
Discovering the past, living the present and wanting the future.

A girl knowing nothing of her past yet finding it... Will it have an affect on her present or future?... Shall we find out?

Zeaque · Others
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13 Chs

The Boy Next Door

Miss Misa's POv

I was reading a book, since I couldn't sleep, when I heard her scream the first time. I didn't pay much attention to it because this is the hundredth time (I'm exaggerating of course) that this has happened. But to be honest I just hope it will stop soon before something happens that both me and my husband can't play off as just a bad dream.


Oh dear that doesn't sound so good. Her screaming like that means something must have happened... Please oh please don't let it be what I think it is. Micheal where the hell are you when I need you.


Making her way to Zelna's room, miss Misa kept hoping she was wrong about her suspicions, even when she stood in front of Zelna's door. Entering the room she noticed a shadow at the balcony door but decided it was probably their cat. When she got to Zelna, she saw that the child was on the floor holding her right shoulder and she was trembling quite a lot.


Miss Misa's Pov

"Child? Whats wrong? What happened, are you okay?"(silence) "You realize I won't know whats wrong unless you say something..." Suddenly the child looks at me tears streaming down her face and mumbles something... That's right she mumbles as if i could hear it! "For heavens sake child speak up". " I... I've been s...s...stabbed miss (hick) M...Misa", she finally says loud enough for me to hear. So since she was holding her right shoulder I took a look at it, but there was nothing, not even a scratch, so to confirm that I was looking at the right place I asked her where she was stabbed and she said it was where her hand was... But still there was nothing!

"Child there's nothing there", I told her but she just shook her head at me. " Child take a look for yourself, there really is nothing there!", I half shouted, half whispered in frustration! Don't get me wrong I'm not frustrated at her, but at the fact that I know that she wasn't lying to me. I can smell the scent of blood in the air, her blood to be exact, but I can't tell her that, since she doesn't know what we are and I truly hope that she won't for another couple of years! ( Sigh ) " Child were you having another nightmare again? If so then I bet you were dreaming that you were stabbed, now go wash your face and go back to bed, I'll go get you some warm milk. It always helps you to fall back asleep". Helping her to get off the floor , she tried to protest about it feeling to real to be a dream, but i didn't want to hear it. "Oh Micheal come home soon I really need you, we need you." I said to myself while walking to the kitchen.


Zelna's Pov

How is it possible? I swear the wound and blood was there, how could it have disappeared? Was it really all just a dream? NOWAY... UH UH... Nope, I bet EM( Elder Micheal) knows, I'll just ask him when he comes home, he may be miss Misa's husband, but I have my ways of making him talk! Alright now that that's settled time to wash my face and get back to bed before miss Misa blows an artery or something. (SIGH) Anyone can see that she is hiding something but oh well whatever. I'm sure she has her reasons. " Child are you done yet" I heard miss Misa say from my room. "Yea, just give me a sec. I'll be out now now!", I yelled from the the bathroom. " One now would suffice thank you", miss Misa yelled back. Right she doesn't like it when I repeat a word twice...

Coming out from the bathroom I saw her standing with a mug of warm milk, did I mention it's sweetened vanilla warm milk? Yum my favorite thing to drink whenever, wherever. Taking the mug from her I got back into bed, drank the milk, returned the mug to her, watched her walk out of my room after saying good night, turned on my right side and went back to sleep, with no nightmares in sight!

The Next day...

I woke up at 6:00 am and got ready for school. It was a new School term and I didn't want to be late. Going down stairs I could smell breakfast, miss Misa always says you can't start a day without a proper breakfast. When I seated myself at the table, she placed a plate piled with eggs, bacon, toast,2 sausages and a full glass of orange juice in front of me and told me to eat up and so I did. When I finished eating it was 7:15, so I grabbed my bag put on a pair of black boots, since it's the rainy season, grabbed my coat and out the door I went after yelling a good bye. I took my bike from the garage and rode it to school. It took about 20 minutes to get to school from my home, and I was still on time to get my books from my locker after securing my bike at the bike stand.

In Class...

In class I seated myself at the back of the class near the window, my friends soon came into class and made their way to me, even though we did see each other during the holiday, knowing Ritha she would have something to share with me and Cleo.

