
DM Grimm In Game Stories

My players and I play d&d games. I decided to turn some of the stories into books. I do hope you enjoy. If you are interested and would like to join our games. My discord CountryGrimm#3800

DMGrimm · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Evils of Ghostsummit - 5

Pan: "Hey boss this is, ooof was he really worth that much? Was he that much of a high-ranking spell caster? I'm guessing it was a pretty fine."

Ares: "Yes."

Pan can notice Ares is not completely telling the truth and could guess it is more to buy his loyalty. Then actually what the individuals were worth.

Pan: "Well now that I got all this gold uh I think uh I think the boss can use some fresh equipment right I think."

Pan would reach into the chest, take out two gold bars, and hand them to Ares.

Pan: "That is my investment in our fortress. You could tell me to go back to the town, and I can order some new things. I'll get myself some new equipment. So next time when we want to capture, I don't know. Maybe ten spell casters at once. I could be ready for it, you know?"

Ares takes the bars and smiles with excitement.

Ares: "That often was too generous."

Ares would get up and place the two bars on top of a chest, laying about in his tent. Pan proceeds to take his chest back with him to the town he started and tries starting up an information business.

My player & I thought an event killed the story too soon. But a rabbit got pulled out of the hat & the show kept going.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the event of how the game turned out.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DMGrimmcreators' thoughts