
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

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The clothes burst under the swelling muscles, and the dark hair was covered with silver by the moonlight. Sebella 's body was almost lifted by the vampire, but her hands still held the doll full of mantras.


The angry werewolf roared in the backyard of the Anderson house. The newly born beast had found its left forelimb drooping like a waste.

Sebella stared at the alpha ahead with wide eyes. The biggest nightmare handed down by her Indian wizard blood came true.

"No!!" Half of Sebella 's body was surrounded by Ryan's arm. Her eyes showed madness. She raised the doll with her hands high, and her dry fingers broke the wooden doll.

The red mantra suddenly shone. Under the alpha black hair, the red light loomed, and the sound of bone distortion and fracture came from it!

When Kim finally turned into a real form, rolled up Corden with his scarlet tail, and hurled it to the Anderson house guarded by the border, Ryan also threw out the crazy Sebella, and the splintered wooden doll fragments flew away in front of the two fallen Indians in the air.

Alpha's whole body erupted into countless clicks, the broken bones returned, and the strained muscles reorganized.

The strong right forelimb planed heavily to the ground, like a black meteor, and rushed to the person who had brought severe pain to it!


The football jacket was smashed apart when it first appeared. No, it was penetrated.

Run, who was left in the world by a pickled cucumber jar, made a pull with his body without substance. But alpha's tail was just like a flick, passing through his body, leaving the translucent earthbound spirit holding its position and floating in the air in vain.

Alpha's body was stung, and his speed suddenly slowed down! The huge vermilion tail wrapped around his hind legs, and four drag marks were drawn on the soil. Kim, the shapeshifter, was as straight as a lizard! Only the sharp claws were still firmly embedded in the soil. At its tail vertebrae, the vermilion skin was torn, revealing the pink muscles!

As soon as Ryan's pupil shrank, his body retreated to one side and suddenly tightened while throwing away Sebella!

The dragged alpha suddenly turned his head and stared at the scarlet shapeshifter. Its primary attack target changed at this time! The right forelimb pushed fiercely to the left, the huge body bent to the right, and the sharp fangs bit at the 'lizard' that wrapped around its hind legs!

In Kim's big abnormal eyes, Alpha's teeth were getting closer and closer!


Vermilion's figure was like a runaway pendulum! With the head of the triangle as the center of the circle, a sector was drawn in alpha's eyes! And the huge mouth that should have been biting on the opponent's torso but the air!

Kim was facing alpha's head, his eyes blinked like a ball, and the two vertical eyelids opened, leaving a shadow of a cross in alpha's confused eyes. The whole body of the expressionless reptile was covered with vermilion. At the tail end of vermilion, a neat section tilted up and swayed slightly at Kim's tail vertebra, as if to remind alpha - look here.

Alpha's eyes showed confusion. It seemed that he was still dealing with the scene in front of him. At this time, his body shook violently! Vermilion's body climbed onto its head!

The vampire's right hand clung to the dark hair, and the entire forearm of his left hand had disappeared into the shoulder of alpha's drooping left forelimb!

The shapeshifter climbed onto alpha's head, and his upper body had disappeared into the hair on Alpha's back. The back claw like a reamer was stuck in alpha's eye socket, tighten!


Let everyone's trembling roar burst out in alpha's mouth when he raised his body!

Its right forelimb reached out to grasp the vampire and turn to the 'lizard' on your head!

In the black, there was vermilion swimming. Alpha's forelimbs were just beating themselves, giving the vampire time to go deeper!

The tail abandoned by Kim had been ruined under the tread of alpha, like a pile of rotten meat! The vampire reluctantly clung to alpha, trying to push his arm forward a little more!

The vampire's body suddenly tilted, the overturned world solidified in an instant, and the sound of bone fracture sounded from alpha and vampire at the same time! But only Ryan's bone was broken! Ryan's body was squeezed between the ground and alpha! The red in the eyes seemed to overflow the orbit and spread to the outside world!

Ryan's neck deflected violently, and alpha's sharp teeth were deeply embedded in the ground on the side of his face! The foul-smelling warm air was spitting on the vampire's face. Ryan pressed alpha's back with his right hand and pushed it with all his strength. The vermilion figure climbed down the ground like a wandering snake. His short front paw pressed Ryan's shoulder, buckled it in, and pulled Ryan out!


It seemed that the vampire was inspired by the scarlet 'gecko' and his right hand was close together, directly submerged into his left shoulder! Blood pulled out a red stain between two separate bodies!

The vampire's body quickly flipped on the ground, stood up, and covered his left shoulder. Under the seeping sound, white bones and bright red muscles grew on the wound held by the vampire's left hand. But Ryan's red eyes were fading.

