
18 The End of Bloodborne, part1

Word count 10,666

I opened my eyes, taking a deep breath.

Then, I exhaled… and smiled.

I felt… free. With that thing finally gone and with three Umbilical Cords consumed, to say nothing of my latest perk, I was now the sole master of myself, no longer would I have to worry about any internal or external risk of anything taking over my body, mind, or soul.

I was truly free.

And it was, without a doubt, one of the best feelings in my entire life thus far.

Still, yet again, there was still work to be done, before I truly could claim victory and allow myself to relax.

Mergo still needed to die- and so did my Moonlight Benefactor.

There were, however, a few things left to do before taking care of that.

First, I kept writing in my notebook of the latest happenings of my journey to Godhood.

Then, I finally rose from where I had been sitting on the ground and went back to the Chalice Dungeons.

I hadn't finished them ALL quite yet- just most.

It was time to do so- and so, I did.

Slaughtering my way through what was left of the Chalice Dungeons, it didn't take all that long before I killed the last boss of the last dungeon.

And when that happened, I returned to the Hunter's Dream- with a newly acquired Trait to show for it.

Conqueror of Dungeons: You have overcome every Chalice Dungeon in the world of Bloodborne, slaying both monsters, madmen, and gods alike. As such, you gain a 500% exp bonus gain while in a dungeon, a reduction of all damage received by 33%, an augmentation in all damage dealt of 300% and a bonus of rare loot drop of 300%.

That was, needless to say, a pretty glorious Trait- as befitting one gained by clearing out every Chalice Dungeon of Bloodborne.

True, it was now useless to me since I would have no need for it while still in Bloodborne, but later on…

Still, for the time being I went to the Messenger bath.

It was time to put the enormous amount of Blood Echoes I possessed to good use by buying all the weapons and equipment only available from the Messenger Bath.

And so, I did. From the Chikage all the way to the Kirkhammer and more, I bought them all.

Then I upgraded them ALL to (+10), the sheer amount of Blood Stones I had from my time in the Dungeons was the only thing that made it possible (alongside Gehrman's lessons).

I did gain one last skill, the (Archery) skill, thanks to Simon's Bowblade.

As I did, I returned to the Doll in order to get it to level MAX.

She smiled at me as I approached, a smile I naturally returned.

Though she also looked… thoughtful.

"Good Hunter... This may sound strange, but... have I somehow changed? Moments before your return to the Dream, from some place, perhaps deep within, I sensed a liberation from heavy shackles. Not that I would know... How passing strange... I wonder, does it have anything to do with your time with Maria?"

I blinked, before frowning thoughtfully.

"... Perhaps. I did tell you of what we did, and of the help I gave Maria when it came to putting the Orphan of Kos to rest at last. Perhaps, what you feel is an echo of Maria's feelings when the Orphan was killed- and the curse of Blood broken…"

She hummed. "Perhaps. If so, I am happy on behalf of Maria. Those were heavy shackles weighing upon her sickly spirit."

She smiled. "Though it is not Maria alone who is feeling better, now- I can hear Gehrman sleeping. On any other night, he'd be restless. But on this night, he sounds so very calm. ...perhaps something has eased his suffering?" she finished, her smile turning into a knowing grin.

I chuckled. "Perhaps."

Her grin widened, before she tilted her head. "Anything I can do for you, Good Hunter? Do you require me to strengthen you?"

"Indeed." I replied with a smile, giving her my head.

Focusing when she took it, I leveled up my new (Archery) skill to level MAX-


For getting max skill and upgrade with every weapon of Bloodborne, you have gained a new Trait!

Perfect Arms Mastery: You are a master of every weapon. As long as you can think of something as a weapon, the moment you take hold of it, you gain an instant, perfect understanding on how to wield that weapon against your enemies. From the oldest of swords to the most advanced futuristic or alien-made guns, all that is required for you to wield them like a master is to think of said object as a weapon. Furthermore, any weapon you take hold of is immediately considered a (+10) weapon.

I smiled brightly.

That… was a truly legendary Trait if I ever saw one.

The closest thing like it I could think of was Fate! Lancelot's Noble Phantasm with(Knight of Owner), which was all kinds of awesome!

Then, once I was done kissing the Doll silly, I went back to Queen Annalise. I had quite a few things to catch her up on.

The moment I arrived in the throne room's Lantern, my eyes widened- for Queen Annalise, looking tired, sweaty but smiling brightly, was holding an infant in her arms.

Surprisingly human in appearance, too- as long as one didn't look into the bright, blood red irises of the child's eyes.

And laying on the ground close to her throne was an umbilical Cord.

With a quick magic spell, I quickly brought the Cord in my hand, put it in my Inventory, and then knelt before Annalise.

… Who was too busy making baby noises and funny faces for her baby's entertainment to actually notice me.

Right then…

I coughed in my fist, loudly enough that she would definitely hear me, though not so loudly it would express annoyance.

Especially when all I felt was amusement.

An amusement that grew greatly when Annalise FROZE when she actually heard me, her wide, horrified eyes looking at me like a kid who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

She opened her mouth.

Closed it.

I raised a hand, eyes twinkling with mirth.

"I saw nothing?" I half-declared, half-questioned... and 100% teased her.

She nodded silently, jerkily, with the look of someone who knew they were NEVER going to live this down.

She was right, of course.

This was perfect blackmail material for teasing her, after all!

Finally, she cleared her throat, and nodded. "Sir Aeon, I would like to introduce you to princess Henrietta, First of her name." She declared, proudly holding her baby.

Naturally, I waved at the child and cheerfully declared "Hello there!"

She giggled and waved back.

Annalise looked both exasperated and amused at my utter lack of respect towards anything resembling "proper protocol," but obviously decided that it wasn't a battle she was likely to win, so she merely sighed.

I proceeded to use the opening to make a funny face at the child, who giggled again.

Annalise's eyes snapped up and looked at me with narrowed eyes, but was met with only the picture perfect Face of Innocence™.

For some reason, she didn't appear convinced by it.

She sighed again, but once again recognizing a lost cause when she saw one, decided not to say anything.

Instead, she nodded at me. "Tell Us, Sir Aeon- what bewildering adventures thou hast gone through this time?"

