
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

031  Alpha under the full moon

The truck, which had been rough and bumpy due to the ravages of Benjamin and Ryan, had been resurrected by the industrious werewolves in the past three days. Now, this dirty, old and broken van was heading south on highway 27.

The vampire who held the steering wheel looked at the werewolf suspiciously. Although he was happy that he didn't need to diet, the werewolf was a little too calm now. The lowest end of the sun was only a line away from the western horizon. Before long, the night would come. In the East, surrounded by stars, the full moon would become the protagonist of the sky.

At this time in the past, werewolves were always very upset.

The truck turned at the border of Porto, continuing to drive on the land without roads. The surrounding trees made it stop before it is impossible for the truck to enter. Ryan watched Benjamin jump out of the car. Benjamin took off his clothes and threw them back into the car. When the sun had not yet set, he ran into the forest.

Ryan stopped dawdling and returned to highway 27 to Anderson's house.

Benjamin's running at this time had no goal, the soft soil, broken twigs, and yellow leaves were trampled by the werewolf's feet. After turning over the sturdy tree trunk, the werewolf's body was covered with a layer of brown-yellow fluff. His legs continued to push back, his sturdy front body leaned forward, his down-covered arms pressed against the ground, and swung backward like the forelimbs of a beast. The werewolf was faster.

When the sun finally sank below the horizon, the running werewolf seemed to jump into a low-lying place, and his body was submerged in the darkness.

When the world adapted to the night dominated by the full moon, a 'Wolf' covered with black and brown hair leaped out of the darkness and bathed in the moonlight infiltrating the shade of the trees in the depths of the woods at the southern border of Porto.

It raised its jaw and looked at the full moon in the air. Its hair swayed gently in the breeze. It waited quietly, waiting for the full moon to tell it something.

Benjamin always refused to talk to it, so it had to ask the distant moon.

The low hum from the deep throat came from the alpha's mouth. The full moon in its eyes was squeezed into a line by the constricted pupil. The brown hair stood up slightly and was no longer stirred by the airflow. Under the open lips, the sharp fangs made all the lives in the forest tremble.

In the dead silence, the sound of fierce beasts running sounded in the woods. Alpha was running. Different from Benjamin's aimless, alpha seemed very clear where it was going!

The main gate of Anderson's house was quiet and serene in the moonlight. The white line like lime was attached to the porch, bypassing the corner of the building and surrounding the whole Anderson house. Light and Shadow form a 'wall' to keep all evil things out.

Including the vampire Ryan.

Ryan stopped the truck in the backyard, took off his coat, folded it, and put it in the truck. He pushed the door open and looked at the second floor. The Banshee Alice, old Hank and Louise were standing by the window, looking at the backyard.

Papa Midnite chose to attack when the werewolf left.


Revenge, who was no different from normal people, stared at Ryan when he appeared, with anger and hatred in his eyes!

Ryan put one hand on Ian's shoulder and unbuttoned his shirt. He ignored Revenge and looked at the walking corpse standing behind him.

"Papa Midnite, would you like to chat first? Or would you like us to save some time and do it quickly?" Ryan asked the walking corpse.

The neglected Revenge was about to step forward when his shoulder was pressed by a rotten hand. The stiff and dry facial muscles still completed the expression of smile. Papa Midnite's 'microphone' crossed Revenge and looked at the vampire who rolled up his sleeves: "let's talk first."

Ryan seemed to have a fake disappointment on his face as if his sleeves were all pulled up, but the other party said, 'let's be friends'.

Ryan looked at the gloomy-looking Gust and his wife. The two Indians were standing at the place where Run was buried. Their eyes were on their once eldest son.

Ryan nodded at them, pressed Ian, whose eyes were already red, and walked away from the Gust family. The walking corpse was very cooperative, separated from Revenge's back, and moved aside while keeping a distance from the vampire.

Kim, the big Dane, separated his eyes strangely. At last, he seemed to have received Ryan's instructions and stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Gust.

"What do you want to talk about, Papa Midnite?" Ryan waved his hand casually and said.

"Will you give me Ian Anthony?" The walking corpse asked casually.

"Of course not." Ryan raised his mouth.

"Perhaps we should ask his own opinion." Corpse proposal.

"He is too young to make any decision..." Ryan stopped beside Ian.

Ryan's smile disappeared and he looked down. He had lost his 'child' for 13 years.

"Ha! You see, he doesn't seem so..."

Ryan, the vampire, stood with one finger in the air. He did not look at the walking corpse. He just used his sharp fingertips to show that he was not in the mood to talk.

It seemed that family conflicts had broken out in the Gust family, and the fierce quarrels were in contrast to the silence here. Ryan didn't speak. He's waiting for Ian to speak. Feeling something will happen is different from hearing it.

"I want to stay here and fight for you." Ian raised his head and looked into the vampire's eyes. "I like to be taught by you. I like to be the only 'Toreador' with you. I like this 'Anderson'."

