
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 37

"They are your parents." Mia explained after hearing Jason's words. She looked at him with curious eyes, "I made a wish to my mother and said that I hope you can meet your parents, so I want to know about you Did you see them?"

"What do you think?" Jason asked with a shrug. He did not directly answer that question, nor did he speak out about his decision.

After all, his sister seemed so looking forward to it. She expected that they could see their dead parents again, and she also hoped that all of them could be happy. In fact, if it weren't for his mother being an addict and his father being an addict, He would also be excited about a criminal who went to prison when he was only a few years old.

But it is a pity that his parents are so full of drama, and his life is like a hell joke and he can only move on in death and injury. But even if he was a bastard, there was no way he could let down a child. So he just curled his lips and threw the question back to Mia.

Mia thought for a moment after hearing his question, "I guess you saw them?" She answered with a question, and then before he could say anything, she repeated the sentence in an affirmative tone. Again - she thought he had met them, just as Tim had met his parents, Jason must have met his parents. Mom will make her wish come true, she's the best - ask him how his chat with them went.

"It's okay." Jason said vaguely. He raised his hand and touched his nose guiltily. Even if this is so that Mia will not be disappointed, it is not a lie if you have to say it. He and Catherine had a pretty good conversation. Even if they did not meet, those words were all through Mia. My mother came to convey it, but that was enough.

He knew that Catherine was doing well now. She had a job that could support herself, and she had gotten rid of those damn drugs. To be honest, Jason doubted whether this thing still existed in the world of the undead, but anyway, everything was fine. It's developing in a good direction. And he also learned that Catherine had always loved him and that he had never lost his mother's love.

And Catherine also knew that her child had never hated her. She no longer needed to feel guilty about those things. She could completely let go of everything and start a new life.

But Jason still felt guilty when facing Mia. He pretended to cough twice, then turned his head to look at Damian. He was still working hard for their next journey, but judging from Seth's behavior See, that effort seemed to have little effect.

"That's great." Mia said happily. She followed Jason's gaze and looked at Damian. At the same time, she raised her hand and shouted to him, "Come on, brother, I believe you can make it happen." Seth keeps working!"

"Shut up!" Damian replied impatiently when he heard the voice coming from behind. He stood next to the catnip and stared at it for a long time, and finally walked to Mia and the others as if he had given up, frowned and said, "It's high now and can't hear anyone at all." "Then we

should do it now. What should I do?" Mia blinked and asked.

"What else can we do, of course, wait until it wakes up," Damian curled his lips and said, "otherwise you can only walk over." "Hey

, you are a genius, Dammy!" Mia heard Damian An's eyes lit up after what she said, and she took out the map from her pocket, "Of course we can walk there, Ah Fu prepared a map for me, and now," she paused here, and pointed after searching for a long time. Looking at the forest in the upper right corner of the map, she continued, "If nothing else happens, we should be at this location now." She drew a big circle on the location of the forest.

"Are you crazy?" Damian yelled. Not to mention that they couldn't determine their position at all now, the circle Mia drew was like a joke, and it would definitely waste a lot of time if they walked over. They were already late for the party.

But Mia was determined to walk over as if possessed. She vowed to them: "This is an adventure!"

"So?" Damian asked sarcastically.

"So we should go see the scenery on the road and experience more things, instead of just standing here waiting for Seth to come out of that piece of catnip

." Mia answered.

Adventures should never be about simply relying on a bus to get from one place to another. They need to experience, explore, and experience by themselves, not to mention when she knew about this Alice-themed adventure, she knew In addition to the wish she made, her mother also gave her another gift - an adventure that only belongs to Mia.

This time, she is no longer Superman, a magician, or any other character, she is Mia, just Mia. This was an adventure that was uniquely hers, and of course she couldn't miss it.

"So you want to come with me?" Mia continued to ask.

"No." Damian refused. He looked at her with disapproval, but in the end he didn't say anything. After all, they both knew that this was a gift, a gift from Mia's mother. Here, No harm will come to her.

