
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

031 Pathetic outsiders

"Please fill your pocket with a doll bill, because every night is a gentleman's night." [boosboos bar] notice.

Ryan and Benjamin opened the door. Now it's still some distance from the "gentlemen's night", so except for the steel pipe erected on the round table, the bar was no different from an ordinary bar.

Ryan had seen James sitting in the corner, while Benjamin went directly to the back of the bar and borrowed the phone. Because I don't know how long James will occupy them, I need to inform Alice of Mrs. Quinn's request so as to prepare in advance.

"Is it too early to come here now?" Ryan smiled and sat down beside James.

James looked at Ryan and threw a magazine: "I'm not in the mood to joke with you!"

Ryan picked up the magazine and opened it with 'telephone communication with the nether world' -- Remember the whole story of Porto's telecommunication congestion event! " Ryan watched the mysterious busy tone, the mysterious disappearance of internal employees, the howling in the daytime, the memory loss of employees stuffed into the garbage can.

The author of the article had enriched his imagination by sketching out the story of a person who can talk with the underworld by telephone. Of course, the final outcome was that this person was picked up by an emissary of the underworld after being discovered by an innocent colleague... At the end of the article, he also said, "based on real events.".

"Wow. What a fascinating story." Ryan closed the magazine and looked at the rough cover: "Urban Legend - Porto weekly? I should subscribe to one. It's a good choice to pass the time."

James frowned. "This is no joke! You and Benjamin should be more careful!"

"Oh! Are you worried about us? I'm very moved."

"Please be serious." James said coldly, "only a few days had passed, and someone has felt the signs of Benjamin's action."

James referred to the man who woke up in the trash can of the Telecom Building, and Benjamin's howling when he was solving the shapeshifter, which also appeared in the entertainment section of Porto Daily the next day. Benjamin explained that the shapeshifter was on the phone at that time, which was the simplest deterrent method to make those restless aliens realize that Porto belongs.

"OK, I'll remind him. Next time, let him be quiet, and then leave him alone." Ryan said dismissively.

"You know I didn't mean that!" James was a little angry!

"Of course I know." Ryan nodded a little seriously. James was really a hard guy to please. "How's Curson? And David's friend, Fitz?"

"David's case is still under investigation." James gave some uncomfortable answers, because obviously, he had time to come out alone. On behalf of detective Curson, he didn't want to cooperate with this' unreliable 'partner! "But now the case has been officially filed. It is a 'missing case'. Fitz also resumed his work today, but was asked to keep David's situation completely confidential." James shook his head helplessly.

The real case of David's death lost its clue completely after Benjamin took the action, and entered a dead end like the previous cases of missing hookers. However, there was no special news in the newspapers these days. Obviously, the real case had been completely covered up by Cologne in the consideration of "not causing panic". Curson's secret investigation may soon be abandoned.

For a wolf and a vampire , this is the best result. "So, why did we come here? Did you find anything?"

"Yes." James began to pull out documents from behind: "I got the list of people who came in and out of Porto through normal channels during this period. After comparing it with the list of people who came in and out of Porto for a long time, I found many 'people' who came to Porto for the first time."

"Then I got the list of people who left Porto these days." James curled his lips. "Most of the people who came to Porto for the first time left."

This showed that Benjamin's practice had played a role, which was good news.

"But there are still some people here." James handed Ryan a list.

Ryan took it: "give me a pen."

James handed a pen, watched Ryan take it, and began to draw on the list.

"Solved, solved, solved..."

Ryan casually drew on the list. Soon, most of the names were crossed out! Obviously, in these three days, a wolf and a vampire were not idle!

There was a strong regularity in the actions of different races. Just like the shapeshifter in Porto who came to the city for the first time, it was not difficult to find these guys after mastering the rules. What's more, there were some guys who were new to Porto, thought this is a paradise, and are extremely weak in alertness!

James was in a bad mood when he watched Ryan cross out one name after another! It's very bad!

This was not the disappointment after the hard-earned data had been proved to be worthless, but.....

In fact, we already know that James is a guy with a full sense of justice, and his dedication to the police profession is different from ordinary people! At least that's how Louise's good impression for him disappeared.