When Benjamin temporarily replaced Ryan as Anderson's master, the two vampires in the basement had told each other all the past stories, and then the rest of the time was just looking forward to the future. But in this part, Ryan was the only one talking, and Ian listened.

So now it's time for 'you're all right, but'.....

"But you still don't want to stay." Ryan just followed Ian's words.

"Ann doesn't want me here." Ian's eyes were momentary absent-minded. "He is my brother. I know him. Thirteen years ago, he did it for his army. Now, he will do it for his citizens. Nothing has changed."

Ryan was silent.

"I know that I have never been your descendant. It has always been Ann. I am stubborn and impulsive. If Ann doesn't ask you, I won't be here."

"Everyone changes." Ryan frowned. He was trying to find a weakness in Ian's words as a starting point for his counterattack.

Ian seemed to smile bitterly, frowned, and said something completely irrelevant, "I'm surprised that Ann is getting old." Ian's eyes closed and then opened, "you've all changed, but it's about each other, not me." Ian's eyes became serious: "I will never catch up with your changes! One day, you will find that I can't be the 'child' you expect. When Ann expels me again, you won't distort his will."

Ryan sighed and his position was blocked. Slowly breathing, the vampire's eyes became cold, "have you made up your mind?"

"I will be a good soldier! I will be outside the Union..." Ian tried to explain that Ryan is still his' father '. If Ryan becomes strict, he will still try to find reasons for himself like a child.

Ryan didn't listen to Ian anymore and turned to the Gusts. He tried and failed, so he didn't have to go on.

Sebella took out a doll from under her cloak. The woman's mouth was slightly open and slowly breathed. Her finger was cut by a knife and dropped a drop of blood on the doll. Meanwhile, Corden also smeared the blood on his finger on the doll.

Revenge's face was overcast, and his chest fluctuated violently because of the quarrel just now. From the position he stood, he failed to make Gust shrink back and give up the "buried object" of Run. He stared at the movements of the two. The doll's head was taken off, revealing the hollow body inside. Sebella took out a box and opened it.

"What is that! What are you doing?!" Revenge yelled warily.

"Don't you remember?" Sebella 's face was sad and angry. "These are your teeth. When you were twelve years old, you lost them in a fight with your neighbors."

Sebella seemed to be immersed in some memories, but Revenge has no intention to recall with his mother. What he was caring about was that blood, objects and forms had been mastered by the wizard!

"What do you want!" Revenge was almost gnashing his teeth.

"I don't want my blood to be a slave to others." Sebella didn't look at Revenge any more. She repositioned the doll's head Her lips moved.

On the doll stained with the blood of the Gust couple, the red mantra suddenly grew from the red, like a chain in the air! It seemed that the sound of chains colliding with each other sounded, and the chains extended from the doll in Sebella 's hands rushed to Revenge not far away like arrows!

Bang! Bang!

The red chain pulled between the two people was extremely cold in the dark. When the chains intertwined and bound Revenge, the red chain suddenly brightened and disappeared! The doll in the hand of Sebella was held high, and the dense mantra was covering on it, which echoed with the mantra on Revenge's skin at this time!


"With my words, with my wishes!"

Then, Sebella stared and pulled off the doll's left arm.


Revenge's howl tore the night sky! The strong left arm bent behind in a strange posture!

Sebella 's logic was very simple. She didn't give the dead man the chance to use the other arm. The deadman witchcraft of Papa Midnite and the control witchcraft of Sebella overlapped on revenge, completely abolishing his left arm.

Ryan frowned and stood behind the Gusts, escorting with Kim, as if he was a stranger to Ian who had entered the corpse group.

The reason why Ryan frowned was that Sebella was not straightforward. She still wanted to use 'persuasion' to liberate the deadman contract and let Revenge's soul out of the control of Papa Midnite.

Sebella 's eyes were focused, her hands fiddled with the doll, controlling the doll's right hand to pull out the dagger from his waist.

Revenge's right arm did something against his master's will. He fumbled around his waist, grabbed the dagger, pulled it out, and pointed it at himself!

"Stab it down!" Sebella yelled at the doll. In the sharp whistling peculiar to women, her dry fingers pressed the doll's right hand and stabbed it into the doll's left chest!


The sound of the blade entering the flesh burst on Revenge.

The first pass of X had been completed! Sebella's fingers trembled, pulled away the crooked doll arm, and the carved wrist was turned in another direction, another stroke of X!

The bones of the big Dane dog suddenly fell and wriggled, and the skin and muscles of the whole body changed rapidly. The shape-changing person originally named 'gecko' bounced up like a vermilion wall snake, and Corden's body was wrapped by its long and thick tail and retreated to one side!

The vampire's two pupils were occupied by red, so he couldn't take back his sharp fingertips and grabbed Sebella 's shoulder and retreated fiercely!

Blood, triggered the curse under the full moon, and a new alpha was born.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

michael_lyucreators' thoughts