
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 16

So am I some kind of egg-laying creature today? Mia thought as she looked at the egg.

She poked it tentatively first, trying to see if anything would crawl out. After seeing no movement, I turned on the flashlight and put it on the egg like on TV, ready to see if the creature inside was still alive, but the egg seemed to be solid, and nothing could be seen when the light was shining on it.

"Dead? Or alive?" Mia muttered. She had only seen this method on TV, and she had no idea what the difference was between dead eggs and alive ones.

So she opened Google's photo identification, intending to search for what kind of creature's egg it was, but only Easter eggs appeared.

And she was sure that this was definitely not an Easter egg. The pattern on it didn't feel as rough as after the oil paint dried, and it didn't look like there were any traces of being painted with a pen. Those patterns were originally on it.

This made Mia feel a little curious, but that was all. After all, she encountered too many strange things, and no matter what creature the egg was, it would disappear the next morning. There was no need for her to delve into this.

So after thinking for a while, she put it back under the quilt, then quickly washed up and changed her clothes, then ran downstairs to eat. After digesting all night, she felt that she was almost starving.

When she arrived at the restaurant, only Ah Fu was still there. He greeted her when he saw her, and Mia responded happily. She sat on the chair obediently.

Bruce is still sleeping in the room. Dick and Jason left the manor last night because of work. Although Tim did not leave, he said that he had to stay up all night to complete his homework, so she probably wouldn't see him this morning. out of his room.

As for Damian, except for the time when she got up early, she would never see him during breakfast time. Usually at this time, he would have already finished his morning exercise and was doing his own thing after breakfast.

To be honest, sometimes Mia really doubts that the little birds said that he didn't need to sleep. After all, she had never seen that student get up so early during the holidays.

Maybe that's why he's always angry. Mia thought. Sheldon was also very grumpy the last time he got up early to deliver newspapers to pay off his dad's debt, but he recovered after he hired Billy to deliver newspapers for him.

Maybe when I see Damian today, I can talk to him about the benefits of getting enough sleep and how to fall asleep quickly to bring us closer.

When my mother couldn't sleep at night, she went out of her way to check these things.

He would be interested. Mia thought as she chewed the bread. She looked at the TV placed in the corner. The news was reporting on the Teen Titans defeating the bad guys yesterday.

This caused her to switch from thinking about her relationship with Damian to when she would join the Teen Titans.

After all, they were really cool and what kid couldn't dislike them, not to mention her favorite hero Robin was in it, so of course she would want to join them.

It's just because her abilities are too uncontrollable, and her mother and aunt didn't agree to take her to the Teen Titans headquarters for an interview - when she first learned about the location of the Teen Titans headquarters, she asked her mother to take her to the interview. , she told her she wanted to be a superhero.

But her mother firmly rejected her, saying that aside from the fact that the Teen Titans hadn't released any news about interviews, and that being a hero was a dangerous thing, she had no training, and they wouldn't let her join. Their.

"But I could turn into Superman, The Flash, or whoever else to get me through the interview on the day of the interview and join them," Mia retorted. She looked at her stubbornly, as if she was saying that if you don't let me go, I'm going to make trouble.

This made her mother sigh, and she put down her work and looked at her helplessly, "Then I will ask you a few questions now. If you can pass the test, I will take you to the headquarters of the Teen Titans. How about it?" "She finally compromised with her. After all, she knew very well that if she didn't do this, she could be entangled with herself for several days.

And Mia naturally agreed after hearing what her mother said. She looked at her with

confidence , and the confidence that I would definitely pass the test was clearly reflected in her.

Unexpectedly, she encountered difficulties at the beginning. Her mother asked her what she would do if she happened to be a normal person on the day the team needed her.

"You can't always be Superman, The Flash, or anyone else that allows you to help your teammates that day." Her mother said, shrugging after seeing Mia's troubled expression. , and then thoughtfully skipped this question to the next, "Then second question, if you met a bad guy who robbed, what would you do?" "

Catch him and send him to jail, of course!" This Chimiya answered without any hesitation.

