
Divine Pet Evolution

In a world where mythical creatures and magical beings coexist with humans, the extraordinary Jiang Cheng finds himself reincarnated with the ability to sign up for a lottery that grants him powerful abilities and creatures. With his love for games, his improved memory, and his unwavering determination. As Jiang Cheng navigates through the challenges and setbacks of this fantastical realm, he encounters a variety of mystical creatures, from the elusive sacred dragon to the enchanting Ning Wanyue. Along the way, he discovers the secrets of the world and discovers his own destiny.

Jean_Greig · Eastern
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30 Chs

Chapter 10

Not only him, but several other men were also surprised by the result.

They are all over 30 years old, and their qi and blood have begun to regress, but until now, they have not even reached the threshold of a junior martial artist.

For Jiang Cheng to be able to hit the upper limit of 476 catties, they were really a little surprised.

Unlike Li Yuan, Jiang Cheng has nothing, and his family is poorer than them, which shows that Jiang Cheng has either gained some adventure, or he is a hidden master.

But no matter which one it is, it can't change the fact that Jiang Cheng has surpassed them, and martial artists need to be respected, which is the unchanging truth.

Suddenly, several people looked at Jiang Cheng's eyes, their eyes were very hot, and they wanted to step forward and stammer.


Jiang Cheng suddenly punched again, and this time, he activated the skill of the divine dragon, the dragon attached.

As a coercion emerged on Jiang Cheng's body, Jiang Cheng's whole person, giving people the feeling that it became very terrifying.

Several people found that the Jiangcheng in front of them was like an ancient fierce beast, wanting to choose people and devour them, and their breath became very fierce.

"Boom!" the cortical sensor made a loud and dull noise.

Then, the display began to jump continuously.

"179. "

"372. "



It wasn't until the runout reached 732 that the value of the display froze.

"This..." Li Yuan was a little dumbfounded, very stunned in his heart, and took a deep breath, wanting to recover his mood.

This time, he may have to re-examine his relationship with Jiang Cheng.

I'm afraid it's not enough just because of the friendship of classmates.

The strength tester can't be faked, Jiang Cheng's strength is genuine, no matter what he hid his strength before, he is worthy of their respect.

"Wow, Brother Jiangcheng, you are amazing!" Lin Qiuyue glanced at the name on the registration book and shouted loudly in surprise.

Seeing Lin Qiuyue's reaction, this made Li Yuan a little surprised, this girl just now seemed to be a little cold to him.

Why is he so enthusiastic about Jiang Cheng, is this the gap brought about by strength?

For the first time, Li Yuan had a deeper understanding of the word strength.

This made him even more confident in making friends with Jiang Cheng.


There was another loud bang, and this time, it almost seemed to hit everyone's hearts in the testing room.

Everyone was immediately drawn by the numbers on the display screen and looked at each other.

"46. "

"72. "

"199. "

"372. "


To the surprise of Li Yuan and others, this time the result did not seem to be so satisfactory? Shouldn't it be higher and higher?

Several people were somewhat disappointed in their hearts.

Although 499 is also very high for them, and they can only look up from afar, the shock of 732 just now is too great for him.

Compared with the current 499, do they think Jiang Cheng has withered, or is there something wrong with the strength tester?

Jiang Cheng, who was standing in front of the strength tester, didn't care so much, he was here to test his skills, not to perform.

At the moment he has tested two skills, the dragon attached, and the dragon scroll.

The skill of dragon attachment can allow the strength of the divine dragon to be superimposed on his body again and obtain all the strength of the divine dragon.

Now this skill is still level 0, and it can only stack one-tenth of the strength of the dragon, and because the dragon is too weak, the increase in strength is not much.

If it is level nine, he can superimpose 100% of the strength of the divine dragon, that is to say, in addition to the dragon god transformation, he can also rely on the dragon attachment and superimpose the power of a dragon.

Tatsunado, on the other hand, is the force that can drive the wind and tear through the armor.

You must know that the flesh of many fierce beasts is strong, and their bodies are as hard as iron, even comparable to some alloy steel, which can not be easily penetrated.

With the skill of Tatsumaki, he can use the power of the wind to tear through the armor of the beast on the basis of punching.

As for the other skills, he probably understood some of them without testing.

Dragon Flame is naturally a power that can drive fire, and it can attack while attaching the power of burning.

Longteng, naturally, is the power that can drive the water, with the long and continuous water potential.

The dragon language seems to be able to understand the language of the dragon clan, and for now, it is just a chicken rib, and it may be useful in the future.

Reverse Scale, he can't use it for the time being, it seems to be a passive trigger type of skill.

"It seems that I have misunderstood Shenlong, Shenlong is not a parallel import. Jiang Cheng muttered softly, which made Shenlong, who was staying in the system space, feel the urge to hammer him up.

All the skills, after having a preliminary understanding, you only need to test the power of the dragon god transformation, and that's it.

His current strength value, 32, every bit of strength, converted into 10 catties of strength, that is, an ordinary blow, can reach 320 catties of strength, when he is full strength, he has already tested, it is 476 catties.

I don't know how many will be under the full force of the Dragon God Change?

Thinking of this, he didn't talk nonsense, directly carried the dragon god change, and smashed it out with one punch.


There was a deafening sound, and even the glass of the entire strength testing room was shaken, startling everyone in the strength testing room.

Then, once again, focus on the screen of the strength tester.


When the first value beats, several people's hearts almost jump out, this lower limit, it is very likely to hit thousands of values!

"425. "

"732. "


"1235!" "Poof!"

A man had just drunk water that was spat out, but he didn't bother with it, but stared blankly at the numbers on the screen, speechless for a while.

"Our Qingshan Community, are we going to produce a high-level martial artist? No, we are going to produce the first spirit master?"

The condition for the transfer of the spirit master is that he needs to reach the level of a senior martial artist, and after submitting the spirit pet, he will sign an agreement with the spirit pet to finally evaluate the title of spirit master.

This premise, Jiang Cheng did it!

"This..."If before, Li Yuan's opinion of Jiang Cheng had only changed, but when he saw Jiang Cheng beat a strength of more than an intermediate martial artist and 500 catties, he became a friend.

Now, seeing this value that surpasses the strength of a high-level martial artist of 1,000 catties, in his heart, there is only looking up and stammering.

"In the future, Jiang Cheng is afraid that he will not surpass the promise and become a man of the hour!"

Jiang Cheng didn't test the use of the dragon god transformation to superimpose the power value of the dragon attached, because he had just discovered that the sensor of the strength tester seemed to have been cracked by him...

Needless to say, the hardness of the strength tester is that after decades of experience, scientists have researched, continuously improved, and updated, so that today's eighteenth generation of strength tester is here.

Its flexibility can be compared to a strong mangniu tendon, which can withstand a maximum of 3,000 catties of strength!

Jiang Cheng guessed that it should be that when he was testing the tornado skill just now, the strength tester was torn apart by his fist wind.

Fortunately, the damage is not great, and his current strength is not strong, if he used the dragon god transformation just now, superimposed the power of the dragon attachment, plus the tornado...

This strength tester may have exploded.

Thinking of this, he was satisfied and prepared to leave.

Testing these skills was particularly expensive, his body was already overflowing with sweat, his whole body was slightly weak, and... Extremely hungry.

However, just as he turned around, he found that the people in the strength testing room were all looking at him blankly with dumbfounded expressions.

On his right-hand side, a towel was suddenly handed over.

"Brother Jiangcheng, I'm tired, wipe your sweat. "