
Do You Love Me Luffy?

Law never wanted to meet his soulmate, so when he did he couldn't handle it and kept it hidden from said straw hat wearing soulmate. But as time goes by Luffy becomes more than just the soulmate mark over Law's heart. He becomes the man Law loves, but Law doesn't expect Luffy to love him back. And even if the future Pirate King accepts him as his lover what about the safety of the Heart crew when the navy discovers their soulmate connection? Can Law sacrifice everything for love? And if he does will his love even be returned or is he just the friend Luffy fought alongside?

CaladeanFey · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Missing Law PT 2

POV: Monkey D Luffy

The next year and a half is full of marine battles, Pirate King title challenges, treasure hunts, celestial dragon beat downs. and an unexpected mini vacation or two when their ship gets thrown into a tornado and accidentally swallowed by the biggest fish they'd ever seen. The Straw Hats grow stronger and hardier and Luffy comes into his own as Pirate King finally gaining some height to the teasing of his brothers.

Through it all Luffy would stare out at the horizon every so often and wander how Torao is doing. The snail phone updates from Sabo had become less frequent as Law and his crew were rarely on their ship, too busy with the Yeti island residents and training. The last couple update reports had been made by Bepo instead of the Heart Pirate captain as he was undergoing repeated isolated training with the yeti to expand his Ope Ope power's capabilities and observation haki. Bepo reported Torao had only returned to the Polar Tang a few times in the last month because of it, but would soon be done with his specialized training.

It wasn't just Torao giving his all either, the Heart Pirates were doing everything to get stronger together for their future. That marine ambush had been a wake-up call to all of them that even though they were stronger than before it wasn't enough. In order to keep saving lives, they would first need to be strong enough to ensure their own lives.

Sabo relayed Bepo's last report that morning. Apparently, the moving island had a large stubborn section of clouds following it closely for the last two days and it was about to overtake them and once it did their snail phone wouldn't be able to communicate until it dissipated. Because of this Bepo had decided to give the Straw Hats a heads up and report their location while he could since thanks to coordination between him and Nami (relayed through Sabo) their crew's long-awaited reunion was set to happen in a few weeks from now.

To their luck though a strong wind hit their sails all but letting them fly over the water for three days straight. According to Nami's calculations this had put them over a week ahead of schedule. They contacted Sabo, but he was unable to get a call through to anyone on the island after two days of trying. That cloud coverage had been more serious than they had realized.

To top that they received another lucky gust of wind that threw all of Nami's and Bepo's careful planning out the window.

Nami groans as she leans against the Thousand Sunny's railing. Sabo still hadn't been able to contact Law or Bepo so she has no idea how close they really are at this point since the island didn't always keep the same speed as it moved. They were two weeks ahead of schedule at this rate and the island could literally pop up any minute now.

Luffy for his part has been an absolute nuisance bouncing around the deck like a jittery ball of electricity. She'd even electrocuted him once to make him stop, forgetting in her haste her captain is rubber so her attack did nothing. Even when Sanji announced breakfast Luffy had taken his to go, dashing back and forth from the kitchen for more food not being able to take his eyes off the sea for fear of missing the first sighting of the island with his beloved Torao.

Robin watches her captain's antics with amusement, Usopp and Chopper keep yelling at him to stop trying to help them with fishing because he keeps getting distracted and loosing fish or just dropping fishing poles in the sea when he jumps up thinking he's spotted an island. Brook tries playing music to calm Luffy down to no avail and just joins Franky at the helm in discussion. Sanji brings out refreshments and hits Luffy with his tray when the captain accidentally inhales not only the offered smoothie and its glass container, but Sanji's hand too because he won't turn his gaze from the open water.

Any attempts to distract or calm Luffy down continue to fail as he grows more and more agitated his rubbery body desperate for movement. He'd stayed out on deck late into the night and had awoken even before Sanji that morning in his excitement.

Then finally at a little before 10:00am they see a quickly approaching dark cloud formation, Nami stares at it for a moment, there is something weird about its progression. Franky at the helm upon her signal steers their course to skirt around the edge. They're just calmly sailing along when its like they've hit a barrier and they all feel a sensation like warm damp fingers tracing the back of their necks and suddenly where there had been open waves is a large island looming ahead of them.

