
DM Grimm In Game Stories

My players and I play d&d games. I decided to turn some of the stories into books. I do hope you enjoy. If you are interested and would like to join our games. My discord CountryGrimm#3800

DMGrimm · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Evils of Ghostsummit - 3

Pan continues walking up the side of the hill to the gatehouse entrance. His skin begins to change to a ruff-looking individual. Pan gets closer and closer to the entranceway. Pans eyes would come across a guard looking out towards the nomads and then shout.

Guard 1: "Open the gates!"

The guard begins to wave their hands in the air, and gates, begin to open up. Pan picks up his pace and walks through the gate as if he would belong there. As the nomads and Pan make it throw the gates, their eyes would come across tents housing ruff-looking individuals. The gate doors slammed shut behind them. Pan noticed one of the nomads having authority among the group as they split from the other two nomads to place the flightless bird into a pen. Pan waits for the leader of the nomads to walk into the tallest tent. Following shortly behind and sidesteps into the corner of the tent to hear what's going on. The nomad walks into the center of the room. Pan would begin to see two dogs laying on either side of this rough individual sitting in what looks to be a throne seat. The dogs continued gnawing on bones. The tent is littered with small trinkets and chests scattered around.

Ares: "Welcome to my humble abode out in the middle of nowhere. I see that the perfect timing we can get down to business and have a grand feast together to celebrate this great occasion of another successful trade."

Pan: "Right, hey boss, I got a question. Well, actually."

Pan walks closer to Ares.

Pan: "I got some info for you. I think you might like."

Ares: "What are you saying? Get on with it. When I discuss giving this nomad his reward."

Pan: "I got a good catch boss, an elf I believe he is, and he is a spell caster."

Ares: "I guess no grand feast after all."

Ares claps his hands. The dogs would get up walk around the nomad and Pan's sides as the dogs headed outside.

Pan: "I met him in the town I went through his pockets cut his rations in half. I got most of them."

Pan reaches forward, handing Ares the five rations.

Pan: "I managed to steal this off him. Oh uh, here's you're cut. Because you know you always had three percent tax. So I'm going to give you all the gold I got off of him, ten gold. Discipline or water and I plan on leading him in here tonight. So we can uh, you know take what belongs to him, and possibly I'm thinking. Since he's a spellcaster, you're probably something for a high bidder. So he thinks that I'm just in here spying. But I came here to warn you. As to what he is and when he's thinking. We're gonna attack this place. Which is gonna be at night."

Ares jumps up from his throne.

Ares: "Boy you always talk too much in front of our guests!"

Pan: "O well, if they think to know what we are. Then they understand what business is and if they think about telling anybody that. Well, I might have to um."

Pan turns to look at the leader of the nomads, looking into their eyes.

Pan: "They won't, dare tell our secrets to anyone else. They know better."

The nomad places his right hand over his heart and agrees with a nod.

Pan: "Besides I'm here to only sure you. If they have a problem with that. Well, then I will kill them for free. No extra gold intended.

Ares sits back on his throne and relaxes, pointing into the opposite corner Pan stood in, gesturing that the nomad can gather what was agreed upon and leave. When the nomad leader makes it to the exit, two more nomads step around their leader, grab up a crate each, and then proceed walking out. Off in the distance could be heard the gatehouse doors opening and shutting closed.

Ares: "Now that prying ears are not around. That maybe we should get ready for this trap you have set."

Pan: "Have a guy in the tower watch my position I'm gonna walk back uh to where we are, so just keep eyes us."

Pan, tries to point ruffly in the direction of south-south-west.

Pan: "That's about this direction is where we made camp and where I came from and where he still is so north of the northwest, the northeastern tower should be, occupied so you can see us coming in."

Pan would then head back out and walk up to three individual tents and kick three goons' feet.

Pan: "Wake up get your ass up! We got a mission for you."

The goons begin to get up and look disappointed as they begin to walk out of the tents.

Goon 1: "What do you want?"

Pan: "I need you to petrol the other part of the gate, as soon as I walk in with my target. You block off the exit. Do you understand me?"

Goon 2: "Will see."

Pan: "No we are not gonna will see!"

Goon 1: "Will you step aside?"

Pan steps out of the way back into Ares's tent and changes his facial fetchers back into a younger adventurer. Will the three goons gather their belongings and head out the gate up and closing behind them. Pan follows shortly behind. Walk around Ares's tent to the backside pausing for a moment, looking at two barrels filled with water, and decides to use them to step on and give him a setup to get over the wall. Pan would begin to flip his body over the wall, his clothes get caught, and having him sway in the air. Pan decides to grab his dagger. As Pan grabs his blade, his sweaty palms keep him from holding a good grip, and the blade falls to the ground. Pan thinks to himself for a moment and comes up with an idea. To rip his clothing, as he does, and land on his knees. His eyes would come across a bird stopping for a moment to steal his dagger. Pan would notice it is the same flightless bird he had friended.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DMGrimmcreators' thoughts