I pouted slightly at her words - my adventures were awesome, not "bewildering!"- but still explained all the battles I fought in the Hunter's Nightmare, finally falling silent after I made my return to the Dream following the Orphan's death.

She stared at me, before sighing.


"Of course, what else could thou hast done than to go slaughter thy way through a Nightmare Realm meant to keep imprisoned Hunters for all of time… And finish that up by killing yet ANOTHER Great One?" she finally declared, sounding tired.

Her eyes narrowed at me. "Oh, and don't think We haven't noticed the part where thou apparently used thy impressive charisma to ensnare Lady Maria's heart... "

I mock-glared at her. "Okay, first: I hadn't been trying to! And secondly… Well, since my girlfriend is actually all for it…" I shrug.

Annalise groaned. "Well, I suppose a skirt-chaser is better than what my old nobility got up to…" she grumbled under her breath, though I still heard every word.

I pouted. "Skirt-chaser," was I?

I narrowed my eyes at her. Mark my words, there shall be retribution for this one day!

For now, though…

"That aside… I thought you'd like to know that the Night of the Hunt is near its end." I declared.

She blinked. "Truly?"

I nodded. "Truly. I have only a few fights left, before a new dawn will arise at last…"

A new dawn for all mankind, I thought but did not say.

She smiled. "Good. We, too, are tired of these piteous Nights. Go forth, Sir Aeon- For the Honor of Cainhurst."

I bowed, then rose to my feet and left Cainhurst Castle and returned to the Hunter's Dream.

Goodbye, Queen Annalise- until we meet again when the time is right, I thought as I left.

It was the last time I would see her until after my Ascension, after all.

Once I was back in the Dream, I went to the gravestone which would lead me to the Oedon Chapel.

As much as I wanted to consume the next umbilical Cord now, it was better not to do so in the Dream- my Moonlight Benefactor might notice the use of it, after all, and be curious enough to investigate.

So instead I returned to the Chapel, where as I suspected, I was almost immediately hugged by Violetta shouting a bright, cheerful "Mister Aeon!" in greetings.

I laughed just as cheerfully as I hugged her back. It has been… a long time for me since I last saw her.

"Hey, Violetta! You're doing alright?" I questioned.

"I'm doing fine! And better now that you're here!" She happily replied.

I chuckled. "Happy to see you too, Violetta." I said, before grinning and ruffling her hair.

She stepped back with a shout, eyes narrowed- though I could see by the twitching of her lips and joy in her eyes that the familiar greeting pleased her.

"Oh, look Simon! The prodigious, problem child has returned!" A female voice loudly declared, humor obvious in said voice, and as I turned I blinked when I saw both Eileen and Simon grinning at me.

I grinned back quickly though.

"Well, look who's here! Two old people grumbling about the youth of these days! My, whatever shall I do in the face of such judgement?" I replied cheerfully.

Eileen snorted and Simon grunted. "Cause more trouble, that's what! Simon told me what you were up to, Aeon. I really can't say I was all that surprised when I heard of what new craziness you got involved with." Eileen fired back.

I shrugged. "Hazards of the job?"

Simon face-palmed.

Eillen, however, merely rolled her eyes. "Right…" came the dry, sarcastic reply.

I turned away, before smiling at Vanessa, who was looking at us all with curiosity and some amusement.

"Don't mind those old bags of bones over there-" "Oi!" "- they are just getting cranky in their old age. You are doing alright?"

She chuckled. "I am, thank you. Between the incense and the TWO hunters now being around at all times, I don't think there is much reason to fear."

I smiled. "Indeed not. The only real danger around is if you get those two to start talking about the Good Old Days- In which case you'll be doomed to listen to old people's grumblings!"

"This old woman's grumbling may yet decide to take the form of a dagger up your ass, Aeon!" Shouted Eileen.

"Ah! Getting delusional in your old age, are we? We both know who would get the other flying back ass over head if we were to fight, Eileen! That being said, I have to admit, you've got a fine piece of-"

"No trying to murder others in a Chapel, Eileen!" Shouted Simon, as he held back Eileen who looked ready to charge me, weapon drawn.

I leaned over Vanessa, grinning. "A hunter's concept of flirting is pretty fascinating to watch, isn't it?" I told her.

She sent me a wry, amused glance. "You call that flirting?" she replied.

I shrugged. "Hunters." was all I said, which by the sudden frown and suspicious look she threw at Eileen was indeed all that needed to be said.

Chuckling, I then made my way to the Dweller, who smiled at me.

"Ahh, the hunter. Alive and well, at that! I'm... overjoyed, really. That you'd even give me the time o' day! But you did all ya could, and so many owe you so much." he said, nodding towards the others in the Chapel.

"Amazing, really. Not 'cause you're a hunter, but because you're you. If you please, kind hunter... When the night of the hunt passes, s'pose, we could be friends, maybe? Now, I know I hardly deserve it, but... Well, I had to just, ask, you know? Out of line, yes, perhaps so, but, well... Give it a thought, if you wouldn't mind, o' course... If you please, kind hunter... Once the night of the hunt passes, s'pose we could be friends? Give it a thought, well, if you wouldn't mind..."

I smiled kindly. "Well, I don't see why not. All these people are here because YOU told me to bring them here to be safe, after all. That was very kind of you, you know…"

The Dweller stammered some denials and thanks to me, but after a few back and forth I thanked him again and then stepped in the middle of the Chapel, calling for attention.

At that everyone ceased what they were doing and looked curiously at me, and I smiled, taking in all the faces before me and knowing it would be the last time I would see them all as a human being.

"Thank you. I won't take long, I just have one thing I wanted to inform you all of: The Night is near its end." I declared, and the eyes of everyone widened.

The Night had seemed surprisingly long to even them- though not anywhere near to what I felt.

So needless to say, there were quite a few faces who lit up with joy and excitement at the news.

Again, I smiled at them all. "As such, I'd like to say it was a pleasure to meet and help you all, and that I look forward to getting to know you all without the Hunt getting in the way of that."

I bowed. "Thank you all for listening… and have a good day."

There were some clapping and happy shouts, and I passed some more time with everyone, talking, joking, teasing and all around having fun with all the survivors of the Long Night of the Hunt.

Eventually however, after one last look at them all, I nodded to myself and returned to the Hunter's Dream.

My next destination… was the boss fight with Mergo.