"But the bad guy actually robbed because his boss withheld his salary and found an excuse to put him in huge debt. If he hadn't done this, he and his family would have starved to death. "Her mother added, "And now because you sent him to prison, his family has no source of income and is starving to death." "

No, you didn't mention this at first, I mean if I had known If this happens, I won't send him to jail!" Mia shouted anxiously, interrupting her with frustration on her expression.

"Okay, okay, my bad, but you're a hero, can you really watch a crime happen in front of you?" Mom asked.

"I..." Mia opened her mouth. She didn't know how to answer. As a hero, of course she should prevent every crime, but after knowing the consequences of her stopping him, she could no longer do so.

"That's not fair." Mia pursed her lips and looked at the ground with disappointment. Her initial confidence had long since disappeared from these two questions.

Maybe she is not suitable to be a hero, and she simply has no way to answer those questions.

"You are indeed not qualified now." Just as Mia was recalling, a voice suddenly sounded in her ears, which made Mia confused.

She looked around. There was no one in the restaurant except her and Ah Fu. "Did you hear anything, Ah Fu?" Mia asked. She swallowed the food in her mouth. The reporter on the TV was still reporting. Something about the Teen Titans.

"If you are talking about the sound of the TV, yes, I heard it." Ah Fu replied, and he asked her if she wanted another glass of milk.

"No, I don't need it." Mia shook her head. She looked at the food in front of her, and the voice rang in her ears again. He said that ordinary people could not hear his voice.

"Then what are you?" Mia asked in a low voice. She didn't notice Ah Fu's thoughtful expression after seeing her like this. She just speeded up and finished her breakfast and left the sentence "I'm full." "He hurried back to the room.

Her quilt fell to the ground, and the egg she placed in the quilt cracked, leaving only the eggshell still on her bed.

And the creature that hatched from the egg was also the source of the sound just now. He, or should I say, she, was sitting on a chair looking at her with a disdainful expression. Mia felt that she looked a bit like Damian, after all, he always looked at her like this.

"What are you?" She asked again. She didn't answer her question when she was downstairs. She just told her that she was upstairs now.

"Your guardian sweetheart, you can just call me Xiao Luo." The villain in Robin uniform replied.

"What's that?" Mia asked.

"To put it simply, there is an egg in every child's heart, and the guardian sweetheart is the ideal self sleeping in the egg." Ronaldinho said, flying from the chair in front of her.

"So my ideal self is Robin?" Mia asked again. Although she really wanted to be a superhero and wanted to be Robin, she didn't think she could actually do it, after all, she failed neither her mother's test nor Batman's.

"Of course." Ronaldinho replied, and she circled around her, "But you are too weak now to become Robin," she continued, "But it doesn't matter, I can help you." She said She snapped her fingers when she came here, and then Mia felt that everything was different.

Of course, this doesn't mean that something has really

changed. The room is still the same room, and the garden is still the same garden. It's just that what she is paying attention to now is no longer the beautiful flowers inside, but the flowers hidden in the corners. Motion detectors, sound sensors, heat sensors and every other high-tech tool you can imagine.

To be honest, this was so strange. She had never seen them before, but when she saw those things, she could accurately tell the name and function of each thing.

"This is just Robin's basic skill." Ronaldinho said calmly after seeing her shocked look, but she didn't know if it was Mia's misunderstanding, but she always felt that there was a kind of showing off in her tone.

"But it's still cool. I never thought there would be so many surveillance devices in Wayne Manor. It looks like an airtight box." Mia said, "But I can still find a piece of it. You can go out without disturbing anyone. It looks like someone left the manor without finishing. Is this also Robin's skill?" "

Of course, on the premise of not being discovered by the enemy. Quickly finding a way to sneak in is an essential skill for every superhero." Ronaldinho said, she looked at Mia proudly, but she didn't pay attention to this, she just tied things like sheets into ropes on the balcony.

"No, wait, what do you want to do?!" Xiao Luo shouted after seeing her like this, and she flew to her side.

