
Do You Love Me Luffy?

Law never wanted to meet his soulmate, so when he did he couldn't handle it and kept it hidden from said straw hat wearing soulmate. But as time goes by Luffy becomes more than just the soulmate mark over Law's heart. He becomes the man Law loves, but Law doesn't expect Luffy to love him back. And even if the future Pirate King accepts him as his lover what about the safety of the Heart crew when the navy discovers their soulmate connection? Can Law sacrifice everything for love? And if he does will his love even be returned or is he just the friend Luffy fought alongside?

CaladeanFey · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Missing Law PT 1

POV: Monkey D Luffy

Luffy gazes steadily out at the waves from atop the Sunny's figurehead. It's been a few months now since the Wano incident and Torao breaking up their alliance and leaving with his crew. The note he received from the other captain is kept safely tucked inside a secret pocket on the inside of his famous straw hat. Luffy likes to occasionally take the slip of paper out and read it.

All the snail phones for the Heart Pirate crew had been intentionally left behind on the island of Wano. Some Whitebeard crew members had found them all safely packed away among the supplies; there was no longer a way for any of them to reach the Heart Pirates. After the discovery Sabo had confessed to Luffy that Torao left him a den den mushi for contact, but that he'd said it was for Sabo personally and only for emergencies. Torao had said he would contact Sabo every few months to let him know how his crew was doing.

Luffy would be lying if he said he wasn't upset Torao had given the snail phone to Sabo instead of him. In fact, he had thought of tackling his brother and ripping the only form of communication with the Heart Pirate captain away from him. But Torao had given the snail phone to Sabo. He could have handed it to any Straw-hat, mink, samurai, or Whitebeard member, but he hadn't. No, he had given it to the man he trusted most and that man isn't a part of any of the crews. His intentions were very clear. Torao is going into hiding with his whole crew and he doesn't even want his own allies to know. "Former allies" as Robin had so gently reminded him.

Luffy doesn't understand why Torao has to go so far, and he isn't the only one. Ace, Marco, and many others had raised the question of why the Heart Pirate captain's overprotective actions were needed. The only person not to raise his voice in ponderment was Sabo.

(Begin flashback) Three Months Earlier on Wano

They'd all been gathered around a campfire on Wano roasting sweet potatoes and a discussion on their next move had led to a debate on why Torao left.

"Well, Law only formed the alliance with Luffy to take down Doflamingo, and his part of the deal was to help take down the emperors. Kaido, and Big Mom are defeated. Luffy wants to handle Shanks alone, and no one has been given the official fourth emperor's title after Whitebeard. He probably just wanted to go back off the radar like he was before Dressrossa. I'm sure he's worried about the world government hunting him down for saving Ace." Usopp comments from beside a snoozing Zoro. Chopper nods beside him turning his sweet potato to roast evenly.

"Its possible." Sanji agrees on the opposite side of Zoro taking a puff from his cigarette, "But leaving all their snail phones like that doesn't seem right. Why would Law cut all communication with people that would happily come to his defense if he is worried about marines hunting down his crew?"

Marco replies to Sanji, poking the fire with a stick, his concerned eyes reflecting the flames. "I agree. I think there is something driving Law to cut ties with everyone. Something he is afraid of that he hasn't told any of us."

"Hey, what if he got a soulmark?" Nami suddenly says from her knee hugging position by Robin and Jimbei. "We've fought a lot of powerful people here on Wano, what if he touched his soulmate and it was someone he has to hide from?"

The group goes quiet considering.

"I didn't see a soulmark on Law." Chopper replies shaking his head, tone confident. "And if the mark was of someone he doesn't want anything to do with or can't be with like a marine, he would have burned it like Sabo."

"Chopper's right." Robin agrees from her perch in Franky's lap.

Franky speaks up beneath her, "Yeah, the Heart crew admitted much the same to me over drinks a while back. Law has personally removed soulmarks off any crew members and allies that have asked. If the marks appeared during battle, he would even use his power to snatch the person with the pairing soulmark and mutilate it too."

"So, it's probably not because of a soulmark then." Nami relents sighing into her knees.

Ace breaks in from between Jimbei and Sabo, "Not all his crew members left. The most recent ones that joined here on Wano stayed. I already questioned them and they said they have no idea why the Heart Pirates left like that. They said Law called a meeting of his crew right before the banquet and gave them all a choice to either stay with him in seclusion for an unknown time in an unknown place, or leave the Heart Pirates with his blessing. They chose the latter because they didn't want to leave the alliance and because Law wouldn't say anything other than it was to protect them."

