

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

Emanuelle12 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 1206 Looking for Dashun, looking for a chance

Chapter 1206 Looking for Dashun, looking for a chance

Fang Jinse shook her head helplessly, and said to Yue Xin, "How is that possible?"

"Then why..."

"Do you think he will really set us free when he says he wants to set us free? Let me tell you, as long as we show the slightest emotion of being happy because of freedom, our family members will immediately be in extreme danger. He The reason why I say that is just to test it. If our hearts are tied to our adoptive parents, how can we help them wholeheartedly. Yue Xin, you used to understand better than me, but now I am clearer than you. This palace church You have taught me many things, such as dealing with this Duanmu Anguo, you remember, no matter what happens, no matter what he says, in front of him, never show your closeness to your family. Just like me today, always like this. "

Yue Xin took a breath, and suddenly realized that she was too careless, just like what Fang Jinse said, she saw it more clearly before, why did she get fooled after entering the palace? Today is so dangerous, it is only a little bit short of being seen as a flaw, or... her performance has been seen as a flaw, the reason why Duanmu Anguo did not touch her is to hope that she can help Fang Jinse hide him together good. If there is no need for her, Yuexin believes that with Duanmu Anguo's viciousness, she will be put to death immediately, and she will never show mercy just because she is of his own blood.

She sighed and said, "In the beginning, he asked me to follow you so that he could monitor you, but now I'm the one who drags you down. Miss—" She looked at Fang Jinse and said calmly, "If one day If I make things difficult for you, or because my existence affects the survival of you and your family, then kill me and don't block your own way."

Fang Jinse frowned and looked at her: "Why do you say that? Just for the performance just now? Yuexin, you are a smart girl, and if one time is bad, it doesn't mean that the next time will be bad. I believe in you, and you also have to believe in me. We have to work together Overcome this difficulty. Whether we can live or not depends on our wisdom and luck."

Yuexin nodded, and suddenly became suspicious, and asked Fang Jinse in a low voice: "Miss, have you ever thought about whether we are the daughter of Duanmu Anguo? It has always been what they say, but what if we are not?"

Fang Jinse smiled wryly, "So what? He still arrested our family members and threatened us to do things for him. Does it have anything to do with being a daughter? He didn't regard us as relatives at all, but It's just for use. I hope that after the use is over, we can save one life and the lives of our loved ones. Now—" She turned cold, took a deep breath and said: "We can't always be passive, we want to If you want to survive, you can't completely count on other people's charity, you have to fight for opportunities for yourself. In addition..." She touched the corners of her lips, "This palace also taught me that if you just keep getting beaten, you are a fool. A smart person should learn Take advantage of the opportunity, jump up and bite the opponent back. Yuexin, let's go and pay the empress a peace."

Since Fang Jinse helped the queen once in the case of Concubine Wu, the relationship between the two has improved a lot. Originally, Chun Yuqing was very concerned about the concubine who threatened her. Although she didn't love Li Jian, her position as queen was unshakable. She had to clear all obstacles for herself and her future children, and she must not let the so-called favorite concubine There is a chance to stand up. Therefore, she tried her best to suppress Concubine Wu, and she was always careful about other concubines showing signs of pregnancy.

But when it was Fang Jinse's turn to appear, the situation had changed a lot. It wasn't that Chun Yuqing didn't want to fight anymore, but that she had already seen that Zong Sui's power was about to run out and the country was about to disappear, so what was she still fighting for? Therefore, when Fang Jinse caught up with the good times, he and Chun Yuqing could become friends, and they could let go of all their grievances.

She came to the queen this time mainly to ask if she could use Chun Yuqing's power to protect her family. After all, Duanmu Anguo was in Zong Sui's territory, and he was right in saying that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and even if Zong Sui was going to die, he wouldn't be done right away. Could it be that a great country that has existed for hundreds of years, the power of the royal family, and the power of the Chunyu family can't deal with a Duanmu Anguo?

Of course, she would never tell the queen that Duanmu Anguo is in the palace now. Before she can guarantee the absolute safety of her family, she must keep her mouth shut about Duanmu Anguo.

Fang Jinse spoke very cryptically, but mentioned that her family was not safe outside and hoped to get help from the queen. But what about Chun Yuqing? In the past, they could chat with Fang Jinse for a few words, and the two of them walked together a few times in the garden, but this time they were absent-minded, occasionally nodding to Fang Jinse's words, occasionally saying "en", but they just didn't express their opinion, even Fang Jinse called her All the time, she was lost in thought and didn't answer.

Fang Jinse's heart was a little cold, and she was not sure if Chun Yuqing didn't want to help her, or if she had encountered difficulties herself, she felt that Chun Yuqing seemed to be thinking all the time, but she didn't know what she was thinking about.

