
20 LucyLiving God

Word count 9,946

I woke up, awaking on the very comfortable couch I had been sleeping on.

The first thing that struck me was the sound of cars in the distance.

After a… long time in Bloodborne, hearing the sounds of modern civilization again was pretty shocking.

Shockingly enough, that it was only seconds later that I inhaled sharply as the full effects of my new powers hit.

With Creative Mode activated for my jumpchain, I was able to get as many things from the Lucy Jumpdoc as I wanted, and there were quite a few powers and interesting items.

Especially since I took pretty much EVERYTHING available in the Lucy jumpdoc...

Lucy: vDqYxId/lucy-pdf#page=12

Perks not taken: Top-notch Wardrobe, Assortment of Wares, Organizatsiya.

Generic Hentai World: .

Perks not taken: Going Commando, Schrodinger's Catgirl, Changing Preferences, Hot for Teacher, Kiss of the Succubus and ALL of the Scoundrel and Monster Perks.

Items perks not taken: One Night Stand, Homeboys, Heart-Shaped Crest, Slut Wear and Succubus Venom.

Lewd Supplement: document/d/16FzZU47GFfoAErp6gH-FRplk-UKM36vAO6NCWU5AV8w/edit

Perks not taken: Adult Where It Matters, Not a Blank Slate, Boing!, "Bad" Luck, DubCon, Kemonomimi, Elven Superiority, Take the compliment, Break Them, Sensitizing, Grower, Not a Shower, Size Counts, Milky, A Lewd Mind Resides In A Lewd Body, Cursed Island and Magic Marker.

Harem Supplement: file/d/1UariJ1A0uejeluxJhHUot_qGTatVxWR1/view

Perks not taken: Rule 63 and Spoils of Battle.

The most important thing, however, was what being at 99% unlocked brain power felt like.

The drug served as a catalyst which allowed a mind to correlate and comprehend all of reality's content. However, it also worked by giving better and better results the more of the "brain" is unlocked, and even at 99%, I knew that there was a massive difference between that and 100%.

99% may as well be a bright candle compared to the neutron star that was 100%, as far as I could tell.

Being an Eldritch god already changed the way I saw the world- literally- but this was…

I could see everything, everywhere around me on a level that was just awe-inspiring, as I could perfectly see and hear an ant moving about on the other side of the planet a thousand years ago with only a bit of focus on my part.

My feelings of awe were thoroughly interrupted by another fact, however-

Because Oedon was there too, sitting on the couch alongside me.

In a human body, since we both incarnated ourselves as humans in this world.

I called upon my memories of this world- we had both chosen to become scientists, though I had considered being a cop before deciding on being a scientist instead.

Not that it will make much a difference in the end, admittedly.

We've been living together for a while now, though we had yet to have sex- a feeling of "it wasn't yet time" in both of us stopping us from doing it.

Currently, Oedon was looking curiously at her human hands, though I could tell she was looking over her entire human body thanks to the perfect control we had of them.

Then she turned towards me, blinked, and tilted her head.

"You're taller now."

I blinked, before a mental check confirmed it- I was now as tall as Oedon, being around 2.15 meters.

I grinned. "Well, after so many things in Yharnam being taller than me, I naturally used this opportunity as I incarnated myself in a new human body to get taller myself. To fully become an ideal version of myself…"

I trailed off.


Looked down. Removed my shirt.

And then my eyes widened.


Oedon promptly started giggling, but I was too focused on my abs to care.

I never really looked at myself in a mirror when I was in Bloodborne, or took out my clothes in general (gamer powers allowing me to just swipe outfits from a screen), but damn!

Screw god-like powers! I have a six-pack now!

That's the real miracle right there!

I got up, going to where my new memories told me the bathroom was in our (VERY) high-class mansion.

There was a moment of silence.


"HOLY SHIT I'M STACKED!" came the loud shout from said bathroom.

Naturally, Oedon promptly lost it and started giggling madly, collapsing on the couch in sheer mirth.

Just as naturally, I was too busy doing poses in front of the mirror to care.

Priorities! Always good to have them!

After a highly amused (though shamelessly staring) Oedon eventually got me out of the bathroom, we finally took stock on our situation.

We were, as previously mentioned, both 23 year-old scientists in this world (Well, physically speaking, we were 23). We actually met in high school, but our different fields of studies kept us living apart until we both got our degrees.

We both lived in Paris, and thanks to the "Living Space" item perk we lived in a rather big, fancy mansion.

Oedon was a biologist (focused on medicine) while I was an astrophysicist, so needless to say we had quite the monthly salary- on top of the "Liquidity" perk.

Still, all of that meant nothing compared to our new powers, and for a while both of us marveled at what we could do- and we weren't at 100% yet!

I could see, however, that there was something on Oedon's mind, and eventually I called out to her.

"Oedon? Is everything alright?"

She blinked, before smiling at me.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just… You told me much of your homeworld, and now I have over two decades worth of memories as a regular human woman in this version of Earth giving context to all of your stories. Those memories as a mortal human woman… When I first took possession of the Doll's body, I learned a great many things from the new perspective opened to me. And now…"

She trailed off, but I fully understood.

"You got 20 years of perspective as a regular human woman on Earth, and it's giving you more answers to how humans think and feel than ever before, leaving you rather thoughtful?" I finished.

She nodded. "Perspective." She mused. "It all comes down to that- the differences than simply watching and living as a mortal woman offers. There's so many things that I could never truly understand- sympathize with, certainly, but never really experience for myself. Now though…"

Again, she trailed off, looking into the distance.