Brook cocks his head with a bony finger on his chin and adds his input.

"So, whatever the reason for leaving, Law believed it was the best way to keep his crew safe. He did something similar before Dressrossa, only he believed his crew was safer away from him then. Whatever the reason for his leaving its obvious it centers around himself, but he wouldn't be the only target." Brook concludes scratching at his afro from next to Nami.

"Did he think we couldn't be trusted with whatever it is?" Chopper questions his face sad.

"That's not it." Sabo denies. "Law has his reasons for not confiding in any of us."

"You know." Ace declares surprised beside him.

Sabo ducks his head a bit at the sudden intense stares aimed at him from everyone.

"I think I know," Sabo begins hesitantly, "Law didn't actually tell me anything, I just happened to find out by accident. I think he actually hopes I don't know." Sabo admits.

"But you can't tell us." Luffy says beside his brother, face unreadable.

"....No." Sabo replies a bit dejectedly, "It wouldn't be right."

"Then don't. Law will tell us when he's ready. He'll come back when he's ready too." Luffy declares standing up and walking off hat lowered to hide his face.

They all watch him walk over to the unguarded food table and snatch up an armful of goodies before heading over to another bonfire.

His crew and the rest watch him go. Before any of them can say anything though a bored sleepy voice speaks up.

"He's right. Law will come back when he's ready. Besides no one has ever escaped our captain's charismatic draw, I doubt the guy that actually won his heart will." Zoro says with a yawn and promptly rolls over and snuggles into Sanji's side before immediately falling back to sleep.

Dead silence follows for a short three seconds around the crackling fire before all but four people let out high pitched screeches of "HUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" The cigarette falls from Sanji's mouth and he turns to stone, Chopper, Nami, Usopp, Marco, and Brook's mouths open so wide they lock into place with their eyes bugging out. Sabo gives a soft smile, Ace starts mumbling under his breath. Robin grins like a Cheshire cat while Franky pushes his nose and pops his blue hair into a giant heart. Jimbei's mouth is slightly open in a stunned expression and he simply can't form words.

Meanwhile an oblivious Luffy is chomping down meat at the other campfire while the majority of his crew's brains short circuit from the new knowledge that their captain is in love.

(End flashback) Present Time

Luffy may have acted okay with Torao's decision at the time, but now three months after Wano he really misses him. His crew members do their best to distract him and he noticed how they'd been more lenient towards some of his antics since then. Sanji even doubled his midnight snacks.

Sabo had actually called via snail phone a few days ago saying the Heart Pirates had finally found a safe place to stay. Sabo never told him Torao's location and Luffy didn't ask knowing he won't get an answer because Sabo doesn't know either.

Sabo always calls Luffy after his conversations with Torao and the Heart Pirates. Every time the snail phone rings, he dashes to it hoping its his brother with news of Torao. When its not, Luffy gets a dejected look on his face and his favorite foods are suddenly served for dinner.

Its while Luffy is lost in thoughts of his beloved Torao that a shadow falls over him. He leans his head back to see the smiling face of Robin.

"Luffy, can you come down to the kitchen with me please. There are some things I think we need to discuss." She says sweetly.

"What things?" he questions confused.

"Some things about your future." She replies.

"Mmm, don't want to." He replies flopping down on his back in a spread-eagle position.

"That's too bad, Sanji-san made some lovely desserts from that new fruit we found yesterday, but if you don't want to join us, I suppose we'll get to eat them all without you." She says regretfully.

"No way!" Luffy shouts jumping up and bounding for the kitchen.

Luffy dashes through the kitchen door with a loud bang demanding food. He is met with a boot to the face that kicks him into a seat beside Franky who's already munching on a shiny purple fruit tart.

"Sit first Luffy." Sanji scolds handing a perfectly arranged plate to Robin as she glides through the door and takes her seat.

In total the present crew members are Sanji, Zoro, Franky, Robin, and of course Luffy. Luffy grunts in frustration but takes his seat and is promptly given an entire tart of his own. Luffy's eyes turn to giant stars as drool flings from his mouth tongue already darting out, to lick the shiny sugary glaze. They all eat in silence for a second exchanging nervous and questioning glances as if daring someone else to break the silence. Finally, after Luffy has scarfed down his second tart and three cups of accompanying purple juice Sanji speaks up.

