

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

Emanuelle12 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1205 Do you have the ability to give it a try?

Chapter 1205 Do you have the ability to give it a try?

Before Li Jian came, Chun Yuqing had just heard that Xuan Tianhua was bombed by a sky thunder outside the west gate of Tongcheng, and there was no one alive or dead. The analysis given by her hidden guards is: such a large minefield is densely packed, and people are blown inside, how can there be any chance of survival. The reason why no body was found was that there were no bones left in the explosion.

Chun Yuqing couldn't accept this fact, her heart felt uncomfortable, and she was worrying that she had nowhere to vent. Li Jian suddenly rushed in and yelled, which finally allowed her to find a vent. This empress, who has always been hard to find wrong since entering the palace, turned her face on the emperor for the first time. Facing Li Jian's threat, she sneered and said: "Yes, you can make an order if you want to be abolished, but you have to think about it." Well, if I were abolished at this time, it would be tantamount to a complete turn over with Chunyu's family. At that time, Zong Sui would not only lose three border cities, but he might not even be able to defend the capital. Moreover, Li Jian Don't even think about it. It's such a time. Who cares about a queen? I heard that some people in the court have already questioned how you came to power, and there are even people who are secretly looking for Li Kun. Li Jian, Li You haven't been able to get back the last decree in Kun's hand, have you? Hmph, before mentioning abolishment, the most important thing is to think about how to keep yourself. If you really want to, go find the survivor Duanmu Anguo, let that man be lingering and splitting his car to avenge the pain of losing the three cities, instead of running to the back to get angry with women."

After Chunyuqing finished speaking, he walked away, leaving only Li Jian in place, trembling with anger.

But Chun Yuqing was right! He was just trying to show off his quick tongue. He didn't dare to touch Chunyu's family before. Now that the national crisis is imminent and the military power is still in Chunyu's hands, how dare he abolish the queen? I'm afraid that if he is crippled today, he himself will be kicked out of this palace tomorrow, right? For the first time, Li Jian regretted using such despicable means to fight for the throne, so that even if he sat on the throne, he would be controlled by others everywhere. Before he slowly plumped up and was ready to turn around, a wrong decision would ruin him. all of.

"Duanmu Anguo!" Li Jian gritted his teeth, "If you show up again one day, I will definitely treat you with the cruelest punishment in the world to relieve the hatred in my heart!" He closed his eyes and tried his best to calm down the anger in his heart Well, Chun Yuqing just mentioned Li Kun, it's not that he didn't want to get the last emperor's decree in Li Kun's hand. But Li Kun ran away! It's not good to go anywhere, but I ran to Dashun. The spies he sent came back with word that Li Kun had been secretly protected by Dashun, and it was absolutely impossible for him to do anything.

For the first time Li Jian felt a sense of fear, and for the first time felt that Zong Sui was really going to be buried in his hands. If the Li family's hundreds of years of foundation was ruined like this, what face would he have to meet his ancestors?

But think about it again, heh, even if it is not destroyed, will there be face to meet the ancestors? For the sake of the throne, he killed his father and brother, he has done all the things that are beyond conscience, how can he meet his ancestors like this? What a pity! Even though he intends to build a separate imperial mausoleum for himself, he doesn't know if he still has this opportunity. The threat from Dashun was too terrible, he really regretted it.

At that time, Li Kun was chopping firewood in the prime minister's mansion, compared to Li Jian who was in fear all day long, he was much more at ease. Get up early every morning, fetch water, chop firewood, and occasionally take orders from Feng Tianyu to wash some clothes. It seems to be bitter, but life can be stopped, except for eating and working, there is nothing else. The prime minister's mansion did not put him under house arrest, he was still free to leave the mansion, and even the prime minister's mansion didn't care about him at all, it would be better if he went wherever he fell in love, and it would save him having to send someone to protect him.

But in the final analysis, it was Li Kun who did not dare to leave, nor did he want to leave. No matter how strict Dashun's defenses were, it was impossible for him to avoid any omissions. He finally escaped and hid for so long, how could his previous efforts be wasted. But think again, do it yourself, right? At first, he had hoped that Dashun could help him regain the throne. As long as he became Emperor Zong Sui, he would definitely not turn against Dashun.

But thinking about it now, I was really naive. Dashun used the strength of the boss to knock down Zong Sui at the expense of the casualties of the soldiers, how could it be possible to send it back to him? As long as that country belongs to someone else, Dashun will risk being betrayed. At that time, all the efforts of today and today will be in vain, and everything will have to start all over again.

Therefore, Dashun will definitely swallow Zong Sui in the end and incorporate Zong Sui into his own land. As for him, a member of the Zong Sui royal family, he was lucky to be able to save his life, so why would he negotiate any conditions with him. His behavior is equivalent to surrendering the whole world of the Li family, but thinking about it again, it can't be regarded as his surrendering! After all, Li Jian was the one who rebelled, and Zong Sui would always lose in this war. In the final analysis, Zong Sui was buried in Li Jian's hands and had nothing to do with him.

Li Kun thought, this is actually good, instead of being harmed by Li Jian, it is better to let Dashun take care of it together. The people of Zong Sui will definitely live better under the rule of Dashun. And as long as the people live well, who can be the emperor? Sitting in the world, the Li family also hopes to bring a better life to the common people under that piece of sky. Now, it is the good fortune of the Zong Sui people to have a better patriarch than the Li family.

