
Divine Pet Evolution

In a world where mythical creatures and magical beings coexist with humans, the extraordinary Jiang Cheng finds himself reincarnated with the ability to sign up for a lottery that grants him powerful abilities and creatures. With his love for games, his improved memory, and his unwavering determination. As Jiang Cheng navigates through the challenges and setbacks of this fantastical realm, he encounters a variety of mystical creatures, from the elusive sacred dragon to the enchanting Ning Wanyue. Along the way, he discovers the secrets of the world and discovers his own destiny.

Jean_Greig · Eastern
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30 Chs

Chapter 11

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng took the towel handed over by Lin Qiuyue, there was a pattern of a loving pig on it, and there was a faint scent of roses on the towel.

Jiang Cheng said, "This is your towel?"

"Hmm." Lin Qiuyue lowered her head, answered softly, and then turned around and hurriedly ran to the water dispenser, ready to pour a glass of water for Jiang Cheng, as if her heart was about to jump out.

Of course, pouring water was not the purpose, but she was timid and didn't dare to face Jiang Cheng, for fear that he would see her blushing.

Jiang Cheng wiped his sweat with a towel, and he was not polite, he wiped it on his face, he was soaked with sweat, he was indeed a little uncomfortable.

"What are you all looking at me for? My handsomeness is not worthy of your attention, and, Li Yuan, you know, I am a very single-minded person, I only like girls all my life, and I am still a beautiful girl.

Jiang Cheng gestured with both hands, and finally, looked at Li Yuan, "So, don't try to covet my body, and don't look at me with your squinting eyes, ojbk?"

"I understand, I understand, come, Brother Cheng drink water." When Li Yuan heard Jiang Cheng's words, he hurriedly nodded continuously, took the mineral water that had been prepared a long time ago, and handed it to Jiang Cheng.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, why did I just throw a few punches, why was Li Yuan stupid?

It's actually called Brother Cheng?

Li Yuan is at school, that is the male god in the hearts of many girls.

Although he is usually relatively low-key, as a martial artist and a leader among his peers, he used to just say hello politely when he saw him.

In addition, Li Yuan should still reject him in his heart and don't want to be with him.

Counting, in addition to the friendship of classmates, in terms of relationship, it is just a nodding friend.

This attitude is changing too fast, right?

Is this the change brought about by a high-level martial artist?

It's kind of cool...

Jiang Cheng was not hypocritical, took the water handed by Li Yuan, and poured it violently.

"Brother Cheng, I have booked a private room at Qingshan Restaurant, and I heard that the food there is good."

"Especially the signature dish Tianyun Mang beef there, it is said that when it is served, it is like a white cloud, which melts in the mouth, and the beef also contains aura, which can increase strength, and it will definitely make you linger after eating, and you will go to rub it for a while, how about it?"

Seeing that Jiang Cheng took his water, Li Yuan was overjoyed in his heart.

Being able to pick up his water means that he is willing to associate with him, which is definitely a great news for him.

If he let his father know that he had befriended a future spirit master like Jiang Cheng, he would definitely be impressed by him, and maybe his pocket money would increase tenfold!

"Forget about eating, I'm covered in sweat and a little uncomfortable." Jiang Cheng took the towel given by Lin Qiuyue and kept wiping it.

Although he heard that Tianyun Mang's beef can increase his strength after eating, and it also contains aura, if Shenlong eats it, he will definitely recover some strength, and then he can go further.

But after thinking about it, he still tended to rely on his own efforts and spend his own money to buy it for Shenlong to eat.

Wanting to take a bath is also an excuse to shirk.

"It's okay! I'll make a phone call and ask the waiter to prepare a private room for Brother Cheng to bathe, what do you think? Li Yuan finally made Jiang Cheng feel a little good about him, how could he let go of this opportunity.

Without waiting for Jiang Cheng to answer, he had already taken out his smartphone and dialed a call, and with a burst of conversation, a hint of joy appeared on his face.

"That's it, Brother Cheng, let's go." Hanging up the phone, Li Yuan came to Jiang Cheng's side with a smile on his face and waited.

