

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

Emanuelle12 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 1204 Concubine Yun Gets Angry

Chapter 1204 Concubine Yun Gets Angry

"Could Concubine Yun be Yao Xian's illegitimate daughter? Yao Xian has only had one wife in his life, who gave birth to three sons and one daughter. How can a man marry only one daughter-in-law! Since there is no one at home, it must be Raised outside. Concubine Yun may be the child born to a woman outside him."

"It should be. Otherwise, why would an imperial concubine wear heavy filial piety to send Yao Xian to funeral?"

This was a bit harsh, Yao's family felt uncomfortable after hearing it, but Concubine Yun was in Wanhe, and it was not easy for them to express their opinions on this matter. To be honest, they didn't understand why Concubine Yun wanted to send Yao Xian to funeral in such a grand manner, but the Yao family absolutely didn't believe the words of an illegitimate daughter. The Yao family has always been a man who does not accept concubines and women who do not take concubines. Yao Xian is an example for the whole family.

Yao Jingjun looked at Concubine Yun, waiting for her to explain. Finally, Concubine Yun's footsteps stopped when people said "Yao Xian raised a woman outside" again. Casting sharp gazes, the imperial concubine's aura surged out instantly, frightening those gossiping people back step by step, all trembling with fear.

Concubine Yun asked them very puzzled: "Are you here to see the funeral, or are you looking for trouble? You keep saying that you are indebted to Miracle Doctor Yao, so why are you slandering him with such vicious words? I am grateful for the great kindness of Miracle Doctor Yao." , respect him as a righteous father, and come to the funeral with filial piety, who gave you the courage to slander my foster father in front of me? Do you think that this palace is easy to bully, or that the royal family is easy to bully? Or do you think that the Yao family Honestly, can you bear your foul language?"

Concubine Yun became angry, and all the people could feel the furious aura coming from all around her. Those whose words were not pleasant immediately closed their eyes and stepped back, for fear of being identified by Concubine Yun.

It's a pity that it's useless to hide. Concubine Yun has lived in Yuehan Palace for more than 20 years and has always had no disputes with the outside world, but not fighting does not mean cowardly. She, the consequences are not something ordinary people can afford.

Just like now, when Yao Xian passed away, Concubine Yun was very sad, but someone said bad things about Yao Xian at this juncture, how could she bear it?

But Concubine Yun sighed: "I seldom go out, I didn't expect that the minds of outsiders have become so bad. To slander Miracle Doctor Yao and arrange it for me, where do you put the royal family? The dark guard" said coldly, Immediately, several hidden guards appeared beside her, and the leader was Feng Yuheng who stayed behind to protect her. "The people who talked nonsense just now, can you see clearly?"

Ban Zuo nodded, "I saw everything clearly, and none of them were left behind."

"Okay." Concubine Yun turned her head and stared at the crowd of people, "Cut off their tongues and throw them outside the city to feed the dogs."

With an order, the hidden guards immediately took action, and none of the people who had uttered evil words escaped. pain.

No one pities them, and the common people are still wondering, where did these people come from? No one seemed to know them. Those who came to funeral for Yao Xian today were all people who had been favored by the Yao family or Feng Yuheng, it was absolutely impossible to say such words. So people understood that it was not that Concubine Yun was too vicious, but that those people who had a heart arranged despicable behaviors, and their hearts were punishable by everyone. Concubine Yun only cut off their tongues and did not kill them. Already considered good.

The funeral procession continued on, and the common people remembered that many years ago, when Concubine Yun first entered the palace, she was whipped and beaten by the concubine in the palace. They heard that the flesh on her back was almost rotten. It was Yao Xian who performed the skin-changing magic himself to make her skin as smooth as ever. So for Concubine Yun, Yao Xian is indeed a benefactor!

Concubine Yun was furious, and dealt with the person who uttered evil words in public, no one questioned this, and even the princes who also came to see the funeral took the initiative to deal with the aftermath for her. Speaking of which, Concubine Yun has monopolized the emperor's favor for more than 20 years, and most of the princes have no complaints about her, and even love her. Although a large part of the reason for this was the deep brotherhood between them and Xuan Tianming, and part of it was because Concubine Yun was the only one favored by Emperor Tianwu, but she did not bully other concubines. This is the case in the imperial palace. Sooner or later, women will fall out of favor, especially women who have given birth to children. Their bodies will lose their shape and their appearance will grow old. Sooner or later, new people will replace them in the emperor's heart. And the concubine who has lost favor will face round after round of palace battles, and those women who are in favor will always try every means to get rid of other thorns in their eyes.

But Concubine Yun is different, she lives quietly by herself, doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't let anyone talk to her, doesn't play tricks, and won't bully other concubines just because of being favored, which makes all the princes rest assured few. After all, according to Concubine Yun's great favor, even though she didn't see Emperor Tianwu, just one word was enough for Emperor Tianwu to kick away all the women in the palace.

