
Dimensional warper

Casual trolling and tomfoolery. Nothing much hehehehehe

Malphathus · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 12

Vincent was aware that there were different and diverse dimensional planes so the sight of them traveling through the void scaling up the planes wasn't terrifying. What shocked him was how many planes they ascended. From the fifth dimensional plane all the way to the ninety ninth was something he never thought he would achieve. After making their arrival Andrew got off the dragon and handed it over to the adjacent servants to take care of it and send it to his residence. Vincent was stupefied with the levels of power the servants here had. Any single one of them compared to his plane was simply unimaginable. Any of them had the ability to shatter planes at will but to think that they would too be servants infront of this devil infront of him. He followed Andrew till he entered a room which was already accommodating people from different planes.

He was instructed by one of the servants to wait here with the rest of the powerhouses of the other dimensional planes and realized that he was the lowest one here. All these leaders in their planes were acknowledged as the strongest and yet here they were, waiting to receive orders from a higher authority.  A few moments passed by and finally every single leader had  arrived and were all waiting. None of them tried to ask the servants any questions as the difference in their power would result in their deaths. Finally the five of them finally showed up and took their seat. The leaders watched das the people who practically forced them to yield at their expense seat as if they weren't guilty of anything. Most were surprised by the sight of Andrew and more so him sitting at the middle signifying that he was the one responsible for all of this. Though those who had encountered him knew that even though he appeared human with no imposing aura around him, even grazing his shadow was something none of them had even accomplished.

Instead of them talking, they had their personal subordinates explain to them what and why they were here. Andrew simply looked down on these beings and since he wasn't generally interested as the plan had already been discussed, he got up during the meeting and left leaving Callum to fill in for him. The other four looked at him leave but didn't try to stop him as what was being discussed was something they had already planned. He walked through the halls and went outside to witness the beauty of the starry sky looking up. He teleported and appeared on the roof which was already high up but wasn't bothered by the height and closed his eyes.  He took off his mask and put it right beside him.A short while later he felt someone poking his cheeks only to open his eyes and see Sybil with a bored expression on her cute Loli face. " The meeting is boring." Andrew laughed  ,"That's why I left. It's beautiful,  isn't it ?" Sybil looking at the sky ,"It is."

"Isn't this scary ?" The height was certainly high not to mention the fact that Andrew had to make it rather grand for the liking of the other four. "Not if you think about it." Sybil took the mask laying adjacent to Andrew and wore it.

"I can't hear or see anything. Why do you keep wearing that mask?"  "Because after I'm done with this task. I can finally go back to my world and I don't want this life to affect or have any impact on my previous life. The mask is like a filter separating the two lives." Sybil pondered this and asked  ,"What do you plan on doing after we are doing all of this ?" Andrew with a resigned tone ,''I plan on looking for someone very important. What about you ?" Sybil was startled for a bit then replied ,"I don't know. Just find new toys to play with and when I get bored, I'll just start killing all of you." She let out a cute small laugh but Andrew brushed it off. "Well I'm going back down." She then stood up and brandished her pair of delicate of transparent wings which were intricately designed and before she flew off, she returned his mask and as she was about to make her descent, the people started to come out of the hall and started to be sent back. As they were leaving,they saw 

Sybil and her earth shattering beauty able to topple worlds and were drawn to this but the person who was sitting next to her made them rethink their decisions.

During taking over, Sybil was quite ruthless and killed everybody this she had to be accompanied by Ursula like a child. She was mad about this but she couldn't do anything against it so Andrew had to take over the planes assigned to him and her so most of the people knew that the human who was next to the fairy like goddess beauty was a monster underneath. They left to their respective planes with seals implanted on them without them knowing by Sybil as she was more adept in curses and seals than the rest. Andrew and Sybil went back down to meet Ursula was the only one left in the hall. "So how did it go ?". "It was honestly quite stressful as they had numerous questions but they were answered." Well now to it's time to see if this plan worked."

