

This story begins with a girl from the Colliventyn family who suddenly has to experience the annoying events of several boys at her new school. Some of the guys who become dreams and targets for any woman, who doesn't know them. Unfortunately Alexia doesn't know all that, she's just trying to avoid the events that are happening to her. Who would have thought that after meeting them, Alexia even got an answer to the question that had been troubling her life. Why doesn't Alexia act like any other girl? Alexia's appearance that is different from other girls makes her have a special charm. Alexia is not like a normal girl, neither is she who keeps a million secrets. Then what are they like?

rmdnyftr_ · Teen
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

1. First day

"A beautiful face is a dream but a beautiful heart is a goal"

-15 March 2021-


The sound of the door was heard.

"Morning Bryan" said a girl to her brother, smiling showing his neat white teeth.

She is Alexiane Eunicle Colliventyn, a beautiful white girl. You could say she is a girl who has an above average face with long black hair in a dark brown ombre. The habit of tucking her hair behind her ears is the hallmark of Alexia, which makes her stand out from the rest and attracts the attention of those who are looking at her.

Ants, if you see Alexia, you will be fascinated, how can you not be fascinated if you try to spread smiles everywhere. Eits, don't get me wrong, he spreads his charm with little ants who don't know anything.

"Can you be a little polite to me?" Bryan retorted.

Alexia's older sister, her name is Stevanie Bryan Colliventyn. He's a naughty older brother, but even though he's annoying, he actually really loves his sister.

Moreover, he also has a posture that will make any girl drool at the sight. Not only that, his handsome face also made him a bit overly arrogant to the point that he liked to show off his strengths to everyone.

Handsome people are free, a word that Bryan often says in any circumstances and wherever he is.

"Yes, dear Bryan, I'm joking," said Alexia, picking up her sister's bread.

"Fortunately, I love," said Bryan, lowering his voice slightly while ruffling Alexia's hair.

"Hurry up and get ready mommy is out," he added.

Today, Alexia went to school in her private car. The car was a gift from his father for his 17th birthday. Before leaving, he did not forget to carry out a tradition which for him was very important, namely to look in the mirror.

Then Alexia looked in the mirror and said, "Oh, how beautiful I am, what if the boys who have a crush on me can be twisted later."

"That's so stupid," he monologued in front of the mirror.

"Bang, I'll go first, you'll just go on a motorbike," Alexia shouted at Bryan.

"Hey, why don't you just do it together?" Bryan replied, annoyed that his younger brother definitely wouldn't hear him.


Alexia's car entered the school gate, a school that was foreign to her but very favorite in Jakarta, namely SMA 1 Dirgantara.

Actually he was lazy to go to school like this, because there must be a lot of alay students who like to show off their expensive things. Even though compared to Alexia's, it's nothing.

Because his brother sent him to this school. So like it or not, he had to obey, because his brother must have done the best for his life.


Alexia closed the car door and then when she got out of the car, many eyes looked at her with confused looks and not a few were talking about her.

Alexia's uniform which is different from other students makes her stand out. Moreover, she also looks beautiful with her hair loose so that she becomes the center of attention.

Am I so beautiful? she asked herself, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

Then he approached one of the boys.

"Excuse me, where is the teacher's room?" Alexia asked the boy who was doing one action, namely asking for money from his classmates.

"Are you the new kid?" asked Rafiel back with a look of disbelief because he had just seen an angel approaching him.

He will definitely share this moment with his friends who like to mock him, because even though he is handsome, he is still single until now.

For what reason?

Because Rafiel Agusti Riandra is a guy who has a handsome face above average but his behavior is very rude.

Actually, many people are after Rafiel, but he doesn't really care. It's not that Rafiel doesn't want girls who like him, it's just that he feels he hasn't found the right one for him.

What kind of girl does Rafiel want?

Only Rafiel knows.

"Yes, can you show me where the teacher's room is?" asked Alexia.

"With pleasure" replied Rafiel as he smoothed his hair to make it look cooler.


On the other hand.

"Eh Tristan, you farted," Jessika accused a guy who wore thick round glasses with a posture that could be considered quite fat.

"Nng... Ng... I don't think so" replied Tristan stammering.

"Don't admit it"

"Who farts? It smells really bad, you know," shouted Jessika


"Who?!!" she shouted again.

She is Jessika Hillen Margaantara, a daughter of a famous businessman. She is so obsessed with Nathan that she will do anything to get him.


A guy was pounding the table because he was furious with the commotion that was going on.

"Can you shut up!" growled Nathan.

Yes he is Edgar Nathaniel Grissham. A son of the Grissham family who is the only heir. Not only rich, but also smart, and of course handsome too. If it's ugly, how could Jessika be obsessed like that? But his handsomeness cannot be imagined with ordinary thoughts because it occurs beyond human reason.

What are you trying to do? That's basically it.

"You know it's really noisy," added Varo, one of Nathan's close friends.

His name is Varo Alexander Mediana, he is Nathan's best friend, his behavior is very unusual, just eleven twelve with Rafiel. His humorous attitude makes him also quite popular among women.

"Eh my prince, am I disturbing you?" Jessica asked while tossing her hair at Nathan.

"I'm disgusted" Nathan said, who couldn't stand Jessika's playful attitude.