"I remember what it's like to be sick. Or getting hurt. I remember going to school, making friends, worrying about grades, about money, about so many things I could never truly experience myself… To live as a mortal is to have so many concerns and fears… And yet, there are so many happy memories, too. The feeling of having good grades, hanging out with friends, watching a good movie for the first time, or listening to a beautiful song for the first time, or even…" She grinned. "going on dates with the man you love."

I chuckled, thinking of my own new memories of such events.

Then I sobered up. "Yes. Perspective is incredibly important, and something I feel too many forget the value of. Even I myself fear that I may lose it one day, as I grow in power more and more."

Oedon frowned, before nodding firmly.

"Then let's not. This jumpchain allows us to be born as mortals- I feel that we should use that opportunity. Maybe not all the time, but at least every so often, we should try to let ourselves experience life as mortals. That way, we'll be all the more able to help mortals with their problems."

She grinned. "That's part of why you wanted us to be incarnated as humans, wasn't it? It was so that I could experience life as you did in your first life- and gain valuable insight from it."

I smirked. "Spot on, my dear."

For a moment, we let a comfortable silence fill the room, both of us checking our new powers and more, before Oedon suddenly grinned.

"Say, we've got a week before the upcoming events happen, right? How about we use that time to enjoy what this world has to offer?"

I grinned back.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, my love."


I laughed as, at my side, Oedon kept gleefully screaming all throughout the Roller Coaster Ride at the amusement park we were in, before coming out of it with a wide smile, a wild-eyed look on her face, and an even wilder hairstyle.

"Again!" She declared with a megawatt grin.

Oedon took in the mega version of the ice cream she ordered on a cone (with MANY scoops of different flavors, from vanilla, to strawberry, to chocolate, and much more) with wide green eyes, before they narrowed in determination.

Then she began licking it.

She paused.

And then she proceeded to absolutely devour her ice cream, while I stood by her side recording the whole thing for posterity's sake with a large grin, quite a few people stopping to stare at the beautiful woman eating her massive ice cream much like a lion with a juicy steak.

Oedon, as it turned out, REALLY liked sweets.

Oedon and I watched the horizon from the top of a Ferris wheel, smiles on our faces.

"I have to admit, being on top of a Ferris wheel- and looking down at the world- is a very different feeling when one is a god. I actually FEEL on top of the world right now… Though maybe the company I have has a lot to do with that." I finished with a gin.

Oedon chuckled. "You flatter me, dear Aeon. You have earned the right to feel that way- having triumphed over all the dangers of Yharnam, isn't this something you deserve? To be able to live in peace with those you love, to be free of creating wonderful memories with them- yes, this is a future that I can certainly get behind, don't you think?"

She hugged me, putting her head on my right shoulder.

I smiled softly. "Yes, it is. More evils need to be fought- there always will be more. More battles will need to be waged, more hunts must be started… But as long as I can come back to you… as long as we can share these peaceful moments, just the two of us… Then I shall protect this wonderful future with all I have, my love."

"And I will do my best to support you- as I always have, as I always will, dear Aeon." firmly replied Oedon.

For a time, we both stared at the horizon, thinking of the future and all that it would contain, until the ferris wheel began to move, bringing us back on the ground.

I chuckled. "I guess that's the world's way of reminding us that we can't keep our heads in the clouds forever, heh?"

Oedon grinned. "Then I guess that we will just have to prove the world wrong, won't we?"

We looked at one another with matching grins on our faces.

Five minutes later, after casting on ourselves several arcane wards so that no one on Earth could see us, we began flying through the clouds, laughing all the way.

I smiled widely as I showed Oedon some of my favorite movies during a "marathon night," with Oedon occasionally cheering for the likes of Luke Skywalker or Harry Potter as they battled the forces of Evil.

By the end of it, her eyes sparkled with delight- though she took no small amount of amusement at reassuring me that I "remained her one and only hero."

The way she went at proving that was… extremely effective.

And pleasurable.

Very much so.

As we walked down a beach somewhere in Africa that we had scouted out with our powers beforehand in order to find the best beach possible for a moment with just the two of us, the "Special Place" perk helping out with that, we eventually sat down on the soft white sand of the beach, looking upwards at all the shining stars in the sky that were so easily visible here, so far away from civilization.

Though I had to admit difficulty in looking away from the brightest star of this place that was Oedon in a white two-piece swimsuit.

As beautiful as the stars above were, they didn't hold a candle to the one currently by my side.

"It's going to happen soon." eventually declared Oedon, her voice somewhere between sad and eager.

I smiled softly. "Yes. Soon, we shall continue to rise even higher and greater than ever. And with more power will come the responsibilities to match. But…"

I took her left hand in my right, fingers interlacing.

"We'll be together. Now and forever- I promised you that, remember?"

She smiled, laying her head on my right shoulder and squeezing my hand.

"You did. And you have always delivered and then some. I just… I guess I find myself wishing we could stay there, forever- just the two of us, and Eternity as our sole companion."

I chuckled. "Don't tempt me with a good time, my love."

She grinned, before looking at the twinkling stars above.

Soon, they would truly be Eternal- and their love would outlast the very stars above them.

"I love you, Aeon."

"And I love you too, Oedon."

And under a starlit sky, with the woman I loved in my arms, I finally asked what was, without a doubt, the most important question of my life, bringing out a ring which looked made of the Void of Space itself, as constellations, distant stars, and more could be seen through it. Each time someone looked at it from a different perspective, they would see different parts of the cosmos through the ring.

"Will you marry me, my love?"

Oedon smiled brightly, gently taking the ring and putting it on.

"Need you even ask, dear Aeon? Of course I will. Now and forevermore… I am yours."

"And so am I." I replied softly, before kissing her again.

Oedon moaned softly, arms going around my neck and passionately kissing back.

When we broke the kiss, she looked at me with half lidded green eyes, face red and panting softly.

"Take me, dear Aeon." she whispered.