"It's fine, but let me state first, I eat a lot, so you'd better bring more cash." Jiang Cheng was so gracious that he had to agree.

I have to say that the children of rich families are indeed poorer and more sophisticated than Jiang Cheng, and they also know how to seize any opportunity.

If it was Jiang Cheng, he would have some scruples about his self-esteem and couldn't pull it off, but for Li Yuan, as long as there were enough interests, even if he turned his face on the spot, it was not impossible.

"It seems that in the shameless world, there is still a long way to go." Jiang Chengtian sighed shamelessly.

"No problem!" Li Yuan swore and patted his chest and promised, "Brother Cheng, let go of eating, if I, Li Yuan, dare to frown today, I will never find a girlfriend in the future."

Hearing Li Yuan's assurance, Jiang Cheng glanced down at him, then at his strong biceps, and said leisurely, "You have sound hands, don't make this poisonous oath, let's go."

Li Yuan: "..."

The two left the strength testing room under the envious eyes of others.

Of course, the other people also wanted to tie up Jiangcheng, but after seeing Li Yuan go up, they retreated stupidly.

Li Yuan's father is a local tyrant in Qingshan Community, and this move is to go to Qingshan Restaurant to open a private room, and even open a private room for bathing, their little financial resources, forget it.

"Ahh Next to the water dispenser, there was a sudden scream.

Lin Qiuyue didn't dare to let Jiang Cheng see her red-faced, so she pretended to pour water there.

It's just that her mind is not on pouring water, but she has been on Jiang Cheng.

I didn't pay attention, I accidentally turned on the hot water, and my hands burned.

It wasn't until she overflowed that she suddenly realized.

When I looked at my right hand, it was already hot and red.

But none of these can compare to the loss in her heart.

Because when Jiang Cheng left, he didn't greet her.

She was thinking in her heart that a character like Jiang Cheng might not be seen in the future, maybe it was just her wishful thinking.

Ignoring the eyes of the others, Lin Qiuyue came to the registration desk with some loss, ready to continue to perform her duties, and began to roll call.

I took out a ballpoint pen and was about to start selecting my name, but I found that there was a particularly atmospheric line written on the bottom of the registration book.

"Your towel is very easy to use, very fragrant, I will take it and use it first, and return it to you when I have time - Jiang Cheng."

"Ahh He actually took my towel? Lin Qiuyue had a hint of joy on her face and showed a sweet smile.

Quickly tore off the part of the registration book with Jiang Cheng's handwriting, carefully wrapped it, and put it in the pocket of his jacket.

After taking a deep breath and calming down her mood, Lin Qiuyue began to name names.


Leaving the strength testing room, Jiang Cheng followed Li Yuan, called a taxi, and was about to get into the car.

A familiar voice suddenly appeared behind him, it was the promise that he was going to find Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Cheng, Li Yuan? Where are you going? Xu Yu was very surprised, looking at the appearance of the two, it seems to be very good?

Although Li Yuan is low-key, he belongs to the arrogance of a martial artist, there should always be it, Jiang Cheng is not a martial artist, Li Yuan is like this, not like his usual personality.

Could it be that Jiang Cheng finally stopped hiding his identity?

"It turned out to be the big school flower of our school who promised, tsk, this figure is really enough for me to drool for several years." When Li Yuan saw the promise, he immediately quipped.

Although there is a gap between him and Xu Xu's family background, the circle of rich people is so big, they always have to meet, so in private, they can be regarded as friends who talk about each other.

"Don't be poor, tell me where you're going?" Xu asked with some curiosity.

"Oh... It's okay, it's just that there is something to do with Jiangcheng. Li Yuan looked at the carefully dressed appearance of the promise, and was a little vigilant in his heart, and the flattering smile towards Jiang Cheng gradually disappeared, and his face was straight, and even the title changed.

Of course, this was his intention, promising that his family background was better than him, and he also had the innate advantage of being a beauty, so he naturally couldn't let her see that he was in Jiangcheng.

Otherwise, with the eyes of promise, he would definitely be able to guess something, so he couldn't be guarded.

"So that's the case, then can you slow down first, I also have something to find Jiang Cheng."