
Discovering the past, living the present and wanting the future.

A girl knowing nothing of her past yet finding it... Will it have an affect on her present or future?... Shall we find out?

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13 Chs

Secrets Part 1

Zelna's Pov:

As we were walking with no direction in mind, I felt my phone vibrate. Checking who it might be. I saw that it was a text from my friend Luke. He was asking me what I was doing later. Luke is 4 years older than me. He's 6'1 in height, nicely built, dark green eyes, midnight black hair and when he smiles two dimples appear on either side of his cheeks.


Meeting Luke

He and I met at the book store that he works at. I was looking for something interesting to read that day when I accidentally bump into him making him drop the box he was carrying and spill the books inside it, now if he was me I'd be swearing and yelling at the one who bump into me, but he didn't. Instead he asked with clear concern in his eyes if I was okay, apparently I looked a little panicked and he wanted to calm me down. After I told him I was fine he chuckled a little and started to pick up the books that spilled out of the box and seeing that I was the cause for them being on the ground, I helped pick them up. He told me it was okay that he will do it by himself but me being stubborn didn't listen and just kept picking up the books, ignoring his protests for help. " sigh...Stubborn little thing ain't ya? " he said and gave me his dimpled smile. Now normally I would be on guard with the male species but as soon as he smiled at me I felt myself relax and smile back at him " I get told that a lot by my friends, though in this case I'm just trying not to feel guilty later for not helping you pick these up after causing them to fall. I'm really sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't looking at where I was going." I told him honestly. He just chuckled " Yea I noticed whenever you come in here that your mind's only on finding what your next reading material is and nothing else. It's kinda cute, especially when you bite your nails." he told me making me blush a little " Don't lie, I'm so not cute." I told him and he just shook his head at me. After we picked up all the books he told me to follow him and I did since I was still holding the books I picked up. When we reached the selves that he needed to be at he turned toward me, took the books from me, stuck out his hand towards me and " Let me introduce myself. I'm Lucas Euan James the fifth, but call me Luke and you?" " I'm Zelnarine Winters and call me Zel, Zelna or what you think fits." I told him. " How about Winter? Everyone calls you by those names right, so I'll call you Winter I think it suits you. From what I've observe about you, you can be like a storm but at the same time like the snow that's dangerous and yet enjoyable to be around." He told me making me blush again. " So you've been observing me huh? That's so creepy" I told him in a joking voice. " Yea well your kinda famous here in the bookstore." he told me, " What do mean?" That's news to me and I'd like to know what makes me so famous. " Your a regular here, you don't notice the stares from others, your taste in books are unique, you know the bookstore better then some of the workers here and are very helpful to people that are looking for books to read. But what your most famous for, is when you helped out one of the workers here when a customer was being harsh to her. From what I heard other people were just looking as the worker was crying of being humiliated by the customer but the moment you stepped into the store you not only made that customer become even more humiliated then the worker but also made him go on his knees to apologize to the worker and other people in the store for disturbing them and wasting their time. Then made him leave." He told me while packing the selves. " Well he was being an ass, Layla was still new at the store back then and didn't know how things worked and apparently she told him that. She also told him she was going to get someone to help him with what he needs but he didn't want to listen and just kept on making her look bad, that dumb-ass. He made me so mad, that I couldn't keep quiet. I was in another store that day and could hear the whole thing. (Sigh)..." I told him. I then noticed one of the books he was putting on the the shelve and grabbed it from him. On the cover it read ' The Witch of Dawn'. Startled by my actions he looked at me and then the book " Hmm so you also read about witchcraft and not just ghost and horrors?" he asked me and I just nodded too busy reading the intro of the book. He suddenly took my hand making me look at him. He was looking at it with concern written all over his face and that is when I saw it, my hand was bleeding, the cut was quite deep, but strangely it didn't hurt as you would think. " I thought you said you were fine, this doesn't look fine! You must've cut your hand on a staple earlier when you bumped into the box. We should take care of it-" " I'm fine. Honestly, it doesn't even hurt!" I cut him off. " Yea but it's still bleeding, come on lets go to the back and let me take care of it." He started to pull on my arm but taking one look at my face he gave up. " Fine, then can you keep a secret for me?" he asked and I told him yes. Then he held his hand slightly above mine, suddenly a warm light began to glow from his hand and in seconds the wound on my hand closed or I should say healed. After that I kept on staring and touching my hand. A minute or so must've passed when I heard Luke clear his throat, on his face you could clearly see he was uncomfortable or was that nervousness I was seeing? Probably both since he was fidgeting a lot. He almost seem like a different person then to the one from earlier. Almost like he was scared.

