
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

001 Bus Station at Dusk

The dusk sun was reminding everyone that night was coming. If you have something to do to avoid the sun, now, be ready. Just like the dinner plate in the hands of the housewife, the work clothes stuffed into the lockers, the last bus, and the young men and women who drive farther and farther away with an open top.

"What is this place?" The young woman's voice seemed dissatisfied. She left the man who was leaning against her and looked around the desolate area.

The young man turned off the engine and pulled the woman's face. Regardless of her doubts, the carefully trimmed beard scraped on the woman's face.

"Ha ha!" The woman beat the man on the chest and pushed him away. "Stop! Neil!"

The man named Neil smiled and let go of his wife, Daphne. They got out of the car, chased each other in a manner that was very consistent with the attitude of the young couple, and ran to the mottled wall courtyard.

"Paisiying, bus?" Daphne looked at the sign hanging on the gate of the yard and narrowed her eyes to distinguish the words. She pulled over her scattered blond hair and said, "I don't remember Paisiying has a bus station..."

Neil hugged Daphne from behind and walked into the abandoned bus stop despite her laughter and scolding.

Dark red old-fashioned buses were arranged in the yard. It seemed that this place was cleaned up not long ago. This couple who could not help themselves after the fight stood between the buses and leaned against the carriage. Their carefully matched clothes were not contaminated with any dust.

"Stop! Stop!" Daphne pushed Neil away, and her slightly swollen lips gently puffed up. She seemed to realize what Neil meant and took a little blame, "what do you want to do? We won't spend the night here!"

Well, we all know what she means.

Neil's chest was undulating. Oh, it's not fair. The young couple's chests were undulating, but the man was eager.

"Do you dare to spend the night here?" There was a hint of provocation in the man's eyes.

Daphne saw through Neil's mind at once. "Pause! Pause!" She pulled her messy coat, and all the previous mood had been thrown away. With a serious face, she said, "at least tell me where this is!"

Neil took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and buckled the untied belt again. "The old Paisiying bus station." Neil waved helplessly, "you said you were bored and wanted to explore. You wanted to find some excitement. I think this is a good place."

Daphne frowned with anger in her eyes. "I don't mean to be in the wild!"

Neil's eyes lit up. "We can go in."

Seeing the other party's serious proposal, Daphne really wanted to kick him!

"Sorry!" Neil's reaction was so quick that he pressed Daphne's shoulder: "I'm just kidding!"

Daphne stared at the honest man in front of her. It was a funny thing. She couldn't help laughing. "Ha ha! I mean, I'm tired of everything on Liszt street. I want to see new clothes, try new collocations and eat at new restaurants. Instead of doing it in strange places..." Daphne said this, and glared at the man who would be misunderstood.

Neil suddenly realized that men and women have essentially different thinking directions.

"Well, what is this place? Has it been abandoned? I never knew there was such a place in Porto." Holding her shoulders, Daphne began to walk among the buses, looking around curiously and occasionally touching the cracked bus shell.

Neil gave up the idea of doing something. If he hadn't happened to read it in the newspaper, he wouldn't have known about the bus stop that had been abandoned in Paisiying for 20 or 30 years.

"Cult was discovered here some time ago." He followed Daphne and began to plan to leave Porto for a trip to meet each other's 'adventure and excitement'.

"The place where many bodies were found?" Obviously, Daphne had heard the news some time ago. She frowned, held her shoulder tightly, and leaned into Neil's arms.

Neil hugged Daphne, who was a little scared and gave a random hum.

"Why did you do that?" There was a trace of incomprehension on Daphne's face. Of course, it was more fear. For her, this is really a 'stimulating' place.

Neil shrugged and said it was a 'cult'. How can normal people understand it! But now the chat seemed to be an opportunity to transfer the little embarrassment just now. Neil made it up: "open the door of hell."

Daphne in his arms was closer to Neil. "Let's get out of here." She looked up at the sky. Although she knew that Neil was talking nonsense, the sky had begun to darken from the yellow. Before long, the night would fall here. She didn't want to enjoy the night scenery here!

"Yes." Neil hugged Daphne, and they leaned together and turned away.


The sound made by the metal after being stressed was sounded without any warning!

Both men were alert and looked at the old bus beside them.


The sound of rubbing noise came continuously from the other side of the bus! Neil instinctively hugged Daphne, who was already shaking.

Just as they were about to step out, the bus suddenly moved!

In the creaking sound, the bus in front of them seemed to be hit by something and shook violently! The aging tires fluctuated up and down, and the sound of friction and collision of metal bearings made them stare! Unconsciously retreat to the other side.

"Ah!" Daphne had already cried out because just as their retreat was blocked by the bus behind them, the bus behind them also made a metallic noise and shook!

Neil stared, not knowing whether it was fear or surprise. He put one hand on the moving bus, as if something were pushing it, put his arm around Daphne, and pulled her out of the road between the two buses!

Bang! Creak!

The bus on the left suddenly burst into a loud crash! The sound of tires rubbing on the ground was sharp and harsh! The dark red bus ran into two people. Neil only had time to push Daphne out of the lane. His own vision was squeezed by the dark red of the buses on both sides!


The two buses suddenly closed in front of Daphne who was pushed out!


The cold wind from the suddenly closed tunnel raised Daphne's golden hair!

The splinters from the impact hit her cheek directly!

Maybe lost her balance when Neil pushed him, or maybe Daphne couldn't keep standing at all! Daphne's body fell back!

"Neil! Neil!" Daphne's elbow hit the hard ground. She reluctantly raised her body. Her bloodshot eyes were covered by the wet vapor and stared at the bus! Her voice was hoarse and sharp, screaming at the two buses closing in front!

"Daphne! Daphne!" The man's voice suddenly came from the bottom of the bus. "I'm all right! Daphne! Are you all right?"

Daphne's heart missed a beat. She quickly twisted her body and lay on the ground, looking at the bottom of the dark bus. Her man also lay on the ground, "I, I'm fine!" Daphne's voice trembled. "Neil, come out! I, let's get out of here..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

At the end of dusk, in the darkness of the moment when the sun was lost, it seemed as if an inky figure passed in front of two close buses.

The abandoned Paisiying bus station was as silent as ever when the real night with starlight shrouded Porto.