How can you not be disgusted?

Whenever Nathan came out of class, Jessica always followed him as if she was Nathan's girlfriend. Not only that, Jessika also often bumps into anyone who dares to approach the famous guy, let alone snatch it from him.

Is she his girlfriend? Not right.

That's crazy kid.

Kevin pointed at Jessika and said, "Hey, beautiful, it's better if Nathan is the bad guy, I'll make it the first one."

Well, this is Kevin William Dirgantara, he's a big-time fakboy. Wherever Nathan went, he would definitely follow him because that way he could spread his charms to girls.

Varo smirked when he heard Kevin's chatter and then looked at his friend's head, "Who are you defending?" he growled, wanting to strangle Kevin's neck. Luckily Nathan didn't hear what he said.

"You know Nathan doesn't want to be still close"

And this one does not need to be ignored anymore bitchy. He is Christiano Bintang Alexander he is a quiet and cold figure. He will not make a sound if it is not needed and even if he speaks it will pierce the heart.

"Shut up" he sarcastically.

That's right, Bintang does say that once, it must be spicy and painful. Fortunately, his handsome Bintang is above average, if he's not handsome, how would the girls see his flat face.

Ring.. Ring.. Ring..

The bell rang indicating that today's lesson was about to begin. A beautiful woman who was about 28 years old entered the classroom.

"Eh.. Eh.. What's this?" Mrs. Ratna asked Doni the class president.

"It's nothing, ma'am," he replied, grinning.

"Ma'am ratna" a girl called as she stood up.


"Now it's time for the physics test ma'am," she said with a smile.

Usually she's a caper, she likes to make faces in front of the teachers. It's not smart, but the style is really pretentious.

"Since when did Mrs. Ratna say that today there is a daily test?" asked the teacher and then she wondered if it was time for the daily test.

"Yes, it was your test yesterday, ma'am, you have to do it again," Kevin complained to Mrs. Ratna.

The fact is that. Yesterday I did a daily test for who knows how many times. The point is this class is fed up with exams or whatever. For them the exam is not important if in the end only the value is seen. It should be the effort that should be considered.

"Eh Diana, don't look at your face, if you want to repeat it yourself, don't invite us," said Varo in a high tone because he was already tired of Diana's pretentious behavior. After all, Diana is not tired of having to look at the numbers every day. If it's Varo, I'm really reluctant.

"Well I agree with you var"

"I have an ugly face like a pan's ass, no brain, pretending to be looking for another face," said Vrista, a pretty girl with shoulder-length short hair.

"You're the ugly one, I'm beautiful like this, you're called ugly" replied Diana disapprovingly, one of Jessika's close friends.

"Just go back there"

"You're useless here bwahaha"

"Bring back your friend sono jes"

"Throw it all in the trash"

"You too, don't be here, don't worry"

"Shut up your mouths" Jessika made a sound because she was irritated by the attitude of her classmates who always associated her with Diana's behavior.

Even though Jessika knows she's annoying but she also has a principle in life, that is, if you make a mistake, you'll be responsible for the consequences yourself.

That's why he doesn't like being included if he doesn't do it himself.

"It's okayeven fighting," said Mrs. Ratna to the children who were starting to get out of control.

When everyone was arguing that had no use at all, Nathan and Bintang chose to just knit a dream. They are lazy to deal with people who waste time discussing unimportant things.

Knock tock

Rafiel entered the class with a shining face without feeling the slightest guilt even though he was late for class. He felt as if the walls were also singing along to celebrate his special day.

Without realizing it, in front of his seat there was a chair blocking the way.


"Damn it, who put the chair here?" Rafiel grumbled while holding his shin that hit the chair.

The feeling is that the seat was there from the start. It's basically Rafiel who squeezes the chair so it's not wrong to play with being hit.

"Grateful for you" sneered Varo

"You walk with your eyes, anyways, how come you're so crazy, you're smiling to yourself," said Kevin, laughing.

Rafiel stroked his chest patiently, "I have a friend like this, just look at you, you'll regret laughing at me," he said, smacking Varo and Kevin's heads.

"You bastard" they grumbled at the same time.

"Where have you been, Rafiel?"

"Don't you know what time it is?" asked a woman in her trademark tone.


Rafiel squinted his eyes then looked at the clock on the wall which showed a shape like a right triangle, "it's 9 o'clock ma'am" he answered lightly.

"Quickly go around the field 10 times!" Mrs. Ratna ordered in a high tone. She doesn't understand why today's children are difficult to manage, especially in class XI Science 3. You have to stroke your chest every day anyway.

"Just once, ma'am," Rafiel offered to Mrs. Ratna while grinning. Well, it's wrong, you still don't dare to bargain. What a camel kid. Huh.

Hearing an offer from the student, Mrs. Ratna immediately widened her eyes, making Rafiel quick. Varo and Kevin who saw this immediately laughed at him while sticking out their tongues.

Unknowingly, there was someone who had been watching their movements. He glanced at the window of class XI IPA 3 while playing with his fingers.

"oh so he's here, okay this will be easier" with a smirk.


Hey who is he?

Who do you think??

Don't worry, guys, this is still part 1, so you don't have to think about it.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

See you next part.

Love you a lot♥