But it is indeed impossible for him to leave with her. You have to know that he is the driver of this cat bus today. Well... well, this may sound a little strange. After all, you have to know that Seth is not a real bus. The bus is a cat, a cat that can breathe, have its own thoughts, and can move on its own. It does not need to be started by the driver like an ordinary bus.

But it is precisely because of this that it needs someone to watch it, so as not to suddenly run into a corner and fall asleep in the middle of the work. Although it seems to be of no use from the way it looks now. , but as a driver, Damian couldn't just abandon his cat, no, it should be said that he left with his car. He promised Mia's mother that he would play this stupid role well.

As for Jason, given that the two of them were twins now, it was certainly not possible for him to leave his brother behind and go off on his own.

So after they agreed to meet at the party, Mia embarked on the journey again. It's just that she didn't know whether it was because she deviated from the route. This time she did not meet the characters in Alice in Wonderland, but saw a circus.

The brightly colored tents were set up in the forest, looking out of place with the surrounding green. Normally, Mia would definitely avoid this place and go in another direction. Her years of experience watching horror movies told her that there must be something fishy about this kind of place. But now, she already knows that this is a gift from her mother, and she certainly won't shy away from this.

So she first stood at the door and asked loudly, "Is anyone here?" When no one responded, she opened the curtain and carefully poked her head in. The surrounding auditorium was dark, and only the middle performance area was lit.

Two high platforms are facing each other, and the one responsible for connecting them is a swing that looks very dangerous at first sight. The actors stood on a high platform. They grabbed the swing and swung to the opposite side, but they let go midway and let themselves fall.

That simply shocked Mia. She looked at it all with wide eyes and wanted to do something, such as run down there to catch him, or rush to call someone to come and save him, but she couldn't do it yet. As soon as she acted on this, another actor caught him firmly, they stopped in the air, looking like birds at rest, and after a short rest they began their performance again.

The thrilling movements combined with the colorful lights made Mia feel as if she had entered a dream. Otherwise, how could those people break away from gravity and stay in the air without falling? She had seen them several times. They were about to fall to the ground, but in the next second they were back on the swing again, which made Mia couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

This was her first time to watch a trapeze show, and she was still immersed in the tense atmosphere until the end of the show. It wasn't until the whole tent lit up that Dick walked over to her with a smile and asked her how the show was. Mia wakes up.

"Are you kidding? I mean, this is awesome." Mia yelled excitedly, her eyes shining brightly at Dick, who was still wearing the costume, "And you haven't got anything tied up yet." Safety facility, you are flying in the air like that, looking like a bird."

"Oh, thank you, Mia." Dick smiled when he heard Mia's praise. He turned sideways and introduced her to the station. The Grayson couple behind him, who were wearing the same performance clothes as him, smiled at Mia when they saw her excited expression, "Thank you for liking

our performance." They said to her.

"No, I should say thank you for giving me such a wonderful performance." Mia said, taking out a pen and paper from her backpack, "Can you sign it for me now?" "

Of course." Mr. Grayson took the pen and paper, signed his name on it with skillful movements, and wrote the words "Happy Birthday" at the end.

"Thank you." Mia thanked them again. She looked at them like an idol - she had become their fan after that performance and asked them if they were going to the party.

"Yes, we are actually packing up to head to the party." Mrs. Grayson replied. She walked over to Mr. Grayson and said something. Then she looked at Mia with an apologetic look and told her that they had to change now. "But I'm sure Dick won't mind taking you around the circus while we're away," she continued.

Although Dick was a little helpless about this, he did not refuse. He took his little sister to the backstage. The place had been almost cleaned up. Only a few boxes filled with props were still piled in the corner. The staff sat on the boxes and chatted. They were chatting and laughing. After seeing Dick and Mia immediately stopped laughing, jumped off the box, and pretended to be working seriously again.

"How was the training, boss?" one of them asked with a smile. He looked at them while holding the box, and at the same time blinked at Mia, who looked shocked.