I looked at her for a moment… before grinning slightly.

"As my lady wishes."

With a thought, I changed the towels beneath us to an incredibly comfortable bed while cleaning us of sand, and for a time the two of us simply kissed each other while our hands roamed on each other's bodies, Oedon moaning and groaning in pleasure when my hands gripped her ass and squeezed her breasts through her swimsuit.

Then I began to go downwards, Oedon tilting her head backward and offering her neck to my kisses and soft bites with little groans and moans of pleasure escaping her.

Eventually I keep going downward, laying one last kiss in between the mounds of her covered breasts before leaning back.

Oedon immediately sat up, and in one deft movement, took off her top and sent it flying away before lying back on the bed, green eyes shining with lust as she stared up at me with desire.

With a grin, I took the generous D-cup breasts in my hands, my left hand coming up to play with her right nipple and my mouth closing around her left.

Oedon gasped, biting her lips in lust as I enjoyed going from breast to breast, sucking and gently biting and squeezing until she started to pant hard.

Then, with one last grin thrown at her I kept going down, laying soft kisses down on her stomach and all the way down to just above the waistband of her swimsuit.

Then I brought up Oedon's legs up towards the sky and took off the bottom of her swimsuit from her, sliding it up her long, soft legs and then tossing it away.

Putting her thighs on my shoulders as I took her ass in my hands, I went down, kissing her smooth sex and making her gasp again, Oedon's arms coming up above her head and clenching tight on the bedsheet.

With one last look up at her lidded, lust-filled green eyes, I then began sucking on her clit before my tongue entered the wet folds of her sex, my new sexual perks allowing me to quickly find all the right spots to hit to have Oedon trembling and moaning loudly in my arms in no time.

Then, I began using my powers to truly cheat, by modifying my tongue to be longer and covered in fleshy tendrils that began hitting ALL of her pleasurable spots at once.

Oedon's green eyes bulged as I did that, her grip on the bed sheet growing even more, and in no time at all my ears were filled with the sweet sounds of her loud moans as her body trembled on the brink of orgasm.

"Aeon… I'm… I-"

She stopped, her green eyes rolling up her head and her whole body locking up in the throes of a massive orgasm.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh…" She screamed, before trailing off into a drawn out moan of bliss.

For a moment, she merely laid on the bed panting hard, green eyes staring blankly at the night sky.

"By the stars, Aeon..." She whispered softly.

My black eyes twinkled smugly as I stared at the sweaty, tired woman before me.

Then, on all four I went up to her, gently biting her right nipple as I passed her breasts and drawing yet another moan out of her, before I finally stood above her and, after a moment of staring in each other's eyes, her hands finally released her tight grip on the bedsheet, her arms and legs going behind my neck and back as we passionately began kissing each other again.

Eventually breaking the kiss, I lined myself up to her pussy lips, Oedon taking a deep breath before nodding once.

With a grin, I slammed forward, using magic to make certain it would be as immensely pleasurable for her as it would be for me- there would be no pain tonight, only pleasure!

Oedon's mouth dropped open, her back arching and a harsh moan escaping her, but her grip on me only tightened and soon we began rocking back and forth, the occasional groans and grunts escaping us both.

Once we had established a rhythm, Oedon began passionately kissing me, her right hand going through my short dark hair while her left still stayed behind my neck.

My own right hand had gone to her ass while my left went to her right breast, pinching her nipple and squeezing her breast.

I soon repeated my little trick however, fleshy tendrils growing out of my dick to better hit all of her spots, and Oedon broke the kiss, throwing her head back and moaning loudly.

"Yeess…" she hissed, green eyes rolling upwards and stars flashing in her eyes to the point she didn't know anymore whether they were from the sky or from the sex.

My mouth now free, I went down and attacked her left nipple, all the while I began speeding up- truly calling on my supernatural strength and speed to the point that the beach almost resonated with the sounds of flesh hitting flesh.

That finally appeared to be too much for Oedon, as with a harsh cry she came, her whole body tensing and her pussy squeezing me hard to make me come.

Which I did an instant later, knowing that my new perks would ensure that I did not need to worry about getting her pregnant… Not until I wanted it, at least.

Oedon moaned loudly as my warm cum flooded her womb, again my perks doing their work to allow me to cum much more than a human being should be able to.

When we were finally finished and lying panting and sweaty on the bed, Oedon slowly began hugging me close to herself again, a tired but incredibly satisfied smile on her sweaty face.

"That… was incredible, dear Aeon."

"That it was." I agreed passionately.

Then I grinned… and began to fuck her again.

Oedon's eyes widened, before she chuckled. "Not satisfied with just that, huh?"

I chuckled. "Are you?" I teased.

She grinned back, green eyes twinkling as her hips began rocking back against me.

"Far from it."

And with that, we went at it again.

And again.

And again.

We may have human forms, but we weren't humans nor limited as such, and that was a fact we took full advantage of.

Speaking of which...

As we laid panting after yet another go at it, I grinned.

It was time to truly go all out and deal the final blow to Oedon's stamina and willpower.

Said woman stared at me, the sudden grin on my face alerting her that I was up to something-


But even she was surprised when I took my Eldritch form, and I was silently thankful that there was no one who could see us- and I knew that for a fact thanks to my new powers.

In seconds, Oedon was left staring wide-eyed at me, as I held her legs spread open and arms bound above her head with several tentacles.

Then she chuckled, green eyes twinkling as she smiled at me.

"Come on, dear Aeon. Do it."

And with a mental grin, I did.

Oedon's eyes rolled up her head as three, thick but slightly slimy tentacles entered her ass, pussy and mouth, more going around her breasts and nipples, but all she could do in her bound position was twitch weakly as I began to truly fuck her silly.

