP skill of all, since I was now a walking, talking Talk-no-jutsu incarnate.

Seriously, all I had to do was pass time with someone, and over time that person would become "better."

It was like the opposite of an "evil, corruptive" aura. Instead of causing people to become evil, letting their selfish desires become their primary motivation and more, it did the opposite, causing people to be more thoughtful, selfless and kind.

It also gave me bonuses when fighting against "Evil-aligned" individuals, so that was good.

I also finally unlocked greater stats than (999), which means I had even more perks, now!

Insight (100): (Eldritch) God vision. As an (Eldritch) god, you can now see Reality in a way that mere mortals can't replicate. Not only is it almost impossible to hide from your sight now, this power also allows you to do various things, such as seeing the souls of mortals, or seeing the flow of energy of all things, whether magical or otherwise, and much more besides! You are also completely immune to Insanity status effects.

Vit (1000): You now have a body as tougher than diamond. Reduce damage taken by 80%. 80% increased to total HP amount. 80% increased learning speed to physical related skills.

Str (1000): Congratulations! You are now stronger than a Heroic Spirit with an A-Rank strength stat! Every physical attack now does 80% more damage. Your bonus of increased learning speed towards physical related skills is now of 80%.

Dex (1000): You have god-like grace, possessing divinely refined control and coordination, displaying divine elegance in everything you do. 1000% increase to movement speed. 250% increased to Attack Speed. 100% Increase to Evasion Speed. 80% Increase learning speed to physical related skills.

Int (1000): You now have a god-like affinity to Mana/Arcane! 100% Increase in Mana Recovery Rate. 100% Increase in total MP. 100% Increase to Magic/Arcane Attack damages. 250% learning speed increase to MP related skills.

Wis (1000): Divine W̨̅̉̆̐̚o̟̱̫̠̹̼ͭ͐̇̕r͐ͩ̽ͤ̅̑̒͏ĺ̶̪̘͙̝͙̞ḍ̷͓̪͎̞̄̍ Affinity. You are far wiser than the extreme majority of mortals in the way of the W̨̅̉̆̐̚o̟̱̫̠̹̼ͭ͐̇̕r͐ͩ̽ͤ̅̑̒͏ĺ̶̪̘͙̝͙̞ḍ̷͓̪͎̞̄̍. Allow for the immediate understanding of any Elemental and Physics-based abilities observed. 100% Increase in Mana Recovery Rate. 100% Increase in total MP. 250% Increase to Elemental Attack. Immunity to Elemental damage. 250% Increase to learning speed for (Science) and (Mystical) related subjects.

Cha (1000): Aura of Divinity. You have the aura of a true god. No matter what you do, even in the midst of battle, you will always look perfectly refined to all around you. Furthermore, if you let your true aura manifest freely around you, none can argue that you are, indeed, a Higher Being. Mortals might even decide to worship you, as they will recognize you as a being worthy of their faith.

Luck (1000): You have divine luck. It is truly phenomenally rare for you to lose at any game of chance, and you will easily find a shocking quantity of Loot in your travels. Furthermore, five times per battle you will be able to avoid a killing blow and turn it into a glancing strike, whether it is through you dodging at the last second, your enemy tripping over themselves, or something else.

Arcane (100): God of the Arcane: Your mage sight is now even more accurate at seeing and helping you comprehend any Arcane phenomenon, allowing you to easily manipulate Arcane energies with but a thought! Furthermore, your Arcane spells are now 250% stronger than they should be, and you gain a 250% bonus speed of learning when Arcane matters are involved!

Bloodtinge (100): Your Blood is a Divine medium of power. Any weapons or skills which make use of your Blood (such as guns or the Blood Arts) gain 250% bonus damage.

I also gained max Reputation with both Gehrman (for putting an end to the source of the scourge of beasts and freeing him from the Hunter's Dream) and Oedon (for successfully becoming a Great One).

Which meant I got two new traits:

Honoring Wishes: You have earned the utmost respect of Gehrman, the First Hunter. Gains 1000% bonus at teaching anyone else how to be a Hunter. Gains an immediate (+25) Rep with hunters everywhere, as they will instinctively recognize one of the greatest of their kind on sight.

The Love of an Eldritch Goddess: Your first love in your new life is an Eldritch Goddess, who helped you reach godhood yourself so that you may pass Eternity together. Gains (+25) with Eldritch goddesses, (+20) with Eldritch gods, and (+15) with goddesses in general.