Vincent just got back home by means of teleportation right at his throne. He was quite startled by this but after seeing what kind of monstrosities existed he finally calmed down. Everyone present in the throne room were wearing anxious expressions awaiting his arrival and they were surprised when he appeared out of nowhere. Marylin as she was the most worried ,"How did it go?" Vincent looked at her and made a small laugh ,"As of right now, don't call me your king." Everyone was surprised by this and Martin who by now had PTSD from Andrew asked ,"Why papa ? You are the strongest person out of all of us." Vincent with a smile on his face ,"On this plane I may be the strongest but where I've been, I can't even hold a candle." With that he left the throne room and went back to his room. For those present, they were quite shocked by this. To them Vincent was simply a collasal figure who had led them for an innumerable number of years with few challenging his authority. There was no one stronger than him on this plane and yet he claimed that where he was,he couldn't even hold a candle to the beings there. They were very afraid of where he was referring to and as Vincent was in his room wondering what kind of Faye he had gotten, Martin came in his room and asked ,"Dad. What does the word colony mean ?" Vincent looking back at his son replied with the warmest smile he could muster , "It means that someone else will be ruling over us." Martin with a confused look on his face ,"But dad, you're the the strongest person I know. Why would we be under someone else's command." Vincent came close to his son and they both sat on his bed ,"Because there someone else more powerful than me." Martin thought that his father was the strongest person to ever exist and yet right now he told him that there was someone else more powerful than him.

Vincent stood up and told his son ,"Come on. We're not done with your training." The went back to the field and continued with their training but this time Vincent was pushing Martin to his absolute limits without a smile on his face. After they were done , Vincent had already made an announcement that he had speech to deliver. He went on the platform which was beautifully designed  and began saying ,"From now on the fifth dimensional plane just like the rest will fall under the rule of the Prime echelon." He then continued explaining how they would be ruled and the benefits they would reap. Most of his advisors and nobles were against it and after he was done with his speech leaving everyone baffled, one of them approached him ,"We cannot allow this. We've been in power for countless epochs and now you are telling me that we should simply be ruled over without fighting back." Vincent knew that his subordinates would be unwilling to be ruled over but he knew that fighting back simply something they couldn't do. "As your king, I command you to fall back." Looking back at the rest of his officials ,"And as for the rest of you, know that the possibility of fighting back is something we can't do. We'd be dead even before the battle started."

The situation was the same in the other dimensional planes. Some opted for rebellion but they were warned against it resulting in the formation of two sides. Vincent's officials joined this movement but he was firm with his stand of avoiding this fight as he knew that it was futile. The ones who submitted and those who rebelled. Those who rebelled united from various planes inorder to go against the Prime Echelon. Most of the planes rebelled and few of them chose submission. They had united forces from across all the planes and they appeared on the eighty ninth plane as it was the plane that spearheaded this initiative. They had all gathered with determination in their eyes bent on resisting the Prime Echelon. Andrew who was busy playing with his piano being guided by Laura who most of the times would make errors as her attention was focused somewhere else got interrupted by Callum. He made a slight knock before entering the room ,"Your grace, your presence is required at the council." Andrew stood up and said ,"Let's get this waste of time over with."

He knew that the reason he was summoned was because of the rebellion which was foresaw whilst making the strategy. He appeared and saw Ursula with a relaxed expression ,"We get rid of this nuisance and we won't be bothered ever again. They need to see the consequences of trying to go against the Prime Echelon." Andrew agreed with her and said ,"They need a little scare. I'll take care of it. Though this is the last time we'll meet." The other three appeared and agreed that Andrew should be the one to do it as he would wrap up the battle the fastest. He bid them all goodbye as after this he would make his descent onto the third dimensional plane. They all knew about his descent as they took had their own personal affairs to take care of.

Andrew appeared on the eighty ninth plane with his mask off and ordered ,"Those who go against the Prime Echelon will meet a fate worse than death." He was floating above them as he had every single eye on him. Most of them expected him to use his shadow but what he did next was something they never expected to see. He removed his mask revealing a rather handsome face accompanied with his jade green eyes. There were many who went against him on different planes so inorder to separate the wheat from the chaff he took an approach which left everyone completely shocked. On every plane there were laws which prevented people from the higher planes to descend and inorder for one to ascend, they had to meet the criteria of these laws. As for who made these laws Andrew had an idea of who it could be and trying to erase these laws was tantamonius to going against the heavens and reality itself. Ursula, Ivor, Sybil and Adrial observed this fight to gauge how powerful Andrew really was including Laura and Callum. Andrew to leave a long lasting impression he did the unthinkable.

The billions of people who were under him tried to launch their most powerful attacks but it was pretty obvious that their chances of succeeding were lowering and after they were done, Andrew's jade green eyes were replaced with jet black eyes which seemed to spell the end of it all with crimson red eyes which looked down on the various beings beneath him.