

This story begins with a girl from the Colliventyn family who suddenly has to experience the annoying events of several boys at her new school. Some of the guys who become dreams and targets for any woman, who doesn't know them. Unfortunately Alexia doesn't know all that, she's just trying to avoid the events that are happening to her. Who would have thought that after meeting them, Alexia even got an answer to the question that had been troubling her life. Why doesn't Alexia act like any other girl? Alexia's appearance that is different from other girls makes her have a special charm. Alexia is not like a normal girl, neither is she who keeps a million secrets. Then what are they like?

rmdnyftr_ · Teen
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15 Chs

2. Introduction

° I'm not single, but I'm still choosing the right one °


Class XI IPS 2

Now the atmosphere of class XI IPS 2 is noisy as usual. Only this time it wasn't the troublemaker's doing, who else but Jimmy. It's just the name that looks funny and cool, but in fact it's a god forbid.

"Good morning children" Mrs. Rina greeted to break the noise in her class.

"Please come in," she said softly.

"Eh, Mrs. Rina, who are you talking to?" asked Violin, the beautiful girl wearing the branded watch.

"How do I know, you're really stupid," replied Regina, she seatmate.

A beautiful girl with long hair that was left loose began to enter the room. The class that was originally noisy suddenly became silent.

"Introduce she to be a new student at this school," said Mrs. Rina while embracing Alexia's shoulder.

"Introduce yourself please"

"I'm Alexiane Eunicle C—just call me Alexia," she said quickly.

"Okay now you can sit in the back which happens to be empty."

"Okay ma'am" Alexia obeyed.

"Wow, it's very beautiful," teased Lion.

A Lion Azka Grafiel is a guy who is quite popular at school because he is famous for his good looks. But unfortunately, his habit of changing girls often makes some girls stay away from him. Not out of hatred, but they were afraid of falling in Lion's trap.

"Have you got a boyfriend?" he added.

"What's your IG name?"

"What's your ID line?

Lion's crocodile attitude seems to have started to recur, making the pony girl sitting next to Alexia feel furious at him.

"Earth crocodile"

"Sono went all the way" Karissa said to Lion.

"You're so mean to me. Forget that you've also had a crush on me" he said to the point.

Then Lion took out his ultimate weapon, which was a smile while blinking one eye because he was sure this could make Karissa's heart beat so fast.

And sure enough, after seeing Lion's smile, Karissa's heart didn't beat normally.

"I'm sorry I ever liked you" Karissa said trying to turn her face the other way. He had to calm his heartbeat.

Karissa looked at Alexia while holding out her hand, "I'm Karissa...."

Karissa is the daughter of a famous lawyer. Her full name is Karissa Salsabila Carina, a beautiful girl who became popular because she could argue quickly and precisely. Of course he had a knack for that as he undoubtedly inherited it from the Carina family.

"I'm Alexia," said Alexia.

"The one in front of you is called Violin. Now the one next to it is Regina," Karissa said introducing her close friend.

"I'm Aisley Violin Robertson nice to meet you" said Violin gently.

This girl was different from her two friends, because she was the type of girl who was gentle. The way is calm like a princess wearing a kebaya, joking. She always wears her favorite watch along with a pink cardigan, besides that she also likes guys who are humorous.

"I'm Regina," he said simply.

Her name is Regina Farsya Elvara, a girl who looks mean and doesn't care. Many are chasing after her because of her beautiful face but she will definitely refuse flatly before the guy confesses his feelings. And until now no one had caught Regina's attention except for him, yes he had recently made her a little attracted to him.

"Regina is that kind of person. But don't worry, she's actually really good," Karissa explained to Alexia.

Then they resumed their normal activities. As you know that during lessons it is forbidden to activate cellphones. But what did the boys in the back seat do?

"Woi anjir go forward" exclaimed the boy who was playing an online game on his cellphone.

He is Gilang Kenzio Juvernal, a handsome guy who is humorous so his sense of humor is loose. But even so he can also be wise if his brain is used properly.

"Lang, I'm your friend, why did you attack me?" Gama cursed at Gilang who didn't know why his friend was so stupid.

His name is Nicolas Gama Maheswara, a handsome guy but his behavior is as absurd as Gilang. He likes calm girls who need protection from him.

"Well, how do I know if it's you?" Gilang replied, not accepting it.

"Eh, what are you doing here?" pushed the friend beside him.

"Bacot" threw his cellphone forward.


The boy's cellphone flew and landed right on the forehead of a girl who was sitting not far from the boy.

"Aww my head" Alexia moaned while holding her bleeding forehead. She pretended to be in pain so no one would suspect.

"Are you okay?" Karissa was worried because of Alexia's bleeding forehead.

Alexia nodded in response to Karissa's question which indicated that she was fine.

"This wound is nothing," he smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Wow damn who threw this cellphone?" Karissa asked. He feels sorry for his new friend because just a day has been unlucky.

"Me," answered Gion lightly.

Yes, he is Gion Edwards Franklin, a famous guy with an above average handsome face. He has manic blue eyes that one glance makes others awkward, especially coupled with his cool demeanor, so him looks so perfect. Gion has a mysterious side that is rarely known to many people. I don't know since when he looked so scary but what is certain is that every time him passed the guy the aura around his turned into a gripping one.

"Sorry sand" Gilang suggested to him.

"Oh no," said Gion unceremoniously.

"Eh but where are Gion going?" Gilang asked in his mind while scratching his head which was actually not itchy.

Gion stood up and walked towards Alexia's seat. All eyes turned to Gion, they were surprised by a Gion who was prestige about these 2 things and said that he would apologize to a student who in fact was new to this school.

"Where's my cellphone?" he asked.

"I've injected it," Alexia honestly told Gion.

Yes, that's right, Alexia has stepped on Gion's cellphone because she feels annoyed with him.

"Oh" Gion answered then left the classroom. And of course, his two lovebirds will be followed, namely Gilang and Gama.

Alexia knitted one of her eyebrows. He didn't understand why Gion's reaction was like that.

"You're so brave" Regina said with a smile.

"I'm annoyed with him" replied Alexia origin. There was actually a bit of fear that Gion's reaction didn't match his expectations. However, when she saw Regina smile somehow her heart calmed down. Regina who was initially indifferent was now smiling at him.

"Ma'am, I ask permission to take Alexia to the UKS" Karissa raised her hand.

"Yes, take care of Alexia carefully" Mrs. Rina gave permission to Karissa, she didn't want to look like a teacher who didn't care about her students. Because she didn't want those memories to come back in her life.

"I'm with you ma'am" Violin volunteered.

"Me too" then Regina joined out of the classroom.

"Why did everyone come out? I want too" Ria said with an envious tone.

"Well, let's continue this lesson." Now Mrs. Rina made a sound.

Learning finaly continued.


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