"Luffy, umm, well, you're in love with Law, right?" Sanji starts face a little red in embarrassment at what he is trying to convey.

"Yemfp." Luffy says through a mouthful of food.

"And your both guys…." Sanji starts a bit lost.

"Mm-hm" Luffy nods swallowing down his oversized bite.

Sanji fiddles with his unlit cigarette sense of shame and dignity at war in his mind. He really doesn't want to have this talk with his captain, but for the sake of his future they all took a vote and decided it was necessary to give their captain some sexual education. And for the record he had been against him and Zoro being in on this little discussion, however as the only gay couple on board, they had been forced to be a part of this awkwardness.

"So, you see, um, do you know how two people have intercourse?" Sanji asks wanting to go dig a deep deep hole, jump in, and cover it with a damned mountain.

"What's intercourse?" Luffy asks tilting his head to the side fruit jam smeared on his cheek.

Sanji buries his flaming face in his hands willing himself to combust and die.

Beside him Zoro finishes his last bite of tart with a reverent lick and sets his fork down.

"Sex Luffy, intercourse is another name for sex." Zoro says smiling at his lover's obvious uncomfortableness.

"Oh, yeah I know how people have sex." Luffy replies easily, his hand stretching for the pitcher of juice.

Sanji groans from his slumped over position refusing to raise his flaming face.

Robin chuckles behind her juice glass enjoying the chef's agony. She takes pity on the poor man and begins the interrogation of Luffy anew.

"Do you know how two men have sex together Luffy?" she asks gently and a bit curiously.

"Ah, not exactly. I've seen Sanji and Zoro a few times through the window or when I walked in on them doing it. But I couldn't get the best look." Luffy admits nonchalantly picking his ear.

"Oh my fucking God." Sanji whimpers sinking into himself.

Zoro pityingly pats his back. Its true Luffy (and other crew members) had definitely stumbled upon them in less than descent situations and extremely awkward positions (Sanji's really flexible, of course they'll take advantage of that); even still, admitting it aloud instead of silently closing the door or falling off the ladder to the crow's nest, is too heavy a blow to the sensitive chef's heart.

"I see." Robin replies setting her cup down and leaning back into Franky. "And how much about sex between men and women do you know? Have you had sex with a woman before?" Robin continues to question.

"Nope, didn't want to. Didn't want to have sex with a guy either." Luffy states plainly sneaking out fingers towards Sanji's half eaten tart piece.

"But you want to have sex with Law, right?" she further questions interlocking her hands and leaning on them to stare at Luffy.

Luffy's sneaky digits halt in their tracks and he goes uncharacteristically silent. There is a long pause before he speaks, so long that Sanji actually lifts his head to stare at his captain too, whose face is screwed up in a serious look.

"I want to have sex with Torao, but Torao has to want it too." Luffy finally replies. "If he doesn't then we won't."

His crew is surprised by his reply.

"Right on bro." Franky announces with a grin and moves his arm around Robin. "Your partner's consent is always the most important thing."

Robin smiles beside Franky. When they'd first decided to become lovers, Franky had been very forward in seduction, but when it came to actual intimacy, he'd been an extreme gentleman. Before they got to serious, he had asked if she even wanted to have intercourse with him considering his robotic body. While he was super perverted, he knew most people wouldn't be attracted sexually to his modified body and because of that he offered her the choice of a none sexual romance. Robin had refused of course and showed Franky just how much his consideration meant to her.

She is glad that Luffy holds the same consideration for Law. Across from them Zoro's face takes on a slightly guilty look. His and Sanji's relationship had not started as rainbows, smiles, and roses despite their being soulmates unlike Franky and Robin, in fact it had been a rougher start because of it. It was all okay now, but if he could he would have made different choices back then.

"Luffy if your serious about pursuing Law in the future then you need to learn how to safely have sex with him. Sex is an incredibly enjoyable act, but if done wrong it can irreparably hurt or traumatize your partner. This is even more so for sex amongst men." Robin tells him voice authoritative.

"I don't want to hurt Torao." Luffy replies eyes a bit worried.

"Good, then let's begin, please pay attention closely." With that Robin slides out some papers with sketches on them and begins to lecture.

