
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 36

The next day, when Mia woke up from her sleep, the first thing she did was to rummage around the room, trying to find the surprise her mother had prepared for her last night - she had been waiting for it for a long time yesterday, until that day It was almost over, and she was so sleepy that she couldn't even open her eyes until she waited for her mother.

She sat by the bed, looking at her with a smile and doting look on her face, just like every time they met. If it was normal, Mia would definitely jump into her mother's arms at this time and tell her about it. about everything that happened during this time.

But this time she just frowned and forced herself to get up from the bed despite her sleepiness. She originally wanted to look more serious, but before she could speak, her sleepiness made her yawn greatly.

She waited too long, until the sun had set, the moon slowly rose in the sky, and the noises during the day began to slowly turn into murmurs in her sleep. In fact, if it hadn't been for today, Waiting for her mother's words, Mia had already fallen asleep.

"So why did you come so late today? I thought I would never see you again." She yelled at her unhappily, with an aggrieved tone in her voice that she didn't even realize.

Even though she made a birthday wish to her mother, she never thought it would take so much time. In her eyes, her mother can always solve any problem easily. And she is not sure whether she will be able to see the dead tomorrow, nor when she will see her mother next time. She has no way to control that wish. Maybe she will succeed in the future, but now, she just wants to cherish every time she can A chance to meet my mother.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mia," her mother apologized softly after hearing her words. She looked at her with apologetic eyes, "I didn't expect that surprise would take me so long to prepare. "

Surprise? What surprise?" Mia tilted her head and asked curiously. She reached out and rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up more.

Because it had been so long since her bedtime, Mia felt that her mother's words were starting to become blurry. She opened her eyes drowsily and looked at her mother. She seemed to be saying something, but the sounds entered her brain from her ears and then went out from the other ear, leaving no trace at all.

So she just muttered, "Okay, I forgive you, I want to know what the surprise was, and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you." "

You don't need to apologize to me, honey, If I hadn't come too late, you wouldn't have lost your temper." Her mother said with a smile when she saw her appearance.

She asked her to lie down again, and at the same time touched her head gently. The warm touch came through the skin they were in contact with, making Mia feel that there might be something wrong with her perception ability. After all, you have to know The undead do not exist in this world. They cannot touch anything in the living world, so it is impossible for her to feel her mother's touch.

But what the heck, she likes it, and even enjoys it. Before her mother died, she would often lean into her arms and listen to her tell her bedtime stories. The gentle voice sounded in her ears, which made Mia feel even more sleepy.

But she still stubbornly looked at her mother with her eyes open. She wanted to see her more and share with her all the things that happened these days, such as when she met her father and he really built a house on the moon. , God knows how shocked she was when she found out that he had a Batcave on the moon. She had always thought that it was just a perfunctory thing for a child, and she planned to stay in Gotham. She liked Bruce and she wanted to join. The Teen Titans wanted to use that wish to help more people... There were so many things she wanted to do and so many things she wanted to tell her mother, which made Mia not know how to speak for a moment.

She stubbornly looked at her mother with half-closed eyes, but before she could hold on for three minutes, her eyes closed again.

That made her mother chuckle, "And there's that surprise, as much as I want to tell you, do you remember what I said before about a surprise?" her mother asked softly.

"Of course, I remember," Mia yawned again and opened her eyes,

"you said surprise is unknown."

"Yes, it is unknown, so I told you, then it will It's not a surprise anymore." Mom nodded and said with a smile, she leaned down and kissed Mia's forehead gently, "So go to bed quickly, my baby, there is a grand party waiting for you tomorrow."

So as soon as she woke up this morning, Mia couldn't wait to know what the surprise her mother was talking about was.

She first rummaged around in her room, and when she found nothing, she ran to the mirror and looked at herself carefully. She was wondering if her mother's so-called surprise was related to the role she changed today, for example, she could become her The pony I've wanted to be for a long time but never became. She loves My Little Pony and she also loves Equestria Girls.

