

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

Emanuelle12 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 1207 Dashun strikes

Chapter 1207 Dashun strikes!

Facing the accusations from everyone, Chunyu An had nothing to say. ,.2╮Helping Li Jian up to the top was the worst thing he did in his life, and it was also the thing he regretted the most. If he had known that Duanmu Anhui would bring such a great disaster to Zong Sui, he would have hacked the old thief to death the first time he saw him.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now, and he made a big mistake, which has long been irreversible. Li Jian once asked him to send troops to guard Gancheng, but he didn't go because he knew it would be useless. Under the attack of Dashun's powerful weapons, there are not enough people in his Zong Sui. It's not that he didn't think that Zong Sui had a lot of people, and Dashun fought wars, but he had to take his face into consideration, and it couldn't be too inhumane. With so many lives blocked there, he didn't believe that Dashun could blow up all of them to death.

But it's different now, the seventh prince is dead, but he was the elder brother who grew up with the same mother as the ninth prince! The ninth prince is enraged, so he can't care if there are too many people or not. No, a city will be formed in a few days, and a province will be formed in a few days. He calculated that in less than a month, the Dashun Army should reach the capital.

He was speechless to the courtiers, but he couldn't do nothing. If Gan Cheng doesn't go to guard, this capital still has to be guarded. After all, his home is here, and he can't even ignore his home.

Of course, Chunyu An was not stupid, he had already prepared the worst plan in his heart. Once the capital falls, the people he arranged in the palace will take action immediately. Chunyuqing will take the lead in tying up Li Jian, and then he will personally deliver it to Xuan Tianming in exchange for Chunyu's family's peace. Continue to survive under the jurisdiction of Dashun.

This was Chunyu's secret idea, and at that time, Li Jian was showing off his might in the queen's palace, pointing at Chunyuqing and yelling: "You are the scourge of Chunyu's family, you are the scourge of my Zong Sui family." This is the end. I told Chunyu An that old man to go to guard the border. If he didn't go, he is now bringing a large army to surround the capital. Does he want to defend the capital, or does he want to surround me to death in the capital? Chunyu Qing! You guys What kind of heart is at home?"

Listening to his accusations, Chun Yuqing's expression was calm, neither startled nor moved, she just told Li Jian: "Take back the hand you pointed at Ben Gong! What qualifications do you have to accuse me? My father helped you to the top, but never asked you to turn against Dashun. It's because you are not greedy enough. It's not enough to kill your father and brother to get a Zong Sui. You actually conspired with that old thief from Duanmu to fight Dashun again Li Jian, oh Li Jian, don't think about it. For hundreds of years, Zong Sui has been standing under Dashun and can't turn over. What's the matter? But with Iron Essence, even Zong Sui can't beat Dashun like this. Where did you get the confidence that you can take Dashun away? Just relying on Duanmu Anguo's sky thunder? Pooh! Dream on you! "

Li Jian was damaged by her like a third grandson. No one has scolded him like this since he was a child, not even the first emperor. But now he is being scolded by a woman, but this woman is still his queen. He really wants to kill Chunyuqing now, what a pity! Li Jian is sad in his heart, he hasn't had time to remove the obstacles in this palace and replace it all with his own power. There were a large number of people arranged by the Chunyu family to protect her, and he was the one who died.

But Li Jian was not reconciled! He told Chun Yuqing: "Duanmu Anguo's sky thunder did not have any effect at all, at least he killed the Seventh Prince of Dashun! Do you know that Seventh Prince? It is said that he is like a fairy , all women in the world are moved by it. I remember that in our capital, many bookstores would secretly sell the portrait of the Seventh Prince, and those women would buy it back and hang it on the head of the bed day and night, looking at and thinking about it day and night. None of the imperial sisters escaped the Seventh Prince's love. Chun Yuqing, I'm curious, have you ever done such a thing before?"

As the saying goes, when you hit someone, you don't hit someone in the face, and if you expose someone, you don't expose your faults. Li Jian's move was good, and it just hit Chun Yuqing's heart. Chun Yuqing has been so disturbed by Xuan Tianhua's affairs these past few days that even Fang Jinse came to Zhonggong to tell her what she obviously listened to, but in the end she didn't remember a word. Xuan Tianhua's death had almost emptied her entire soul, she sent many people to search for Duanmu Anguo, and wanted to avenge Xuan Tianhua herself. Unfortunately, it is too difficult.

Right now, Li Jian is poking her heart with this incident. Chun Yuqing's eyes were red, and he stared straight at Li Jian, trying to tear him apart! —— "Li Jian!" Chun Yuqing gritted his teeth, In order to keep her voice from trembling too much, she said: "So what if I have done it? So what if I have loved you? The Chunyu family married me to you, and they are dedicated to helping you to the top. Everything you want has been obtained. If you become an emperor, you can have three thousand beauties in the harem. If you don't risk your life, you will be the happiest person in the world. But you did all of this yourself! Now that the country is gone, the family will also be gone, What's the use of asking me if I have ever been tempted by the Seventh Prince? Li Jian, let me tell you, it was because I was tempted that he died. Not only will I find Duanmu Anguo to be buried with him, you You will never be able to get out of this palace. Thousands of your lives are worthless to him alone, but I still want to comfort his soul with your blood."