I arrived in the Nightmare of Mensis and, after making sure that no one was around, took out the Umbilical Cord from my Inventory.

It turned into silver mist which flew into me-

-my EYES blinked OPEN-

-The COSMOS flashed into my MIND-

-a LINK is strengthened, GREATNESS gathered further, ready for ASCENSION-

-a CHILD born in BLOOD, born FROM blood-

-Beneath a Sea of Stars, a Dreamer turned in its sleep, rumbling contently as its strength grew more and more. Yet, it still cannot be awoken, bound by chains of a contract upon its soul that it had willingly entered. Thus, the Dreamer keeps on slumbering, patiently waiting for the stars to be right for its awakening-

I blinked, then blinked again.

And then I stumbled, groaning as my whole body felt… wrong.

I felt bloated, like a balloon close to bursting from too much water.

Taking several deep breaths, I eventually straightened, exhaling deeply.

That… had been unpleasant. Not overly much, but enough to be noteworthy.

Fourth Step to Greatness: You have found and consumed a Fourth Umbilical Cord. Your Eyes are yet to fully open, bound by Chains upon your soul forged by another God, but the secrets of the Cosmos are opening themselves to you even further... Gain (100) in Wis and Int.

I shook my head, before walking forwards.

I was so close to the end, now…

And at this point, I was done playing around.

The three shadows of Yharnam I came across didn't even have time to scream before dozens of lightning bolts crashed on their positions and incinerated them utterly.

Same with the Giant boars.

And again and again. No mercy, no pity- only overwhelming firepower.

Until I finally came across a flight of stairs above which Queen Yharnam was (yes, the very same I killed in the Chalice Dungeon), her hands clasped and bound before her, looking at a point above her… and crying in sorrow.

And in the background, Mergo's cries joined hers.

For a moment, I looked at her… before turning away and continuing on my way.

Taking an elevator further ahead, I arrived in a corridor lined up with skeletons with Mensis cages on their heads.

I kept going, finally setting foot upon an open circular plaza where the cries of Mergo could be heard louder than anywhere else.

And then Mergo's Wet Nurse revealed itself.



I smiled, gripping the Holy Moonlight Sword tightly.

It was time… to put an end to the Blood Red Moon.

Time to put an end to the long Night of the Hunt.

My sword was suddenly coated in Lightning, and my other hand began glowing a sickly green-purple of poison magic.

For a moment, we stayed frozen in place… before we charged.

Of course, the Wet Nurse had more arms and weapons than I, so I didn't even bother trying to block, deflect or otherwise evade her attacks- I simply Quickened, turned into white mist, flew through her attacks- and then materialized behind her, sending a deep arcane-powered, lightning-enhanced slash at her back followed by a bolt of poison magic where I struck.

Still, she recovered quickly, unnaturally so, and almost immediately turned around, her several blades slashing at me- but I was a hunter, and I knew that mobility was key to victory.

Thus, I had already Quickened backwards, using the single second of opening presented to me by summoning a lightning storm on her position.

She screamed in pain, making me decide on teleporting to her side and trying to hit her there- but her scream was deceptive, and at the speed only a god could move, she tried to cut me into several pieces the moment I finished teleporting.

Naturally, I cheated by breaking physics and moving in a way impossible by natural beings constrained by such silly things as "Laws of Reality," and successfully dodged all attacks thanks to that.

She apparently didn't appreciate my bullshit, as she teleported away, and before I could react the area turned entirely black and purple- and filled by clones with murderous intentions, if the sheer bloodlust emanating from these things was anything to go by.

I grunted, and decided to escalate things. I thus focused… and then with a war cry, an EXPLOSION of Lightning bolts spread from me and into the whole plaza and beyond, dispelling all clones, the purple/black mist and electrocuting the Wet Nurse.

I immediately teleported, ready to unleash a visceral attack- but again she recovered unnaturally fast, and I grunted in pain when my attack turned into a desperate flurry of deflecting strikes, the Holy Sword in my hand flashing so fast it turned into a green blur as I frantically stepped back when sword after sword sought out the slightest opening in my blade work.

I did not let myself be pushed back for long, however- instead, I narrowed my eyes, and then showed off the extent of my martial skills.

From one moment to the next, I went from holding a sword to holding the Boom Hammer, which I used to brutally force her back.

Then the rifle-spear appeared in my hands, and as she took a step back I shot her with it, again and again.

When she looked ready to teleport, the Tonitrus appeared, and she suddenly locked up as I blasted her with its Lightning.

Smirking darkly, I summoned the cannon into my hands- and fired.

The entire plaza shook.

And then what was left of Mergo's Wet Nurse- mostly her lower half- finally disappeared into silver mist, as all bosses do upon death.

For a moment, the cries of Mergo kept going...

And then finally, slowly but surely, they quieted down.

A final childish giggle resonated into the plaza.

And then, there was only silence.


I took a deep breath.

It was done.

I exhaled.

I… had won.

For a time, I just stared ahead as the thought kept repeating itself into my mind, before roughly shaking myself and focusing back on the present.

First, I used the Skill Book I received.

This one worked differently than the others- instead of giving me a new skill, it allowed me to make use of my existing Elemental skills to create clones of myself- Elemental Clones, in other words.

Nodding in satisfaction, I then took out the Umbilical Cord I received for winning this fight.

Dissolving, it turned into silver mist which flew into me-

-my EYES blinked OPEN-

-The COSMOS flashed into my MIND-

-a LINK is furthered strengthened, GREATNESS gathered even more, straining against heavy shackles for ASCENSION-

-a CHILD born in BLOOD, born FROM blood-

-Beneath a Sea of Stars, a Dreamer turned in its sleep, rumbling in challenge against the bounds constraining it as it's strength grew more and more. Yet, it still cannot be awoken, bound by chains of a contract upon its soul that it had willingly entered. Thus, the Dreamer keeps on slumbering, patiently waiting for the stars to be right for its awakening, for it knew it's time was near-

I blinked, then blinked again.

I fell to my knees, before slowly sitting on the ground in a meditative position.

Then, slowly but surely I focused on the seemingly endless sea of power that made up my inner energies, and wrestled them in submission.

Soon, I whispered to myself. Soon, freedom will be mine. Just a little longer, now…

Eventually, the rumbling in my mind and soul quieted down, resting for now- but ready to stand up and fight at a moment's notice.