So when he saw that Ryan crossed out a name and said "solved", he could easily think of what it meant. As a detective of the homicide team of Porto police station, he didn't receive any news! This made him realize how dangerous the guy in front of him was!

They can quietly erase the 'people' who once appeared in Porto .

James now felt a strong sense of crisis.

Finally, there were only a few names left on the list. Ryan put down his pen: "well, now, what name are we here for?"

James' gloomy face pointed to one of them, Madison Cook.

"He came to Porto three days ago, and then he worked as a temporary worker from six to two in the morning."

Ryan looked at the time on his wrist. After six o'clock, he looked at several bartenders chatting in the bar: "which one is it?"

James shook his head and turned Ryan's head to the other side. Behind the bar, Benjamin was coming this way after calling. "That."

After Benjamin's generous body, a man with a headgear held a basket of washed dishes and cups. When Benjamin walked out of the aisle, he continued to walk behind the bar.

The man named Madison put a large basket of cups and plates on the ground, squatted and put the utensils in the basket into the cabinet behind the bar. Several bartenders were whispering about something. From their joking expressions, it can be seen that the object of their discussion was Madison working aside.

Madison moved quickly, put the equipment, carried the empty basket, and turned to go back. It seemed that he should clean up everything before 7 o'clock to welcome the 'gentlemen's night'.

"Madison, hey! Madison! I'm calling you! Madison! Madison!"

Madison turned in surprise and looked at the people who called him. Please forgive Madison. He hadn't got the name for a week. He was not very used to being called that.

"Sorry, I was just distracted." Madison apologetically explained to the guys who were obviously bullying the newcomers, "what can I do for you?"

"Ha ha! Madison! You are so funny!" A guy leaned over to the bar, pulled out three clean glasses and poured them full of beer: "go and bring wine to the guests on the table over there, just say you invited it!"

Madison was stunned for a moment and looked back at the three people sitting in the corner. One of them, a tall guy, had just called in the back: "but I don't know them, and I didn't ask them."

Several guys looked at each other and laughed: "Madison, we Porto people are very friendly! You should adapt quickly! We often invite strangers to drink! Now, don't talk nonsense! Hurry up!"

The wine cup was pushed in front of Madison, but the tray on the bar was taken away by several other people. The bullying attitude was very obvious.

Madison hesitated to look at the three wine glasses that were almost overflowing. If they spilled, it would still be him who cleaned them up. Who would let him be a temporary worker. Madison looked at the three guests in the corner. Three men with completely different styles seemed to have noticed here and were 'curious' looking at Madison.

Madison had no expression. He quietly put the beer on his palm, carefully held it, and protected it with his other hand. He didn't think that if he sent it twice, it would satisfy these people.

"Wait!" A guy grabbed Madison's arm. The beer swayed and splashed out the glass, wetting Madison's sleeve and front.

The guy who caught him stared at him and said, "you have to pay first! Twelve dolls plus eight dolls! Twenty dolls in all!"

"Tip?" Madison stared at the annoying guy in surprise: "I asked for it. Do I have to tip?"

"Are you kidding? Of course! Do you think the beer will go into the cup by itself?!" He also stared at Madison in surprise. The people around covered their lips as if they were laughing.

"I have no money." Madison replied.

"Don't talk nonsense with me! I saw that the boss Kim paid you wages yesterday! You don't even have to pay taxes! You are a stranger, stealing the money of our Porto citizens!" His face changed: "no ink! Give me the money quickly! Otherwise, you can get out and look for a new job now!"


Madison pushed the beer out and put it on the table! The splashing liquor splashed on the bar, splashing several guys all over!

"I quit!"

Madison pulled off the badge on his chest and the hood on his head, threw it on the bar, and turned to walk behind the bar. A moment later, he reappeared. Wearing a brown hat, an old coat and a small handbag, he pushed the door open and disappeared. Leaving several stunned bartenders, and the angry boss rushing out from the back of the bar!

"I think we'll say goodbye to today's gentleman's night." Ryan stood up and seemed to be leaving. His voice was so quiet that the owner of the bar heard him. So the boss became even angrier. The 'poor' bartenders lost half a month's wages

"You go." After James opened the bar door, he said to Ryan and Benjamin, "there are still a few names. I'm going to investigate."

The three nodded to each other and separated in two directions.