Furthermore, my trait (Mythical Hunter) changed to (The Greatest Hunter) after I killed Gehrman.

The Greatest Hunter: You are the greatest Hunter in the ways of Yharnamite Hunters. Gain 250% bonus damage to all attacks.

All in all it was pretty ridiculous, but then again after all that I endured I would punch anyone saying it wasn't damn well earned in blood, sweat and tears.

My own... and those of far too many others.

Finally satisfied, I closed my character status, before looking at Oedon, who was watching me curiously.

Relaxing in my chair, I took a deep breath- and then told her of what I couldn't before.

I told her of my deal with Flora, of my gamer and jumper powers, and of everything else- such as the umbilical cords.

Oedon listened to me, before nodding slowly as I finished.

"I see… So that is the reason behind the powers you alone possessed…"

Then she blinked. "You said that you found a physical version of this body in the Waking World, Good Hunter?"

I took out the Doll's body I found in the real world version of the Hunter's Dream, waving towards it as emphasis.

Oedon hummed… And then put a hand on… herself?

Let's go with that.

And then there was a bright FLASH- and only one Oedon remained, blinking.

I blinked too. Then I decided not to question the weird, because even as an Eldritch god there were things you shouldn't think too hard about.

Oedon herself shook her head, looked herself over, and then smiled brightly at me. "Very well then. I think it's about time I talk about myself- about Oedon, the goddess of Blood who forever desired a child of her own."

And so she did, talking about her own life- the rise and fall of the Pthumerians, of Yharnam, and explaining how she ended up having an avatar in this Doll-like body.

I did wonder about her thoughts towards me killing Mergo and Flora, but for the second she just shrugged, pointing out that, while she was thankful for having this body, her and Flora had ultimately not been very close.

That, and Oedon had noticed that Flora had grown more powerful since the Hunter's Dream started, and she couldn't help but wonder if part of the reason Flora had wanted Oedon close by was to better use her talents in manipulating Blood Echoes to make stronger hunters- whose numerous Blood Echoes she would feed from once they were freed from the Dream by Gehrman.

She had no proof, but it had been something she had kept an eye on, just in case.

Though it hardly mattered now that Flora was dead- and for good.

As for Mergo… Oedon let out a long sigh, before thanking me for freeing Mergo of his nightmarish half-dead state.

Mergo and Queen Yharnam's spirits had lingered for too long in perpetual torment, and Oedon had unfortunately previously been incapable of finding a way to free them from their suffering.

So Oedon was grateful that they had been able to find peace at last.

There were other things I questioned her on, such as if Gehrman knew who she really was- though she informed me he did not, having chosen to have as little to do with the Doll when she turned out to not be what he had been hoping for.

"It had hurt at the time, to be so rejected by the first mortal I truly interacted with." She explained softly while looking at the night sky.

"But I got over it eventually. Moving on from a tragedy that had hurt us… That is something that I learned much about, both from my own experiences and from passing time with the many hunters of the Dream. It is not an easy thing- but it is an important one. Especially for us Great Ones, immortals by nature as we are. Not even we are spared from suffering from tragedies- indeed, I am far from the only one who suffered such, as you well know from your time in the Hunter's Nightmare… And what you found in its depth."

I nodded. "Immortality can be both a blessing or a curse- it all depends on whether we are capable of looking forwards to the future… Or if the tragedies of the past chain us to only ever look backwards."

She smiled. "Exactly."

We both fell silent at that, thinking of both past and future, but eventually Oedon looked back at me.

"So tell me, what exactly do you plan to do? We have all eternity together, now. So what do you wish to do with that eternity, beyond helping the people of Yharnam I presume."

I smiled. "Well, becoming a god was actually part one of my long-term plans. Part two, however…"

I brought up my status screen, and then my eyes began glowing.

Lines upon lines of data began appearing on my screen, but eventually the glow in my eyes faded, a satisfied look on my face.

"First things first- here."

Oedon blinked. And then blinked again, as a screen appeared before her.

Then, she inhaled sharply.


"Yes, I did, in fact, share with you my powers. ALL of my powers- though you'll have to train them up to level max, as I did myself." I declared, my satisfied expression turning outright smug at the surprised look on Oedon's face.

"That's…" she trailed off, looking rather stunned.

My smirk widened. "Don't worry, I'll keep doing so as I gain more." My voice turned soft. "We are in this together- for Eternity. I want you as my equal, Oedon- now and FOREVER."