But unfortunately, although her hair looked a little messy, there were no animal ears or devil horns growing on it, and the clothes she wore were the same pajamas she had just changed into before going to bed yesterday. This inevitably made Mia feel a little disappointed.

But she soon cheered up and hurried downstairs after changing her clothes. She believed that her mother would never let her down, but... how should I put it? She never thought that the surprise would happen. It's Alfred with rabbit ears.

He was still wearing a suit, and he didn't give any explanation when he saw her surprised look, as if he was like this. "Good morning, Miss Mia." He greeted her.

"Good morning... Good morning, Afu." Mia stuttered in response after hearing his words. She stood there a little stiffly, wondering what was going on, because of magic? Or is it something else? Oh, wait, that surprise, mom said she would see it when she woke up today, but she didn't find it in the room.

Thinking of this, Mia looked at Alfred with wide eyes. Although she didn't hate this, but thinking about Alfred's usual appearance, she started to feel sorry.

"I, you, I today..." She stood at the door with her mouth open, not knowing what to say.

Fortunately, Ah Fu didn't seem to care about this. He placed Mia's breakfast today on the table and raised his eyebrows when he saw her appearance. "At the current time, if you continue to stand If you are there, I think you will have to miss today's party." He said suddenly, and also took out a pocket watch, with a long chain sticking out of the pocket, which made Mia feel inexplicably familiar.

"Party? What party?" she asked subconsciously.

"Oh, I'm sorry I can't tell you, I promised that lady," Ah Fu replied. Mia's mother suddenly appeared in his dream last night after he fell asleep. She told him that she wanted to give Mia a surprise, hoping to get his help, and as the housekeeper of the Wayne family, Alfred Naturally, De would not refuse this, so he just put away his pocket watch and told her, "This is a surprise."

"Surprise?!" Mia looked at him with wide eyes after hearing Alfred's words, "Another one Surprise, and it's a party?!" she shouted happily.

Although today is her birthday, Mia actually never thought that she would have a party. Not to mention Bruce and the others were very busy. The night patrols and countless cases every night were enough to leave them without any energy to focus on. Among other things, she didn't want them to worry about it, and since her aunt and friends were not in Gotham, she didn't have anyone to invite.

So Mia originally planned to call Aunt Chloe and the others today to tell them that she was doing well, and to enjoy the cake Alfred prepared for her. Of course, if he would allow her to eat the dessert as she pleased, then Even better, she liked the snacks he prepared.

But she didn't expect that she would have a party now, and her mother would prepare her party. Thinking of this, Mia became very happy.

She trotted to the dining table and finished her breakfast as quickly as possible, then took Alfred's hand and asked him, "When are we leaving for the party?"

"We? No, Miss Mia, this needs to happen. The journey is yours alone," Alfred replied.

"Why?" Mia asked.

"Because this is an adventure that only belongs to you." Alfred said.

So after breakfast, Mia stood at the door of Wayne Manor holding the backpack and map Alfred had prepared for her, with an expression of anticipation and excitement on her face.

This was the first time she had left the manor in this way. The shadows of the surrounding trees fell on the ground, forming a shady path. Even though it rains all year round in Gotham, walking in the cool shade of trees always seems to make people feel more comfortable in the summer.

She walked forward along the path and stopped when she saw a house with the name "Drake" on the door. The map said that the owner of this house could provide her with some information about the surprise.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Mia stood at the door and shouted. She stood on tiptoes and rang the doorbell. After a while, she heard footsteps coming from inside, followed by a long-haired man. The lady with mouse ears appeared in front of her. She smiled when she saw Mia standing at the door and asked her if she needed help.

"Thank you, ma'am," Mia thanked her after hearing her words, and she raised the map in front of her, "it says you can tell me something about the surprise, and I want to know what it is. ." She continued, blinking when she saw the pair of mouse ears, which always gave her a familiar feeling.