"Good morning you two", I greeted them. "Good morning to you to dear", Cleo greeted, she has a bit of an accent which would normally make the guys swoon over her but then she would just flip them the middle finger stating that she is sooo not interested. Cleo is a beauty,5'8 in height, long brownish hair, green eyes, heart shape lips, and a body girls can only dream of, but she's not a bitch, well not to her friends anyway, and doesn't show off. " Morning morning", Ritha greeted me, guess she got infected with my habit of repeating words in a sentence. Now... she is 5'6 in height, short black hair, blue eyes, puffy lips and similar body as Cleo. She's the one who keeps me and Cleo up to date with whats happening in and out of school. I on the other hand am 5'3 in height, yes I'm short something I've come to terms with, dark brown hair that reaches to just above my butt, hazel brown eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses, I have an hour glass figure, a lil bit chubby and like EM says, didn't fall on my mouth, meaning when I want to say something I'll say it whether you like it or not. " Did you hear the news? (squeals) We have a new transfer students. Five to be exact!" and yip there goes our Ritha with updating us on whats happening in school. " Oh I think one of them might be my neighbor. Miss Misa told me about them moving in on Friday, but I haven't checked them out yet. Apparently they have two sons. After she said that, I kinda tuned her out and went back to reading my book " I told them. " You and your books. What are you reading now anyway? Cleo asked me. " She can tell you that later, now listen to me" Ritha stated a bit annoyed that we're not listening to her. As she was about to say something more, the teacher came in and told everyone to take their seats. When everyone was seated, the teacher called in two boys, and told them to introduce themselves.

The first one to introduce himself was Erin MacField, from his posture and the way he spoke, I could tell he was somewhat a shy and gentle person. Not to mention very cute when he smiles. The second person had this bad boy vibe around him, even I will tell you that he is hot as hell. He said his name was Rhayne Darren. When he spoke I could feel myself swoon, but caught myself before making a fool of myself. Like seriously Why would he even give me a second look, much less a first!? Especially when he has someone like Sarah the schools queen making eyes at him right now... Urg I'm just gonna (going to) go back to reading my book and ignore whats happening in class, not like we're going to work now anyway, the teacher Mr Adams is just gonna talk about his precious little girl that is now 3 years old... So bye class and hello book! While reading I heard the scraping of the chair from the seat next to me, and when I looked up I saw Mr bad boy seating himself in it. Great Mr Adams couldn't tell him to sit else where? Now the popular kid will come over here and be one hell of a disturbance, and Sarah already doesn't like me very much, now she'll enjoy tormenting me even more!!!! SERIOUSLY... " Is something wrong Zelna?" Mr Adams asked me... Oops I said that out loud..." Uh no Mr Adams I just remembered I forgot one of my text books in my locker" I told him and then he just told me its fine I won't be using any text books today since we'll be going home early. I wonder why we're going home early today but I'll leave that to Ritha to find out for me. Mr Adams then continued on with talking and I returned my attention back to my book.

After a couple of minutes of reading it felt like someone was looking at me and so I sought out the source. It was none other than Mr bad boy. Raising my eyebrows so that it can be seen above my glasses to question why he was looking at me, he grabbed the right side of my shirt and pulled it away from my shoulder. Then he asked me something that scared me a little... " I saw it this morning, when I heard you scream. Where's the wound that was on your shoulder and why did the blood disappear from your shirt after you touched the wound? Oh and I'm Your new neighbor by the way, we moved in on Friday. So the wound?" I didn't really know how to answer him and luckily I didn't have to since just then Sarah came and burst into our conversation at the same time giving me a dirty look. When I looked around Mr Adams was nowhere to be seen, he must have left at some point.

So now what? My neighbor saw everything this morning, he sits beside me, he actually talked to me and Queen Sarah clearly doesn't like it! CAN I JUST GO HOME NOW?!!! " Take me with you " I heard 4 voices say at the same time... Great I said that out loud again. Looking for the ones that the voices belonged to, I saw that it was Cleo and Ritha as well as to my surprise, Erin and Rhayne a.k.a Mr Bad Boy. After finding the owners of the the voices while grinning at them I said " Sure if you want to get in trouble with me", I then packed up my stuff, took my bag and left the class room. Okay normally I wouldn't do something like this but with what Rhayne just asked me, I don't think I'll stay focused in any class whether we're working or not.

And guess what, again to my surprise those four actually followed me out of class and is now making their way with me to the lockers. After putting our books back into our lockers we went behind the school building where the fence were low enough to jump over and then left school. Then Erin spoke up " We're clearly not going in the direction that is home, so where are we going?" Oh bless his heart because that's a good question! Where are we going?