
Dimension Records: Records Of Demonic Vampire

Ark got betrayed by his fiancee, lost his company, his sister was hit by a truck and died on spot. After loosing everything he finally decided to end his life and..... shot himself. You can call it fate or coincidence...... At the same time when Ark died, the devil of time Astaros's soul was destroyed by god, but before Astaros died he seperated a small part of his soul and turned it into a small gem, whoever finds it will inherit his will and a system will guide the host to be the new devil of time and slay the gods. After Ark Shot himself and died he was reincarnated into different world as a vampire child but. his father who was a vampire lord died and his entire race was massacred by the apostles of god, but his pregnant mother was able to escape and hide herself from the apostles of god, after she gave birth to the newborn vampire she gave him the name "yuxi" from a loser named Ark in his privious life to a vampire named yuxi in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers , will he be able to live a better life in this different world? Release schedule: 1-2chaps/week

U_R_I_E_L · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs



A magic circle appeared below the vampire woman, as she closed her eyes and started pouring mana into the magic circle her body started glowing.


the magic circle started glowing in a dark purple light, the light emitting from the magic circle luminated the entire place which was filled with darkness up until this point, it was a small room in the deepest part of the coral cave, the walls of the room were made up of obsidian rocks, a type of rock that sucks up all kind of energy from it's surrounding.

The child this vampire woman was carrying earlier, the vampire child she gave birth to while hiding from the entire world was on the top of an altar that was in the centre of the room.

"Oo the manifestation of evil, the incarnation of destruction, the all-wish granting devils response to my summon" As the vampire woman said those words a tiny crack appeared in the space infront of her eyes.


In the next moment an entity feared by all, the incarnation of doom, the so-called experts of magic, a devil appeared out of the tiny crack in space.

Although that carck in space was small, it was still enough for a devil from the underworld to slip through to manifest in the material world, the magic circle that the vampire woman was pouring mana into was a devil summoning circle.


"Are you the one who summoned me?" The devil asked the Vampire woman, but much to his surprise she ingored his question as if he was a nobody.

"I can't make it out if you are a fool or just too much Brave to ignore what i said" the Devil said in a slight confused tone, but the vampire woman still did not pay any attention to the devil she summoned.

On the other hand it was clear that the devil was already pissed by this female vampire's attitude "You lowly creature.. DIE" the devil said as he created a Dark red fire ball around the size of medium beach ball, he was thinking about toying with her until the vampire woman begged him to end her life, but reality was a bit different.

The vampire woman opened her eyes, a bright red gem formed out of thin air and she grabbed it with her left hand.

Directly looking into the devil's eyes she said "first i want you to kill the humans outside the cave and after tha-"

Before the vampire woman could even finish what she was saying, the devil used his aura wanting to see a fearful expression on her face and said "huh ? Who do you think you are talking to lowly creature, you insolent bug" The devil created nine more fire balls and shot them twords the vampire woman.

"Tsk" the vampire woman clicked her tongue

"I should have used it immediately after summoning you" she said while pointing the red gem she was holding in her left hand.

The red gem started glowing and a golden clock appeared above the vampire woman's head. The fire balls that the devil shot twords the vampire woman froze in mid-air and disappeared.

"Tha-that is, no it can't be " The devil who was looking down on the vampire woman, as if she was a mud crawling bug just a moment ago had fear and shock at the same time in his eyes, looking at the glowing red gem in the vampire woman's hand. Devils are known for their mastery over magic, they are existence feared by everyone in the material world, but for devil to be scared of a small stone( the red gem) was abnormal and unheard of.

"Hmm It seems like you recognise this gem" the vampire woman said as if she was mocking the devil.

"How?, Why, Why A lowly creature like you have Astr-- " before he could finish what he was saying, the red gem started glowing and the devil fall on his knees, the light coming from the gem was so bright that a normal human would have gone blind by now.

"Obey me" the vampire woman said with a expressionless face. Golden marks appeared all over the devil's body and after a minute those marks disappeared.

"Cast a protective barrier around the altar" the vampire woman said as she move twords the altar her baby was on "After you cast a barrier around the altar, destroy this cave and kill the humans outside" said the vampire woman as she picked her baby up from the top of the altar, she looked into the devil's eyes and siad "Do it".

The devil casted a barrier, as he was told to arround the altar with both the vampire woman and her child being inside the barrier as well. Soon after he released a small destructive energy and "BOOOMMMM".

A huge explosion, huge enough that the entire coral cave collapsed, But because of the barrier casted by the devil both the vampire woman and her child were unharmed.


Because of that huge explosion all the hunters outside the cave except for Rick and Rafta died instantly.

Rick and Rafta saw a terrifying entity infront of them, an Arch-devil.

"DEVIL" both Rick and Rafta said in unison with their eyes wide open.