As is only appropriate of a hunter.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up, and then made my way back to the nearest lantern.

Fifth Step to Greatness: You have found and consumed a Fifth Umbilical Cord. Your Eyes are yet to fully open, bound by Chains upon your soul forged by another God that refuses to break, but the secrets of the Cosmos are opening themselves to you even further... Gain (100) in Wis and Int.

Along the way, I passed by Queen Yharnam, who stared at me for a moment before bowing deeply in respect and thanks for finally giving peace to her child- and herself.

I gave her a deep hunter's bow in return, and she straightened, nodding one last time in thanks, smiled at me… and then she disappeared.

And with that, I kept going.

It was time… to finish Bloodborne.

To grant freedom to Gehrman.

To slay my moonlight benefactor.

It was time, at long last, to become a god.

And then… Eternity awaited.

Queen Annalise of Cainhurst bounced her child on her knee, much to the giggling amusement of little Henrietta.

She couldn't help the soft smile on her lips as she stared at her daughter and heard her childish joy.

After so long as a prisoner of both her throne room and that wretched mask, having everything that had happened in but a single night felt like a dream come true- one she had no desire to ever wake up from.

Her oldest enemies, the killers of her people, the Executioners- were all dead, the last of their members killed this very night alongside their leader.

The gates of her prison had been thrown wide open, the wretched mask they sought to forever curse her with lies broken, her people had been avenged, and even better- she had given birth to a Child of Blood!

And it all happened thanks to him.

Sir Aeon, the newest Vileblood of her court… And by far the greatest she ever had by far.

A slight blush appeared on her cheeks at the thought of him, but she shook her head off- she was no giggling maiden pinning after her new beau, but a proud Queen of Cainhurst!

She was meant to be dignified, gods be good!

Except that didn't work so well, did it? A treacherous part of her mind pointed out, and she crushed that thought with a blush as she remembered the… less than dignified moments that Sir Aeon had witnessed.

Damn that man and his timing- and capability to get under her skin! She thought with a growing, embarrassed blush.

Why was he so good at getting a rise out of her? She was a Queen, she should have better control of herself than this- but whenever he was there, all sense of decorum always flew out of the window, and instead she was left barely holding herself back from blushing and, even worse, stammering like a virgin maiden before her handsome crush!

He IS rather handsome. Fits enough to be a king- and those muscles that his clothes must be hiding… Annalise swiftly crushed yet another treacherous thought, no matter how much she agreed he was, indeed, handsome enough to be king- her king-

No! She thought, shaking her head. She would not, WILL not fall for his handsome, noble face, or his twinkling, kind dark eyes, or-

Gods be good… She thought in despair.

Her child giggled.

Annalise looked at her daughter for a moment.

"Tell me, what do thou think of Sir Aeon, dear daughter?"

Henrietta looked at her, before giggling again.

Somehow, Annalise thought that her daughter thought her very silly indeed.

The Queen let out a long sigh.

Where was an army of Executioners when they were needed? At least that she knew what to do with!

Queen Annalise looked at the Vileblood register.

She looked at the broken pieces of her mask.

She looked at her daughter.

She looked at the empty seat by her side- and the crown fit for a king that Sir Aeon brought back to her.

And then she let out another long sigh, finally resigning herself to her fate- and emotions.

The gods truly have an incomprehensible sense of humor, she decided, to have her give the King's Crown to the very man who brought it back to her in the first place.

She stared at the crown on the nearby seat, imagining Sir Aeon with it on his head.

It was an attractive mental image, she had to admit.

Then she thought of him, naked except for the crown on his head, and blushed brightly.

A VERY attractive mental image, indeed...

It was nice to see Mister Aeon again, thought Violetta with a smile in Oedon Chapel.

And it really was. He had been away a bit longer than usual the last time he had gone out, though admittedly the arrival of an old hunter by the name of Simon at the Chapel had given her some news of what he had been up to.

When he had arrived, he and Miss Eileen had a whispered, heated discussion, though neither looked angry so much as exasperated.

Well, Miss Eileen was. Simon looked somewhat amused, instead.

Eventually, she had gathered her courage and asked if they had news of mister Aeon, and after a long glance at one another, Eileen had grunted, muttered something about "crazy young hunters" and… placenta? Before then telling her that mister Aeon had apparently found himself in one of the most terrible and deadly places in all of Yharnam… before declaring that she didn't need to worry, because he was apparently "having a grand old time over there," whatever that meant.

Personally, she had been rather frightened at the idea of Mister Aeon being in a place so bad that two veterans hunters both described it as "one of the most terrible and deadly places in all of Yharnam," but they evidently disagreed, as both went into another heated whispered discussion that had both speaking of Mister Aeon, from what snippet of said conversation she heard, as "the most crazy and deadly hunter I've ever heard of in my entire life," with them mentioning in hushed whispers she had to focus hard to hear about deadly, legendary beasts straight out of myths being fought, and then killed, by Mister Aeon.

At one point she thought she even heard them complain about the number of gods he had killed in one night, but surely she had heard wrong, right?

Sure, she had faith in Mister Aeon, a lot of it in fact, perhaps more than she had in her own parents- especially after tonight, she thought with a slight grimace of inner pain and grief- but even he wasn't so powerful as to be able to kill the gods themselves, right?


Still, some time after the new hunter, Simon, had arrived, Mister Aeon had returned, and then everyone had greeted him and the whole of the Chapel, usually pretty silent except for the sounds of beasts out in the streets, suddenly turned into a cacophony of noise as jokes were made and teasing remarks shots like bullets all over the place.

And she quickly noticed something.

Violetta liked to think she was pretty good at reading people.

When your own parents keep lying to you, day after day, that things will get better, that Yharnam had nothing to fear, or that Daddy wasn't, in fact, becoming worse and worse with every day that passed, it was only natural that you became good at reading people's inner thoughts and feelings.

So it was only natural that she quickly noticed a change in Mister Aeon's eyes and emotions.

From the very moment she had met him, she knew him to be a good person- certainly much more kind than Yharnamites tend to be.

That was further proven as time went by, and she honestly marveled at finding someone as kind as him in a world as seemingly doomed- and potentially damned- as theirs.

