
Divine Pet Evolution

In a world where mythical creatures and magical beings coexist with humans, the extraordinary Jiang Cheng finds himself reincarnated with the ability to sign up for a lottery that grants him powerful abilities and creatures. With his love for games, his improved memory, and his unwavering determination. As Jiang Cheng navigates through the challenges and setbacks of this fantastical realm, he encounters a variety of mystical creatures, from the elusive sacred dragon to the enchanting Ning Wanyue. Along the way, he discovers the secrets of the world and discovers his own destiny.

Jean_Greig · Eastern
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30 Chs

Chapter 12

"Do you also have something to find Jiang Cheng?" Li Yuan glanced at Xu Yu in surprise, and his eyes became more vigilant.

"What's the matter, Sister Nuo's words don't work, Xiao Yuanzi?" Xu Promise noticed the reluctance in Li Yuan's eyes, and suddenly felt unhappy, and called out all the nicknames he had ridiculed in private.

"This..."Of course, Li Yuan refused to hand over Jiang Cheng, but when he heard that Xu Yu had a private nickname, he knew that Xu Yu was angry.

"Eh, I said you, can you get on the bus? I've seen a lot of scenes of two men fighting for a woman, and this is the first time I've seen a man and a woman fighting for a man. The

taxi driver was waiting impatiently, and kept urging, "Don't say, you guys act quite alike, don't tell me, what kind of big man is he, you are all vying to invite him to dinner?" "Could it be the soul master who just subdued the Divine Dragon and ranked first?"


"Shut up!"

Li Yuanhe took out a martial artist medal that shone with cyan light at the same time, and it showed up.

The taxi driver was startled when he saw these two tokens.

Hurriedly apologized to Yang Shou, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it turns out that you are all martial artists, you talk, talk casually, even if you talk until you are old, I will wait for you."

"Li Yuan, how does my sister usually treat you?" promised to take back the Martial Arts Medal, and turned his gaze to Li Yuan's body, trying to force him to agree to himself.

"Li Yuan, go eat, I'm hungry. Jiang Cheng didn't have the patience to watch them arguing here, so he interrupted them directly.

"Oh, okay, let's go, master, go to Qingshan Restaurant. Li Yuan played a trick, and after getting into the car with Jiang Cheng, he walked away.

"Jiang Cheng, do you hate me so much!" Promise stomped his foot suddenly, stomping the red bricks of the sidewalk cracks.

Looking at the departing taxi, Xu Promise kept grabbing his hair angrily, and his face was very unhappy.

At the same time, he was also guessing in his heart, what did Jiang Cheng do to make Li Yuan stutter like this, could it be that he was an intermediate martial artist?

Only an intermediate martial artist can make Li Yuan so cautious.

As for the high-level martial artist, she couldn't believe it, after all, at her age, she was only an intermediate martial artist.

At this time, the community maintenance staff suddenly ran over, "Miss, you have destroyed public property for no reason, violated Article 148, and need to be fined 2,000 yuan, are you WeChat or Alipay? If you don't have any, I can recommend you a small loan..."

Promise: "..."

How could I be so unlucky!


Sitting in the taxi, Li Yuan explained to Jiang Cheng vigorously, "I'm sorry, Brother Cheng, I'm sorry just now, I was disrespectful to you in the title, Brother Cheng must not take it to heart."

While smiling, Li Yuan was also a little refreshed in his heart, he had a good breath just now.

This promise is usually better based on his family background, and when he talks to him, he has always been arrogant, because the two families have business dealings, and his father has also told him in private, don't offend the promise.

As a result, as long as he promised to call out his nickname, he would not dare to refute it.

Today, I finally looked at Brother Cheng's face, rubbed her sharpness fiercely, and looked at Xu Yue's expression that was almost suffocated like an old chrysanthemum, Li Yuan's whole person was so happy that he didn't want it.

"Do you see my kind of stingy person?" Jiang Cheng spread his hands, looking indifferent, looking very generous and decent, "I will pack two more servings of Tianyun Mang beef in a while."