Yao Xian's funeral attracted half of the people in the capital, and the funeral was finally completed before noon. When the tomb was closed, everyone in the Yao family felt their hearts sink. His father was gone like this, his grandfather was gone like this, Yao Jingjun thought, when Yao Shu and Feng Yuheng both returned to the capital in the future, would he blame him for not taking good care of their grandfather?

The capital of Dashun seemed infinitely bleak because of Yao Xian's death. At that time, Zong Sui's capital became panicked due to the loss of three consecutive cities.

Especially the new emperor Li Jian, after seeing the sky thunder that Duanmu Anguo brought out, he thought that even if the battle with Dashun would not be easy, he would not lose completely. Da Shun Zong has thunder, but the opponent is in the open and they are in the dark. This is a great advantage. The reason why he decided to turn against Dashun is because of the thunder in Duanmu Anguo's hands.

But ah! Never expected that Duanmu Anguo was defeated so tragically, and the three cities of his Zong Sui were also lost so tragically. A courtier said: "Your Majesty, Dashun slaughtered our Zongsui's Jiancheng and blew up our Zongsui's Tongcheng. It sounds like Dashun is going to avenge this mortal enmity, but as far as I know, The construction of the city was actually poisoned by Duanmu Anguo, and the whole city died because of his huge poison. The thunder that blew up Tongcheng also came from Duanmu Anguo. It can be said that our people died in Duanmu Anguo In your hand, our city was also lost by Duanmu Anguo. Your Majesty! Why on earth did my majestic Sui Dynasty have to be harmed by that Duanmu Anguo? Why on earth do you want to listen to Duanmu Anguo's words and completely break with Dashun? "

As soon as the words were quoted, the other courtiers couldn't bear it anymore, and accused Duanmu Anguo one after another. Of course, the accusation against Duanmu Anguo was just a cover. In fact, they were dissatisfied with Li Jian. The new emperor, who came to the throne by improper means, brought such a disaster to Zong Sui before the dragon chair was even warmed up. Everyone thought that Li Jian was really not worthy of sitting on the dragon chair.

But what if they are not happy? They are members of the royal family, they are slaves after all, it doesn't matter who is in the top position of the master's family, they all have to obey. But now, if Ren Dashun continued to fight like this, Zong Sui would be doomed. When Zong Sui is over, their family is also over, and they may even lose their lives, which has an absolute relationship with them.

Up to now, people are willing to go all out. Some people directly accused Li Jian: "The emperor blindly listened to Duanmu Anguo's slander, did you ever think about Zong Sui's end now? Please give Zong Sui people an explanation."

Li Jian was furious, but there was nothing to refute. Duanmu Anguo embarrasses him so much, I heard that the old guy is not dead, if he falls into his hands, he will definitely tear his body to pieces!

However, the matter has come to this point, and all the accusations are so feeble, Li Jian knows that the only way out now is to find a remedy to save his face in the court. He thought about it, and finally pinned his hope on the old general Chunyu An. He wanted Chunyu An to lead his troops to Gancheng immediately, and must stop the Dashun army outside Gancheng, so as to ensure that Zong Sui's territory would not be lost further.

But Chunyu An shook his head, and said to him: "Since the old minister lost his beloved daughter, his health has deteriorated day by day, and he coughed up blood last night. Not to mention leading the army, even if he came to the court today, he was forced to Get up your spirits. Your Majesty, the old minister is really helpless, please send another virtuous general!"

"You..." Li Jian was so angry that he fought for three times, but Chunyu An actually didn't go to fight, what would he do with the title of general if he didn't go to fight? He really wanted to immediately take back all the military power in Chunyu An's hands, but after all he was an emperor who had not yet sat on the throne, and those soldiers didn't have any feelings for him, they were all loyal to Chun Yuan. If Chunyu An took the initiative to hand over the military power, he would still be able to control those soldiers and horses, but if he asked for it himself, no one would listen to him.

Li Jian went to court last morning, and he was full of anger. Not only did the courtiers openly criticize him, but even Chun Yuan rejected the order to lead troops to the battlefield. Li Jian felt that this emperor was really useless, and besides Duanmu'an, Chunyu An's humiliation was also a major factor in this uselessness.

He had nowhere to vent his anger, and he didn't dare to further provoke the officials in the court, so he could only vent his anger on the people around him after he came down from the court. As for the people around her, the first to bear the brunt was the Empress Chun Yuqing.

The queen is from Chunyu's family and is Chunyu'an's daughter. Li Jian married her in order to gain the support of Chunyu's family. And Chunyu's family did make a great contribution to his ascension.

However, the two parties who had a good relationship with each other gradually became alienated because of Duanmu Anguo's intervention and his decision to turn against Dashun, so far that Chunyu's family no longer obeyed him, and they were still there. The court openly resisted.

Li Jian was very shameless. After coming down to court, he rushed to the queen's palace, pointed at Chunyuqing's nose and scolded: "Don't think that I dare not abolish you, don't think that with the blessing of Chunyu's family, you can not let me go!" In the eyes. Chun Yuqing, believe it or not, I only need to say a word, and I may throw you into limbo, and you will never see the light of day from now on!"