The walking corpses in the distance suddenly tightened up and stuck the young vampire in the middle!

"Don't worry." The cold skin of a walking corpse stuck to Ian's ear, passing the words of Papa Midnite: "we are not here to make death..."

Papa Midnite was telling the truth.

Alpha's huge body turned over on the ground, and three strong limbs made him stand up again. His brown eyes under the black hair stared at the standing vampire and the vermilion 'lizard' lying on the ground.

A new round of confrontation was about to begin.

"Don't waste your time!" A hard voice came from the walking corpses in the distance, "get Run, and then we can leave this unlucky city!"

Alpha's eyes turned away from the vampire.

Ryan's eyebrows furrowed and he watched the dark alpha dig up some land in Anderson's backyard with his only available forelimb.

This alpha dIDn't seem to be attached to biting the vampire's throat!

"Stop! Stop!!" Run screamed in vain in the air, and a mound had been piled up in front of alpha!


"Stop!" The sound of the corpse sounded hard, and alpha's action stopped.

Ryan's eyebrows were more tight. It's not because Sebella had walked out of the protective barrier of Anderson's house, but because this alpha actually obeys orders!

What kind of leader will obey orders? There is no such leader! Even those cursed Indian heroes in history follow their own hearts to protect their homeland, not Papa Midnite's orders!

Sebella held a dagger in one hand and held it in front of her wrinkled neck: "Papa Midnite, do you want me or Run! Choose one!"

"Oh! No! Sebella! My Sebella !" The walking corpse faithfully showed everything Papa Midnite wanted to show: "you are my real blood, you are different from others, you are my real precious believer! Why do you embarrass me so much?"

The dagger reflecting cold light had been pasted on the skin, and SebelaA's bloodshot eyes stared at the walking corpse in the distance: "you have taken away one of my sons! Now, I, Run, choose one!"

The walking corpses hung their heads like unmanned marionettes.

The night wind blew every creature's heart, but someone who needed to make a choice seemed to press the pause button at this time.

I'm not saying that Papa Midnite had to put aside things here for a while.

Because the car he was driving was rolling in mid-air. His braids, like fried dough twisted, ran against the traction of gravity and swung in front of him, causing pain in his cheeks. The evil funny animal bone necklace that was worn around his neck was flying in front of his face and crashing against each other. At the same time, it was also hitting his front teeth.

When the overturned car crossed the sky and exposed the full moon in the sky, we can see that under the full moon, in the middle of the road, the brown eyes of the 'beast like a bear' stared at someone exposed in the driver's window, and the dark brown hair floated slightly in the night wind.

Papa Midnite's body was pulled by the seat belt, and he was like duckweed in the waves on the seat. His ribs were torn painfully, 'Oh, I've been found.'


The jujube red car broke the trees at the side of the Charles river revetment forest. The car lay in front of the slightly stronger trunk.

Alpha in the middle of the road, the real alpha, the sharp toenails rapped on the concrete floor. In the cold scraping sound, the ground left a gray scratch. The dark brown hair was pressed against the skin in the rapidly retreating air flow, and alpha rushed to the deformed car!

The jujube red paint was scratched without pity, and alpha's forelimbs were directly buttoned on the driver's door! The sound of metal being forcibly torn off sounded. The deformed door rotated in the air and finally crashed into the woods on the other side of the road. God knows where it will roll!

In the strange sound of babbling and the humming, a man in a jujube formal dress was held half of his left chest by alpha's clenched upper and lower jaws. When he was thrown out, the poor man's body seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, missing the whole body of his left chest, throwing bright red blood and some lumps into the air!

Alpha didn't seem to think it's enough! Push up the hind legs and pat the front legs directly on the head like a mop!

Not enough! After landing, alpha began to bite all the parts that could be bitten, limbs, trunk and head! Not doing so was not enough to express alpha's anger!

Finally, when there were only blood splashes and small pieces of meat on the gray road under the moonlight, alpha looked up and roared!

The long roar met with an echo.

Alpha tilted his head and looked at the car still overturning in the green belt. In the trunk that had been knocked open, a head protruded, and the pale yellow hair was blown by the night wind.

A werewolf struggled to get out of the trunk, and clumsily tore the seals wrapped around him. Red mantras were all over these seals. If alpha's howling hadn't awakened him, he would have slept through the full moon.

Alpha stood in the middle of the road and had no intention of helping the young wolf. It is a disgrace for the wolf to be captured. Now, the young wolf must break the seal that bound him!

Finally, the wolf got rid of the seal around him. Alpha's breath was on the cold ground, and he turned and disappeared into the woods. The young wolf behind followed in awe, expectation and confusion.