"David?!" Mia yelled. She looked at him with her mouth wide open, or rather at all the people present. She recognized them. They were the undead she had helped.

"Hey, long time no see, Mia." David responded with a smile. He casually took out a pack of colorful balloons from the box and handed it to Mia. Then, despite Dick's disapproving look, he told her that this was to thank her for helping him deliver the gift to his mother. The gift, "Although it seems a bit too random and will disappear after the party, you have to believe that my intention to thank you is very sincere." He said exaggeratedly.

That made Mia laugh, and she solemnly put the gift in her backpack and asked him why he was here.

"Of course, to come to your party," David replied, "actually all of us came, and Granny Jones said she would bake you cookies, that's her specialty, Aaron and Bella, oh, that She is his daughter, but I think you should still remember her. She has mentioned you to us. Anyway, the two of them said they would prepare a gift for you to express their gratitude, but they had a direct dispute over what to give. But don't worry, it didn't take long for them to make up again, because I came up with a wonderful plan, that is, they each give each other their own gifts, and this means that you can receive two gifts! Of course, don't tell them that I told you this in advance, they said they wanted to give you a surprise."

"I know, I won't do this." Mia raised her hands above her head, making a gesture of swearing, Then they both laughed.

After chatting for a while, Mia followed Dick to other places. The brightly colored decorations had been removed, and the ghosts standing nearby who were organizing things happily greeted Mia and the others. Some of them would They handed the gifts they had prepared to Mia and wished her a happy birthday. Some would give her another hug to express their gratitude.

Even though those things can only be regarded as a piece of cake for Mia, for them, she provides them with an opportunity, an opportunity to connect with their families, an opportunity to eliminate their own regrets, those who were alive because of With her help, the words that had not been spoken for various reasons finally had the opportunity to be conveyed, and love was expressed, and forgiveness and apology made everyone let go.

Finally, as Mia walked through the circus and was about to leave—she turned down Dick's invitation to go to the party with them, saying the adventure wasn't over yet—she looked at Dick with bright eyes and asked him if he was happy today. .

"Of course." Dick replied with a smile. He knelt down and looked at his sister. She was carrying the bulging backpack, which was full of gifts she had just received. In fact, he also received many.


ghosts told him they were Nightwing fans as they handed him gifts, "You saved me the last time I was kidnapped by that villain," one of the boys said.

He looked at him with admiration, but Dick had no idea who the other person was. He had saved too many people, and it was impossible for him to remember every one of them. Likewise, he never thought that he could gain anything from them. That's his responsibility.

But now, he thought of the gifts that were so numerous that he had no choice but to find a box to pile them up, and his parents. The performance just made him feel as if he had returned to his childhood, without any sharp points. Yelling, no crying, all, just laughter and love from his parents.

"Of course I'm happy." He repeated that sentence with a smile.

Mia also smiled after getting the answer. She reached out and gave her brother a hug. After making an appointment to meet him at the party, she continued walking south according to the map. Then this time, she met a dragon, and even more To be precise, it was Ares.

It lay lazily by the lake. After hearing the sound, it opened half of its eyes as if it were charity. When it saw it was Mia, it quickly closed it again, and it also blew out a puff of air from its nose. to express their dissatisfaction.

But Mia doesn't know this. In fact, she feels like her mind is blank now. She never thought that she would see Ares here, and it looked so big. Mia hesitated for a while when she thought of this. She didn't know how to describe it. After all, it looked so big and pretty. Compared to the last time they met, it seemed to have more than doubled in size as if it had taken growth hormones, and its scales looked harder and sharper. It now looks like a real dragon from a movie.

"Hey, long time no see, Ares." She raised her hand to greet it.

"Yeah, long time no see, of course we haven't seen each other for a long time..." Ares said angrily after hearing Mia's words. He opened his eyes and glared at her, but in the middle of the sentence, he suddenly stopped talking and turned around. And shouted in another surprised tone, "How did you become a human being?!"