For the next three hours all four engage Luffy in sexual education. Positioning for beginners, proper lubricant application and amounts. Adequate levels and details of foreplay and its importance. How to give and receive a blowjob without harming your partner. Observation during anal fingering and how to feel for the prostrate. Thrusting pace and deepness of penetration. When to allow a recovery break and when to push your partner directly into the next round. Pros and cons of using condoms versus doing it raw.

Sanji lost most of his shame and reservations after discussing foreplay and seeing the far to detailed drawings Robin had produced for the occasion. Barely an hour in and he was arguing with Zoro and Franky about the best position to take your partner in for the second round.

Luffy was uncharacteristically attentive during the discussion and asked a lot of questions and looked at the drawings several times and questioning finer details. By the end of it they were all a bit heated and exhausted, but pretty sure Luffy had a good understanding of intercourse between men. Franky however gave the best advice at the end.

"No matter what just remember sexual preferences are different for everyone and you and Law need to discover together what works best for the both of you and experiment with all kinds of sex from there." Franky says with a lascivious grin.

Sanji kicks everyone out so he can work on a late dinner, he forces Zoro to hang back and help with prep work the swordsman's hands latching onto his ass the moment the door shuts.

Franky and Robin retreat to the workshop below and Luffy wanders back to the figurehead his mind swirling with new thoughts, but as before they all center around a gray eyed, nodachi wielding, tattooed man.


Months trickled by for the Strawhat crew. New islands, friends, and epic battles filled their days along with laughter, companionship, hardship, sorrow, and new discoveries. Sabo still checked in every few weeks and sometimes he had updates on Law and the other Heart Pirates. Luffy and the rest always listened with delight at how their former alliance members were doing on their hidden island.

When Sabo shared the news of Law getting new crew members in the form of rambunctious twin teenage mermaids, they were all surprised. Law didn't take in new crew members easily and none had been this young before. Sabo reported they'd found them floating adrift, and inflicted with a disease similar to Law's Amber Lead Syndrome. After curing the twins and them regaining consciousness, Law had asked them to join his crew.

'How very uncharacteristic of Law." Robin comments, "He doesn't trust others easily yet he took them into the crew he is desperately hiding from the world."

They didn't dwell on that knowledge to much at first. But with every new report on the Heart Pirates from Sabo the stories of Zoa and Marell increase, and so did the mentions of their closeness with Law.

During this time the papers also explode with more accusations about who has Luffy's soulmate mark. The truth about Ivankov having another person's name on his chest had finally come out, so naturally gossip had spread and hundreds of others were now claiming the title of "Monkey D. Luffy's soulmate". Some idiots had gone so far as tattooing a fake soulmark of Luffy's name, but once the navy caught them and tried tattooing over that same mark it was proven false.

Luffy always showed no interest in the rumors and pretenders, he liked Torao so even if he had a soulmate it didn't matter. Soulmates weren't required to be together; it was just the world's way of saying this could be the best partner for you.

"You know I'm surprised none of the Barto Club members have claimed to be Luffy's soulmate." Nami comments reading through yet another false soulmark claim in the newspaper.

"Ah, I asked them about that." Usopp replies peeking over her shoulder, "They said as Luffy's true fans none of them would dare claim to be his soulmate unless they actually were."

"Considering Luffy didn't even notice his soulmark until after he was mostly healed from the battle of Marineford it could literally be anyone whose name ends in a "v" or "w" he met in that timeframe." Brook comments from his spot drinking tea next to Nami on the deck.

"That's true, but honestly with the amount of reward money the navy has out on his soulmate, I'd get rid of the mark right away. The marines won't treat a well-known pirate's soulmate kindly, no matter how innocent they are." Usopp says shaking his head.

"I agree, yet people are still risking their lives in order to try to claim the reward or pretending to be his soulmate to earn respect and fear like those fools that posed as us at Sabaody Archipelago." Brook comments.

"Well whoever Luffy's soulmate is, hopefully they're smart enough to get rid of the mark or go into hiding. When Luffy becomes Pirate King the whole world will be after his soulmate." Nami replies setting the paper down on the table.


Pirate King. He still likes being called Strawhat Luffy, but Pirate King does sound amazing too. He'd been claiming to be the next for a long time after all, its just he wants to hear that title spoken from one person in particular. Luffy had called Sabo and relayed the news even before the newspapers could announce it. The Alliance members had also quickly spread it amongst everyone involved with Luffy.