Seeing this I smiled at him and simply asked him how he did that. When he saw me smile at him, he relaxed and told me that he's an elemental witch and that he used to be part of a coven of strong elemental witches. As he was saying this I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes, so deciding that that was a bit of a sore subject, I decided to ask him something else that has to do with witchcraft like " Say can other people learn to do what you just did?" " By other people do you mean you?" He Asked me and I nodded. He stared at me for a bit making me fidget. Then I decided he was starring too much, took the book list from him and started to help him with his work. After a few minutes he spoke up " Aren't you scared of me? Normally when people find out what I can do or what I am, they become scared and avoid me or they treat me like a virus, but your acting normal like nothing strange just happen." " You can blame my friend Cleo for that, she's a witch too, I think she said she's connected to water or something..." I told him and he looked at me surprised. " Your Friend's a water elemental witch? Wow! I've heard of them but never met one. My mom told me that they are normally very calm people but when hindered they can be very difficult to deal with. Oh by the way, I'm a nature elemental witch, my kind are connected to trees and plants... Water elemental witches are soo cool!" He almost looks like a little kid now that just got a present, it's rather adorable. When he saw me smiling at him he blushed and I have to say we've passed adorable and gone into a no word can describe him territory. " If you would like I can bring her with me next time then you can meet her, I'm sure she would love to meet you." I said to him. " Really, are you serious? You would do that for me?" He asked me excitedly and I nodded, but then he got this sad look on his face again and this time I asked him what was wrong. " It is probably better for me to stay away from her, I don't want to cause any trouble for her or you!" he said. " What do you mean trouble?" I had to asked, for some reason I really don't like seeing that sad look on his face.

"Well you see, in some covens like the one I was part of, being gay brings great shame to not only your family but also your coven. So when I had turned 18 years old and told my family about it, since I thought my family would understand seeing as how kind hearted they were, but to my surprise they treated me like I am an abomination and to punish me I was thrown in my families basement and locked there till they decided what to do with me. Two months after they locked me in the basement they burned off the birthmark on the left side of my chest that people from our coven are born with and threw me out of the house saying I'm no longer part of their family or coven. If I get involved with you and your friend then it might cause trouble for both of you and if I become to attached to you only to be thrown a-away a-gain, I-... I-" He stuttered the last bit falling to his knees with tears in his eyes. " Firstly your family and coven are fucking jack asses, secondly no one tells me who or who not to be friends with, the same applies to Cleo, thirdly Cleo's older brother is gay and guess what their parents told their coven that if they got a problem with that then they can go screw themselves, the coven was so shocked that they all started laughing afterwards, saying that they have no problems with gay people though they would like to meet those who does have a problem and beat the SHIT OUT OF THEM. So relax you won't be causing any trouble for us, okay?" I told him. He chuckled a little, tears streaming down his face, so I hugged him and he hugged me back tightly. " This i-i-s the f-f-first time since leaving my family t-t-that I'm get-t-ting hugged by someone. I-I- have al-always been so scared to get close to someone, I thought that-that I was-snt Worthy of being... cared for..." He told me through his tears and burying his face deeper into my neck.

While I was hugging him I became aware that we were being watched. When I turned my head to see who it was, my eyes connected with the shop owner, Mrs Anna and instead of finding her angry, she too was crying and then came over to give Luke a tissue telling him to take a break to collect himself and that she will get one of the other staff members to take over for him, then she left after petting my head and saying a quick thank you. I didn't understand at that moment why she was thanking me but I found out why when I left the shop...

When Mrs Anna left I asked Luke if he wanted to to go take a walk outside to cool off, he said he wanted to wash his face first and went to the washrooms. When he returned we walk around the mall, bought some food and exchanged numbers. When I was sure he was fine, we went back to the book store, where I bought the book from earlier, I said bye to Luke and was about to leave when Mrs Anna called me. " I just wanted to thank you for what you did for that boy. Can I tell You a secret, seeing as you don't betray?" She asked and and i nodded ( I've been nodding a lot today huh...) " When I hired that boy, I saw a little of what he had gone through, and his eyes were of someone that had given up on life, but one day his eyes looked lively like there was life in him again and as I was wondering Why, I saw him look to the doors where you were standing with your friends and I heard him ask Layla if you were the one that stood up for her and when Layla said yes, for the first time I saw him Smile a genuine smile. I think he admires you a lot. Please take care of him for me okay?" she asked me. I told her I would but not before asking her what she meant by she 'saw a little of what he had gone through' and she told me " I have visions child, it can be of the past, present or future, but I don't always get them so keep it a secret from everyone okay." With that she said bye and went to check on her workers, and I went to Cleo's house to tell her about meeting Luke. I didn't tell her about what he is only that she should meet him, he needs to tell her about himself, on his own, which he did. We're all great friends now, well I say friends but he and I, as Cleo would often point out, are more like siblings then friends and we completely agree with her.