This time however I didn't just go at her physically, as I used my new psychic powers to connect with her mind and send her all of my love and desire for her.

That second part, as I expected, dealt a critical blow to her faltering willpower, and soon enough Oedon's mind was overtaken by pleasure and joy, her green eyes now having fully rolled upwards in her head as I kept fucking her physically while flooding her mind with all of my love for her.

Her own feelings of love and desire joined with mine however, and I quickly focused entirely on giving her the greatest night of her life.

Even as orgasm after orgasm wracked her body and mind, I did not let up, and I truly could say that, despite the powers we both now possessed, by the end of the night, as the sun rose over the horizon, I had truly fucked Oedon silly.

Not that she minded, as by the time I finally stopped and went back to human form when I noticed the sun rising, Oedon merely curled up against me in her slumber and clung tightly to me.

With one last chuckle, I took us back to the Hunter's Dream, which had received some modifications- such as replacing the workshop with a proper mansion for us to live in.

One identical to the new home we had in this world.

It wasn't the end of the planned changes, but we had both agreed on the week since our arrival that we would wait to make more changes- and get an even better home- to the Hunter's Dream until AFTER we received the powers from the Living God CYOA.

So it was that Oedon and myself returned to the bedroom in the Hunter's Dream, and with a thought I bent time in it in such a way that Oedon and myself would be free to get several hours of sleep before we had to get up.

With one last soft smile at the naked woman in my arms, currently sleeping on my naked chest from the mind-blowing sex, I then closed my eyes and went to sleep myself, taking a moment to find humor in the fact that I'm going to sleep from within a Dream before slumber claimed me.

I blinked, looking up from the book I was busy writing on.

I had finished writing up my adventures in Bloodborne in my last diary, but eventually decided to start a new one about my post-Godhood adventures.

A sort of "Book I/Book II" sort of things, as it were.

Oedon looked up and away herself, holding the teacup in her right hand away from her lips, as she looked alongside me far into the distance- towards something only we could see.

"It has begun. I can feel it, the presence of a mind greater than any other in this world bar ours."

I nodded. "So it has."

With those words, I stood up from the couch, put the new notebook into Inventory, bent over to kiss Oedon, and then called upon a few screens.

In seconds, I was no longer Aeon, the scientist and newly married man, but Aeon, the Good Hunter, and as I stared in my Inventory I looked at all the modern guns within that I acquired thanks to "Station Armory."

It contained a copy of pretty much every modern firearm around the world, on top of other things such as SWAT gear, riot gear, tear gas, and much more.

As the perk itself said, not quite enough to topple a small country on its own, but close enough.

Oedon smiled at the sight of me in my hunter outfit.

"And so, a new Hunt begins…"

I snorted slightly.

"Please, my love. This is no Hunt against beasts. At least beasts had a chance to fight back."

A portal opened before me.

"This, my love, is a pest extermination mission."

And with those words, I stepped through.

As I stepped through the portal, which quickly closed behind me, I took in the room I was now in.

It was rather small, not really bigger than a single cell room with grey walls, rather appropriate I supposed as this was a run-down building in Taiwan, with no cameras or anything sophisticated present, and I saw that there was within the room only a table, a chair- and a woman I recognized as Lucy, looking exactly like Scarlett Johansson, sitting on it.

A woman who was currently staring at me with wide eyes, probably because, hyper-intelligence or not, seeing someone open up holes in reality probably wasn't an everyday thing.

At least not in this reality.

That being said, I naturally smiled and waved.

Lucy kept staring.

With a chuckle, I snapped my fingers, a duplicate of the chair she was in appearing before me, which I promptly sat in.

Then, I looked straight into the glowing blue eyes of the woman before me, and nodded, waving my right hand and opening the shackle around her right wrist.

Lucy looked down, noticing her now freed arm, before returning to stare at me.

"Right then. Let's start with introductions: I'm Aeon, the Good Hunter, your friendly neighboring Eldritch God- and you, Lucy, are currently undergoing a mutation born of an overdose of the drug currently in your body. That drug is artificial CPH4, usually naturally produced in minute quantities by pregnant women during their sixth week of pregnancy to provide fetuses with the energy to develop. This mutation unlocks parts of your brain not usually accessible to humans, granting you unique abilities- at least, that's how it works in this reality. Currently, you have around 20% of your brain unlocked. That means that your mind is expanding, allowing greater knowledge of yourself, regardless if it is about the anatomy of your body or your mind. Alright so far?"

She nodded. Not surprising- considering her hyper-intelligence, I could actually afford to dump a lot of information on her and have it readily understood.

I smiled. "Good. Then, the next obvious question: Why am I here? Well, I wasn't always an Eldritch God. Once upon a time, I was human, a completely ordinary human being. I had parents, a sister, went to school, the whole nine yards. Then I died by disease, my soul got taken by an Eldritch God, a whole adventure full of crazy and terrifying things happened, and after a whole lot of monster-slaying, with a healthy dose of godslaying on top of that, I became an Eldritch god myself, saved Humanity from extinction, and now me and my wife travel across realities to help out where we can- and grow stronger in the process, because the darkness beyond the stars is full of monsters and someone needs to stand up to them. Thus here I am, from one former ordinary human caught up in a crazy situation to another, hoping to welcome the new would-be goddess and helping you out on your path to Ascension."

Lucy stared at me for a long moment.

"You've got greater knowledge of what's happening to me, then?"

I grinned, pointing at myself. "My wife and myself are at 99%. There is very little we CAN'T do as long as it's on Earth." I declared.

Lucy's eyes went wide, her mouth dropping slightly in shock as, again, sheer surprise overcame her emotional control.

Then I took out a phone out of one of my pockets and threw it at her.