Li Jian was dumbfounded, the capital hadn't been broken yet, and the Dashun Army hadn't even arrived in the capital yet, but Chun Yuqing's words gave him a sense of crisis that his life was about to count down. He pointed at Chunyu Qing, and retreated step by step: "You are crazy!" He said: "Chun Yuqing, you are crazy! You are all crazy!"

"You were the one who went crazy first!" Chun Yuqing said loudly: "If you hadn't conspired with the old thief Duanmu, why would Zong Sui end up like this? Li Jian, Zong Sui is gone, not only your country, but also mine Home! There are homes for all the people of the Zong Sui Dynasty! People like you should go to the 18th floor of hell!"

In Zong Sui's palace, the emperor and empress quarreled. At the same time, Xuan Tianming's army had already camped thirty miles away from Zong Sui's capital.

The soldiers fought continuously. Although they were exhausted, the hatred of the Seventh Prince Xuan Tianhua was still deeply buried in their hearts. With the support of this hatred, even if they were tired, they still wanted to rush into the capital and give the Emperor Sui to the capital. Torn into pieces.

Although the Dashun Army didn't use thunder to attack more than a dozen cities in a row, the machine guns in the hands of the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were no joke. No matter how accurate the firearms attack the target, it will not cause a large-scale bombing effect like grenades and landmines, and the degree of accidental injury will be minimized. In addition, before every time they attack a city, they will send countless secret guards to sneak into the city in advance, publicly telling the people to either flee or hide in the house and not to come out. , it will not be harmed. As for the damage to the houses caused by the war, after Dashun takes the city, it will be repaired uniformly and the people will be compensated after the war.

The people in the first few cities still didn't believe it, and most of them chose to escape. After all, Dashun's achievements in slaughtering one city and bombing another city are there, and they are all afraid. Even though they have heard that the two cities were actually buried in the hands of Duanmu Anguo, the people still dare not take risks. The loyalty of the people of the Zong Sui Dynasty to the country has long since been reduced day by day with the rise of the new emperor, Li Jian. Facing Dashun, they didn't even have the intention to resist, and just wanted to run away from it. Dashun should not attack further.

But how could Dashun not attack, the soldiers hated it and wanted to avenge the Seventh Prince, Xuan Tianming and Feng Yuheng hated it even more, they both wanted to move Zong Sui to the ground. So, Dashun fought city by city, and the people hid here and there, and finally couldn't run anymore, so they had to stop, and stayed in the house as the people of Dashun said, and then found that Dashun was really He kept his word, as long as he didn't show his face, he wouldn't be harmed. He also helped rebuild the damaged houses, and after the completion, they were several times better than the original ones.

In addition, Feng Yuheng had already enlarged and passed on the letters back when the city was built, so that the Baicao Halls from all over the place would dispatch people to concentrate on Zong Sui's side, so that she could use the Baicao Hall in the Zong Sui city that was brought down. Open it up.

So the people of Zong Sui were happy. They finally found out that Dashun was much better than Zong Sui. What kind of massacre of the city? He said that the Ninth Prince was the same as the Blood Hades, but he was good! It was good for the people, even if it was a war, it would be good. People's lives are even more stable than before. The construction of Baicao Hall made them cheer for it even more. Feng Yuheng took action to cure difficult diseases time and time again, and the disease was cured with one hand, so that people in Zong Sui also called it the Living Bodhisattva with wonderful hands and rejuvenation.

But the living bodhisattva is still going to fight. On the battlefield, she is the bodhisattva of the common people, and on the battlefield, she is the envoy of Zong Sui's soldiers. The envoy hooked the soul all the way outside the capital, Xuan Tianming announced to the army that they would attack Zong Sui's capital three days later!

Three days later, Dashun attacked. The people in Zong Sui's capital heard the news, but they were not afraid. They have already heard about the situation after the capture of the previous cities, so not only are they not afraid of the national crisis, but they even hope that Dashun can quickly attack and get rid of that annoying emperor as soon as possible! They are They have a complex for their homeland, but what they are loyal to is Zong Sui and this land, but not the Li family dynasty. For the people, as long as the home is still there, who will support the country is not something they should worry about. As long as those in power can let them live a good life, as long as they can continue to live, they don't care whether the country's surname is Li or Xuan.

People are tacitly waiting for Dashun's attack, and the people walking on the street are reminding each other: "On the day Dashun attacked the city, you must not leave your house! Just stay at home, even if yours Don't worry if the courtyard wall is down, don't expose it. Dashun's weapons don't have eyes, as long as you don't leave the house, they won't hurt you, and the fallen courtyard wall will help you rebuild it."

The attitude of the people also affected the courtiers. Everyone no longer went to court, and they were all ready to follow the example of the people. Anyway, it was the Li family of the royal family who had an enmity with Dashun. If those in power in the Li family were sensible people, they would really be willing to live and die with Zong Sui. It's a pity that the person in power is Li Jian, so hehe.

In Zong Sui's capital, everyone is waiting quietly, waiting for the catastrophe three days later...