
DM Grimm In Game Stories

My players and I play d&d games. I decided to turn some of the stories into books. I do hope you enjoy. If you are interested and would like to join our games. My discord CountryGrimm#3800

DMGrimm · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Evils of Ghostsummit - 4

Pan: "I guess he really didn't take care of you, did he?"

Pan pulls his dagger from the bird's beak.

Pan: "You get your shinies in a minute. Once you beat this mother fucker, right."

Pan reaches around the bird and grabs the rope still dangling around its neck. Then heads back down the hill to the make-shift camp, noticing that Star had left, with the water skin laying on the ground. Pan bends down, looking for a set of tracks. A light breeze picks up muffles the set of tracks. Making it impossible.

Pan: "Man I told him to stay there."

The flightless bird looks to the ground for a moment. Then picks its head up and begins to peck at Pan's dagger. Pan looks up to the sky and begins to pray.

Pan: "Hey man, I need some help. Because uh, you know dumbass elves can't stay in one place."

The winds begin to pick up slightly and whispers into Pan's ear.

God: "That he knows the truth."

Pan: "He knows the truth, how?"

Pan gets on the back of the flightless bird and rides it in the direction of town. A short time passes and comes across Star using his staff as a walking stick across the desert. Pan rides right behind Star firing a crossbow into Star's back. Followed up, having his whip slashes across Star's back. The arrow gets lodged farther into Star's back, causing him to fall face-first into the sand. Pan quickly gets off the bird's back, casting a spell to sprout berries to form in his hand and dropping one into Star's month to stables him. Pan reaches back around to the flightless bird and begins cutting the rope into smaller sections. Enough to tie Star up, then processed back to the bandit camp. Following the trail, the guards would see Pan has come back with Star.

Guard 1: "Open the gates! He brought back the individual himself."

The gates begin to open up, Pan continues inside and places the flightless bird into a pin. Then grabs up Star over his shoulder. The gate doors begin to close. As Pan carries Star to Ares's tent, the two dogs follow shortly behind growling.

Ares: "I see that the plan did not go according to plan."

Pan: "Yeah, he tried to run. But don't worry boss, our cash isn't getting away from us that easy. That's why you got me."

Ares: "I see. Well, you are very sneaky, and just so you know, I'm afraid that one day you will betray me."

Pan: "I'm not gonna betray you, boss. I nearly wanted to sell this little bastard and move on. Why do you think you sent me to the town in the first place? You sent me to find people for you. Why would I kill you? You're a source of currency. Are you not?"

Ares: "Maybe so, but eventually, everyone wants my seat."

Pan: "Man, I don't want your seat, I don't want to be the leader of everybody, I just wanna be able to make money, and at this point, this is the easiest way to do that."

Ares: "What is that the thing you suggest to prove? Uh, you don't want it?"

Pan: "I mean I could have snuck into the camp at night killed you. You know I didn't look like another person. I could have just blended in with the nomads and started a coo. Slit your throat while your dogs went outside by the way I might add or I could have uh taken the elf to another bandit camp somewhere else and uh you know said screw you. But I decided to come back because I mean, come on. Where can I find another bandit camp around here? Also, uh he proceeds to, uh he proceeds to show him that I get into five rations of this little bastard took his rations gave it to you sabotaged his waterskin. So he could not get away, um how much more proof could I have? Huh, let's see, oh, the biggest one of all, I have a giant poisonous snake. I mean, if I wanted to kill you. It could have happened right now. Your dogs mean nothing to me. I could kill your dogs, I could take you on right now one-on-one. I could kill you. But I choose not to that's, your proof."

Ares: "I will take your word. Just so you know, I will have an eye on you in the future."

Pan: "Do what you want. It's just let me hell if you're so paranoid about it. Just give me missions, send me into the town. I'll keep bringing people magic users, fighters, or more animals. Keep me as far away from this camp as you want. I'll always come back. I'll give you more."

Ares: "It's all right. Let's have this grand feast and wait for our friends to come back and enjoy the night."

Pan: "Ah, also before we start the feast. Do we have any anti-venom?"

Ares: "Yeah, but he won't die."

Ares grabs an empty bottle and throws it across his tent, shattering as it hits a pole holding the tent across the ground, getting the goons' attention, waking some in their tents. The goons would rush over and begin tripping over their own feet and stakes in the ground keeping the smaller tents up.Pan: "Make sure you take away any spellbook or wands shit away. Lock him uptight. Make sure the restraints on him and don't argue."

Ares gives his goons' a glare in their direction. The goons' eyes would quickly look to the ground.

Ares: "You heard him!"

Each goon begins to carry him one by the legs, one by his arms, and one holding him in the middle of his body. The dogs would proceed to follow behind. Time passes on. The feast takes place, rolling through the night into the next day. The goons that were sent out never made it back. Pan would walk over to Ares and collect his reward. A silver jug sitting on top of a chest. Pan opens up the chest and notices ten gold ingot bars.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DMGrimmcreators' thoughts