
Divine Pet Evolution

In a world where mythical creatures and magical beings coexist with humans, the extraordinary Jiang Cheng finds himself reincarnated with the ability to sign up for a lottery that grants him powerful abilities and creatures. With his love for games, his improved memory, and his unwavering determination. As Jiang Cheng navigates through the challenges and setbacks of this fantastical realm, he encounters a variety of mystical creatures, from the elusive sacred dragon to the enchanting Ning Wanyue. Along the way, he discovers the secrets of the world and discovers his own destiny.

Jean_Greig · Eastern
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30 Chs

Chapter 8

In the Qingshan community where Jiang Cheng lives, there is an instrument to test his strength, and he plans to test it first, and then evaluate the title of a martial artist, which will be safer.

His body is actually quite suitable for cultivation, but because he is too poor and has no money to buy quenching fluid, his extreme strength has not reached 200 catties until now.

However, with the blessing of the Divine Dragon, it is naturally different.

"Jiang Cheng, came out so early to find something to do?"

Along the way, there were also some people like Jiang Cheng, who were forced by life to get up early to seek a living, looking in a hurry, and after seeing Jiang Cheng, they greeted him with a smile.

"Jiang Cheng, didn't you just go to deliver the goods at night, why did you get up so early today?"

"It's Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin is good, I'm not going to deliver the goods, I'm just going to test my strength." Jiang Cheng responded politely.

Uncle Lin is a bald uncle who lives next door to him, although he is bald, he has not become stronger.

But he is kind-hearted, and when Jiangcheng is in trouble, Uncle Lin often helps him.

Jiang Cheng still respects him very much.

"Test the strength? Alas, you kid still hasn't given up. Uncle Lin sighed, helpless against Jiang Cheng.

The people in the community basically knew that Jiang Cheng wanted to be a martial artist, but most people scoffed at Jiang Cheng's idea and thought he was whimsical.

However, Jiang Cheng didn't like others to persuade him, and after a long time, they gradually gave up persuasion.

Jiang Cheng, who is only eighteen years old, is very mature in his mind, not like an eighteen-year-old boy at all, so they are also very relieved.

They thought that after a long time, Jiang Cheng would always recognize the reality and obediently accept the fate of being an ordinary person.

"You should always give it a try." Jiang Cheng smiled disappreciably.

The two passed by, and Uncle Lin, who had just finished the evening shift from the unit, looked at Jiang Cheng's back and sighed again, "What a good boy, it's a pity that I can't recognize the reality." Shaking

his head, Uncle Lin didn't bother to care, young man, it's always good to have a little dream.

When he returned to his rental house, Uncle Lin found a beautiful girl squatting in front of Jiang Cheng's house, as if waiting for Jiang Cheng.

Knowing that Jiang Cheng went to the strength testing room, Uncle Lin naturally couldn't let this girl wait in vain, but he was also a little envious, Jiang Cheng's kid was really blessed.

"Little girl, you're here to find Jiangcheng?"

Xu Yu turned his head in surprise, glanced at Uncle Lin, and saw that Uncle Lin's clothes were shabby, his hair was bald and his face was greasy, and he suddenly felt a little disgusted, "You live next door to Jiangcheng, tell me, where did Jiangcheng go?"

"Jiang Cheng..."Uncle Lin didn't want to answer the question of the promise, after all, the promise was too rude.

However, after glancing at the clothes of the promise, he knew that the promise was either rich or expensive, and his identity was definitely not simple, and he did not dare to offend, "Jiang Cheng has gone to the strength testing room."

"Did he go to the strength testing room?" Xu Yu was even more surprised, "Sure enough, this guy Jiang Cheng has been hiding his strength. He

didn't bother to pay attention to Uncle Lin, and promised to go directly to the strength testing room in the community.

At this moment, in the strength testing room of the community, there is only a woman about eighteen years old who is debugging the instrument.

After Jiang Cheng walked in, he looked at the woman who was debugging the instrument, and his heart moved slightly.

He had been here many times, and he had been greeted by a middle-aged man, who seemed to be new.

However, he is familiar with the process here, and if he changes someone, it will not affect him, as long as he follows the process.

Taking a step forward, Jiang Cheng came to the tester and wanted to pick up the pen and prepare for registration in the registration book.

"Wait a minute, it's not work time yet, you can't register yet, or you should go to the seat over there and sit for a while." The woman came to Jiang Cheng and reminded her a little timidly.

