
Divine Pet Evolution

In a world where mythical creatures and magical beings coexist with humans, the extraordinary Jiang Cheng finds himself reincarnated with the ability to sign up for a lottery that grants him powerful abilities and creatures. With his love for games, his improved memory, and his unwavering determination. As Jiang Cheng navigates through the challenges and setbacks of this fantastical realm, he encounters a variety of mystical creatures, from the elusive sacred dragon to the enchanting Ning Wanyue. Along the way, he discovers the secrets of the world and discovers his own destiny.

Jean_Greig · Eastern
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30 Chs

Chapter 9

"That's what you're wrong, I often come here to test because I want to be a martial artist, but I haven't succeeded, and for three years, I haven't even been rated as a junior martial artist."

Jiang Cheng's tone was slightly regretful, and he handed the ballpoint pen to Lin Qiuyue.

However, the moment Lin Qiuyue took it over, she took her hand back like lightning.

Jiang Cheng was slightly stunned, just now, what was the feeling like an electric shock? Could it be that the instrument is leaking?

Not only him, but Lin Qiuyue also felt as if she had been shocked, and there was a slight difference in her heart.

looked at Jiang Cheng's gaze, and they were a little dodgy.

"No, you know this machine so well, how can you not be a martial artist, you must be bragging and deliberately lying to me." Lin Qiuyue pouted, looking a little unhappy.

She felt that Jiang Cheng must not want to tell her because he was not familiar with her.

But after thinking about it, she and Jiang Cheng are not related, why should she be angry?

"Ugh." Jiang Cheng saw Lin Qiuyue's appearance and sighed, "Sure enough, talented people, no matter how they hide, can't hide them, they can't keep a low profile, such a life is really desperate."

Seeing that Jiang Cheng suddenly changed into a narcissistic appearance that was not cleaned up, Lin Qiuyue suddenly gave him a blank look, and she was also a little funny in her heart.

Jiang Cheng is very handsome, although he may be dressed ordinarily, but he still can't hide his handsome appearance.

There is a sense of self-confidence all over his body, he is young, but he gives people a sense of reliability and stability, and he is still a little humorous, Lin Qiuyue can't help but have a good impression of Jiang Cheng.

If you can meet a handsome and humorous powerful warrior, even if you can't be a lover, you can be a friend.

If her parents knew that they had made a high-ranking martial artist because they worked here, they would be very happy.

She hid from her parents, gave up studying, and came here to work, once her parents knew that she gave up studying in order to make money, she would definitely be scolded to death.

If she makes a friend of a high-ranking martial artist because of this, it will not be necessarily, and her parents will definitely change their opinion of her, and maybe they will support her work.

"Test it out." Lin Qiuyue couldn't wait to know what kind of strength Jiang Cheng was.


At this time, several men had already come to the strength testing room, and they were also ready to come forward to test.

Lin Qiuyue originally wanted to see Jiang Cheng's strength, but at this time, she could only fulfill her duties and help them register.

"Oh, the new girl, hello, get to know me, my name is Li Yuan, and I am a martial artist." The man named Li Yuan felt a little surprised the moment he saw Lin Qiuyue, and hurriedly stretched out his right hand, wanting to say a polite greeting to Lin Qiuyue,

but Lin Qiuyue avoided him.

Li Yuan was not embarrassed, withdrew his hand, and looked at Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Cheng? I said that the back is a little familiar, it turns out that it is really you, why, you came to test again?

Jiang Cheng nodded politely, and said shamelessly, "Yes, in life, you must not let go of any opportunity to manifest the saint, you know, a person like me, not coming out to walk the rivers and lakes, it is a big loss for the society."

Li Yuan,

who greeted him, was naturally known by Jiangcheng, who was also a resident of Qingshan Community and a classmate in Jiangcheng's class.

However, compared with the poor family background of the entire Qingshan community, Li Yuan's family background is much better, Li Yuan's father is a wealthy businessman in this area, and his family assets exceed 10 million.

