
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

032 A new member of the Anderson family

The truck slowly turned the corner and stopped at the roadside. Among the neon lights on the street, this earth colored truck had attracted the attention of many people. It's really not a good choice to use such a vehicle to keep an eye on people, but the person being watched was unconscious - Mr. Madison Cook, who had just lost his job.

Madison bought a newspaper at the corner, then found a ladder and sat down on the spot. His bag was placed between his legs, took out a pen, opened the newspaper, and looked carefully at the neon lights on the street.

"What is he doing?" Benjamin put his hand on the steering wheel and looked sideways at the object they were tracking.

"Porto Daily, Fourth Edition." Ryan observed the other person's movements: "it's a job advertisement. He's looking for a job."

Sure enough, Madison took a pen and began to draw circles in the newspaper.

"Why doesn't he go back to his place and do this again?" Benjamin continued.

"Yes." Ryan frowned and thought for a moment, "James said he works in boosboos bar. Well, it's a thing of the past. But he didn't say where he lives."

"So, doesn't he have a place to live?" Benjamin nodded knowingly. "What do you think of him?"

"I didn't find anything special about him." Ryan looked at some sad men on the roadside. "Did you find anything?"

"No." Benjamin shook his head. "But did you notice his hair? When he took off his headgear at the bar, his hair, the color, was changing."

"Yes, I noticed." Ryan nodded. "From black to light, it's not obvious, but it's definitely changing." Ryan leaned down and seemed to want to see the other party's hair color under the cover of his hat.

Benjamin looked at Ryan's movements, stepped aside and gave Ryan more space: "did you see it?"

"It's grayish white." Ryan frowned and straightened up. "I didn't think anything would change his hair color."

The two were silent. There are many different races with the ability to change the external image. The most thorough nature is shapeshifter. However, the world is balanced. The stronger the camouflage ability, the weaker the other aspects. For example, shapeshifter's power and senses are the same as ordinary creatures, and they have no smell. Another example is the werewolf, who has superior power and senses, but also has to face the loss of personality once a month. There is also a vampire. Anthony can destroy him by signing a document.

In the minds of the two who are at the top of the alien race, I can't imagine that any race has the weak ability to change the hair color.

"I don't think he is a threat." Benjamin gave up and thought, "he didn't plan to retaliate against those guys, but was really looking for a job. I think it can explain the problem."

"Just a guy who wants to come to Porto for survival." Ryan whispered to himself.

Madison seemed to have finished the advertisement. He looked up, looked around and found a telephone booth. He folded the newspaper, put away his pen, took out a few coins and walked to the telephone booth. Holding the advertisement in the newspaper, he dialed the phone.

Benjamin looked at the passers-by, gave up the idea of using alpha's ears, and gave the eavesdropping job to the vampire.

"Hello, is that SISI bread? I saw your job advertisement... Are you free? OK, thank you."

"Hello, is this Mr. Pierce? I see you are looking for... I think I can do it, but do you provide accommodation?... then I can advance part of it... OK, thank you."

Madison's job search seemed to be full of obstacles, and Ryan felt a little sorry.

"How's it going?" Benjamin asked when he saw Madison hang up the phone and exit the phone booth.

Ryan said, "follow him. Now, we can see if he can do anything special."

Benjamin nodded, got out of the car with Ryan and hung slowly behind Madison.

The next thing, no one was beheaded by a vampire, and no one was bitten by a werewolf. Madison wandered in the busy streets like a real homeless man.

Ryan once asked me, "when you quit your job at boosboos bar and wandered around the street in a fit of anger, what was on your mind?"

Don't be surprised, Madison is me. Oh, no one cares about this... I mean, Ryan occasionally asks me questions.

After thinking for a while, I replied, "the color of my hair is changing, so I know my future is changing. But I don't know whether it is good or bad. But the only thing I can be sure of is that I can't afford to stay in Porto hotel. In only two days, I will live a begging life without money..."

Ryan said kindly, "well, do you think it's good or bad?"

I frowned and thought carefully, "when you came to invite me, I thought it was good. Now, I don't know..."

From Ryan's kinder eyes, I realized I had said the wrong thing.

Of course, the protagonist is not me. So, let's use Madison, a name like a dragon suit that even the owner can't remember.