"Hey, I have always been a human being!" Mia corrected loudly, "On the contrary, it was you, why do you look like this? Older?"

"Of course it's because I have passed the cub stage, and now I am a very mature dragon." Ares replied proudly. He raised his upper body so that Mia could more easily Seeing its whole picture clearly, "Also, what is going on with the humans you just mentioned." It continued to ask.

"That's the literal meaning." Mia replied. She told it everything that happened to her and told it in an apologetic tone. She didn't hide it on purpose at the time, she just didn't find the right time. speak out.

"In other words, we didn't actually grow up together, right?" Ares asked sadly. It lay back on the ground, looking at Mia with a little grievance in its eyes. It never thought that its friends would be fake. It meant that those memories were obviously so real. Until now, it still remembers the times they spent together.

"I'm sorry, Ares." Mia said equally sadly.

"No, you don't need to apologize. It's not your fault. After all, we all know that magic always defeats dragons." Ares paused and continued after a few seconds, "There is no way for creatures to do anything.

" Then are we still friends?" Mia asked.

"Of course!" Ares replied. It extended its paw towards her, a way of showing friendship that it and humans had learned. "After all, having a human friend is a very cool thing."

"Thank you," Mia stretched out her hands to hold the claws that were a little too big for her, "and having a dragon as a friend is also a cool thing. Cool thing."

In this way, one person and one dragon became friends again after a short conversation. Of course, the first thing after becoming friends, Mia had to ask what all this was about. She thought she would never see Ares again.

Ares thought for a moment after hearing her question, "An elf said that a human asked it to come over and ask me if I wanted to come to your birthday party. I agreed, so I showed up here, or To be more precise, my

consciousness appeared here."

"What does that mean?" Mia asked doubtfully, and she sat next to Ares.

After noticing, Ares subconsciously moved to the side so that Mia could have space to lie down on the ground after transforming back into a dragon. However, it soon remembered that Mia was no longer a dragon. is a human being. So it quietly moved back a little to where it had just been lying down, rolled its eyes at the same time, and replied: "Of course we are actually in a dream. The elves used dreams to connect us, and also designed Such a weird dream." It complained dissatisfiedly.

As a dragon, forgive me for not being able to understand the cat bus jumping through the air. Even if it has been in the human world for a while, it still can't understand the things that humans like.

Mia felt a little guilty after hearing what Ares said. After all, this was a gift to her, which meant that everything here was created according to her preferences. As for the dream, Partly, Mia wasn't surprised; she'd already said it was an Alice in Wonderland-themed adventure, and at the end of the story, Alice was woken up by her sister.

So she just touched her nose and asked Ares how he and Leia were getting along.

"How about what?" Ares asked.

"Did you have any quarrel?" Mia explained.

"I won't quarrel with humans." Ares replied with a frown. It raised its head slightly, with the unique arrogance of a dragon in its expression, but soon it continued, "And Leah won't quarrel with me either. In fact, she talked less and less after becoming the queen."

"Ah? But isn't she still a princess?" Mia was a little confused. In her mind, it had been a long time since she last saw Ares and Li. Not much time has passed yet.

"No, she ascended the throne and became the queen many years ago," Ares rolled his eyes, and it sat up from the ground, which allowed Mia to see its changes more clearly, "The difference between our two universes. The passage of time is different."

"Okay, I can understand this." Mia muttered, she had already experienced such a thing once before that day at the scientist, "Then are those humans going to bother you again? "

No, of course not. Leah gave them instructions, saying that dragons are our eternal friends." Ares shook his tail and thought for a moment, "Of course no human would care about this at first, even if they seemed to be interested in it." I expressed my friendliness, but greed and fear were like a piece of rancid meat that made me feel sick to my stomach. The only reason I could continue to stay in the palace was that they would provide me with sufficient food. Here I have to say something about human beings. Although it's weak, their food tastes pretty good, and they're willing to open up their treasury and let me sleep in it." "

That sounds pretty good." Mia said worriedly, taking out snacks from her backpack , and then give one share to Ares.