In a daze, the movements of his subordinates stopped, but Feng Tianyu came around to his small courtyard at some point, saw him holding the ax in a daze, frowned, and was unhappy again: "Chop me Chai Huan was stunned, Li Kun, you really are getting more and more unmotivated."

He really didn't know what the relationship between chopping firewood and progress was, but he still smiled, and immediately started chopping firewood again. After only a few chops, Feng Tianyu said quietly: "I heard that Jiancheng is gone, and Tongcheng was also blown up. But Li Kun, I have to tell you clearly, it wasn't Dashun's hand, but It's Duanmu Anguo. The people who built the city were poisoned by Duanmu Anguo, and life would be better than death. The thunder buried outside Tongcheng was also done by Duanmu Anguo. So, if you want to hate, don't hate us Dashun, you should hate Duanmu Anguo That's right."

Li Kun was taken aback, so fast? Dashun actually won three cities so quickly. Zong Sui has always regarded himself as a big country, even if it is not as big as Dashun, at least it is much stronger than the other three countries. But so what? In front of Dashun, he was still vulnerable.

"Dashun is the lord of the Sui Dynasty. I have nothing to hate." He waved his hand, "Miss Feng is overthinking."

"Oh." Feng Tianyu touched his nose, as long as he didn't hate it. He wanted to leave, but when he turned around, he saw the robe Li Kun was wearing. He couldn't help but frowned again, and said, "Your clothes are all torn. It's a good one. It's still the prince! You don't take yourself too seriously."

Li Kun laughed, "Didn't you say that, let me not always keep my past identity in my heart. What about the emperor and not the emperor, the father died in Li Jian's hands. My son has no ability to take revenge, so I just I don't have the right to call him his son." His face was bitter, "Miss Feng, go back! It's still cold, you're wearing too thin."

Feng Tianyu took a look at herself, she was indeed wearing a little less clothes, and felt chilly. So I didn't stay any longer, but said to Li Kun before leaving: "Don't cut it, the Chinese New Year is not counted until the first month is out, and you can't always be a coolie for the Chinese New Year, just rest!"

But Li Kun didn't want to take a break, and when he took a break, he would always think wildly and cause troubles. It's better to chop more firewood, even if it pays for my meal in the prime minister's mansion.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. When people all over the world were looking for Duanmu Anguo, when Zong Sui Emperor Li Jian was gnashing his teeth and wanted to tear Duanmu Anguo into pieces, no one could have imagined that Duanmu Anguo He actually fled into Zong Sui's palace, and at this time he was at the place of Li Jian's favorite Fang Guiren.

Fang Jinse looked at Duanmu Anguo, who had a broken arm but was still full of evil spirits, and all kinds of feelings kept turning in his heart. She didn't have the slightest affection for this so-called father, and the reason why she allowed herself to be manipulated into Zong Sui's palace was just to save the lives of her adoptive parents. Including Yue Xin, the maid beside her, was also restrained by the same threat.

This is Duanmu Anguo's usual method. Almost all his daughters scattered among the people are under the same threat. Right now, Fang Jinse looked at him, thinking in his mind, whether Duanmu Anguo, who has fallen so far, still has the ability to do anything to his adoptive parents?

However, even with such doubts, he still dare not take risks, what if? She can't joke about the lives of her loved ones.

Duanmu Anguo looked at Fang Jinse and Yuexin, and laughed coldly, "Don't try to make some crooked ideas, even if there are tigers falling into Pingyang and being bullied by dogs, there is one more sentence you should not forget, that is the skinny camel Bigger than a horse. Although I have fallen to this point, it is as easy to crush you to death as to crush an ant. If you don't believe me, just try it. As long as I die, your family members, all of your family members, will be destroyed. To leave this world in the most painful way, this is the gift I prepared for you."

Yue Xin took two deep breaths, feeling a little hard to calm down. After all, Fang Jinse was calmer. She said to Duanmu Anguo: "What does father say? We are your daughters. There are no other family members. All the daughters in the world are with their father. Don't worry, since you have already arrived here, you can take care of yourself." Stay here with peace of mind, my daughter will do everything possible to protect her father, and will never let you suffer any more harm."

Duanmu Anguo was very satisfied with Fang Jinse's performance. He nodded and said, "It doesn't matter if you are sincere or not, as long as you help my father through this difficult time, from now on, I will let you be free for my father, and I will also let you go." Your family is free." After finishing speaking, he took another look at Yuexin, and said with some displeasure: "And you, if you serve by my sister's side, I will learn more from your sister. This time, I will lead the relationship between the two of you for my father , as long as you keep me safe, your adoptive parents will be free."

Yuexin glanced at Fang Jinse, but when she saw Fang Jinse knelt down towards Duanmu Anguo, she knelt down along with her, and then heard Fang Jinse say: "Daughter thank you father, but daughter doesn't need any freedom. I just hope that father can be safe and sound." matter. Nourishment is not as great as birth, in my daughter's heart, you are the only relative."

Duanmu Anguo nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Fang Jinse to hide him in a secret room in the palace. It wasn't until the door of the secret room was closed that Fang Jinse and Yuexin walked out of the room, and Yuexin whispered: "Miss is telling the truth? You don't care about the safety of your adoptive parents, and you only recognize him as your father?"