
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

030  A gift from Sebella to Benjamin

On Sunday, the werewolf Benjamin woke up with a wrinkled nose and sat up from his bed. From the basement of Anderson's house, there was a smell that made him uncomfortable. It was the smell of vampires after overeating. In order to recover Ian from serious injury, Ryan kept feeding, and then it was as if the "blood exchange" scenario three days ago was repeated, but both sides changed positions.

Mammalian blood can not support the healing of the damage caused by the fire to vampires. After Anthony left, Ian was like a broken body without a soul. The newly grown muscles and skin became dry and necrotic after a while.

He needs more advanced 'food' - human blood. Anderson does not have such 'ingredients' in his reserve, but Ryan has the better, his blood.

The fire that burned Ian came from himself. He was much more hurt than Ryan who was attacked by hunters a month ago. So this process lasted from Thursday afternoon to the present - the first day of alpha's transformation cycle.

Benjamin sat up from bed, his strong chest rose and fell, took a deep breath, and calmed down his impatience. He looked into the mirror beside the bed. His eyes, surrounded by dark brown fluff, also looked at him from the mirror.

'Do you feel it? There it is. Benjamin, feel it... '

Benjamin looked away, grabbed the blouse bedside, and threw it into the mirror to cover the things in the mirror. He didn't want to listen to his other consciousness. In the past three days of each month, it would urge him to bite the throat of 'Toreador'. Benjamin didn't think this month would be any different.

When leaving the warehouse, Mr. and Mrs. Gust also got up and took a look at the werewolf standing outside Anderson's house, hesitating to enter. After thinking for a while, Sebella handed Benjamin a wooden can.

"What is this?" Benjamin remembered that it was two days ago when he looked at the wooden jar used by Sebella and opened it slightly. It smelled so fragrant that the werewolf almost fainted.

Sebella didn't answer and asked, "how do you feel?"

Benjamin had screwed the wooden jar tightly and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. After a while, he showed a little surprise. The irritability in his heart disappeared. It seems that all the senses have been raised to a higher level, but all have been coated with the feeling of 'colorful'. Even the annoying smell overflowing from the basement became soft. It makes the werewolf not want to rush up and bite.

"Great." Benjamin held the jar and looked at it carefully. Now he had a very clear mind and he didn't want to return it to Sebella.

"Here you are."Sebella said lightly, "it's the reward for living here these days."

"Thanks." Benjamin raised his eyebrows and stepped into Anderson's house. Maybe Ryan won't have to go on a diet in the future.

After breakfast, Laura came here as promised, along with Trisha. The real protagonist's face was haggard and her hair was scattered on the forehead. She could not say anything useful except "thank you".

Because Ryan was occupied by other things, Benjamin took over Anderson's business. So when Laura asked Anderson to hold Trisha's husband's funeral in a praying tone, Benjamin agreed without hesitation. That's what happened today.

This was a public good. Old Hank contributed the coffin, Alice contributed time to tidy up the body, and Benjamin accepted a plastic bottle full of change and gave a cemetery.

It was a minimal funeral. No fancy hearse procession, no church ceremony. Only Benjamin drove Anderson's hearse and sent the coffin to the cemetery. Temporarily hired farmers stood inside the crowd, waiting for the end of the farewell ceremony so that they could bury the coffin.

Benjamin leaned against the car far away from the cemetery, but he could still hear the priest in front of the cemetery quoting the words "righteous" in the Scripture as if the person buried was a saint.

In a sense, it is unexpectedly consistent. But the man he believed in was not the father or the son, and the things he sacrificed were not righteousness.

"Good morning, James." Benjamin, turning his head sideways, said to the detective whose shoulders were still a little bloated.

James frowned and stared gloomily at the distant crowd. "What will happen to him?"

Benjamin didn't answer. As Ryan said, the Anderson family didn't care about this person.

James, who did not get an answer, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. This funeral will appear, which means that someone did it before the detective acted in the way of human society.

"Wells doesn't remember anything. He doesn't even remember quitting." James changed the subject and mentioned the former civil servant he had taken away on Wednesday night. "His life was ruined."

"Are you accusing us?" Benjamin glanced at James and asked. There was a sense of Ryan in his tone. When Benjamin finished, he felt strange.

"No." James didn't notice Benjamin's strangeness. He seemed to be immersed in his own world and gave the answer directly, "I let you intervene in this matter, which led to all this." James looked down. "I'm accusing myself."

Ryan told him that Wells was a chess piece to help him.

Benjamin threw away his strangeness. The werewolf is one of the Anderson brothers who is 'overflowing with compassion'. He patted James on the shoulder without denying it or affirming it.

James stood silent for a while, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and handed it to Benjamin.

"What is this?" Benjamin frowned and opened the paper. It was a list.

James did not answer, but said what seemed irrelevant: "from now on, you do your own business. I do my own work." The detective's eyes did not know where he was looking, and inexplicably brought a hint of emotion, "I hope our work will not intersect again."

Benjamin raised his frown and looked at James. Benjamin wanted to ask something else, but James had no intention to continue chatting and turned away.

Benjamin looked at the list again. He was a little impressed with some of the names. It seemed to be the name of a new person in Porto who was investigated by James just after he recovered his identity. For some reason, the detective never shared this list after Anderson took Madison in.

Benjamin glanced at James' back. The wound on his shoulder was not healed. The werewolf could even smell the blood and medicine under his clothes, which made the general's son's posture a little awkward. Benjamin folded up the list and stuffed it into his pocket.

Benjamin just temporarily did the job for Ryan. He is not interested in educating James.