It had been a rough couple of months prior with the navy losing its shit trying to capture any and every mer person or fishman. Then there was the siege of Fishman island by the marines. Luffy hadn't been able to come to their defense at the time but his allies were and they'd managed to keep the government bastards from invading and even set up a permanent barrier of enormous sea beasts thanks to Princess Shirahoshi. No marine or pirate could get to Fishman island now without her permission.

Sabo had called back an hour later with news from Torao.

"Luffy, Law said he and his crew will come to the banquet celebrating you becoming Pirate King!" Sabo declares happily.

"YES!" Luffy screams back into the snail receiver hopping around happily on the deck his crew both listening in and watching their captain's antics. "Torao is coming! Torao is coming!" Luffy rejoices.

"Ha ha, I'm thrilled too Luffy." Sabo replies but then his voice goes a bit serious. "Um Luffy, Law actually said he wouldn't come at first."

Luffy's dance of joy stops mid fist pump and leg kick and he flops to the deck.

"HAH!" he yells shocked. "Why?!"

"Listen Luffy, I think Law might have found someone to be with." Sabo says tentatively.

"Be with?" Luffy questions as his crew creeps in closer around him to better hear Sabo.

"I'm pretty sure the reason Law wasn't going to come see you is because it would put this person in danger, more than he was willing to let them be in." Sabo explains.

Luffy's whole face falls.

"Torao likes someone?" he asks voice a little subdued.

"Yeah, he told me he found something he can't risk losing and that coming to see you was too great a risk." Sabo tells him. "His tone was one I've only ever heard from someone talking about a loved one."

The Strawhat crew members start to panic. Usopp's eyes are darting everywhere, Chopper is trying to think of how to make a cure for lovesickness, Sanji is already planning a meal to help heal his captain's heart. Nami is thinking about collecting Law's bounty, Franky much like Robin is remaining calm but exchanging worried looks. Brook is going through a list of heartbreak songs he knows, Jimbei is shaking his head sadly on the side, and Zoro is wondering if Luffy will need to punch a mountain to take out his frustration or just a few sea kings.

"Did he say who?" Luffy asks voice low, his face shadowed by his straw hat.

"No, I think it's either someone on the island they're staying at or.….. it could be Zoa or Marell his new crewmates." Sabo replies hesitantly.

Dead silence fills the air as those words sink in. Sabo's reports from Law had been filled with stories of Zoa and Marell. Supposedly the twins are 15 maybe 16 years old right now, but age doesn't really matter in relationships, certainly not to pirates. Law had always been a reserved and private man, but he did take in two people he'd barely known a few hours into his crew, which was way out of character, (Jean Bart didn't count because he'd had prior knowledge of him).

"Luffy I know you're in love with Law, but if he actually has fallen for someone else- "

"Sabo." Luffy calmly cuts his brother off. "I'll ask Torao when we meet."

Sabo pauses on the other end of the line and they hear a sigh and a small chuckle.

"Okay Luffy." Sabo gives in.

The rest of the call is kept away from mentioning Law and his potential love interest. On the side Robin sits drinking a cup of citrus tea as her captain chatters with his brother. What Sabo said makes sense, but she'd always thought Law was interested in Luffy too. That's why she'd pushed for teaching Luffy sexual education. With this new information she's no longer sure, love can change over time after all. Still, she can't shake the feeling that Law is being misunderstood. She swirls her tea contemplatively. They'd find out soon at the celebration when the Heart Pirates showed up.


Luffy had been over the moon when he heard Torao and the Heart Pirates are sailing to meet him and his crew. Finally, finally he could see Torao again, he isn't dwelling on what Sabo said because until he hears it from Torao himself it isn't true. He'd been so excited and bouncing around with expectant energy that more than one crewmember had screamed at him to settle down. He'd had dozens of sparring matches with Jimbei, Sanji, and Zoro to try and burn off energy, but no matter what he did his body kept up a jittery feeling and he just has to do something.

Then that den den mushi call had come in. Luffy remembers being in the middle of deflecting Zoro's swords with armament haki when Usopp suddenly burst out of the ship's door. His face was ashen and his knuckles were white from his grip on the poor snail phone.

"Luffy! Its Sabo, its urgent and it's about Law!" Usopp calls his voice carrying over the clang of swords.

The battle immediately ceases and Luffy rockets over to Usopp, he grabs the snail phone and talks into it.

"Sabo?" he demands into the trembling creature.

