
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 15

It was not difficult to send the letter to Tim and Jason. They were both in their rooms, and after she knocked on the door, she quickly opened the door and took the letter. He signed his name on the piece of paper to prove that he received the letter in time.

Although judging from the fact that they were still wearing pajamas and exuding low pressure all over their bodies, it seemed that they were not very satisfied with the so-called "timely", but no matter what, she had already completed a third of it brilliantly. Of the two tasks, Damian's letter is now the only one left.

She stood at the door of his room and knocked on the door. At the same time, she took out the letter that needed to be given to him in advance and held it in her hand. Perhaps because her previous interactions with Damian could not be called pleasant, Mia was always a little nervous when facing Damian.

She would try to reduce the frequency of chatting with him as much as possible. After all, she didn't know what he liked until now. "He's like a freak!" Mia once complained to Aunt Chloe.

At that time, she was lying on the table dejectedly, looking at the album she had brought from home. This was the countless times she had been rejected by Damian, "Can you believe he doesn't even know the Four Cities Band?" You know?" She continued shouting that it was the most popular band among kids right now and all her classmates knew about them.

"Relax, honey," Aunt Chloe said after hearing her words. She put down the pen in her hand, then picked up the cup and went to the tea room to drink some coffee to wake herself up. Now she is still working. "Maybe Damian is just too nervous. After all, you are his family. Everyone will be nervous when facing a new family member who suddenly appears." "

Maybe." Mia replied with a pursed lips. She put the album back in the drawer. Then he moved his decadent position from the table to the bed. Know that the bed is always the best.

But unfortunately she was not in bed now, and Damian didn't come to open the door.

This made Mia feel a little strange. According to her observations in the past few days, Damian should have returned to the room after feeding the small animals by this time.

Perhaps it was because something unexpected happened in the garden today that he stayed there for a while. Mia thought.

So she trotted over to Seth and Bat Cow. She originally wanted to deliver the letter quickly, but when she arrived, there was no one there. Only Bat Cow stood in the cowshed and ate slowly. Grass. Its tail was wagging, and it barked a few times when it saw her, as if to say hello to her.

"Hey, hello, Bat Cow." Mia responded after hearing the Bat Cow's cry. She approached it cautiously. This was the first time she had observed a cow so closely, and it was a cow.

Before, she could only lie on the window and look at it from a distance when passing by the pasture. Occasionally, if the car was close enough to the pasture and the cows happened to be near the fence, she would open the window and say hello to them.

The loud wind sound caused by the fast-moving vehicle rang in her ears. Her hair began to become disheveled, and her sleeves became bulging due to the inflow of wind, making it look as if they had inflated in an instant. , a swollen balloon.

"Hey, Mom, do you think if my clothes are filled with wind, will I fly like a balloon?" Mia shouted to her mother who was driving after seeing her bulging sleeves. She looked excitedly at the cows in the distance. They noticed her because of the hello she just said.

"No, you won't fly, you will only get sick." Mom replied. She looked at Mia's happy look through the rearview mirror in the car, and then slowly slowed down so that she could see longer. time.

"Why, obviously we are all bulging?" Mia asked. She took back her hand to greet the cows and turned her head to look at her mother in confusion.

"Because the balloon is filled with helium, and it is the helium that makes it fly." Mom said.

"Then if my clothes are also filled with helium, can I also fly?" Mia asked again, looking at her with expectant eyes, perhaps because humans have been trapped on land all year round. They all have a longing for flying into the sky that is engraved in their bones.

"Maybe we can try it next time," her mother sighed after hearing Mia's question

. She looked at the navigation, "Also, if you don't want to see those cows anymore, maybe you can close the window and tidy up. Your hair, we are almost reaching our destination."

"No, no, I still want to see, drive slower, mom!" After hearing her mother's words, Mia quickly shouted, she looked out the window again, but those cows were already there They turned into little black dots until she could no longer see them.

After arriving at Wayne Manor, because Damian didn't like others touching his cows, she almost never came to the cowshed except for Seth.

"Hello, Bat Cow." Mia repeated what she just said. She tentatively put her hand on Bat Cow's back. The smooth and warm touch made her feel a little novel. This was still For the first time, she touched a live, real cow.

"Can I ask you where Damian is now? I have a letter here for him," she continued.

But it's a pity that the bat cow didn't respond to her, or even if it answered, she couldn't understand it. Today, she was not a trainer who could understand the animals' speech, but a messenger, so she just continued to stroke it. back, and then asked himself why it was called a bat cow.

She wanted to ask this question when she heard its name for the first time. After all, it didn't sound like a name, and it was obviously a cow, but the word "bat" was added in front of it, so it didn't matter. It's strange no matter how you think about it.

But because it was Damian's cow, and he didn't seem to welcome her as much as Alfred said, Mia didn't ask the question. She just simply and rudely regarded it as It's Damian's admiration for Batman.

Although he doesn't seem to be very interested in those superheroes, you have to know that this is Gotham. No Gothamite will not like Batman, and no Gotham kid will not admire him. He is super cool. hero.

After hearing her question, Bat Niu also "mooed" a few times, as if it was answering the question she just asked.

Although Mia didn't know what it was talking about, she was happy to regard it as confirmation of her suspicion, so she reluctantly touched the bat cow again - she could only take advantage of this moment After a few more molds, Damian knew that she would probably never be able to touch it again - and she began to continue her journey to find Damian.