That phone, while it looked like a normal phone, was actually a "Black Supercomputer," which had unlimited storage and borderline unlimited processing power, omni-compatible I/O jacks, indestructible, immune to malware, and always with crystal-clear wi-fi wherever I could go. It also had the most intuitive, perfect UI imaginable and an operating system that's magically compatible with pretty much anything I could install. Oh, and it could morph into pretty much anything.

And as Lucy caught it and began to look into it after a curious glance at me- which I answered by a nod- it did not take long before her eyes widened yet again as she properly began to understand the sheer impossibility of what she was holding.

Still, her current existence allowed her to recover swiftly, and in no time at all she went through all the data that I had bookmarked for her to read.

Finally, she gave me back the phone, and I could feel that she was now thoroughly convinced I was speaking the truth.

Or at the very least, when concerned about what was happening to her.

I had no doubt she was still somewhat cautious of my motivations- understandable, considering her last boyfriend, as his last act before being murdered before her eyes, effectively sent her straight into the maw of a criminal organization.

Sure, they hadn't been "a thing" for long, less than a month, but still.

Some experiences stayed with you your whole life.

I should know.

Putting the phone back in my pocket, I then looked at her.

"So, now that you know all of this, there are a few things that need to be done. First things first, I need to share with you a few things- such as the skills required to stay human-like despite our new level of existence."

She blinked. "So that's why you can act so human." She declared.

I smirked. "Yup."

Then I extended my right hand towards her.

She looked at me for a long time, her superhuman mind no doubt considering countless possibilities and risks, but eventually took my hand nonetheless.

And then, using what I've learned from my Jumper powers, I shared with her some of my perks, such as the ability to remain "human" despite our new status and my capacity to understand the incomprehensible with safety and ease.

Lucy inhaled sharply, before a full-body shudder wracked her frame, almost throwing her off her chair.

All the terror and pain she had felt since she got kidnapped and had drugs put into her body against her will hit at once, and she threw her arms around herself, closing her eyes tightly as her Humanity returned- for good and ill.

I stood up, slowly giving her a hug, and the obvious kindness of the act broke her already crumbling willpower.

She let out a ugly cry and buried her face in my chest, holding me for dear life as great, body-wracking sobs left her.

Making sure that all sounds were still blocked within this room, something I had done since the moment I showed up, I hugged her harder, whispering words of comfort and making full use of my perks and powers to physically and telepathically comfort her (via my empathic powers helping me share my positive emotions).

One advantage of our new existence was added processing power, allowing one to process mentally and emotionally our experiences much faster (kind of like what the Salarians had in Mass Effect) and that was something that came handy here, as quicker than one might think she calmed down and took control of herself again.

After Lucy gave me a thankful smile, even if it was somewhat shaky and weak, we eventually returned to our respective seats.

She took a deep breath, wiping out the last few tears from her eyes, and then looked at me.

"So. What's the plan?"

I grinned fiercely.

"What do you think?"

She grinned back, glowing blue eyes flashing.

"We go hunting?"

I chuckled darkly.

"Yes, Lucy, we go hunting."

And then I opened my Inventory and threw a 44. Magnum Revolver at her alongside some ammo, before taking two of the guns myself.

Of course, with all the powers I had, I literally could create bullets in the guns as fast I fired them, so I hardly needed to worry about reloading. I only needed to eject the casings, and then create more bullets.

"And I've brought the big guns." I finished with a smirk.

Lucy looked down at the gun in her hand, up at me, and chuckled.

"I will go out first." she declared, a grim look in her eyes.

"Ladies first." I replied, bowing slightly with a teasing smirk.

She snorted. "And people say that chivalry is dead."

Then she pointed at the door and fired, before going out through the now thoroughly open entrance.

I naturally muffled the noise, and seconds later we came to the kitchen area where all the Korean gangsters of this place currently were relaxing, completely caught by surprise by our appearance as they were either busy eating or looking at a football match on a nearby T.V.

Lucy didn't even hesitate, and neither did I- we gunned them all down in a blink of an eye.

As I said to Oedon before- it was no fight, merely a pest extermination mission.

Though Lucy did shoot the guy who tried to grope her when she was brought to this place in the balls first, before exploding his brains all over the wall.

I suppose that giving her her humanity back made a bit harder for her to stay coldly focused.

Then, when we were finished killing everyone, Lucy turned towards me.

"We need to go to a hospital and get the bag of drugs out of me."

I shook my head. "Just lay down on the nearby couch. I'll take care of that myself."

She raised an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged. "Eldritch god. I've got literal magic, I don't need to explain shit." I declared with a smirk.

Lucy snorted, then after a moment of hesitation laid down on the couch.

I waved my hand, turning the room into the cleanest room in the entire world, before coming to stand above her, taking out the bloody bandage around her midsection through a quick use of psychic powers.

Lucy twitched at the sight of the open wound where the bag of drugs was, remembering the bastard she killed, who had tried to grope her and then brutally punched her there when she shook him off.

Meanwhile, I was using my superhuman vision to look into the wound and the bag of drugs contained within, and once I was satisfied I had the situation clear, I waved my right hand, opening up the wound enough to telekinetically take out the drugs and then used my healing magic to completely heal the wound- in a second, there wasn't even a scar left to show what had happened to her.

Lucy blinked, poked cautiously and then merely curiously at the smooth skin of her belly when she didn't feel the slightest bit of pain, and then grinned.

"Okay, that is impressive."

I snorted. "Please, we both know that you could heal even bullet wounds by simply eating as you currently are right now, turning the food into energy to heal yourself with."

"True, but it's not literal magic." she replied with a teasing grin.

I chuckled. "Fair enough." I agreed, grinning back.

Lucy then turned serious, looking at the bag of drugs floating in the air.