Helpless, the queen didn't respond after saying so much, Fang Jinse couldn't stay any longer, so she got up and said goodbye. Ruohong, Chunyuqing's maid, came out to see off the guests. Fang Jinse thought about it, and asked Na Ruohong, "What's the matter, empress? Are you feeling unwell? If you feel unwell, you can ask the imperial doctor to see it. You can't be careless. "

Ruohong quickly apologized with a smile on her face and said, "Your Majesty, don't take it to heart, our lady is not feeling well either, but the emperor came here before, and the two of them quarreled for a while, probably because the pent-up anger has not subsided. Come back in a few days, maybe your empress will be fine."

"Oh." Fang Jinse nodded. She really wanted to ask Chun Yuqing why she wanted to quarrel with the emperor, but she had always been known for her quiet image in the palace, and if she continued to ask, she might ruin her image. So he just nodded and left with a happy heart.

It wasn't until he walked out of the middle palace that he sighed faintly, "It seems that this empress is hopeless, and I have to think about other empresses."

"Others? Empress?" Yue Xin was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and asked in a low voice: "Miss is talking about the queen of Dashun? I heard that she is also a child of Duanmu Anguo, among all the daughters sent by Duanmu Anguo, The most promising one."

"Yes!" Fang Jinse looked up at the sky, "It is said that the queen is no longer under the control of Duanmu Anguo, Emperor Dashun doesn't mind her identity, and her mother clan is strong enough to compete with Duanmu Anguo's forces, so , she is lucky."

"She must have done very, very well in Dashun." Yue Xin said, "She must have put in a lot of hard work to make Emperor Dashun not mind her status. Emperor Dashun should love her very much, right?"

"Beloved?" Fang Jinse shook his head, "What kind of love is there to love! The Emperor Dashun has only truly loved one person in his life, and that is the birth mother of the Ninth Prince who slaughtered Jiancheng. I heard that for that woman, he can stay for more than 20 years. He doesn't enter the harem, and doesn't touch any women. The relationship between him and the queen is nothing more than a good cooperative relationship. But don't underestimate this cooperative relationship, it can last longer than doting, and you can keep this relationship forever, The queen's excellence can be imagined. She is a qualified queen, and she has climbed to the highest point of women's power in the world, so Duanmu Anguo has nothing to do with her." Fang Jinse once thought of emulating Queen Dashun, but until It was too difficult to find out after entering the palace. It was hard to get some clues, but Zong Sui was teetering in this turmoil.

Chun Yuqing couldn't count on it, perhaps, there was another way out. Fang Jinse thought, Duanmu Anguo is now in her hands, although it is a threat to her, but from another perspective, it can also be a hostage. But this hostage cannot be given to Zong Sui, she has to be kept by Dashun. She had to rely on this hostage to protect herself and her family. Maybe Dashun could help her.

"Yue Xin." Fang Jinse said in a low voice, "Pay attention to the movements on the other side of Dashun, and try every means to contact the Ninth Prince of Dashun. But be careful, you must avoid the eyes and ears of Duanmu Anguo, the palace courtyard where I live It's not safe either, who knows who is his eyeliner. In short, be careful, whether we can avoid this disaster depends on ourselves."

Zong Sui was in a state of panic, and the front and back palaces were not peaceful. Everyone was thinking about the future. No one thought that under Li Jian's governance, Zong Sui could still find a chance of survival in Dashun's hands.

However, they never expected that Dashun's offensive would come so fast and so fiercely. Before the beginning of the first month, the news of the fall of Gancheng was rushed back to Kyoto by 800 li; half a month later, Licheng fell; but it was Weicheng again on the 10th.

Xuan Tianming's army advanced towards Zong Sui's capital at an astonishing speed, almost one city was captured in less than ten days, and sometimes even two cities could be taken within five days. Zong Sui's courtiers all said that Dashun was crazy, as if they were in a hurry to win Zong Sui, why are they so anxious after this year is over? Are you in a hurry to go back for the Dragon Boat Festival?

After all, there are still people who understand, Chunyu secretly explained the confusion for people: "I heard that the seventh prince of Dashun died outside the west gate of Tongcheng, and was killed by the sky thunder of Duanmu Anguo. It should be that this incident angered the nine princes." , they are in a hurry to call the capital to settle accounts with our great new emperor."

People agreed with Chunyu An's words, but at this time, Chunyu An's words had already begun to be ridiculed by people. Some people said: "The analysis is very clever, but when the old general Chunyu single-mindedly pushed Li Jian to take the position, it is another For what?"

Someone immediately answered: "It's not because of his daughter. The third daughter in his family married Li Jian as the concubine. If Li Jian became emperor, his daughter would be the queen. Not only did the Chunyu family hold 80% of the Zong Sui Military power, what an honor is it to have another daughter who is a queen? You can even take over the emperor."

"That's right! If we remember correctly, Old General Chunyu worked with Duanmu Anguo to put Li Jian on the throne, right? Speaking of which, Old General Chunyu also contributed to Duanmu Anguo's ability to gain Li Jian's trust. Needless to say, you even married your second daughter to another Dashun general, are you saying that the Chunyu family is also responsible for Zong Sui's current situation?"