This is Lin Qiuyue's first day at work, and she is usually timid, so she is a little shy.

But this is a position she has applied for with great difficulty, and she can't let others break the rules on the first day of work.

With her mother fired from her job by the supermarket owner, her father breaking his leg at the construction site, and a younger brother to support, she can't afford to let anything go wrong.

"Here we are." Jiang Cheng glanced at the wall clock hanging on the wall and said lightly.

"What's coming..."Lin Qiuyue subconsciously looked at the electronic watch in her hand, "Oh, it's really here, what should I do, I haven't debugged the machine yet, what should I do, what should I do, I will be scolded to death if the owner knows it."

Lin Qiuyue was a little anxious, like an ant on a hot pot, hurriedly debugging the instrument, and the result can be imagined.

"Peng" sounded.

The instrument is smoking...

"It's over..."Lin Qiuyue had the heart to commit suicide, and she was a little depressed.

Her family conditions were already not good, her father was injured again, the family had no financial resources, and sooner or later she would be kicked out by the landlord, and it was difficult to find a good job with a good salary.

But now, everything was messed up by her, Lin Qiuyue's eyes were slightly red, and her heart was extremely bitter.

"I'll do it, I'll fix it for you." Jiang Cheng put down the ballpoint pen that was ready to register.

"Will you fix it?" Lin Qiuyue subconsciously wanted to stop him, she was afraid that Jiang Cheng would get worse and worse, and it would be even worse if she made her lose money at that time.

But Jiang Cheng had already started to debug, and Lin Qiuyue finally withdrew her hand stupidly, with a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Who knows, in Lin Qiuyue's surprised look, Jiang Cheng quickly debugged the instrument.

With a "drop", the machine starts running and works perfectly.

"Wow, you're amazing! How did you do that? Thank you, why are you so familiar with the instrument? Were you a former employee here? Lin Qiuyue looked at Jiang Cheng with some astonishment, with little stars in her eyes, and asked a few questions in a row.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's proficiency, he simply threw her a few streets, for her, Jiang Cheng's operation is the same as a divine skill.

You must know that the operation of the strength testing instrument is very complicated, and many operations require accurate calculation data, but she studied for a month before she barely got started.

"It's not, the reason why I'm so familiar is because I test here a lot." Jiang Cheng explained, and was about to register, but accidentally bumped into Lin Qiuyue, who was coming next to him and preparing to steal the teacher.

Lin Qiuyue was suddenly hit with a full bosom and almost fell out, but fortunately, Jiang Cheng was quick, grabbed her waist, and took her back.

Subsequently, he fell into his arms...

There was a warm touch, and a faint aroma came, and then, it suddenly disappeared, making Jiang Cheng slightly lost.

"Ahh I'm sorry. Lin Qiuyue hurriedly apologized to Jiang Cheng, and then her face turned red, she now has the heart to die headlong, just now she just wanted to go over and secretly teach, who knew that this kind of thing would happen.

Growing so big, it was the first time she had such close contact with a boy, and her heart couldn't help but beat at the moment.

"It's okay, I hit you, what are you apologizing."

Frankly speaking, Lin Qiuyue's figure is still good, with a sweet face, a face full of collagen, milk-like skin, illuminated by a blazing white light, with a faint luster, and her legs are straight and slender, she is simply a leg essence.

However, compared to the more mature dress promised, Lin Qiuyue gave people the impression at first glance, which was very green.

Jiang Cheng estimates that Lin Qiuyue should be the first love object of many male compatriots' dreams, with a sense of innocence.

"I'm sorry, I've just been working for a short time, and I'm not proficient in these instruments, I'm sorry, I was supposed to debug the instruments and let you test them, but it turned out that you helped me so much, I thank you."

Lin Qiuyue was a little at a loss, looking at Jiang Cheng's eyes, remembering what happened just now, her face suddenly turned red again, in order to hide herself and prevent Jiang Cheng from discovering her embarrassment, she had to bow to Jiang Cheng.

"It's okay, you let me register first." Jiang Cheng reminded helplessly.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I forgot, you should register quickly, there may be more people in a while. Lin Qiuyue hurriedly let go and handed the ballpoint pen to Jiang Cheng.

"By the way, you come here a lot to test, you must be very good, right?" Lin Qiuyue couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart, in her mind, Jiang Cheng could often come to the test, it must be a very powerful martial artist.

Lin Qiuyue couldn't help but look forward to Jiang Cheng's test results.