"We need to find the others."

I nodded. "Yes, we do. Thankfully, I know where we need to go."

She raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged, smirking. "99%, remember? I can track down pretty much anything on Earth if I focus, at any time too. And with this-" I held up the bag of drugs "-I can do so all the more easily, since it can be used to create a sympathetic link between it and the others."

She blinked, before nodding. "Then let's go."

She got up, gun in hand.

I gave her some ammo, then turned around, focused, and opened a portal.

Stepping through, my gaze fell on the European man amongst all the Korean mafia members, my eyes easily seeing through his flesh to notice the drugs in his belly.

"Nine targets inside the building, two outside." I declared, opening fire at once on the members of the drug cartel with both guns while they were all too stunned by my sudden appearance to react.

Lucy walked by my left, weapon firing as she did.


Chul-Moo, aspiring Korean crime lord, stared at the fucking magic portal having opened all of a sudden in the middle of the room where they were keeping their Westerner drug mule, he and everyone else in the room boggling at the sight of it.

Then a giant of a man stepped through, two massive revolvers in his hands, and coldly declared:

"Nine targets inside the building, two outside."

And then he opened fire.

A jolt of fear passed through all present as two of his men's heads exploded, their brain matter splattering all over the walls and on some of his other men. Everyone immediately went for their weapons and ran for cover, or began to fire back as their instincts took over.

A second person went through the portal, a woman this time, who looked at them with cold, glowing blue eyes from behind the barrel of her gun.


By the time she finished speaking, there were only three men left, including himself- four if he counted the Westerner, though he fell to the ground and froze in terror once bullets started flying.

Finally, Chul-Moo got his gun up and pointing at the giant's head, and a feeling of smugness rose as he noticed the giant switch targets away from him to kill another who almost successfully shot the woman, letting him pull the trigger, looking forward with eagerness at taking down the giant-

Who casually tilted his head out of the flight path of his bullet.

He blinked in shock.

Then a bullet blew up his brain, the corpses of his last two fellow Koreans having hit the floor already, and he knew only darkness.

It took a handful of seconds for all the gangsters to be killed, though at one point I had to switch targets when Lucy almost got shot in the shoulder.

"Thanks." she said, giving me a quick smile before going out of the room.

Two gunshots later, she returned. "All 11 targets are dead."

I nodded, gaze focused on the civilian I had knocked out and was now extracting the drugs from.

"I know. 360° superhuman vision lets me see everything."

She blinked.

"Sounds useful. How did you get that?"

I grinned, holding up a second bag of blue drugs for her to see.

"Eyes lining my brain."

She stared.

I chuckled. "ELDRITCH god, remember?"

"... I've never read Lovecraft's works, but maybe I should change that…" She eventually replied slowly.

"To be fair, my wife and myself are the only two Eldritch Gods in this universe- the only GODS at all, in fact, as far as we know. Until your ascension, at least. Of course, Lovecraft's the one who also said, and I quote: The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. A rather appropriate quote for our current situation, don't you think?"

I put a hand on the unconscious man's head, closed my eyes for a moment, and after obtaining what I wanted I opened another portal, put him in the bed in the new room, and then left, closing the portal behind me.

Lucy threw me a curious look, to which I shrugged in response.

"He was an innocent, so I just took out the drugs, healed him, wiped his mind and then put him back in his bed. As far as he will remember, the last thing he can recall was that he got VERY drunk."

She nodded.

"There's still two more."

"Then let's go get to them." I replied, before opening another portal.

Each time, we repeated what we did, killing all the gangsters, taking out the drugs and then wiping the minds of the victims before sending them back to their homes.

I couldn't really let them go around spreading rumors of people with powers going on a bloody rampage against a Korean drug cartel, after all.

Well, I could, but I felt it was better this way.

For both the victims and myself.

Then, once we had all the drugs, I looked back at Lucy.

She nodded. "We need to take care of their boss- and the people who first came up with the drugs."

I looked at her for a moment. "That'll be even more people to kill. You were a civilian before this. Are you sure you want-"

She raised a hand. "I need to do this." She interrupted.

I gave her a look.

"Please." she finished, and there was a note of pleading in her voice and eyes.

I sighed. "If you're sure."

Lucy bit her lips, nodding. "I am. I… I need to end this myself. They kidnapped me. Put drugs into me. I can't just… walk away. So, please… let me go with you- and let's finish this."

I looked at her pleading face for a moment, before silently opening another portal.

Lucy took a look, recognizing the corridor of the luxurious hotel where the drug lord lived and where everything began, and a complex mix of emotions flashed in her glowing blue eyes.

Then she took a deep breath, nodded in thanks at me, and stepped through.

I followed an instant later, and as we walked towards the drug lord's suite, her voice turned cold.

"Can you give me two daggers?"

I wordlessly did as asked.


After putting them away, she took her gun firmly in hand and began firing through the door before us.

Entering the room, the several corpses of the drug lord's bodyguards met us, but we didn't give them a second look as we passed them by.

We found the drug lord, one Mr. Jang, of all things being tended to by a masseuse, slices of cucumbers on his eyes and loud music being played in the background.

Giving the masseuse a look and wordlessly telling her to make herself scarce, something she wisely wasted no time in doing, I leaned back against a nearby wall and watched as Lucy took out the daggers I gave her and promptly impaled them through both of the drug lord's hands, effectively pinning him in place.

I turned my gaze away as they began speaking- or at least, Lucy did the speaking.

Sure, my 360° vision and superhuman senses still let me see and hear everything, but it was the thought that counted- this was personal for her, after all.

Eventually she finished, and in one swift move pulled off the daggers from his hands and decapitated him.

Then she walked back to me.

"Thank you… for not getting involved." She said softly.