The whole crew gasps in surprise and run to the railing to get a better view.

"This must be it." Sanji comments lighting up a cigarette beside Usopp.

Luffy lets out a whoop of delight and races to the figurehead as Franky quickly maneuvers them towards the large crescent shaped harbor.

As they get closer, they can make out some sort of warehouse looking dock with a viewing platform, its big enough it could hide a ship inside. There bobbing gently in the waves next to it is the bright yellow Polar Tang they'd all been longing to see.

The island is a wonder for the eyes. Part of it is vibrant green run through with all the colors of spring and bursting with flowers and vegetation. Another part is a utopia of fall colors, the red, oranges, yellow, and brown hues more breathtaking than any the crew has seen before. Then on the backside of the island are numerous snow-capped mountains surrounded by a glimmering winter wonderland.

On the deck of the Polar Tang people start shouting and waving as they notice the approaching Thousand Sunny. The Strawhat crew starts yelling hellos and waving furiously in reply, faces all smiles. Luffy leaps up from the figure head and madly dashes to the back of the ship his arms latching onto the mast and stretching out for his signature slingshot travel.

"Luffy we'll be there in just a few-"Nami tries to reason with him.

"TOOOOOOOORRRRRRAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luffy screams as he goes launching past them.

Nami palm slaps her face in exasperation. They'll be lucky if he doesn't tear through the whole sub before they get there looking for Law.

The rest of the crew laughs at Luffy's overzealousness as they get close enough to board the Polar Tang. The Heart crew is already sliding out wooden ladder bridges to connect the ships and throwing ropes. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Brook secure the bridges while Franky lets the anchor down. The Strawhats quickly start filing over to the Polar Tang's deck.

Sobbing cries of "Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Franky, Robin, Jimbei, Sanji, Zoro!" Fill the air as the crews welcome each other snot and tears flying freely.

Usopp is the last to board the Polar Tang and as he slips over the railing, he accidentally kicks an inconspicuous stack of pebbles overboard.

"Whoops, sorry about that." He apologizes to Shachi who is standing near him hand up in greeting.

"It's okay, those are just there for-

"Shit!" A voice that sounds suspiciously like Law's yells from over the side, followed by twin shrieks of surprise, and a gasped surprised "Huh!?".

Shachi's face pales and his voice takes on a high squeaky tone, "-Captain when he needs to swap places in an emergency."

Usopp's mouth drops open as he stares at the frozen faced Shachi as they both hear several mighty splashes below.

"Yo, I think our captains' are both in the water playing with naked mermaids." Franky says lifting his sunglasses while he looks over the Polar Tang's railing.

Usopp and Shachi stare at one another eyes silently communicating, both give a simultaneous nod and then as one they run for the door of the Polar Tang and quickly disappear down below deck. They'd take this secret to the grave.


Luffy screams in glee as he whooshes through the air towards the Polar Tang his arms snapping back into place. His feet have barely touched the deck before he is racing in the direction of the hatch leading to the submarine's insides. Heart crew members shout out hello's as they dive out of the impatient captain's way before they're knocked onto their asses.

Luffy leaps clear over Jean Bart who is sipping a cup of coffee not bothering to move as he lets out a mumbled, "Hey Luffy, Law's in his captain's cabin."

"Thanks!" Luffy yells back hurtling below, his sandals smacking loudly against the ships inner metal halls.

"Was it wise to tell him that?" Shachi questions coming up beside Jean Bart.

"Law's gotta face him sooner or later, at least this way Luffy won't tear through the whole ship looking for him. We're all gonna want to spend the night in town though." Jean Bart says with a shrug as they start getting the wooden bridges to connect the ships ready.

"You bet on Luffy and Law's love being mutual didn't you." Shachi says surprised.

"It ain't a bet if you already know the outcome." Jean Bart replies.

"You do know Marell and Zoa slept in bed with Law last night instead of Bepo and haven't come out for breakfast yet, right?" Shachi points out.

"So? They're his kids, and I'm sure Luffy will love them the same." Jean Bart shrugs.