"Yes, it was pretty good, but later on, for some unknown reason, the attitude of that group of humans began to slowly improve. They no longer just put food in front of me and left, but also talked to me. Weird stuff, like he grew up hearing stories about dragons," Ares muttered.

It used the front end of its claws to carefully tear open the snack package, and then poured the food into its mouth that was not enough to fill its teeth. "Lea sometimes brings a few human cubs to see me and tell me that It's her child."

"Speaking of how time flies for humans, she was obviously a girl yesterday and now she is a mother." At this point, Ares looked at Mia with a complicated expression. "But you are no different from when I saw you before."

"Hey, I'm a year older." Mia protested dissatisfiedly. She looked at it with her mouth pursed, but all she got was Ares. Nodding carelessly, after all, for an immortal species, there is no difference between one year old and ten years old.

Sometimes it closes its eyes and takes a nap. When it opens again, spring has turned into winter, white snow falls from the sky, and the trees in the distance have long turned into "bald heads." The man who once stood outside its cave has The high-spirited girl now began to become calmer. She was wearing a cloak, and the first thing she said when she saw it was to ask how it was sleeping


"Very good." Ares replied lazily. He lay on the ground contentedly, and his tail swayed unconsciously. A sufficient sleep always made the dragon feel physically and mentally happy. After a while, it suddenly Said, "Speaking of which, shouldn't it be time for me to leave?"

"What?" Leah was a little surprised when she heard what it said.

"Even though you have become the queen now and the country has become stable," Ares opened his mouth and yawned, "according to our agreement at the time, I should be able to leave." "

But..." Leia Eyes wide, she looked like she wanted to say something, but ended up just sighing.

After that, Ares rarely saw Leia. It left the city and returned to its cave. There was almost no change from when it left. Its treasures were scattered on the ground, and they could still be cleaned when they were cleaned. Several bullet casings left over from that time were found inside.

This made Ares feel inexplicably nostalgic, and it arranged the gold coins into a tall tower again. It had done this countless times in the past, but this time it no longer had to worry about them collapsing due to human attacks.

It seems that everything has returned to its original state, no humans will disturb it anymore, and if nothing else happens, it will not have any contact with them.

But sometimes, Ares would turn into a human and visit the towns around the forest. He insisted that he was just going to taste their food. After all, he only needed to give out one ten thousandth of his treasure. No matter how you think about it, getting a lot of food is easier than going hunting directly. Occasionally, it will talk to the humans, and they will talk to it about the queens who have passed away and the legend. dragon in.

Rather than believing in the existence of that legendary creature, those people seemed more willing to believe that it was just the imagination of the previous generation, or that the country had a weapon codenamed Dragon, and Ares would never correct this. It has already caused trouble for itself once, and it will not be stupid enough to cause trouble for itself a second time.

However, Ares would not tell Mia these things. As a proud dragon, he refused to tell anyone about turning himself into a human (which is a very embarrassing thing in the eyes of dragons).

So it quickly changed the subject and asked Mia how she planned to get to the party, "The way to the party is through this lake, but you are not a dragon and have no wings," it said, looking at her suspiciously, "and You don't look like you can swim across with your thin arms and legs."

"Hey, I have participated in swimming training." Mia retorted. She raised her arms confidently and tried to ask Ari Si proved that she was very capable, but when she turned her head and looked at the lake carefully, she had to admit that she really couldn't swim across it. It looked much bigger than the one she had just seen on the Seth bus.

This also forced Mia to ask Ares for help. She looked at Ares with that pitiful "please" look, which made him take two steps back subconsciously.

As a dragon, the last time it allowed Leah to sit on its back was an exception among exceptions (this was even more embarrassing for the dragon than turning into a human), and that time she also agreed to do it. They reluctantly reached that deal by giving it the treasure, but this time, it looked at Mia who was disappointed because of its actions. After hesitating for a while, it picked up her clothes with its paws in disgust and said, " The most I can do is take you across the lake like this."