
Discovering the past, living the present and wanting the future.

A girl knowing nothing of her past yet finding it... Will it have an affect on her present or future?... Shall we find out?

Zeaque · Others
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13 Chs

The mall

Zelna's Pov

After reading the message and texting Luke back, I told everyone that I want to go to the mall. They agreed to go and Ritha happily proclaimed that she would show the boys around. Cleo and I just rolled our eyes at her not really caring what the three of them will do. I have no interest in playing buddies with those two boys at the moment and I'm pretty sure Cleo doesn't either. I just want to go see my big bro and talk to him, maybe he knows something about whats happening to me. Hell he's probably going to be mad at me for not talking to him sooner and he'll most likely throw me the card about even if we're not related by blood to him I'm still his lil sis so I should rely on him more... well guess what Luke I'm gonna rely on you now, so please know something.

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't notice being starred at until Cleo gave me a nudge. I heard her say not to mind me cause I tend to space out from time to time, making me blush a bit. Then she looked at me and said " Ritha and I are used to you spacing out but how about you keep your mind here with us for awhile. We are trying to get to know more about our new class mates and vice versa". " Sorry you lot I just have something on my mind" I told them. Erin then said " It's fine, we'll just get to know more about you when we get to the mall. "Yea don't worry about us, I would be spacing out too if I were currently in your shoes" Rhayne replied looking at me (if I'm not mistaken) with a bit of concern in his eyes. With that the others looked between me and him. " Is there something wrong Zel?" Cleo asked while starring at Rhayne. I told her it's nothing she needs to worry about or at least that's what I hope, If it is something then I'll simply tell the two of them later. She nodded but it was clear she wasn't gonna let it go, she will get me to tell them later no matter what.


When they got to the mall, Zelna texted Luke that they arrived and told him she would pop into the bookstore later. When Rain saw her on the phone he asked if she got busted skipping school since she was on the phone earlier too. She told him no that she was texting Luke to let him know her plans, which just made him curious about who Luke is. She waved him off saying he's someone important to her and that's all. He wanted to ask something else but Ritha called out to them asking if they wanted to grab a bite to eat, they agreed and decided to go to Colly's a cute little fast food restaurant which the girls frequents. Going inside the girls went strait to the table they usually sit at making the boys follow after them. While waiting for a waiter to arrive they made some small talk. They learned a few things about each other like Zelna's weird hobbies, how Cleo and Erin both love art and drawing. Ritha told them how if they ever needed to get a hold on information of something then she's their girl but the most surprising thing is despite how he looks, Rhayne is quite a bit of a nerd. Even if Zelna wasn't interested in the guy she had to admit that he was quite the catch, he's good looking, smart, nice from what she's observing of him and not to mention apparently he is a really great cook as Erin informed them.

When the waiter arrived they all ordered a meal of their choice and when it arrived they all enjoyed the food and each others company. Everything was going well that is until she arrived...


Zelna's Pov

We were enjoying ourselves quite a bit, not to mention the boys are not bad company. Infact I don't mind hanging out with them. I feel quite at ease with them which is something that doesn't happen often. As I said before I'm usually on my guard when it comes to the male species, I can't remember why I'm like this but I've been like this for a long time. Now your probably thinking why aren't I worried about Rain knowing about my secret worries, well to tell you the truth it doesn't seem like he will tell anyone about what he saw but then again I might be wrong. While I was thinking this I heard a voice say " oh there you are". That voice...That voice is one I would recognize anywhere and from the expression on Cleo and Ritha's faces it was obvious who it was. Urg everything was going so well and she just had to show up now. " I've been looking everywhere for you, I thought you, Erin and My girls could hang out and show you around" Sarah said to Rain while glaring at me. " I'll show you all the fun Spots to hang out at and some more..." She winked at Rhayne. It was quite clear that Rhayne was a bit tense, wonder if he was nervou... no doesn't look like he's nervous more like he's annoyed. He told her it's fine that me and the girls were gonna show them around. " You can't be serious right? There's no way these losers would know what fun is even if it slaps them in the face. Not to mention that weirdo over there" She said the last part pointing at me. "She's always reading those weird books, what a bookworm and have you seen the way she dresses soo nun Like? Ah oh yea It must be to cover the scars on your body right?!" she says to me looking me up and down. I'm currently wearing a grey turtle neck with a black skinny jean and my black boots I don't think there's anything wrong with my clothes, Right? When she said that, I stood up from My chair and took my bag that was next to it " I'm gonna head over to meet Luke" I told the people seated at the table. Cleo wanted to protest, but I shook my head and smiled at her. " Do you Have to go? I don't know my way home from here, I'm kinda hoping you would... you know show me?" Rhayne said this to me with a bit of a hopeful tone " oh don't worry I'll gladly show you the way home" Sarah told him and I could see he was irritated when looking at her, it was written all over his face for all to see, but apparently Sarah couldn't see it or was she simply ignoring it? He was about to say something to her but I stopped him when I tapped him on the shoulder " There's a bookstore on the second floor right in front of the stairs, when you FOUR..." I pointed at him, Cleo, Erin and Ritha, "...are done looking around the mall come get me. I'm meeting Luke there." I smiled at him and he sighed in relief smiling back at me. " There's no need I just said..." Sarah began but I cut her off " Oh but there is a need. Look just because some guys drool over you doesn't mean all guys will be doing it. Just because YOU dress like a slut does not mean all guys will want to follow you around much less Fuck you AAAND " I stretch out my AND while moving closer to her "... just because I have a few scars on my body doesn't mean I'm ashamed of MY body, those scars are my prove that even after what I've been through, I still made it and am alive and kicking. As for MY clothes, It's winter bitch, I am wearing winter clothes you should try it. And The point I'm trying to make here is that if they, especially Rhayne wanted to be with you he wouldn't have followed me out of the classroom. Understand?" I ask her the last part with a smile on my face, her face on the other hand, Oh if looks could kill. And with that I turned and walked out of the restaurant heading toward the bookstore.