
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

033  End of this chapter: Everything was settled.

Ryan squinted at the sunlight from the shadows of the trees. Benjamin was a little slow today. Ryan had been waiting for nearly half an hour. And now the vampire was very depressed because his blood bank was seriously insufficient. In the barn on the west side of Anderson's house, each sheep was squeezed to death while healing Ian, which means that the consumption of Ryan last night was not supplemented.

Ryan's eyes narrowed dangerously. He saw a deer.

"You look terrible!" Benjamin's voice sounded behind Ryan.

Ryan hugged the deer's neck, held out a finger, and motioned for Benjamin to wait a moment. It was not until the deer under him had no strength to struggle and blinked feebly that the vampire wiped the blood from his mouth and turned his head. He just wanted to say, 'today's you stink too'. However, he found that the werewolf stank because there were two werewolves.

Benjamin, standing naked, carried another naked man on his shoulder. Ryan could smell the fresh smell of werewolf.

"Who is he?" Ryan frowned. Why did the werewolves appear in front of him one by one as soon as his vampire left him? It's not fair!

With one hand, Benjamin held the man hanging on his shoulder like a bag. With the other hand, he lifted the man's face and faced Ryan: "I think he is our postman. Well, Matthew, that seems to be his name."

Ryan looked at the face and seemed to think of something. He sighed, "in the past tense, he was a postman. The young man now is Nick."

Benjamin raised his eyebrows and said, "has he resigned? It's a good job. What a pity." The werewolf put down Matthew, who was still sleepy, and his first transformation was always exhausting.

Ryan, with an inexplicable smile on his face, threw the package with clothes to Benjamin: "he didn't resign, but was fired."

"Well? Why?" The werewolf had no idea that he was falling into Ryan's trap.

"It is said." Ryan patted the deer barely standing up, indicating that it could go. Then he raised his hands, stretched out two fingers, and bent them like quotation marks: "it is said that he was 'attacked' and damaged a lot of mail."

The werewolf put on his shirt and looked at Ryan. If you ask, who is most likely to be attacked by the 'beast like a bear' that farmers call running on the road in the early morning? There was no one but the postman who would run around at that time.

Benjamin pulled down his blouse, pulled out his pants, and lifted his legs. "Then he was hired by Anderson. From today on."

Ryan looked at Benjamin and explored his face. He really didn't feel that Benjamin had any special feelings, no guilt, no happiness, just unexpected calm.

"Ben, what's the matter?" Ryan asked.

"Ben..JA..Min." Benjamin frowned, glanced at Ryan, saw the vampire's sincere expression, and said, "I remember everything last night."

Ryan's mouth opened slightly, and he didn't seem to understand Benjamin's meaning, "what?"

"I remember everything that happened last night," Benjamin repeated, rummaged through the package, found some wrinkled clothes, took them out, and put them on Matthew.

"What happened!" Ryan felt that his understanding of werewolves had collapsed during his 300 or 400 years of life accumulation.

Usually, werewolves can only remember a few fragments of what happened after transformation. It would be good for a werewolf-like Benjamin who has a serious personality conflict with the wolf personality to remember twoorthree pictures.

"I, er, it, my wolf, ran out of Porto along the woods, then went north, crossed the Paisiying River, and attacked Papa on the south side of Charles River in Newton..."

"I didn't ask you what happened last night. I asked you why you remembered..." Ryan's surprised face suddenly stiffened: "what did you say?! who did you attack?"

Benjamin glanced at Ryan impatiently, picked up Matthew, and walked to the truck: "what do you want to ask?"

"Say who you attacked first!" Ryan followed Benjamin's footsteps and asked hurriedly.

"Papa-Midnite!" Benjamin continued, "his taste is a little strange." The werewolf thought of the mop-like head and fancy ornaments. He shook his head. "In short, my wolf vented for a while, and then saved him, eh, Matthew." Benjamin pulled out the back seat, put Matthew in, closed the door, and walked to the driver's seat. "Then he followed me. That's it."

"Do you want to run back to Anderson!" Benjamin got into the car and started it, but Ryan was still standing outside the car as if thinking about something. The werewolf patted the door impatiently, reminding the dazed vampire.

Ryan touched his chin and sat in the co-driver's seat. When Benjamin started tapping the radio, he asked, "why do you remember this?"

The sound of music came from the old radio. It seemed that it was to deliberately wake up every confused citizen in the morning. At this time, the music was always Benjamin's favorite type, noisy drums and loud singing.

Benjamin's body began to swing with the drum, and he unconsciously raised the volume: "I think it should be the pot of spice given by Sebella! It makes me feel speechless!"

Ryan also had to raise his voice. "Do you think that thing is good? Have you heard of it?"

"No! But Sebella doesn't want to be bad for us, does she?" Benjamin answered.

Ryan thought for a while, nodded, and asked, "do you want to know what happened to us last night?"

"What?" Benjamin jogged his finger on the steering wheel and asked casually.

The music on the radio seemed to have changed. Although there were still fierce drums and the singer's roar, the melody had become melodious, with a deep ethereal.

"Here comes Revenge!" Ryan stared at the radio. "What's this?"

Benjamin looked at Ryan and found that Ryan was really interested in the song. "I don't know the name of the song. But this song is called Gothic." Benjamin thought for a while, "it suits you vampires."

Ryan listened quietly for a while. Death, blood and violence, Ryan raised his eyebrows. "It's more like the style of the Sabbat." The former Camarilla member sitting in the co-pilot shook his head, and put aside this brief distraction, "go on."

"Revenge is here. Of course, there was a group of Papa Midnite walking corpses. Ian left with them. Revenge was made into an alpha by Papa Midnite, but it was an alpha who listened to Papa's command. What a joke!"

The Anderson brothers laughed in the van.

"Sebella abolished his left arm. Besides, you would never think that Kim is very powerful! Very!"

"Go on. It's unexpected that Papa Midnite was so persistent about the soul of Run that he finally forced Sebella to threaten him with suicide. He could only choose one." Ryan stopped here.

"And then?" Benjamin frowned and asked. How can he only hear half the story?

Ryan looked at Benjamin helplessly, "then they left."

"Gone? Who did he choose?" Benjamin asked.

Ryan shook his head and looked at Benjamin. "This is a helpless place. He hasn't made a choice yet. I think you must have appeared. What did you do to him?"

Benjamin twitched his eyes twice. "You don't want to know."

Ryan raised his eyebrows and stopped asking.