"I'm going to try that road." Mia replied. She tugged on the "rope" again and slid off after making sure it was strong.

She knew it was dangerous, and she would never have done it in the past, but you have to know that she is Robin today, and although that is just her ideal self, Mia can't control that much.

The moment she landed on the lawn, she ran to the nearest surveillance blind spot, which made her feel like an agent. "Wow, I'm so cool." She murmured in a low voice, and Ronaldinho also Follow her.

She looked at her with disapproval, "You have to go back!" she warned her.

"I will go back. I will go back when I finish trying." Mia said. After determining the time, she quickly ran to the next blind spot. It was obviously a place where she usually hangs out, but now she was forced to go out. A 007 feeling.

And after she successfully left Wayne Manor and entered the unmonitored area, Ronaldinho was already desperate for her. Running out without thinking about the consequences is not what a Robin should do. She asked if she could go back now.

"Your sheets are still hanging outside. Although it is a blind spot for surveillance, if you don't go back as soon as possible, when Alfred, Bruce or Tim find out, they will definitely call Aunt Chloe." Ronaldinho said .

"I know, I know, but I don't have a grappling gun. If I did, the sheets wouldn't be there." Mia shrugged nonchalantly, recalling what had just happened. She obviously knew that if she wanted to go out, she just had to tell Ah Fu, but the thrill of sneaking out was always addictive.

"So can you give me other powers, like Superman or The Flash?" she asked.

"I told you I'm Robin!" Ronaldinho replied unhappily, emphasizing her tone when she said the word "Robin".

This made Mia feel a little disappointed. We all know that Robin and Batman are ordinary people... well, maybe not so ordinary ordinary people.

So after sighing, Mia started to walk back again. After all, she was right. If she didn't go back before Ah Fu and the others found out, then she would definitely be banned from snacks for four weeks, no, it should be longer. Food period. She didn't want this.

But if she was really allowed to stay quietly in the manor all day long, she would really not be willing to wait until tomorrow morning. Like she said before, she has never been a good child.

So after putting the mask into her backpack and packing some other things she might need, Mia ran down to find Afu and said she wanted to go to the Gotham Library.

"Oh, of course, but can I ask you why you suddenly want to go to the library, Miss Mia?" Afu asked, putting down the things in his hands.

"Because I need to write reading notes, but there are no books I want in the study room, so I plan to go to the library to have a look." Mia answered.

This is not actually a lie. Her reading notes have indeed not been written yet, and in her original plan, she did plan to visit the Gotham Library. She hasn't been there yet.

As for the study room, she didn't know if it really didn't have the books she wanted. After all, she didn't know what she wanted, but there couldn't be all the books in the world in there. So she looked at him confidently. To be honest, if Xiao Luo hadn't known what she was planning, she might have been deceived by her.

Afu sighed after seeing her look like that. He didn't say that the inventory of books in Wayne Manor might be more complete than the Gotham Library. As a big family, it has a heritage that ordinary people can never imagine.

He just drove her to the library himself, and when she asked him to leave first, he told her that he had no plans today and that he would wait for her outside the library.

"But wouldn't that be boring for you?" Mia asked hesitantly. She felt guilty for leaving an old man waiting for her outside.

The same goes for Ronaldinho. She looked at them, or to be precise, at her, "Are you sure you want to do this again?" She asked carefully.

"I don't know." Mia shook her head. She stood at the door of the library and looked at Alfred who was back in the car. He once again rejected her proposal and said he would wait for her.

"Maybe we can come back earlier, within an hour. If it's just an hour there won't be any problem." She murmured under her breath.

"But isn't this good?" Xiao Luo said worriedly. She looked at Mia who was hiding next to the door after entering the library. She followed him out while she was waiting for others to go out.

"But don't you want to go shopping? You know this is Gotham, it's your city. Are you really willing to just read a book here and then go home?" Mia asked. She saw that Ronaldinho remained the same After hesitating, she pretended to sigh, "Okay, if this is what you want, then I will do what you want. Who put that ability in your hands?" After she returned to her room

Later, Ronaldinho suspended the so-called Robin ability. She looked at her angrily, as if she was angry at her behavior.