I smiled grimly, thinking back of a certain beast who had first killed me in my new life- or of Flora, who sought to enslave me.

"Trust me, I know what it's like to want revenge. He effectively destroyed your life, and letting him live now would have ensured he would stop at nothing to get revenge on you for what you did to him anyway. Sometimes, peaceful solutions just won't work, and the only thing you can do is make your stand and fight for your right to live."

She nodded. "There's only one thing left, those who created the drugs in the first place. Thankfully, I took the knowledge we need from his mind before killing him."

I nodded. "Show me, and I'll open a portal there." I declared, extending my right hand to her.

She took it, and after a moment of focus I saw the memories she took from him.

I nodded. "Let's end this."

Lucy checked her gun, then nodded too.


Opening the portal, we found ourselves in a warehouse, though I could feel labs being present in the underground floors.

Again, we caught everyone by surprise, though the greater size of the place allowed them to mount a quicker resistance.

While we easily cleaned out the warehouse, going down into the labs proved a tad harder since they had time to prepare choke points and killzones, gangsters taking cover behind the walls at differing heights to allow more of them to fire at once. Some had submachine guns, some had assault rifles, the occasional grenades came flying our way and one guy even showed up with a rocket-launcher.

Naturally, that was when I stopped holding back, as I began to simply freeze all incoming bullets, grenades, and rockets in mid-air with my mind.

And then I threw everything back their way.

The Koreans had a heartbeat's worth of time to look shocked before many died messily.

Grenades and rockets underground, inside tight corridors? Yeah, the results were bloody to say the least.

Lucy (once she was done staring at what I had just pulled off), began to walk behind me, shooting what was left of them from behind the safety of my mental walls.

"Remember when you said you were here to help me on my path to ascension? Yeah, pulling that off is now at the top of the list of godly tricks I want to learn."

I smirked at the mix of awe and envy in her voice. "Noted."

All in all, in less than twenty minutes we had walked out of the warehouse, staring at it as it finished burning down.

We've been thorough in cleaning the place out.

Lucy let out a long sigh.

"It's done, then."

I nodded. "Yes. The drug cartel isn't gone, not completely, but it hardly matters- their boss is dead, they lost dozens, if not a hundred of their best people, their operations are in shambles, and everyone in the know about the new drug is dead. And that's without considering what the rest of the criminal underworld will do after such a weakness in this drug cartel opened up on itself. The organization might survive, but they won't be a threat for a long time."

She frowned. "What about the guy that worked as a translator for Jang, the drug lord? He knew about the drug."

I hummed. Then I put a hand on her shoulder, and soon after opened a portal right in front of said European man, who was currently sitting behind a large wooden desk and staring at us in shock.

We apparently caught the guy straight out working in his own office.

I quickly checked for cameras the moment the portal opened, and then put them in a loop for now.

We won't need much time, after all.

Lucy stared back at the man for a handful of seconds, before suddenly smirking.

"Mister Jang no longer requires your services."

And then she shot him in the head.

I closed the portal.

There was a moment of silence.

Then I snorted. "You just had to give a one-liner, didn't you?"

She smirked. "Are you telling me you wouldn't have done the same?"

I smirked back. "Oh no, I totally would! I'm just noticing how fast you are learning with me by your side!"

I wiped a false tear of pride. "They grow up so fast! It wasn't three hours ago that I met you, chained to a wall, and now here you are, already throwing out one-liners before shooting people in the heads! I'm so proud!"

Lucy rolled her eyes at me.

"For a so-called higher being, you can be such a dork, you know that, right?"

I grinned without any shame whatsoever.

"And so what if I am? You know that you're speaking to a godslayer, right? I've EARNED the right to be as silly as I want to be!"

She rolled her eyes harder, shaking her head.

"How someone who can casually destroy a drug cartel in a night's work and also act like this, I'll never know."

Then she took a deep breath, exhaled, looked again at the burning building, and then smiled warmly at me, glowing blue eyes shining with gratefulness towards me.

"That being said, again, thank you. For all your help. Dork or not… I owe you much. I've got one last request, however… can I ask for your phone for a moment? I… have someone who I need to call, before anything else."

I stared at her for a moment, my smirk disappearing as I took in the sad resignation mixed with determination in her eyes.

"Of course." I agreed softly, giving her my phone and then walking away for several meters before leaning on a nearby wall to give her privacy.

Again, I could still see and hear everything, but the intention was what counted.

Lucy stared at the phone for a long moment… before making the call.


When she was done, she walked up to me, giving me back the phone and wiping out a few remaining tears in her eyes.

Then she took a deep breath and nodded.

"I'm ready. We have the drugs, the Korean drug cartel is broken, and… and I've said goodbye. All that's left now… Is for me to go higher than 20%."

I looked down at the phone for a moment, before looking Lucy straight in the eyes- eyes red from crying.

"I could always turn you back, you know." I said softly. "I should be capable of turning you back to what you were… before."

Lucy smiled at me, but shook her head.

"Thank you… but no. That sounds too much like running away from my problems. Besides… I'm not going to be alone, am I?" she asked, looking straight at me.

"You've already said that you were here for me, to help me out… and that you and your wife traveled between realities to gather power and knowledge alongside fighting off the monsters from beyond. I… I don't know how much help I can be. I didn't ask for these powers… But I won't recoil in fear from them. I won't fear them- I won't fear myself. So, if your offer is still open… I'd like to go with you, travel to these different realities while helping out as I can. I don't know what to do with these powers… but you do. So I'll follow your lead, at least for now."

I nodded slowly.

"As long as that's what you truly want, then I'll gladly have you along for the ride, Lucy."

She smiled warmly. "Thank you."

I nodded, then opened another portal, one going to my and Oedon's house.

