
Dimension Records: Records Of Demonic Vampire

Ark got betrayed by his fiancee, lost his company, his sister was hit by a truck and died on spot. After loosing everything he finally decided to end his life and..... shot himself. You can call it fate or coincidence...... At the same time when Ark died, the devil of time Astaros's soul was destroyed by god, but before Astaros died he seperated a small part of his soul and turned it into a small gem, whoever finds it will inherit his will and a system will guide the host to be the new devil of time and slay the gods. After Ark Shot himself and died he was reincarnated into different world as a vampire child but. his father who was a vampire lord died and his entire race was massacred by the apostles of god, but his pregnant mother was able to escape and hide herself from the apostles of god, after she gave birth to the newborn vampire she gave him the name "yuxi" from a loser named Ark in his privious life to a vampire named yuxi in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers , will he be able to live a better life in this different world? Release schedule: 1-2chaps/week

U_R_I_E_L · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The last thing i remember was pressing the trigger of my gun, which i was pointing at myself.

Did i die? If so, how am i still able to think?


Since it didn't seem like I was going to wake up anytime soon, even though i am still able to think somehow, despite being dead? I don't know how is that even possible, I might as well go along with whatever is happening without thinking too much about it.


After what seemed like eternity; I saw a bright white light infront of me, while I slowly gravitated towards this white light, i thought i might be ascending to heaven.

I was expecting angels with white wings singing to welcome me in heaven. Instead, my vision of everything around me turned blur,

after slowly and painfully opening my eyes. different colors and figures filled my vision, and I narrowed my eyes in discomfort.

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I found a young white haired woman with deep crimson eyes gazing at me, A beautiful woman.

"Who is it?, Where am i?" i tried moving my body while many questions came in my mind, but my body didn't move.

I felt sensations in my fingers and wrists, but I couldn't move my upper body.

A man who looked like he was around the age of thirty-thirty five, with brown hair and long brown beard, came into view.

"XXX--XXX--XX" The man said something, In a language i have never heard before, then he carried me up much to my surprise. When i tried saying something out of shock, the only sound that came out was a cry.


-Two days later-

It looked like I was reincarnated. I finally realized that fact.

I had become a baby.

I didn't know why I still had my past memories, but there was nothing bad about retaining them.

The white haired woman i had seen when i opened my eyes seems to be my mother, and the brown beard man who carried me up seems to be a servent.

But the most surprising thing is, It seems my mother and me are the only people in our family, and both of us are living in a cave. Yes not a cave-like house but an actual cave,

There was a door and furs are spread out across the floor in place of a carpet, but it wasn't a particularly civilized home. How can there be Peoples who live in caves in twentieth century, that didn't seem right.

Faces of my mother and the brown beard servent, didn't appear to be japanese and their clothes even seemed to be that of a native village.The light was not produced from light bulbs, but from candles and lamps.

But my mother did something out-of-the World that made me realise, this isn't the world i am familiar with. After she said something, shining redish light came from her freaking hand and a red wall formed around us. OH MY GOD I am actually in a different world, no like i now truly believe that a bastard called God exist.


A loud sound brought me out of my thoughts, Looks like i got lost in my world-of-thoughts. After witnessing the magic like thing my mother did just now.

But what was that sound, it was like something exploded.

The same moment i was thinking all this, came the next booming sound, i was hearing thunderous, booming sounds over and over.

what the hell is actually happening ?



"Huff, Huff..."

A woman who looked like she was in her early thirties..... Was carrying me, her newborn child, ofcourse that woman was my mother. Our home or i would say our cave, that was our home collapsed because of huge-ass explosions made by spells and magical attacks.

How? Why ? Who were the ones responsible for blowing my new home or cave....

I don't know, all i know right now we are in the middle of a forest, and it's raining. For god's sake why the hell a newborn baby like me is in the middle of a forest in this horrible weather?


I can't understand this world's language so i can't even tell what my mother just said.. but that aside, why are we going inside another fricking cave. Miss...no, my new mother stop. Not inside a cave again.




the light emitting from a strange looking circle luminated the entire cave, which was filled with darkness up until this point. This is the same cave my mother came inside carrying me along with her, to hide from the creeps chasing us.

Ha-Ha this is definitely not something a newborn should go through, i was sure i can't be surprised anymore after all of this.


Huh? Mother is saying something again and this thime it looks like some kind of horrible chanting.


The next moment a figure appeared out of thin air, with curved goat like horns and its eyes were dark red, hairs were light silver and body was covered in black armour, a pair of black wings coming out from its back.

I feel like a stupid for proclaiming "i can't be surprised anymore" , and why the hell i am on a altar? Am i some kind of sacrifice ? No, no mother will sacrifice her own child... right ?

Then again i am in some kind of fantasy world, so who knows what. I just don't care, i don't think i will survive in a world full of wired ass creeps with magical explosion either way.



The devil summoned by the vampire woman casted a barrier, as he was told to arround the altar with both the vampire woman and her child being inside the barrier as well. Soon after he released a small destructive energy and