But there were always a few things more... noticeable in Mister Aeon.

A few things that become more things as time went by.

One of those was, and she blushed slightly at that thought… his looks.

Mister Aeon was pretty handsome, even when they met. But over time…

He somehow became even more so. Now, he looked like a king straight out of legends, his very presence attracting everyone's attention like moths to a flame.

A flame that became a burning inferno, as she could tell he changed more than just physically.

It showed in everything about him. His looks, the way he moved, the looks in his eyes, all that and more changed over time.

Nowadays, Mister Aeon never makes noise. Whenever he moved, he always did so utterly silently, not even the slightest of sounds could be heard.

There was a grace in his movement too, as if he always danced rather than walked, glided forward rather than ran.

And the look in his eyes… That changed most of all.

When they first met, there was a fire burning in his eyes. A flame, she learned, named ambition.

An ambition of saving Humanity as a whole from the scourge of beasts.

She did not believe it was an achievable ambition. After so long where the scourge kept slowly, but surely winning…

She believed victory was impossible.

She still did, to be honest.

But she had doubts, now.

As she had said before… she had been infected by that most insidious of diseases:

Hope. Fragile, flickering but stubborn hope.

One whose flame kept being fed, brighter and brighter, each time that Mister Aeon returned, looking stronger and stronger.

Was it truly possible? She started wondering. Could we truly be saved?

She didn't know. She thought it impossible.

Mister Aeon, however, seemed determined to turn the impossible- into merely the improbable.

And from there… into the possible.

Perhaps, even… into a certainty.

And that's what she noticed had changed, this time, in his eyes.

There had always been a certain amount of anticipation in his eyes. As if he knew exactly what was coming, exactly what awaited them all, and that he looked forward to it.

Mister Aeon didn't fear the future. Didn't dread it, as all Yharnamites did.

He looked forward to it.

His eyes burned with the desire to bring the future… into the here and now.

And when he arrived this time, even as he smiled like he always did, even as he laughed and greeted her as he always did…

The looks in his eyes had changed.

For the first time, he didn't look forward to the future.

And even before he gave them all his announcement that the night was near its end…

She knew. She knew the end was near. She knew that something important, something incredible was going to happen.

She knew… because his eyes had no longer been on the future anymore.

No, they had been, firmly, on the present.

"The moon!" suddenly screamed her sister, breaking Violetta from her thoughts, and she turned to see Vanessa looking in shock and joy at the sky, through the windows of the Chapel. "Look at the moon! It's white again!"

Everyone raised their heads, and stared first in shock, then in joy as they all beheld the truth: the moon was no longer blood red.

It was back to being a calm, relaxing white.

As if the Moon itself was telling all that still lived below, that the night, and all of its terrors, were now gone-

And that a brighter tomorrow awaited.

The Chapel erupted with cheers, but Violetta merely smiled.

A miracle had been needed to save Yharnam from the horrors of the night.

And as she knew, that miracle had a name: Aeon.

Her sister came close to her, hugging her tightly.

She looked up. "He did it." she said, smiling brightly. "Mister Aeon did it. He saved us all."

Her sister looked down at her, then at the shining white moon.

"Yes." she replied, smiling a smile as bright as the moon itself. "He did."

For a moment, both sisters looked at the moon, their spirits high at the sight of its untainted brilliance.

And then Violetta grinned. "I call dibs on the job of the High Priestess to Aeon if he ends up having a cult."

Vanessa choked on her own spit.

Eileen looked up at the bright white, shining moon.

Gone was the maddening Blood Red moon, gone was the ever-present desire for blood and death that had assailed her ever since the accursed moon turned red.

Now, there was only a pure white moon, whose light seemed to herald the opposite of its red counterpart: Salvation, instead of Damnation.

Simon, who was looking up at the moon too, not far to her right, chuckled.

"He did it, then. He put an end to the Blood red moon. Gods be damned, but that crazy bastard did it."

She snorted. "Crazy… yes, Aeon is unquestionably crazy. The most insane madman I ever had the pleasure of meeting."

He grinned. "Pleasure, heh?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, we didn't fuck. Though at this point, I would agree if he asked me. If for no other reason than to find out if he is as good with his 'lower holy sword' as he is with the actual holy blade of Ludwig in hand." she replied with a smirk.

Simon laughed.

Eventually though, they just stared in silence at the bright white moon, lost in memories of a lifetime made almost entirely of madness, blood and death.

Simon let out a sigh. "I can feel the winds of change in the air. I've lived long enough to know that this isn't over- something BIG is coming. Something the entire world hasn't seen the likes of for a VERY long time. Something that will change everything- much like the Old Blood did, once."

Eileen hummed, before nodding. "Yes, I can feel it, too. Whatever Aeon did… and I think we know that it's him who brought back the white moon, because we both noticed that the kid looked like he was almost saying goodbye when he came to see us-" Simon nodded "- he isn't done with it yet. I feel like the entire world is holding its breath- like all that happened tonight was only a prelude to what is about to happen SOON."

Simon nodded yet again, his eyes never leaving the sky.

"The only question is… what is about to happen? I'm not stupid. Aeon is SMART. He wouldn't have done as much as he did, succeeded as much as he did, if he wasn't. And as you say- he knew that something important was coming. Hell, from what you told me he seemed like he knew, or at least learned, about more secrets of the Church, the Arcane and the Great Ones themselves than potentially any other man in history. So what the hell could someone like that, who considers killing GREAT ONES as something only vaguely noteworthy… what does he consider truly IMPORTANT?"

"I don't know, Simon." Eileen replied. "I don't know. But whatever it is… mark my words: it's going to change the world."

For a moment, they both stared in silence at the night sky.

And then the Blood Red Moon returned in all its maddening malevolence.

Eileen, after a moment of stunned shock shared by all present, groaned loudly.

"Gods dammit kid… You just HAD to take us up on our words, didn't you? I truly am getting too old for this shit…"

Gehrman, the First Hunter, opened the chest before him with a calm focus and slowness born from respect towards its content.

For there, inside the now open chest, lied the Burial Blade, the weapon he had personally crafted so many, many years ago now.

He slowly passed a weathered hand ravaged by time upon the siderite blade, smiling slightly at the memory of having found the metal fallen from the heavens above, before then turning said metal into the exquisite and deadly blade now before him.