Several hours later, neither the vampire nor the werewolf found any strange action of Madison. This kind of tracking seemed to be going on endlessly.

"Hey! Your name is Madison, isn't it?" Ryan leaned against the street lamp and looked at Madison, who was also standing under the street lamp with a confused face.

After realizing that tracking was just a waste of time, Ryan decided to change his strategy and take the guy who is obviously not human (no human hair can completely change color in a few hours) back to the Anderson house. As Benjamin said to James a few days ago, if they just want to live a quiet life, they will not be embarrassed. Of course, the condition is to declare loyalty like 'Kim'.

Madison looked at the stranger next to him. It took him a while to realize that the other person was talking to him. It took him a while to remember that he was one of the three people in the previous boosboos bar.

"I'm sorry to let you see that." Madison nodded and said apologetically, "I hope you have a good time in boosboos bar."

"We left." Ryan smiled at Madison. "That kind of scene is always disappointing."

Madison's face was more apologetic: "I'm really sorry. I don't want to spoil your interest."

Ryan patted Madison on the shoulder: "you don't need to apologize. Sometimes people just need some courage. God will reward those who have courage. In addition, my name is Ryan Anderson. You can call me Ryan."

"My name is Madison, Co, Cook..." as I said, this is a name that even the owner can't remember.

"Ha ha, you are a funny guy!" Ryan smiled and looked at the newspaper still folded and held in Madison's hand. "Are you looking for a new job? How's it going?"

"Not very good." Madison shook his head with a helpless expression, but immediately forced out a smile. "Oh, Ryan, I shouldn't have complained about this to you."

"Nothing. I have nothing to do. I'm waiting for my brother. It's a pleasure to chat with strangers."

"Oh, is that a serious looking gentleman like a policeman?" Madison relaxed and asked.

Ryan responded that the other person was talking about James. He was amused and shook his head. "No, it's another one."

"The other one? The fluffy one?" Madison was confused. Did he confirm that Ryan said 'brother'?

"Hahaha!" Ryan laughed: "fluffy? You're really an interesting person. I like you very much. We can be friends! Let's do it." Ryan reached into the inside of his coat and took out a business card: "if your work is not going well, you can come here to try. I'm always welcome."

Madison really didn't know where the laughing point was, but he still took the business card, [Anderson funeral home]. The man in front of him was actually a funeral business owner. Madison stood up in awe: "thank you, Mr. Anderson."

"Ryan! Just call me Ryan." Ryan corrected: "although we are in the South District, we can provide accommodation and food, which is a good place. Consider it."

Ryan looked behind Madison. Benjamin had walked out of the store with some food in his hand. "I'm leaving. Good luck."

Of course, all this was designed! Vampires had long known that Madison needed a job providing food and accommodation. In addition, he was deliberately in a hurry. What he was waiting for was....

"Wait!" As expected, Madison stopped Ryan and said with some embarrassment, "actually, I just need a job like this. I don't have a place to sleep, so..."

"Oh!" Ryan perfectly interprets what was surprise: "do you have no place to live? Where are you going to sleep tonight? Oh, I can't let my friends sleep on the street!"

Madison pursed his lips. Although he did not know why he suddenly had more friends, it would not matter if the problems of work and accommodation were solved at the same time.

"You have been admitted!" Ryan reached over Madison's shoulder and walked to Benjamin: "now, let me introduce 'fluffy'..."

Before he realized that Benjamin was a werewolf, Madison really didn't know where to laugh.

Back in Benjamin's truck, Ryan was still sitting in the co driver's seat. There were fierce drums and loud music from the old radio. The surrounding scenery became desolate after leaving the prosperous north district.

Ryan and Benjamin exchanged eyes. Ryan turned and looked at Madison, who was a little restrained. "Now that we are friends, you are willing to share why you came to Porto and what you are."

Madison looked at Ryan's red eyes. For some reason, an idea to share appeared.

Finally, I have finished the story of the encounter between 'I' and the protagonist. Please don't underestimate me. If I don't show up, the three brothers and sisters of the Anderson family will separate one person to take charge of the victim's body preservation in cooperation with the South Branch of Porto police station. Therefore, I am very important! Oh, you don't care about this... I mean, well, from Madison's story, I hope you can see that our protagonist is not an evil guy who beheads others everywhere. At least, I'm still alive.