But Mia is puzzled by this. After all, she said that she is the ideal version of herself, and she does not think that she wants to be a forward-thinking adult.

"You really don't want to be such a person, but you want to be Robin, and Robin should be calm and have his own plans for everything. He should not act casually or throw away an old man casually. At the door." Ronaldinho said.

"Hey, I didn't, I will come back." Mia retorted, but midway through her words, her tone began to become less confident again, "But okay, you are right, I really shouldn't do this. , Heroes shouldn't be so reckless, and I shouldn't let Ah Fu wait outside the library for my immature ideas. He should obviously use this time to do something more meaningful." She pursed her lips and read

from Walking inside the door, it was best for her to really find a book here that could not be found in the study room of the manor, and then go back to find Ah Fu.

"If...if it's only half an hour, no, it should be forty minutes, that's not impossible." While Mia was trying to remember what books were in the study, Ronaldinho suddenly said, she was floating in the air.

As a Robin, she is well aware of the consequences of doing so. They may be discovered, or they may not come back in time because they are delayed by other things, but in the end, she is also Mia's ideal self.

She doesn't like to think too hard, nor does she like to be constrained by other things. Although she occasionally lacks self-confidence and will worry about many things and temporarily choose to give up, she will always find the right opportunity to continue her adventure. , and to be honest, of course Robin must have some adventurous spirit!

"I knew you would agree!" Mia changed her depressed look after hearing those words, "To be honest, I almost thought I really wanted to be Damian or Sheldon. You are just as serious as them!" She

smiled and extended her hand to her, and Ronaldinho also extended his hand after seeing it.

They high-fived together.

However, since ordinary people could not see Ronaldinho, Mia quickly stood up after noticing someone approaching. She looked around as if nothing happened, and followed him when she saw the person walking out. The back also slipped out.

She stood in the alley, and the air outside made her feel happy. If she had to say it, the air should be the same everywhere. There was no difference between them, but now she felt particularly comfortable. She would call it the taste of freedom.

Ronaldinho was also happy. They walked through the alley and the road together, and when they encountered any criminal activities such as robbery - in fact, it should be called bullying, a few strong boys took a Skinny boys gathered around the corner trying to get money from him.

However, their plan was interrupted by Mia before they succeeded. She hid in the corner, picked up a nearby stone and hit them on the head. Then she turned on the siren sound on her mobile phone to scare them away before they noticed her.

Although the reputation of the Gotham police is not very good from the outside world. Corruption, bribery, violent law enforcement, bullying the weak and fearing the strong... these words are always associated with them, but as a group of children, they have a natural fear of the police.

The bullied child did not leave directly after seeing the group of people running away. He just squatted on the ground silently and picked up the things that had been dropped on the ground because of the incident just now.

Books fell out of the bag, pencils and erasers scattered all over the floor. They dumped all his things out of his bag in front of him because they didn't believe he would have no money.

Just as he was putting them back into his schoolbag, a tissue was handed to him. It came from a little girl. She looked at him worriedly, "Do you need to call the police? I mean you look like Not very good," he heard her say.

This made him stunned, but he quickly responded, "No, thank you, I'm fine." He said this, but everyone knew he was lying, he was not fine, they broke his His glasses stained his clothes. If the siren hadn't sounded in time, who knows what would have happened to him.

"But..." Mia opened her mouth after seeing his look like this. She wanted to say something, but found that she couldn't say anything at all. Judging from his reaction, this kind of thing obviously happened more than once. .

So she just helped him put the things into his bag in silence, and told him that if this happened again, he could just call Superman. Mom said she could call Superman when they were in danger and he would come to help them.

But the boy didn't react to her suggestion. He just thanked her again and left in a hurry as if there was something urgent.

Although Mia was still a little worried after seeing his appearance, she still had more important things to do now. When she was passing by the bookstore just now, she saw Gizmodo in the newspaper - a villain who "returned from evil to righteousness" , about the opening of the toy store today.