"About that, do you remember Law ever telling Sabo that he adopted Marell and Zoa?" Shachi wanders waving happily at the incoming Strawhats.

Jean Bart spits out his coffee and goes rigid beside him.

"Hey Shachi!" Nami calls to him with a smile and Shachi is too busy making heart eyes to notice Jean Bart's sudden fit beside him.

"Well, I sure fucked that up." Jean Bart says wiping his mouth eyes pinching in concern.

"Hmm, what did you say?" Shachi asks finally turning his attention back to his crewmate.

"Nothing, don't mind me." Jean Bart replies.


Torao, Torao, Torao! He is finally going to see Torao again! Luffy's heart is thumping like a war drum in his chest as he dashes through the submarine using the walls to bouncy ball around corners for faster speed. His mouth is stretched in the widest smile he's had since meeting Sabo again. Jean had said Torao was in his captain's cabin and even without the directions his observation haki is locked onto Torao and he can feel his presence calling to him like the moon in a cloudless night. He can't wait to see him. He's going to tackle Torao and grab him in a bone breaking hug and never let go!

Luffy stumbles around one last corner and sees Penguin outside the captain's quarters.

"TORAOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Luffy screams gleefully having finally reached his prize.

In his excitement Luffy kicks the heavy cabin door open with his sandaled foot, Penguin hurriedly moving out of the way. The door bursts open and Luffy's arms are already stretching forward to grasp his beloved Torao as he laughs happily.

"Torao! I can finally see you again!"

It's less than a second later Luffy's happy laughter dies in his throat as his eyes lock onto the scene before him.

Laying in bed shirtless, tattoos on full display is a shock faced Torao. His arm is wrapped around a young female mermaid's waist, her covered breasts at eye level. And behind Law one hand tugging down his jeans to reveal black underwear and the other placed suggestively over Law's chest just over his heart is a male mermaid. All three are sweaty, flushed, and panting a bit.

Luffy feels something in his mind snap at the image before him.

Torao. His Torao. With them.

Luffy doesn't realize his smile morphing to a frown and his expression becoming dangerous. No, all he can think is how pissed he is that Torao is touching them. That they are touching Torao. AND HE WILL NOT ALLOW IT.

He's so furious he doesn't even notice when Torao's fingers flash up and furiously says "Room" a blue dome engulfing the four of them faster than Torao's ever done in the past. "Shambles". The next second Luffy is free falling straight into blue ocean without even a chance to stretch an arm out to catch himself.

"Huh!?" he gasps out mind still stuck in a moment of bloodlust before the energy is knocked clean out of him by cold sea water.

Bubbles splurge from his mouth as he begins to choke on the salty liquid. His body that had been tense with fury goes limp, sapped of its strength. Crap he's got to stay conscious he thinks trying to flap his arms uselessly. Something grabs him from behind and suddenly he's rushing through the water, he feels scales graze his legs and realizes its one of the mermaids that had been in bed with Torao.

They break the surface and the boy mermaid Luffy knows is called Marell hauls him forward until they're plopped onto the sandy shore out of reach of the gentle waves. Luffy begins coughing and gagging up salt water his lungs burning as his fingers and knees dig into the warm sand grains below. Marell's hand pounds on his back to help the purging process.

Suddenly that hand stops as Torao yanks the boy away. Luffy hacks up one last torturous mouthful of water before rolling to his back gasping and staring over at a much better conditioned Torao.

Torao has shoved Marell and Zoa behind him his arms raised in a shielding protective manner. The twins look at Luffy with confused worried faces. Torao's eyes are pure molten gold and absolutely burning with rage as he glares down at Luffy.

"What the fuck were you about to do to my kids Luffy-ya!" Torao demands.

Luffy wants to yell angrily back at Torao but he can't. He can't think at all as his eyes land on Torao's bare dripping chest. He hadn't noticed it in the cabin because Marell's hand had covered it up, but it was there. There, over Torao's heart in a deeper black than his gorgeous tattoos, is his name.

Monkey D. Luffy

Torao is Luffy's soulmate.

The next chapter will take a while to update. Still loathe the fact I can't use italics and bold.

CaladeanFeycreators' thoughts