"Oh, surprise," the lady repeated her words. She tilted her head and thought for a while. After seeing that she had no impression, she asked the room again, "Does any of you know what the surprise is?" "No

, No one told us about this," a man responded. He walked to the door. Gray feathers appeared in the sunlight because of his movement, which made Mia open her mouth. He looked like a dodo. bird.

"But we can ask our son, he will definitely know." The man continued. He turned sideways and shouted into the house. After a while, a duck appeared in front of her again. To be precise, it was Tim, who plays Duck in this adventure.

Until now, Mia finally knew why she felt familiar. The people she met were in the same order as the animals Alice met in Alice in Wonderland. Even though they were not real animals, they all had... There are characteristics of those animals.

This is an Alice in Wonderland themed adventure, Mia thought excitedly. Coincidentally, she liked this book, and she would often pester her to tell her this story when her mother didn't have to work overtime at night. Alice's adventures in it would fascinate her no matter how many times she had heard it.

What's more, she also heard the couple standing at the door saying Duck, no, Tim is their son. This made Mia stunned. She looked at the couple blankly. They were hearing Tim. After saying that she didn't know, she turned to look at her with an apologetic look, "Oh, it seems that our child doesn't know either. I'm sorry that we can't answer this question, child." The lady said to her.

But Mia didn't pay attention to this. She flicked her eyes back and forth between the Drakes and Tim. Unlike the deaths of the Waynes, the news of the Drakes only stayed on the Gotham Daily headlines for two days (one day it was reported that Mrs. Drake was dead and Mr. Drake was in a coma, the other day (News of the murder of Mr. Drake), the reporter said in a regretful tone that Gotham has another young rich man, but I don't know whether the young Mr. Drake will be like his predecessor, Bruce Wayne. Become a playboy and squander the inheritance, or carry on his father's wishes and assume the reputation of the Drake name.

"No, it doesn't matter." Mia shook her head. She put away the map and finally turned her gaze on the Drakes. Their tone was gentle, and their expressions when they looked at her were loving, " I think I already know what the surprise is." She continued, "But I want to ask, are you happy today?" "

Of course, today is the best day we've ever had," Tim's The mother replied with a smile. She knelt down and looked at Mia. "Of course I hope today is the best day you have ever had, Mia."

"Of course, it will be." Mia said with a smile. She waved to them and then walked to her next destination, a bus stop next to the highway. The map said there was a bus that would take her directly to the party.

After what happened just now, although Mia could

guess that the bus was definitely not an ordinary bus, she was still shocked when she saw the cat bus jumping out of the air. She stood there blankly. After a while, he took out a cat strip from his backpack. When Alfred handed her the backpack, she had been curious as to why there was this in it, but now it seemed that it should be change for her to use the Maomao bus.

Sure enough, the cat bus, or rather Seth - it turned into a huge cat bus - opened the door immediately after seeing the cat strip, and at the same time urged Mia with a cry Get in the car quickly.

Mia immediately ran up after hearing the urging. She threw the cat strip into the cat throwing box next to the door. After looking around, she saw Damian and Jason sitting in the last row. .

The two of them were wearing the same clothes, and the expressions on their faces were not good when they saw Mia, and Mia could probably guess the reason for this. Although her brothers cared about each other very much, on weekdays, When they get along, they are always full of "brothers and brothers".

"So, are you two twins?" Mia asked deliberately. Although the fat twins did not appear in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as a poor student tortured by book reports, she certainly read another Alice Through the Looking Glass, and she went there with her mother She had seen their movie in the cinema, so of course she knew the twins.

"No!"/"How is it possible." Damian and Jason immediately denied Mia's question. After hearing each other's words, they looked at each other in disgust, and then quickly turned their heads away as if they were angry. Look to the side.

That made Mia laugh. She walked and sat next to them. She originally wanted to talk to them about what happened today, but before she could speak, a violent shaking made her lose all those words. Swallowed it back.