As he slowly took the weapon in his hands, the memories of every hunt, of every kill, of every failure and success came back with it.

It was an old weapon, after all. A relic of a by-gone era.

Much like he himself was.

But even old relics held power, as he well knew.

Yharnam's history following the discovery of the Old Blood could be described by such words, after all.

A fact his latest student seemed well aware of, considering the blade he now wielded in the Hunt.

Ah, Ludwig… old friend, truly a tragic fate has claimed you at the end of your life…

But I'm happy, nonetheless, that you were able to meet your true end with a dignity worthy of you.

I may well join you soon… you, and all the others.

"The Night of the Hunt is very nearly over." came a voice from behind him he recognized all too well.

Gehrman didn't turn, he merely continued to examine the blade in his hands.

"The hunt is very nearly done." the Doll repeated in Maria's voice. Gehrman's grip on the weapon and hilt tightened for a second, before he finally spoke.

"Yes," Gehrman said, continuing to look at the blade, "Dawn will come soon."

Taking a nearby whetstone, he began sharpening the blade.

"He won't submit."

"I know." Replied Gehrman, focusing on his work.

"I mean-"

"I know what you mean!" Gehrman snapped, spinning on his peg leg, catching himself on the edge of the workbench. The doll took a step towards him and he growled, "I know what you mean. But I won't go easily. The boy doesn't know what he's getting himself into, so it's my duty to make sure he doesn't!"

The doll took a step back as Gehrman rose and turned back to the Burial Blade, "Aeon is going to win."

"You sound sure of that..." Gehrman tried to hide the laugh. Yes, yes, he probably was. Gehrman was out of practice, while Aeon had spent the night that was longer than a night becoming a sharp blade.

"Only because I am." the doll said, simply. They fell into silence, and when Gehrman next swung the Burial Blade, he could almost hear how sharp the blade was. It'd end a life in one blow, provided it struck at the right place.

Good. That was exactly what he needed.

Grabbing a gun with his other hand, Gehrman nodded to the doll, "Get out."

She bowed and did as requested.

Heading for the door to the Workshop himself. Once they were both out, he stopped her, giving her a firm look. "Don't interrupt me."

"Yes-" she started.

"What did I just say?" Gehrman demanded, before exhaling and holstering his gun, "...I know, I haven't always been the best creator for you. You're just… you weren't what I wanted when I made you. And that might not be either of our faults, but I took it out on you and that was my fault. But you took care of me these years, and that care has been… well enough. So thank you, for that at least."

The doll bowed her head slightly.

"Make me a promise," Gehrman said. Pulling out a bottle of oil he had kept for this day and wrapping a wick around it, "Take care of the boy. You weren't what I wanted… but you are what he wanted. Hells if I know why, but he thinks the world of you. Loves you even. So when I'm dead and gone and he's trapped here without anyone other than you… I don't think he'll be as miserable as me. Not in the short term at least. And that might make him a fool… but I'd rather he be a happy fool than a miserable one full of regrets like me. Can you do that?"

"I love him," the Doll said quietly, "of course I'll care for him."

"Good," Gehrman said, lighting a phosphorus match up, "Then I guess I wasn't a complete idiot to make you."

"For what it's worth," the doll said quietly, "I loved you too."

"I know," Gehrman said, putting the match to the wick, "but the way the boy looked at you the first time he saw you... The way he looked when you spoke to him for the first time with your damn annoying kindness... The way you two behave… it's a different kind of love. So when I'm dead, don't bother grieving. Be happy for as long as you two can. The sun will rise for me soon, but the night will be long for him. Let the past burn away."

And with that, he tossed the cocktail into the workshop and watched it explode, catching old papers and quickly spreading. Within a handful of minutes, the place where he had spent most of his life was a roaring inferno.

He nodded with satisfaction.

Then he turned around, and made his way to the great tree in the, until now, locked part of the Hunter's Dream.

He knew well enough of the Doll that there was more to her than meet the eye.

He just didn't care. Hadn't cared since she first awakened, and he discovered that, whatever she was, she wasn't Maria.

Maria. Even now, after all this time, the name still brought pain to his chest.

He loved her, once.

Too much, even, as it turned out.

After the Doll proved to not be what he had wanted, he had been left with nothing but time.

Time… and old memories.

And so, he had thought upon his life. What he did right…

And what he did wrong.

His love for Maria, he eventually concluded, had blinded him- made him a fool.

He should have noticed… much more. He should have known her reaction to what happened to that Fishing Hamlet.

He hadn't.

He should have tried to help her through the trauma afterwards. He might have failed, but he should have tried.

He hadn't.

He should have seen her death coming.

He hadn't.

He should have let her go. Mourn her, and then try to be better in her memory.

He hadn't.

And now, here he was.

An old, too old, hunter plagued with regrets and guilt over all of his failures.

It took him a long time to properly mourn Maria.

To properly let her go- let his feelings for her go.

It hadn't been easy… but he had time.

That was all he had left, after all.

He felt like he owed it to her- after all of his failures, after said failures helped bring about her death, and after the whole fiasco with the Doll…

Enough was enough. He HAD to let go- or what depth of folly would he fall to next?

And so, he did. Painfully, agonizingly, he did the most difficult thing in his entire life- he let go.

Of course, then the new hunter, Aeon, showed up- and things went even more crazy that they used to.

Aeon… Now that one man was an enigma, wrapped in a riddle and with some added confusion for good measure.

He was, without a doubt, the greatest student of his Workshop. Someone who, while an outsider to Yharnam, somehow managed to make a deal with the Moon Presence.

And whatever that deal was, it allowed him to become stronger than any other hunters…

Perhaps, even, stronger than himself.

Certainly, strong enough to do what none had successfully done before, by going from a complete civilian to a godslayer in but a single (if unnaturally long, it needed to be said) night.

And with that power, he succeeded in slaying the source of the scourge of beasts.

He successfully gave mankind a chance to come back from the edge of extinction.

Gehrman was proud of his student. How could he not be? He had seen him go from a mere civilian to a being of such sheer power and skill that he could contend with the Great Ones themselves!

But that was exactly why Aeon deserved better than to become the next prisoner of this wretched Nightmare disguised as a Dream. As much as he and the Doll somehow came to love one another, it didn't change the fact that no one should be damned to eternal slavery in this accursed place, which was what was going to happen if he wasn't stopped.