She first ran back to the kitchen and planned to ask Alfred. He always knows where everyone is. Just when she was passing by the restaurant, she happened to bump into her brothers sitting at the dining table having breakfast.

The atmosphere between them seemed a little strange. Tim was holding his coffee cup with a heavy face, looking as if he had encountered something very sad, while Jason looked at him with disapproval. Dick stared at him with a frown, the dark circles under his eyes revealing the fact that he had been up almost all night.

"Relax, Jason, it's time for you to enjoy your breakfast." Dick shrugged after receiving his gaze. He continued to eat his breakfast and greeted Mia when he saw her appearing in the restaurant. "Good morning, Mia," he said to her with a smile.

"Good morning, brother." Mia responded. She hurried to the kitchen and returned to the dining room disappointed after getting the answer from Alfred that Damian had gone out in the morning.

The contrast between the before and after reactions puzzled Dick and the others, and he asked her what happened.

"I didn't find Damian, he went out." Mia answered. She looked at the ground in frustration, thinking about when Damian would come back, but in the end she realized that she didn't know at all.

The time she had spent with her family members was too short and the time she had been in this home was not long enough. She did not know them at all.

Maybe she will still have enough time to get along with her family after this. After all, if nothing else happens, she will have to stay here for the whole summer vacation, but that will happen later. Now she just wants to know what she wants She was able to deliver this letter to him when the time came

, but it was a pity that her brothers could not understand her urgency, especially Dick. He felt a little funny when he saw Mia's depressed look, and felt a little guilty at the same time. He thought it was just a game, but he didn't expect her to be so serious.

"You can wait until tomorrow morning to send it. In that case, the letter that just says 'Afu calls you to get up for breakfast' will come in handy." Jason mocked after hearing Mia's words. He was unhappy. He stared at Dick, if it weren't for him he would still be lying in bed enjoying his vacation.

Tim was sitting next to him drinking his own coffee. He seemed to have recovered from the incident that she didn't know about. When he saw Mia, he asked her if she could help him deliver it to Dick now. A letter.

"Of course, but isn't he here right now..." Mia didn't finish what she said. She just looked hesitantly at Dick, who was sitting opposite Tim. He looked equally confused about Tim's request.

"I just wanted to send him a letter," Tim continued. He borrowed paper, pen and envelope from Mia. She had all these things ready in her satchel. After writing the letter quickly, hand it to Mia, who will then pass it on to Dick.

After receiving the letter, Dick opened it doubtfully and found that it contained a matter that he had asked him to investigate before, and it was followed by a threat that he might be busy recently.

Dick:? ! !

"Hey, you can't do this, Timmy!" He yelled at him. He originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Mia's curious eyes, he swallowed the words back and instead looked for the same. She borrowed paper and pen and wrote a reply to Tim.

In the letter, he explained to him in detail the importance of that matter to him, and also said that he could not use this matter to retaliate against him. It was obviously Bruce who started all this.

"But I got your letter," Tim said with a shrug, continuing to drink his decaf coffee. Alfred refused to offer him any more caffeinated coffee because he had been staying up late too often recently.

"Are they quarreling?" Mia asked Jason quietly after seeing their reactions. She looked at them worriedly. Letters should be used to convey emotions buried in the heart that cannot be said face to face, not to quarrel with others.

"No, no, it's just a way for the two of them to express friendship." Jason replied with a shrug, but this still worried Mia. She had already begun to feel the difficulties mentioned in the employee code.

So after thinking for a while, she took out two pieces of paper from her bag and wrote the words "I'm sorry" and "I love you" on them respectively, and also wrote Dick and Tim's names on the back.

She put them in envelopes and gave them to them. They were stunned when they received the letter, and then found it funny when they saw the other's name on it.

"We're not arguing, Mia." Dick explained. He looked at Mia. She still looked worried and had a little guilt in her expression. After all, the reason they quarreled was because she sent them the letter. If she hadn't delivered it in time, they would definitely not have quarreled.

"No, no, you did a great job, and I appreciate you delivering the letter for me." And Dick did not miss Mia's emotions, or should I say, those thoughts were written on her face.

"Yes, Dick is right, we are not arguing, we are just communicating emotions." Tim said the same, he rubbed his temples, losing caffeine made him feel irritable, but as Red Robin , he can control his emotions, and as a student of Batman, he will not be affected by a little caffeine.

"Are you really not quarreling?" Mia asked.

"We don't," Dick sighed, putting his hands next to his head, "I swear to you, this is just a way of emotional communication between us." "

Okay, I believe you!" Mia said, raising her hand and patting Dick's hand to establish trust between them.

Dick was stunned after the sudden high-five, and then smiled and asked Mia if she could still help her deliver a letter to Bruce. He is having a meeting in the study now.

But this time Mia shook her head, "I can't deliver letters anymore, I'm no longer a messenger." She told him.

According to the employee rules, a messenger cannot forge letters in the name of others. Once

discovered, he will be fired immediately. And she had just written letters to each other in the names of Dick and Tim, and she had already been fired.

However, as a migrant worker with professional ethics, she still insisted on sending the last letter to the recipient even though she had been fired.

So when Damian returned from completing today's mission with the Teen Titans and solving another crisis, he got a letter from his sister.

He opened it with doubts and found that it said "Afu calls you to get up for breakfast."

Damian saw the moon was about to rise outside:? ? ?

When Mia woke up the next day, she found that the satchel she had hung by her bedside last night had disappeared, replaced by an egg with bright patterns that suddenly appeared under her quilt?

Mia:? ! ! !

Mia: So what have I become today? !