Oedon stared rather wide-eyed at me, but eventually nodded.

"Good. Then, to answer your question about part two of my plans..."

I grinned. One of the things I just did was unlocking the "creative mode" of my jumpchain. I was essentially my own Jump-chain/ROB equivalent, after all, having successfully killed my previous one- and taken its place.

Thus, I brought up a few jumpdocs and more.

The first jumpdoc was about the universe I and Oedon would travel to next:

Lucy, the movie from 2014.

Add to that the Living God: Amaranthea Update CYOA for good measure, and me and Oedon would become two of the most powerful beings in the entire Omni verse by the end of the next jump.

I smirked at that. Why bother slowly growing in power, when Ultimate Power was just a jump and a CYOA away from you?

That being said… I had a few more things to add to those.

Things a bit more… targeted in their usefulness.

The Generic Hentai World jumpdoc, for one, alongside the Lewd Supplement and of course the Harem Supplement.

If the first two were all about consolidating my powers, the last three were…

Well, first to ensure that when Oedon and I finally have sex that we'll both have the best time possible.

Secondly, to start preparing the ground for part three of my plans.

If part one was becoming a god, part two about becoming the mightiest god possible, then part three was securing a powerbase worthy of that power.

I glanced at the Love Azathoth CYOA.

Not yet… But one day. Once I was satisfied with part two, I would go there.

For the time being, however, I shared my screens with Oedon.

"Tell me, dear Oedon… Have you ever heard of the Kardashev Scale? Probably not. Well, my long-term plan is for us to become Type Seven Beings- though what I'm about to show you will get us somewhere between Type Six and Seven."

She started reading with curiosity, though it swiftly turned to fascination when she properly began to comprehend the sheer enormity of what I was truly planning.

Once she had read the first two documents, she looked up at me, and for the first time I truly saw awe in her eyes as she did.

"Is it truly possible?" she whispered.

I smiled widely. "It is. It WILL be."

She looked back at the screens, before starting to laugh.

"Aeon… By all the stars, you truly are amazing. Here I was, struggling to create a Great One for so long… And you just…" She waved her hand at the screens, shaking her head with a delighted smile.

"Eternity. That's what I promised you, was it not?" I declared, grinning.

She chuckled, green eyes twinkling with both awe and love.

"Indeed you did, my love. Indeed you did- and as ever, you deliver beyond my wildest expectations."

We smiled at one another, before I sent to her the other jumpdocs, blushing slightly.

"Also… Well, considering some of our discussions on the matter of love…" I waved at the screens.

"Well, I've prepared for that, too."

Oedon raised an eyebrow at me, before reading… And then, she grinned widely.

"You truly are leaving nothing to chance, are you, dear Aeon?"

I shrugged. "I'm a Hunter. I am a GREAT believer in proper planning before doing anything, whenever possible."

She chuckled. "I can see that."

Then she nodded. "Well, I see nothing wrong with all this- as you said, it's only wise to prepare yourself as much as possible to handle any situation that may arise. Though I must admit some curiosity about those Harem Outfits mentioned… I wonder what I'll look like in those… belly dancer outfits, for example?"

I promptly choked on my own spit, bending over the table while trying to regain my breath.

Which is why I almost missed the sudden, mischievous smirk on Oedon's face.

Thankfully, I had 360° vision.

I pointed an accusing finger at her. "You totally did that to mess with me!"

She chuckled, before grinning at me. "What can I say? You make the most amusing of faces whenever you're flustered, my dear Aeon!"

I pouted manly grumbled.

Sadly, that did not appear to do anything except cause her amusement to grow.

I rolled my eyes, before grinning.

Note to self: make sure to take mental pictures of Oedon first eating chocolate… and ice cream… and-

Well, let's just say Oedon started looking at me curiously when I started muttering about "blackmail material" and "cute pictures"...

Eventually however, we got back on track, and I explained in further detail my long-term plans- including the Love Azathoth CYOA and so much more.

Oedon listened carefully, occasionally asking questions or giving advice, before nodding.

"Well! With all this, we have plans for a LONG time to come. I suppose we'll have to adjust things as we grow further in power and knowledge, but for the time being…"

"For the time being, it is time to gather even greater power for ourselves." I finished, smiling.

Then, after being done with taking our perks (which, considering Creative Mode, was basically synonymous with "Take everything and the kitchen sink") I took a deep breath, took Oedon's hand in my own, and then grinned.