"In that case, come- it's time for us all to rise, greater than ever before."

I stepped through, Lucy following without hesitation, a look of determination on her face.

Oedon smiled at my return, before doing the same towards Lucy.

After closing the portal, I did the introductions.

"Lucy, this is Oedon, my wife. Oedon, this is Lucy."

Oedon got up from the couch, smiling brightly. "Welcome! I take it you are done with the drug cartel, if you are both here?" she asked, looking at us both, and especially at the gun in Lucy's right hand.

Lucy blinked. "Yes, we are. Also, remind me to ask you both tips on how to take care of my body, because Aeon is, without a doubt. the most handsome man I've ever met, and now I can safely say you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met."

Oedon giggled at the blunt statement, and I couldn't help but snicker myself.

Though considering all the perks about beauty we had, I wasn't surprised by her words.

However, it was hardly as if she wasn't beautiful herself...

"Don't worry, I'll teach you all the best tricks." cheerfully declared Oedon, green eyes twinkling.

I blinked slowly. "Are you girls really going to first talk about how to use god-like powers just to become prettier?"

Oedon looked at me, an eyebrow raised, and the moment a smirk came to her face, I promptly held up my hands.

"You know what, never mind. I'm going to go prepare things for the transfusion of the drugs instead." I declared, quickly getting the hell out of dodge.

That smirk was FAR too mischievous for my liking!

I tried not to focus on the giggling that echoed behind me.

Some things were not meant for even Eldritch gods to know.

Not without a great deal of mental preparation beforehand, at least.

I did grin, however, at the fact that whatever barrier there might have been between Oedon and Lucy had been shattered before it could even exist.

Now, they were already quickly talking to one another.

Needless to say, I wasn't really concerned about Oedon not getting along with Lucy- it was Oedon.

But that didn't mean I couldn't help out a bit.

Oedon and I looked at Lucy, sitting on a medical chair.

After catching her up fully on who we were and our respective backgrounds, the last thing left to do now was to go through our respective Ascensions.

"Ready?" I asked, having prepared all transfusions.

What she currently had wouldn't get her to 100%, but it would certainly get her quickly at 99%.

And from there, all three of us would do the jump to 100% at the same time.

Lucy swallowed, looking at me then at Oedon who was sitting by her side, who gave her such a kind, warm and comforting smile than even I relaxed at the sight of it- and I wasn't even the one doing anything!

Needless to say, it worked wonders, and Lucy smiled at Oedon, then at me, nodding firmly.

And with that, the transfusion began.

Lucy inhaled sharply, her eyes glowing a bright blue as more and more of the drug went through her veins.

At one point all the cells in her body began to die, her whole body collapsing on itself- but then the last drop of the drug entered her body, and a massive flash of energy coming from her followed.

When the flash faded, Lucy once again was sitting on the chair, not a hair out of place- her whole body's worth of cells having rapidly died before being reborn, stronger and better in every way- and she was now fully ageless, completely immune to the ravages of time.

That was her at 50%.

At 60%, she informed us that she could see and directly listen into all telephone communications across the world.

At 70 to 80%, her body began to turn black as the void of space, and both Oedon and myself sat in our own medical chairs, using psychic powers to prepare the last transfusions for all of us.

Once she reached 90%, the surrounding background of the house we were in disappeared, replaced by a featureless white as far as the eye could see, with only the three of us and the medical equipment remaining.

At that point Oedon and myself, satisfied that everything was proceeding smoothly, joined our minds with hers, Astral projecting ourselves across Space and Time.

The last of the drugs quickly went through all three of our veins.

Stars exploded into existence before our eyes, galaxies born through countless flashes of lights, Nebulae passed us by, the secrets of Dark Matter and Energy opened themselves to us, and then-



We became one with Reality.

The drug served as a catalyst which allowed our mind to connect and comprehend all of Reality- the Past, the Present, the Future.

All of Space and Time and the near endless number of alternate Realities of this Multiverse now stood before us, nothing more than open books to read or modify at our leisure.

Reality was us- and we were Reality.

But it was still not the end- not for Oedon and myself.

For that was when the Living God CYOA activated.

For Reality was so much more than a single multiverse, no matter how vast such a thing may appear to be.

Yet again, our consciousness took a step back, and what was once a single multiverse turned into countless more, as if we had been watching but a single tree in the middle of a massive forest all along.

It was there that we truly contemplated All of Existence, in its near Infinite Glory, in its near Endless Eternity.

As countless multiverses stood before us, as naught but singular trees in an infinite forest, our gaze was drawn to it's center.

There, at the center of Reality itself, despite the impossibility of it, the distant sounds of music could be faintly heard, a melody of madness and glory to the Creator Deity of All That Ever Was, Is, And Will Ever Be.

I dare not speak or think her name- not yet.

One day. One day- we would go there, at the center of it all.

At the court of the Great Sultana herself.

But for now, we merely contemplated the vastness of the Verse before us, taking in all of its beauty and wonders.

Endless civilizations from countless species flashed before our eyes, as naught but grains of cosmic dust caught up in the infinite spheres of Space and Time, each appearing and disappearing seemingly in but a blink of our eyes.

And within those spheres, we also beheld all the horrors of Creation, all the Evils of Existence, and the sight of them potentially ravaging all the wonders I could now see made something deep within me recoil in disgust and rage.

I looked at the Living God CYOA powers, taking in all the new powers at my and Oedon's disposal.

The CYOA: /gallery/i49iAiT

Modes of Transcendence not taken: Dark Enlightenment and Inheritor.

Spark Powers not taken: Spectrum.

Then I looked back at the hordes of unaware horrors below.

And as I did so, I smiled, turning to look at Oedon with a body glowing with cosmic power.

"This, my love… is where the real Hunt begins."