
DM Grimm In Game Stories

My players and I play d&d games. I decided to turn some of the stories into books. I do hope you enjoy. If you are interested and would like to join our games. My discord CountryGrimm#3800

DMGrimm · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Kraken Summoned - 1

The players and DM that helped make this story happen.

Discord users

Knee (Jack) Simic Hybrid

Vin (Sorakai) Half-orc

Gala (Abigaile) Tiefling

Garfield (Jake) Drow

Dog (Largo) Halfling

Dippy (Tar) Half-orc

DM Grimm the Dungeon Master

The party consisted of a Simic Hybrid Barbarian, Drow Bard, Tiefling Warlock, Half-orc Artificer, Half-orc Bard, and Halfling Rogue. A group of adventurers was walking along the beach and came across an individual washed up on the shore. Notice quickly across the individual's body a weird-looking tattoo of an eight-legged sea creature. The bard could make out that it's probably an octopus or a squid creature. The barbarian quickly leans over the washed-up individual and begins to give CPR, pressing too hard on the passed-out individual. The sounds of bones can be heard, breaking amongst the group.

Abigaile: "Oh god, don't stop it, please stop it, you're going to kill the man."

Jack: "Oh, what's a few broken bones."

Jake: "Since you don't think that he is dead, dead man?"

Jack: "Well, he is not waking up from the pain."

Abigaile: "Did you check his pulse?"

Tar reaches down and places his hand across their neck.

Tar: "I feel no pulse. I think he is dead."

Tar begins to feel something off.

Tar: "He's not dead. He's not dead."

Jake: "Oh, he's not?"

Tar: "No!"

Jake: "Heal this man with my words."

Largo reaches down quickly to grab the stranger's dagger away from them. As the wounds begin slowly closing, the stranger takes in a giant gasp of air, clenching their chest.

Jake: "Come on, it is not the end of the world yet. You're not dead."

Sorakai: "Oh my god what did you do to me?"

Sorakai's eyes open and see a dressed up, elf standing over them, wielding a lute.

Jake: "You're not dead yet. Come on, come on, get up."

Sorakai reaches beside him, hoping to grab his glaive.

Sorakai: "Yo, back up! I'm not with it."

Jake: "My friend, I just helped you. I healed you. It's all good."

Abigaile: "Are you okay?"

Sorakai: "I will be alright. What are you guys doing on this island?"

Abigaile: "We just happened to come along. We came from the northeast, and we just came across this little town. Your blessed ass. What were you doing on the ground, all knocked out?"

Sorakai: "Oh well, let's just say. Something happened to me. I don't remember."

Abigaile: "Would you care for some water? I've got fresh water."

Sorakai: "How about some alcohol? That would be nice."

Jake: "My friend, my friend."

Largo: "Oh, you got some too. Okay."

Largo and Jake would take out their flask of alcohol, handing it over to the stranger. All of sudden, off in the distance could be heard people freaking out and scattering on the other side of the dunes. The group begins looking around. Across the water could be seen a ship docking at one of the piers. Ruff-looking individuals begin unbarking from the ship, running after villagers. Manage to corral two of them on the beach shore. The water begins to become restless. A weird-looking individual rises from the water with patches of barnacles across their skin and two looking tentacles hanging off where their checks should be.

Jake: "Oh sweet divine, what the fuck is that?"

Jack: "Looks like pirates."

Sorakai: "Nah! Not quite the opposite, my friend. That is the royal navy."

Sorakai begins to let out a soft laugh.

Tar: "Unacceptable."

Jake: "This is no good. I don't like seeing this done to people. No, I have to stop this."

Jake begins to rush off to help the villagers, with Tar following shortly behind. Largo rushed off to find somewhere to hide. Sorakai hurries after them trying to catch up. Jake loses his footing, causing them to slip in the sand and fall.

Sorakai: "Listen, don't go running off against the royal navy. Otherwise, you're gonna end up as a prisoner too."

Jake: "But what they are doing is wrong, friend."

Sorakai: "No, what they are doing is completely acceptable considering that most of the people here are evil. I'm not saying that you guys are, but uh yeah they're probably here to capture some undesirables."

Jack: "Are you sure that's the royal navy?"

Jake looks over to Sorakai's face to see their reaction. But do to the sun in Jake's eyes. Could not make out the heads or tails of the situation.

Sorakai: "The reason for their arrival, their planning on having their god pass judgment on these villages. Maybe we should not interfere and let them leave on their own accord."

The Kraken Priest raises their palms facing up words and arms half bent.

The Kraken Priest: (Aquan) "I call upon The Princess of Evil Water. We have arrived at the village and offer these two souls in your honor. We let you judge them how you see fit."

Sorakai: "Yeah, so those two are prisoners, and yeah like I said, the royal navy's taking them uh looks like oh okay yeah um yeah these two prisoners are really bad they killed a shit ton of people. So now they're gonna get executed because of it."

Jake: "But they looked like they were going to be executed."

Sorakai: "Uh well you know I never really understood it but yeah you know when you commit certain crimes you know your life is pretty much forfeit at that point. Especially if it's killing uh a shift on a woman and children like those two over there."

Sorakai reaches his hand out words pointing at the two villagers surrounded by the ruff-looking individuals. Jake's head turns quickly to see if they look like killers, Sorakai suggested. Abigaile makes her way over and hears the conversation taking place. Waiting to see what will happen next. Jack and Tar begin to walk away from the group, hoping to make a difference and are stopped by Sorakai.

Tar: "Let's confront this man."

Sorakai: "The royal navy isn't exactly, uh nice people, and someone of your stature might uh invoke, I don't know a response."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DMGrimmcreators' thoughts