If the First Hunter died, the Moon Presence WOULD use Aeon to take his place- willingly or not.

Thus, as he slowly sat under the branches of the great tree overlooking the graveyard full of names of old Hunters of the Dream, Gehrman, the First Hunter, mentally prepared himself for what was, without a doubt, going to be the hardest fight of his life.

Against the one man who granted Salvation to not only humanity- but many of Gehrman's old friends.

Which might include Maria herself- he didn't know if she, too, had been a prisoner of the Hunter's Nightmare. He didn't WANT to know.

It hardly mattered anymore, at this point.

As the form of his student appeared and came closer, he made a silent promise.

He would fight his hardest.

His greatest student deserved no less.

Tonight, Gehrman joins the Hunt.

After her conversation with Gehrman, the Doll returned to the place where she always waited for the Good Hunter to return.

As she took her usual place and began waiting, she couldn't help but feel a strong feeling of…


For the night was near its end.

And with it, the completion of all her hopes and dreams that she had waited for eons to finally be able to accomplish.

For the kind Doll of the Dream was, in fact, the Avatar of the Great One Oedon, the Goddess of Blood.

Though the feminine part of her title only came since a, relatively, short amount of time.

True, the concept of "gender" was a bit more fluid to Great Ones because of their very nature.

Oedon even more so, however, for she was the greatest of her kind- and, once, completely formless.

That very formlessness gave her power, greater power than most other Great Ones. While the concept of "limits" was by nature somewhat absurd to Great Ones, it was true that interacting with the lower planes of existence costs energy- and even the Great Ones did not, in fact, possess truly endless energy.

They had an absurd amount by mortal standards… but it was not infinite.

Thus their power over the lower planes was based on just how much power they could bring to bare for any given task.

And on this, Oedon, because of her formless nature, found that while delicate manipulation of the lower planes was more difficult the more detailed her desires were…

She could, however, "spread" her power on a wider area than any other Great Ones.

Added to that, she also found a way to strengthen her connection to the lower planes- Blood.

Old Blood, specifically.

As the goddess of Blood, she could use her powers much more easily the more of the inhabitants of the lower planes had Old Blood in their body.

It was no wonder, indeed, that the Healing Church considered the Old Blood a "Holy Medium"- because it literally was.

HER Holy Medium, as a matter of fact.

Once she had found that out, she naturally sought out mortals interested in helping her spread her power in the lowest planes in exchange for the benefits brought by Old Blood- and the Pthumerians proved to be very interested.

Thus, they became the first mortal civilization that had her as a "patron goddess," so to speak. Or god, since she had yet to change gender at that point in time.

In any case, once her power had spread across the Pthumerians, she sought out the true reason she was interested in the lower planes- she sought out a way to have a Child, since such things were impossible to have between Great Ones- or by themselves.

And eventually, Queen Yharnam was the chosen one, who gladly and proudly took to the holiest of duty: giving birth to the child of their patron god.

And then everything went horribly wrong.

Oedon's horror and sheer agony when her child, Mergo, died alongside Queen Yharnam cannot be described properly by mortal language.

It simply wasn't to the task of conveying a Great One sorrow and grief.

The fact the civilization Oedon had lovingly watched over and cultivated for many, many years then fell into oblivion following that tragedy did not help.

It took Oedon… a long time to grieve.

A grieving process not helped by the discovery of the lingering of Mergo and Queen Yharnam spirits from beyond death, for how could Oedon grieve properly when it was all too easy to pick up the cries of her unborn child, and the sorrow of Queen Yharnam?

Eventually however, things changed once more, as they are accustomed to do in the lower planes.

The human civilization of Yharnam found the Tombs of the Gods, and brought out some of the Old Blood to their people.

And once again… a new civilization helped Oedon spread his influence to the lower planes.

However, it did not take long for the mortals to be plagued by monstrous beasts born from their mortal weakness, and once again a civilization connected to Oedon began crumbling.

Oedon, naturally sympathetic to their pain, sought to help, but he was unsure how- for the Old Blood itself was as much the problem as it was the solution.

It was then, however, that the Moon Presence, Flora, sought Oedon out with a proposal: one of the mortal "hunters" wanted to create a living Doll to help it in his task of caring for the newly created Hunter's Dream and all hunters bound by contracts to it.

Flora, the Great One of this new Dream realm, thus proposed that Oedon used that Doll as an Avatar. That way, Oedon would be able to directly help the mortals.

Oedon, while surprised, gladly accepted the offer. Not only would he be able to help the humans that way, but he was rather intrigued at the potential knowledge offered by a different perspective than he was used to.

True, the body would be female, but that was hardly an issue. What did he care about such things, he who was formless?

Thus, he became she, and she took to her duties of helping Hunters of the Dream with joy.

It proved as enlightening an experience as she had hoped, offering fascinating insights into the lives and ways of mortals that she was endlessly interested by.

The greatest pay off of her new existence, however, came with the creation of Rom.

A deliberately CREATED Great One!

True, it became known as the Vacuous Spider for good reasons, but Oedon only saw it as a proof of concept.

She did not HAVE to ensure the birth of a Great One child by impregnating mortals- she could ELEVATE a mortal into a Great One!

With that revelation, Oedon felt hope rise once more: there was a chance, just a chance, that she might finally get a true Child of her own!

And so, using its avatar, Oedon sought out in any new hunter of the Dream the spark of Greatness that would let her elevate them into a Great One, using her knowledge and control over Blood to help them grow stronger.

Alas… she was met with only failure. True, she came to care for all hunters of the Dream, as such was her duty… but none seemingly had what it took to be the answer to her prayers.

None… until she met him.

Aeon, as he introduced himself.

Physically, he had been nothing unique… but it was his actions, and the look in his eyes, that had caught her interest.

He had been kind to the Little Ones, and for that she sought to reward his kindness with a flower from the Dream.

He had seemed quite taken by them, after all, and she agreed that they were very beautiful.

She had felt him pray, later on, pray to her every time he had been about to fight a worthy prey in the hunt, using the flower as a medium to call her attention- and then the shedding of the blood of his foes as further tribute, knowingly or unknowingly.

She had been quite touched by the gestures, she had to admit.

