

This story begins with a girl from the Colliventyn family who suddenly has to experience the annoying events of several boys at her new school. Some of the guys who become dreams and targets for any woman, who doesn't know them. Unfortunately Alexia doesn't know all that, she's just trying to avoid the events that are happening to her. Who would have thought that after meeting them, Alexia even got an answer to the question that had been troubling her life. Why doesn't Alexia act like any other girl? Alexia's appearance that is different from other girls makes her have a special charm. Alexia is not like a normal girl, neither is she who keeps a million secrets. Then what are they like?

rmdnyftr_ · Teen
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15 Chs

3. Dejavu

° If you are my darkness then I will gladly light you up °



"You sleep here, I'll get first aid first" said Karissa laying Alexia's body on one of the mattresses.

"I won't" Regina stepped into the drawer containing the first aid kit.

"Look, Regina is good, right?" Karissa teased Alexia.

Alexia just smiled in response to Karissa. Honestly, now she thinks more about the guy who made her forehead bleed.

"That guy is really brave, I have to teach him a lesson" she grumbled in his heart.

"Are you okay al? I'm worried about you" Violin hugged Alexia lovingly.

"I'm okay," Violin hugged him back, laughing.

Without a word, Karisaa also hugged Alexia.

"Why do you all hug? I want too" Regina put first aid on the table and hugged them.

There was a sense of calm when his three friends hugged him tightly.

"I can't breath I swear" Alexia let go of the arms of her three friends and breathed a sigh of relief.

Violin treated Alexia's wound carefully, she accidentally pressed the wound to make the master wince in pain, "au".

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," she said.


Moments later, silence ensued. Neither of them spoke because they were all busy with their own thoughts. And Regina hated this so much that she let out a voice, "Why am I being such an idiot," she said, breaking the silence.

"You're really lazy with us, aren't you, Vin?" Karissa replied while pushing Regina.

Violin then nodded her head indicating that she agreed with Regina's words. Volin is like that, she would rather be silent and obey than have to argue with them.

They laughed out loud.

After embracing alay like a teletubbis they invite their new friend to the canteen.

The place they thought was like an earthly paradise was now filled with all kinds of ants. Ehh means students who cluster like ants.

"I'm really hungry," Karissa mumbled.

"What message do you want?" Regina offered to her friends.

"Are you the one who ordered?" Karissa asked doubtfully. Because throughout the history of the pigtails, named Regina, who wants to queue up, especially now the queues are really long.

"Are you healthy?" Karissa put her hand on Regina's forehead.

"What's wrong, don't be silly" took Karissa's hand away from her forehead.

Karissa and Violin chuckled at the annoyed look on Regina's face. Though they were hesitant because now Regina was acting a bit different than usual.

As for Alexia?

Alexia had been playing with the spoon on the table while daydreaming about the boy who hurt her forehead. She didn't understand why the boy kept running around in her brain and filling her whole mind.

Alexia accidentally threw the spoon forward, and...



The spoon landed right on the forehead of a boy who was well dressed but his hair was a little messy. And now the boy came to his seat. Alexia just stares like an idiot in a trance.

"Woi Nathan, go to our seats" Karissa shouted hysterically like a madman out of the cage.

"Yes, ris, but don't be like that, it's a shame to see so many people" Violin warned Karissa not to overdo it. Actually, Violin was also happy because who wouldn't be happy if Nathan visited him, especially now that his friends were also coming, and for sure Rafiel was there too.

Violin does often glance at Rafiel and who knows when she started to like the boy, surely Rafiel's ridiculous behavior made a stir in his heart.

"Let's be so stupid" Karissa replied unconcerned.

"Crazy bitch" Regina cursed.

Alexia is still silent, she can't understand what misfortune is now happening to her. Why does she have to deal with two guys at once whose faces are like walls. Good grief. Maybe after this he should bathe in seven kinds of flowers to get rid of bad luck.

"What do you mean?" asked Nathan coldly.

"Yes it is.. Gu.. I didn't mean to" she stammered.

"Eh, why am I so stuttering like this," she said in his heart.

"Continue?" still with a cold stare.

"I'm sorry" said Alexia who was still faithfully cursing herself in her heart.

"No way, you've been dealing with me," Nathan replied, which made everyone surprised by his words.

"Hah?" Alexia furrowed her brow not understanding what the boy meant.

"Wait," Nathan said, putting his hands in his pants pockets.

Rafiel suddenly walked over to Alexia because he realized that the girl who threw the spoon at Nathan's forehead was the new girl he met this morning.

"Hi Alexia" said Rafiel while showing his dimples which now made Violin's body tremble violently.

"Hi too" Alexia answered Rafiel's greeting and for some reason she felt Violin immediately averted her eyes.

"You still remember me, right? I'm a handsome boy who showed me the teacher's office this morning and continued to accompany you and you, which made me stop making my classmate not remember," Rafiel said without pause, so he immediately took a deep breath.

They did not know that there was a girl smiling bitterly listening to Rafiel's long statement.

"Oh that" Alexia tried to remember what happened this morning. But nothing because now her brain is not functioning properly.

"Which one?" she asked in a mocking tone.

"Oh my gosh you forgot about me" Rafiel pretended to be surprised to hear that.

Alexia who is now in the spotlight is silent while holding her chin with both hands. Then suddenly he remembered something.

"Emm Rafiel?" she asked with some hesitation.

"Well that's how I like it" Rafiel walked over to Alexia's seat and ruffled the girl's hair. Rafiel didn't know why he did that because he was just following his instincts. What is clear is that now he is getting surprised looks from everyone, including Nathan.

Alexia who received such treatment immediately looked at Rafiel in disbelief. Why does he seem familiar and recognize this guy's touch.

"It's crazy why I'm so getting carried away, I used to feel like I was used to being liked by my boyfriend. But, this touch..." she muttered to himself.


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See you next part.

Love you a lot♥