She was a little afraid to look at Jason and the others. Jason was closing his eyes and leaning on the back of the chair in annoyance. It seemed that the shaking had no effect on him. Damian tilted his head and looked out the window, following his Looking at them, they were flying in the air. The bird was passing by, and when it saw the Cat Bus on its way to the party, it landed on it and was ready to hitch a ride.

"Wow, this is really..." After seeing this scene, Mia immediately put aside the fear caused by the shaking. She excitedly rushed to the window. This height allowed her to see the entire forest. The dense trees were close together, forming a green ocean, and in the middle of the ocean was a lake.

For some reason, this made Mia feel familiar. Just as she was about to turn around and ask Damian if they knew, Set suddenly began to descend. It stopped next to a huge piece of catnip, and after driving Mia and others out of the car, the whole cat pounced into it. No matter how Damian tried to get him to continue on the road, it was unwilling to listen, and was unhappy and waved. Tails, expressing their protest with this rubbish.

"That's enough, you stupid cat, stand up." Damian frowned and ordered after seeing Seth's appearance.

Jason stood aside and watched the excitement. He put his hand into his pocket. He originally wanted to find a cigarette to kill some time, but when he touched the empty pocket and saw Mia's confused look, The only option is to give up.

He crossed his arms and looked at Seth, who was still rolling in the catnip. After hearing Damian's words, he closed his eyes and pretended that he didn't hear anything.

That simply made the devil kid very angry. He shouted and wanted to walk beside Seth, but those catnip trees as tall as trees were like the most stubborn obstacles, blocking his way.

"Have you met your parents? Brother." Just when Jason was gloating about this, Mia suddenly asked. She came in front of her and looked at him with confusion on her expression. She didn't see any other passengers on the Cat Bus except Damian and Jason.

"What?" Jason asked subconsciously after hearing Mia's words, but he soon realized what she was talking about.

When he met Mia's mother last night, she explained all this to him, such as why she appeared in his ability, Mia's birthday wish for her, the surprise she planned to give Mia, and about Regarding his parents, "I asked Catherine, but she said that she no longer has the face to see you, so I think if you

have forgiven her, you can talk about it in person and then come to Mia's party together." ." She suggested to him.

But Jason did not answer immediately. He stood there blankly. He had not heard the name Catherine for a long time. Those past memories had long been blurred by the erosion of time, but the warmth and kindness represented by that name The sadness still stayed in his mind.

He subconsciously reached into his pocket and took out a cigarette, but it disappeared from his hand before he could light it.

"Smoking in front of a lady is bad behavior." The culprit who caused all this said with a smile when she saw his surprised expression. She stood quietly, as if waiting for his answer.

"No, we don't need to meet." Jason answered after a while, his voice a little hoarse. Even though Catherine once loved him, the hurt she did to him would never disappear. Even after so many years of begging, screaming, cursing, and beatings, the sadness and pain they left him were still clear. It's like it happened yesterday.

"Okay." Mia's mother shrugged after hearing his answer. She didn't seem surprised. After all, not every child who has been hurt can forgive his parents. The damage caused in childhood, especially from his parents, will be a lifelong shadow.

"But I hope you can help me tell her that I never hated her." Jason continued. He took another cigarette from his pocket, but did not light it. He just held it in his hand. This can Let him calm down a little.

In these years, he never hated his mother. He knew that all the changes in her were because of the damn drugs. It made his mother lose everything as a human being, and it also made him lose his mother's love. .

Of course, he also thought about helping her quit it, but as a child, he didn't have the ability at that time and could only watch his mother die.

So rather than saying that he hated his mother, it was better to say that he hated his powerless self. He had no way to help anyone, and even lost his life in Ethiopia because of his own stupidity.

"Of course, I will," the woman said, looking at him with serious, gentle eyes. "And, although I'm not sure if you want to know this, Catherine and I have been chatting. Talking about you, she said you are her best child, you are her pride, Jason, she loves you very much and has always loved you."