
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

030 Sentimental Vampire

There is no conflict between the federal burial tradition and the aboriginal tradition. Mrs. Quinn's faith was also a holy bishop like most people. Her enthusiasm for the original totem came from cultural heritage. Therefore, when Ryan talked about the detailed process, Mrs. Quinn proposed to use something called "soul inducing grass" to lay under the coffin. According to Mrs. Quinn's explanation, if the deceased want to return, they can find the way back to the world by this.

Ryan and Benjamin looked at each other. Although they wanted to laugh, they knew it was inappropriate, so they had to hold back and listen to Mrs. Quinn.

The real purpose of this kind of grass is to enable wizards to summon the dead. After centuries of changes, it was actually used as a filling for the coffin. However, the 'soul inducing grass' on the market now is only a local weed after drying. There is no need to worry about any adverse effects on the deceased.

Ryan checked the guests and seats with Mrs. Quinn and read the priest's speech again. After confirming that there was nothing missing, it was time for the two to leave.

"Madam." The nurse pushed open the balcony door. "Porto police station called and left a message for two Mr. Anderson."

Mrs Quinn raised her eyebrows and looked at the two men who were packing up their materials.

"Oh, madam." Ryan smiled: "you may have heard that Porto police station is conducting cooperation bidding, and our Anderson family also hopes to win the opportunity to cooperate with the municipal government again. Before coming, I left my contact information here."

Mrs. Quinn nodded, her doubts subsided, and the owner left his residence for a long time, leaving a message in advance to inform him of his whereabouts and contact information. This is a very normal behavior. Mrs Quinn waved her hand away.

Ryan and Benjamin quit the balcony and took the note from the female nurse. It was just an address, "boosboospub, No. 7, Becky first street. J.R" Ryan was a little disappointed. It was James Lance who left the message.

"This is not the bidding business of the police station ~" the nurse smiled at the two 'brothers'. Obviously, she has discovered Ryan's lie, but it seemed to be an unintentional mistake and did not need to report to her master. Of course, the most important reason is that the female nurse is very fond of the two 'brothers'. One is quiet and gentle like a bay under the night, and the other is wild like a field under the bright sun.

This impression was only based on a short meeting at Anderson's house three days ago - Ryan comforted Mrs. Quinn who had lost her husband, and Benjamin drove away the annoying Poche. Don't ask me why I know so well. I can't get close to Mrs. Quinn. I can still do it with a female nurse. After knowing this, I am full of despair for the world that only looks the face.

Ryan smiled bitterly, "yes, I found it too." Ryan handed the note to Benjamin.

The nurse took the two men outside. "J.R. is the abbreviation of James Lance. Do you know the son of General lance?"

Sure enough, it was an upper class society, and all kinds of information were very well informed.

Ryan pursed his mouth and pointed at Benjamin.

Benjamin scratched his chin and smiled simply: "we have served together."

"You two!" Poche fell down on the stairs in confusion, and the Great Dane sitting beside him calmly sat on Poche's legs, staring at the three people on the stairs. Poche tried his best to move his body, but the weight of the adult Great Dane was no less than that of the adult. He shouted, "get rid of this thing!"

The nurse's good mood seemed to be damaged. Her eyebrows were slightly frowned and there was a trace of disgust in her eyes. But she still looked at them. After all, this was Quinn's home, and Poche was still Quinn's young master. It's not worth showing off to be tossed about by a foreign dog.

"Ha ha." Ryan explained with a smile: "Kim has been accepted by Mrs. Quinn as a gift for Mr. Poche Quinn."

"Oh." The nurse frowned, patted the expressionless big Dane, bypassed Poche, who could not turn over, and took them out of the hall.

Poche's curse was covered by Benjamin's constant tapping on the radio. A moment later, the truck left the manor and disappeared in the shadow of the trees.

Leaving Quinn's manor, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief. Mrs. Quinn's additional entrustment was finally completed. The next thing to do was to see Kim's free play.

The truck left the west side and drove along the Charles River again, but this time it was heading east. It was nearly evening, and the sinking sun was spreading a layer of dark yellow on the Charles River. Some men and women in formal clothes took out loose sweaters from the big bags behind them, put them on, and began to run along the river bank as a way to relax after work.

"Ben." Ryan turned his head sideways and looked out the window. He looked through the slender forest belt and looked at the figures running behind the shadow of the trees. "I have a strange feeling."

"Ben, Ja, Min." Benjamin corrected Ryan's title. The fact that vampires like abbreviations does not mean that werewolves also like them. What's more, 'Ben' is more like a nickname. Being called by a vampire, Benjamin can't adapt: "what's the feeling?"

Ryan pulled back his eyes, leaned back, lifted his legs out of the window, put his head on his raised arms, looked relaxed, and said, "yes, it's a strange feeling."

Benjamin pulled his lips. He knew that the vampire was sentimental. And when a guy lives too long, once his thoughts diverge, he will inevitably say some strange things, such as --

"Why don't we build our own family?" Ryan asked himself.

"You have a family, Anderson." At this time, Benjamin's job was to pull the vampire back to the ground.

"I know, you, Alice, maybe Louise. Well, I have to think more about it." Ryan continued, "but I mean 'toreador'."

Benjamin didn't answer any more. He knew that Ryan will have such an idea. It was because of recent events that Ryan, the 'toreador', once again contacted the modern aristocrat Quinn, which reminded him of the good times of the vampire family. Vampire society is always similar to human society, with strict class division. When he came into contact with Quinn, Ryan had the idea to continue his lineage in the upper human society again.

But don't worry, Benjamin. It's just the product of vampire's sentimentality. It won't be long before he realizes the ridiculousness of this idea. For example.....

"Well, foget I said that, it's too dangerous. I don't want to be found by other clans, put on trial and turn into ashes." Ryan shook his head and looked out the window again at the running people behind the tree shadow.

Why do people run? To be healthy, to live longer. Ryan has the same purpose as these ordinary people. Well, even if he has lived for three or four centuries.

When they arrived at the address left by James, the sky had already darkened and the sign in front of the 'boosboos bar' had already lit up neon. There was a red light bulb at the bottom of each 'o'. Such a pictographic sign simply showed what kind of bar this was.

Ryan raised his eyebrows. Does the general's son like such a place? It seemed that this guy was more similar to Anthony than he thought.