"Luffy," Sabo's voice is tired and distressed, "Law's submarine was attacked by a shit ton of marine ships. They had a devil fruit user that blew holes in the Polar Tang even underwater. Law and his crew were outnumbered and the damn bastards were willing to sacrifice their own subordinates to get him. All the Heart Pirates made it out alive but they're severely injured. Jean Bart and Bepo are still in comas. Law said they had no choice but to return to their base island instead of continuing to meet up with me."

"That's it, were sailing out to get them ourselves!" Luffy declares his eyes blazing.

"Luffy you can't. The Navy has gone even crazier since you've become Pirate King, they've been attacking any and all pirate ships in any area. Even Kidd and Cavendish's ships have been under assault and a lot of others in the Alliance. The marines are declaring all-out war against you and anyone related to you Luffy. I know you want to see Law, but Law and his crew will be safe on their island. Right now, you need to go help your other alliance members that desperately need you." Sabo reprimands him.

Luffy's face screws up, but he knows Sabo is right. And it's true they'd received a call for help just that morning and are already sailing towards the source of the distress call. Luffy is beyond furious and the only way he can quench his anger is by beating the source of it into a bloody pulp and once he's done that, then he'll sail to meet Law.


It's a couple weeks after that when Sabo once again calls with news on Law for the Strawhat crew.

"Torao is sailing an island to meet us?" Luffy questions into the snail phone confused.

Around him his crew has similar looks of confusion.

"No Luffy, apparently the island he is staying on has a few special characteristics. I told you about the barrier before, well Law just found out the island can actually move once every fifty years to a specific destination or person. He said the island has been locked onto you and the whole thing is now slowly traveling to meet you."

"So cool!" Luffy declares.

"Yeah, it is, there is just a few drawbacks though. While the island is moving no one can enter or leave it, also somehow the moving messes with the den den mushi's reception. You only hear every few words and the call can suddenly drop. Law said that on cloudy days the snail phone won't transmit calls at all. It took me over four hours just to get basic information from him." Sabo says frustratedly.

Robin takes the snail phone gently from Luffy before speaking a question into it.

"You said the island has locked onto Luffy, does that mean that no matter where Luffy goes the island will always be heading to where he is like a compass pointing north?" Robin inquires excitedly.

"Yeah, that's exactly it. Even if he was hit by Bartholomew's devil power right now the island would just change course and head straight for him again." Sabo explains.

"So once were done we can head for Law's position and meet him sooner." Nami concludes with a nod already thinking up possible distance calculations.

"About that." Sabo starts his voice a little hesitant. "Law said he doesn't want you guys to try and meet up with them. He and his crew want to train on the island similar to what Luffy did with Rayleigh for a while. Apparently, the island created a terrain for them to increase their abilities and even brought into existence creatures called yeti that are experts in haki usage." Sabo reports.

"That's amazing!" Chopper exclaims.

"Does this decision also have something to do with his crew's change in bounties Sabo-san?" Brook asks leaning over Luffy's shoulder to be better heard by the transponder snail.

"Yes. I'm assuming you have copies." Sabo replied.

"Yep." Franky replies pulling the sheaves of paper from a hidden compartment in himself.

"All their bounties went up by a minimum of 10 million. And the starting bounties of his two new crewmates are ridiculously high, 90 million apiece. They weren't able to get pictures of Zoa and Marell so they just have general drawings shown like Sanji's previous one, but it's clear they're young mer people with blond hair, blue eyes, and blue tails."

"That's not good." Usopp says shaking his head.

"How accurate are these pictures anyway?" Sanji asks taking the two sheets form Franky.

The images are somewhat generalized, his previous photo had been hideous, but the artist had definitely thought the twins attractive and it reflected in the details of their faces. But there were no real distinctive characteristics to recognize them by other than their coloration.

"Ah, Law said Zoa is way prettier than her picture and Marell is far cuter and manlier than his." Sabo replies.

Sanji could believe it, the mermaid's they'd met before were very beautiful, though the mermen had been more manly than pretty. Marell's sketch actually looked like a duplicate of Zoa's but with short hair and a flat chest.

In front of him Luffy's mouth twitches into a frown. They still don't know the relationship status between the twins and Heart Pirate Captain, but the crew and Sabo were respecting Luffy's decision in waiting to ask Law about it in person. Of course, this doesn't mean they don't notice the telltale signs of jealousy their captain unknowingly displays at the mention of the twins. Nami quickly steers the conversation away from the potentional love rivals focusing on other crew members and future courses to meet other alliance crews.