And he had grown stronger, much stronger than she had anticipated- though she had been naturally delighted.

The looks in his eyes, however, continued to catch her attention.

First, there had been the mix of kindness, determination, and sheer, burning ambition that had intrigued her.

She had met many hunters, but he was obviously different from them. An outsider of Yharnam, for one- not the first she met, but worthy of being motioned nonetheless.

His stories of his home, of a world where mankind had evolved without gods, were certainly fascinating.

Then, she finally learned what caused his eyes to burn with such passion, such ambition:

Aeon wanted to save Humanity. He wanted to accomplish what none before had done, and put an end to the scourge of beasts.

She had looked at him then, seen the determination in his eyes, and wondered if he could do it.

She would certainly help him try, she eventually decided.

But that ambition was only part of his desires.

Because the truth eventually came out- he sought out godhood.

Not merely for his own sake, but for that of Humanity as a whole.

She had almost laughed, then- here she was, seeking a human capable of becoming a god… And here was one asking for it!

Needless to say, she had every intention of helping him succeed at his goal.

She would get her Heir, and Aeon would get his godhood.

It was perfect.

And it only became more so, as Aeon grew in strength, he actually gained those very sparks of Greatness she had sought to find in Humanity!

The first had stunned her as much as it had delighted her.

The second? She had almost screamed in joy.

The third… well.

Her eyes glowed.

Her dear Aeon certainly knew how to deliver.

And that was something else, too.

The love she felt… it was not that of a parent towards a child.

It was another kind of love- as Gehrman recently said, a very different kind of love.

The kind that left her blood pumping more quickly in her veins whenever she was with him, that made her smile in joy at the mere sight of his returns to the Hunter's Dream, that had her worried when he left, that made her feel incredible in a way she had never felt when she was in his arms… or whenever he kissed her.

She smiled. Getting kissed by the man she loved had certainly been a new experience… and one that she had quickly fallen in love with, much like she had fallen thoroughly in love with the man who made her experience that sensation in the first place.

She wanted to experience more new sensations with him… but she knew it was not yet time.

That was alright, though. She was immortal, and soon so would her dear Aeon.

Once they were both Great Ones, they would have all Eternity to enjoy all that life had to offer.

Her smile widened as she thought about some of the books- and discussions- she had about human reproduction and its details.

She was quite curious to find out if "having sex" truly felt as good as it was described…

Well, she would find out in due time, with both males and females, if her dear Aeon's relationship with several human females was anything to go by.

Aeon's reactions to the idea of having her and Maria naked in his bed had certainly seemed to please him, after all.

And why wouldn't she seek to please the man she loved, after all?

Still, at some point, once they could talk freely, she would have to thank him for granting peace to Mergo and Queen Yharnam. Having Mergo's soul finally free to move on had relieved her of an old wound upon her heart that she had never been capable of healing before, and knowing that Queen Yharnam had finally found peace helped, too.

She nodded to herself. Yes, she most definitely needed to thank him for all that he had done for her.

Though she would let him make the first move.

They would soon be both immortals, after all.

She had all the time in all the worlds for him to be ready to claim her as his- even though she already was.

Finally, her dear Aeon appeared from a nearby gravestone, and she smiled brightly.

For soon, her own Dream of an eternity by the side of her beloved would come to pass.

And as she looked in his dark eyes, she saw the exact same feeling that she held echoed in them-

That of anticipation.

As I returned to the Hunter's Dream, the first thing I did was stare at the burning Workshop.

I knew it was coming, but even so- it was still a shock to see the place I was more and more considering as my home burning before my eyes.

Eventually however, I took a deep breath, nodded firmly to myself, and then went to talk to the Doll.

She smiled as I approached, her eyes glowing a bright, unnaturally bright green.

"Good hunter, you have come... Dawn will soon break. This night, and this dream, will end. Gehrman awaits you, at the foot of the great tree."

I nodded. "I know. However, first… take my hand."

Curious, she did as requested… before inhaling sharply.

She no doubt could feel the changes in me- especially the fact that I had consumed no less than FIVE umbilical Cords throughout the night.

She stared at me in shock for a moment, before smiling brightly.

"Oh, dear Aeon… You truly go above and beyond to impress me."

Her right hand came to my right cheek, stroking it gently.

"After so long… You truly are beyond anything I could have dreamed off… I love you, dear Aeon."

She kissed me softly, lovingly, before looking me in the eyes.

"Go. Claim that which is yours. Claim your Greatness. And then… We shall be together, for all Eternity."

I smiled. "For all Eternity." I agreed- but my words carried far deeper meaning that hers did, for my true long-term plans would see us TRULY experiencing Eternity.

I then kissed her again, hungrily, passionately, and she eagerly kissed me back, her hands holding tightly to the front of my hunter clothes.

Eventually however, her grip slackened, and when I broke the kiss I saw that the Doll was panting hard, a glazed look in her eyes.

I blinked, noticing that I had achieved (Kissing) level max.

Which apparently was good enough to make the Doll space out in bliss.

I chuckled, gave her one last, quick kiss, before then hugging her.

Taking in her warmth, I drew strength from her presence.

"I love you… Oedon." I whispered in her right ear, hugging her harder.

And then I stepped back and turned away, making my way to the previously closed doors opening up to where Gehrman awaited me.

And all the while, the Doll's unnaturally bright green eyes followed me, staring at my back with a mix of anticipation, concern, hope- and love.

"And I love you, dearest Aeon." echoed in the air, the voice sounding much like that of the Doll- but possessing depth and power that could belong only in the realm of the gods.

And with these last words giving me strength… I passed through the doors, staring at where Gehrman was sitting, under the shade of a great tree, his eyes tracking me as a hunter would track his prey.

I smiled back, eyes firm, determined, much like the ones I had the first time we met- but backed up with power, skill and experience now.

His lips twitched, a flash of approval and respect going through his cold eyes.

And as I stopped before him…

We both knew how this was going to end.

For the nights were long, and full of terrors.

And yet…

It all ends tonight, we both thought.

As the gods watched, as the stars shone bright, as the air carried the scent of Lunar Tears all across the Dream and as the First Hunter met the Last, the world held its breath.

For it would all end tonight. The only question that remained, is whether the world would be reborn in Moonlight…

Or in Blood.