Li Yuan was born with a golden key since he was a child, and he is a top student of Tianhai University with the support of his family.

Compared with Jiang Cheng, Li Yuan has been bathing with quenching liquid since he was a child, plus various precious medicinal materials, so it is natural for him to become a martial artist.

Even so, Li Yuan's personality is not the kind of arrogant second-generation son, except for being a little arrogant, he is still more polite.

Although Jiang Cheng is not familiar with him, they are all classmates, and when he looks down and doesn't look up, Jiang Cheng's tone will naturally be more casual.

"Damn, you're still so shameless." Li Yuan was speechless at Jiang Cheng's narcissism, but he still persuaded him bitterly, "You and I are both classmates, let me say a word, don't blame me for saying ugly words, Jiang Cheng, give up,

the road of martial arts is not something you can take." Li Yuan patiently persuaded, "Don't waste time,

do you know how much time and resources it took me to become a junior martial artist?"

"Twelve years!" Speaking of this, Li Yuan seemed to remember some painful experience, and his whole body trembled.

"Do you know, on the cost of quenching body fluids and medicinal herbs, a whole million was spent!"

"I think it's okay, with all this time, you still have to focus more on your studies, in fact, if you are good at liberal arts, you can become a scientific researcher, and the treatment is also good."

"And scientific researchers don't have to go to the battlefield yet, and the salary is good, so why bother—" "


With a muffled sound, Jiang Cheng's fist slammed into the strength tester.

Suddenly, the display screen of the strength tester began to beat continuously.






In the end, it was fixed at the value of 473 before stopping.

The strength tester only takes the highest value, so this result is Jiangcheng's final strength value.

In other words, Jiang Cheng has crossed the strength of three hundred catties and has become a junior martial artist!

Of course, this was because Jiang Cheng didn't use his skills, he just watched the increase in the strength of the Divine Dragon, and he wanted to try the other skills of the Divine Dragon.

And when the numbers kept rolling, Lin Qiuyue's heart also kept beating.

When Li Yuan and Jiang Cheng were talking, Lin Qiuyue knew that she had guessed wrong, Jiang Cheng was not a martial artist, and his previous words were not modest, they were all true.

This made her feel a little disappointed in her heart, after all, she pinned her hopes for changing her parents' views on Jiang Cheng.

Now that I suddenly heard the news, it must be false to say that I am not lost.

After seeing Jiang Cheng start the test, she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, she hoped that what Li Yuan said was false, or that Jiang Cheng was just hiding his strength.

But the first set of numbers on the digital display told her that it was unlikely.

The lower limit is too low, the first beat, at the number of 37 catties, the general upper limit will be around 150 catties, and it will rarely exceed 200 catties.

In other words, Jiang Cheng is indeed not lying, the strength of 150 catties is not up to the standard of 300 catties of a junior martial artist, he is indeed not a martial artist.

It wasn't until the number was fixed at 476 that she was stunned by the huge surprise.

476, that's almost to reach the intermediate martial artist!

Intermediate martial artists, in the eyes of ordinary people, are already high-ranking big shots!

You must know that there are only five people in the entire Qingshan community, which can reach the level of junior martial artists.

Among them, there are four people who are all about forty years old, and their qi and blood have gradually declined, and it is unknown whether they can guarantee that they can keep their status as junior martial artists before the age of fifty.

With so many resources piled up, Li Yuan in front of him was able to reach the level of a junior martial artist at the age of eighteen.

Although Jiang Cheng didn't reach the intermediate level, he wasn't far behind.

This is tantamount to dumping them a lot!

"Okay, Jiang Cheng, it's hidden." Li Yuan was a little surprised, and his heart was slightly shaken.

You know, it took him twelve years, millions of quenching fluids, and twelve years of physical training to reach the upper limit of 308 catties!

Jiang Cheng was actually able to hit a power value of 476, at first, he thought he was wrong, until he confirmed it several times and found that the machine was fine, he didn't dare to confirm it.

"It seems that the attitude towards Jiangcheng will change in the future." Li Yuan thought secretly in his heart.