Li Yuan: "..."

Li Yuan spit out a mouthful of old blood in his heart, and the comfortable mood that he had just found from Xu Yu's body suddenly lowered by two hundred grades, his face became chrysanthemum-like, and his smile gradually couldn't be loaded.

A serving of Tianyun Mang beef, that's 2,500 yuan! That's 10 days of living expenses!

"I'll go, brother, I know how to do it, Tianyun Mang beef is the signature dish of Qingshan Restaurant, the color, the fragrance, the taste..."

"The price—" The taxi driver suddenly interjected, and couldn't help but gesture with excitement, but as soon as he talked about the price, his voice gradually lowered...

"Anyway, eat once, 2500! I want half a month's salary... Poor people like me can't afford to eat.

Along the way, the driver introduced countless delicacies to Jiang Cheng with his unique voice, and Jiang Cheng's stomach was about to protest.

This taxi driver is not very good at chatting, he is actually chatting awkwardly all the way, but even if Jiang Cheng just smiles politely, he will be very excited.

Jiang Cheng could see that the reason why this taxi driver was like this was just to have a more sense of presence in front of him.

So Jiang Cheng also chatted with him without saying a word.

When Li Yuan was ready to pay for the bus at Qingshan Restaurant, he was rejected by the driver.

"Eh, I'm too late to be happy to catch a big man like you, how can I collect the money? Take it back, take it back, a little money. The taxi driver looked at the hundred-yuan bill in Li Yuan's hand painfully, swallowed his saliva, but still didn't pick it up.

Instead, he took out a business card from the small box and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "Little brother, this is my business card, not me blowing, who in this area doesn't know the name of my car god, Black Whirlwind Li Hei, if you need a car in the future, look for me at any time, on call!" "Eh, what are you doing!"

Li Yuan knew that it was not good as soon as he saw his action, and immediately wanted to stop it, he finally spent such a big price to get the opportunity, you want to be the first to get there by saving a fare?

There are no cracks in the door!

But at this time, Jiang Cheng suddenly spoke, "Car God Black Whirlwind Li Hei?"

looked at Li Hei's face that was blackened into coal, " It's pretty dark, I don't know if it's a whirlwind, it's really on call?"

Li Hei gave a thumbs up and promised, "Absolutely on call!"

"Eh, Brother Cheng, this guy just wants to slap you, don't fall for him, if you want a car, I'll immediately ask my dad to get you a BMW to drive, the formalities are complete, and you can get on the road as soon as you arrive, what do you think?"

"Eh, it's all my family, don't be so stingy, give me a chance, you usually sit in a BMW, if you encounter any emergency, call me, what do you think?" Hearing Li Yuan's words, Li Hei's face turned dark, and it became even darker...

Despite not having any advantages, he still did not give up and wanted to save it.

Like Li Hei, Li Yuan naturally didn't want others to cut off his beard, and wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Jiang Cheng, "Forget it, Li Yuan, it's not easy for everyone, I also came here like this, I can understand his mood, it's just a business card, I'll accept it." "

"This... Well, since Brother Cheng has spoken, I won't say anything, I respect Brother Cheng's decision.

Li Yuan saw that Jiang Cheng said this, so he had to shut up, he didn't want their relationship to be unpleasant because of a taxi driver.

"Thank you Brother Cheng! Thank you Brother Cheng!" Seeing that Li Yuan, a big man who was about to stammer, really accepted his business card, Li Hei couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

"Don't call it that, it feels weird. Jiang Cheng was speechless for a while, and was called brother by an uncle about forty years old, frankly speaking, Jiang Cheng was the first time and very uncomfortable.

"Okay, Brother Cheng.

"..." Jiang Cheng was too lazy to correct it, and got out of the car with Li Yuan.

However, on the way to get out of the car, Li Yuan was pulled over by Li Hei.

"Tell me about it, what kind of character is it?" asked Li Hei cautiously.