
Dimension Records: Records Of Demonic Vampire

Ark got betrayed by his fiancee, lost his company, his sister was hit by a truck and died on spot. After loosing everything he finally decided to end his life and..... shot himself. You can call it fate or coincidence...... At the same time when Ark died, the devil of time Astaros's soul was destroyed by god, but before Astaros died he seperated a small part of his soul and turned it into a small gem, whoever finds it will inherit his will and a system will guide the host to be the new devil of time and slay the gods. After Ark Shot himself and died he was reincarnated into different world as a vampire child but. his father who was a vampire lord died and his entire race was massacred by the apostles of god, but his pregnant mother was able to escape and hide herself from the apostles of god, after she gave birth to the newborn vampire she gave him the name "yuxi" from a loser named Ark in his privious life to a vampire named yuxi in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers , will he be able to live a better life in this different world? Release schedule: 1-2chaps/week

U_R_I_E_L · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Forbidden place



It was a stormy night, the sky is overcast with dark clouds. Rains poured in torrents. The wind blows violently from all directions. The dark sky was lit up by lightning.


"Huff, Huff…"

A woman who looked like she was in her early thirties..... Was carrying a child on her arms, her body was full of wounds, blood was flowing out from several cuts on her hands and legs.

She was panting heavily as she was in the middle of dark wood forest in the stormy night running away from an illegal hunting organizations.


"Dammit, that vampire is too smart"

Said one of the hunters

"It's all your fault, idiots… Because of you, guys she was able to hide from us for one whole year, goddammit, one whole Fucking year"

Said Rick. Rick was the vice-captain of this illegal hunter organization named serbearus, the organization suffered from a huge loose while trying to hunt down that vampire woman and her newborn vampire child. The vampire woman was cunning, she was able to hide from the whole world for one year, And even gave birth to a child.

As she and her child were the last remaining vampires in this world, she did everything she can to protect her child and herself.


"Sir. Sir Rick, I found her… I can sense her mana in this direction "

Said a middle-aged man pointing his fingers words the road on their left.

That middle-aged man's name was rafta, he had white hairs, white beard, and his left eye was fully golden… Without pupil. He was wearing a white robe and black sash along with a gold cross necklace, and gray boots.

Although rafta was a 48 years old man, he was undoubtedly one of the strongest in serbearus.

After hearing rafta's words, a smile appeared on Rick's face, and he started laughing like a Madman…



"She went twords corla cave…"

" I won't let her get away this time… "


"Huuu, huuu, huuu"

The Vampire woman suddenly stopped running.

"S-So this is coral cave"

She said while looking at the gigantic cave In front of her eyes.


"Tsk- they found me "

Because of her skill, the vampire woman was able to sense the hunters. As they were getting close to her current location.

Without wasting any more time, she went straight inside the coral cave.

Coral cave was known as the second-most dangerous place in the entire continent. As many peoples claim to have seen devils coming out of this cave, and three years ago a High-rank devil came out of coral cave and destroyed four big cities of Claymore kingdom, before getting killed by the chosen hero isra.

After that day, coral cave was declared the second-most dangerous place in the entire continent, and the darkwood forest became a forbidden place. Because coral cave was located in the middle of darkwood forest, but until this day there are many rumors about coral cave, some people say that there is a gate to underworld Inside coral cave, some say that coral cave is the result of god's anger.

Rick and his hunter team arrived At the entrance of coral cave

"It won't be long before I rip that vampire into small pieces" Rick thought in his mind

"don't waste any more time, let's go inside" said Rick

"Bu-But That is coral cave, we will surely die if we go inside" said one of the hunters in a terrified voice.

"Sir Rick ple-please think again"

Said another hunter

"You, you good for nothing bugs, whoever refuse to follow my order I will kill them myself right here right now"

"So stop wasting time and get your ass moving pathetic bu--" Before Rick could complete what he was saying, the entire coral cave started emitting a dark red energy and


A massive explosion, huge enough that except for Rick and Rafta none of the hunters were able to survive, all the hunters died instantly.

"Huuuk! "

"What was that?" Said Rick.

Rick's whole body was covered by an energy shield and because of it, he was unharmed.

Rick knew no one among those hunters was capable of surviving an explosion of this caliber, none of them were as strong as him and Rafta. So, he didn't waste any time looking if anyone survived, instead he turned his head twords rafta.

"Haa? Hey old man what's with that expression on your face" Rick asked as he was puzzled by the expression on rafta's face.

Rafta's eyes were wide open, and he was trembling, Rick knew how insanely powerful Rafta was, so it was natural for him to get confused seeing rafta's facial expression and the way he was trembling.

"De- vi dom" Rafta's voice was cracking as if something was stuck inside his throat

"Dammit old man say properly whatever you want to say, and what is wrong with you, you are acting as if you have seen a ghost" As Rick was starting to get annoyed by how rafta was acting he turned twords the way rafta was looking, and he was shocked beyond imagination.....just like rafta he started trembling…

What he saw In front of him was his death, both of his and rafta's death, a natural disaster.

In front of them was a terrifying figure, curved goat like horns and his eyes were dark red, his hairs were light silver and his body was covered in black armor, a pair of black wings coming out from his back, In front of them was a walking catastrophe

an Arch-devil.

""DEVIL"" both Rick and Rafta said in unison with their eyes wide open.