
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

031   Seriously injured Vampire

James watched as several people rushed past his car and surrounded the vampire. Old Hank instructed a few people to flatten Ryan, without using a real scalpel, just the woodworking knife usually used for carving, and began to cut on the vampire.

The sizzling sound was constantly emitted from the vampire's body, and the silver shrapnel, screws, fragments, and nails were picked out by old Hank one by one.

There were red patches in Ryan's eyes, and as the foreign body embedded in his body was removed, Ryan's eyes began to return to light green.

"Thank you, thank you." Ryan tried to bend the corners of his mouth, but Old Hank pressed his face with a rough palm, and the vampire could feel Old Hank's woodworking knife scratching his neck and something was taken out.

"You don't need to thank me!" Old Hank's voice was always so cold and bored, "Thank to that beautiful woman!"

Ryan's eyes rolled to find Louise, who was squatting beside him. But his face was pressed and he couldn't say anything.

Louise held a gauze in her hand.p Alice the Banshee held a fine needle in her hand, and sutured Ryan's wound with cotton thread. The silverware will block the vampire's ability to recover, and if the loophole in the vampire's body that is constantly bleeding can't be stopped, Ryan can really rest in peace.

Louise's face was pale, and she couldn't tell if she was worried, fearful, or angry? Under Alice's guidance, she covered the sutured wound with gauze. On the other hand, Alice had a worried face, and the hand holding the needle was constantly trembling. Luckily, Ryan was a quiet wounded person and didn't blame the Banshee for her often stitching wrong...

"Heh, haha..." Under the overturned old-fashioned car, a breathless laughter came out. Revenge moved his body hard, trying to free his oppressed respiratory system, but he failed.

There is one thing you must know about vintage sedans. Older sedans were more akin to today's Jeeps than today's popular sedans, and the roof was usually not metal, but a simple linen canopy, which was the only reason the Revenge was still alive.

"What the hell did I see?!" Revenge coughed, but his chest was completely pressed down, only his neck and head twitched on the ground, showing his discomfort at this time, "A group of people, in the fucking save a vampire!"

Kim walked away from Ryan, and he couldn't do much with the silvery wound. Kim tore a piece of gauze, kneaded it, and stuffed it into Revenge's mouth.

"One died." Kim, who acted with James' appearance and voice, looked at the three people who were pinned under the car, "and one passed out. This." Kim pointed to Revenge, whose mouth was gagged. : "He's very noisy."

James pushed aside the scattered glass fragments on his back and got out of his car with difficulty. Old Hank glanced at James fiercely, and threw three bullets at random. Among the grenade shrapnel made by the hunter, these somewhat deformed conical bullets were obviously shot by James.

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, for the hunter's attack, Ryan was prepared to protect his chest and important blood vessels. But for James's shooting, he was not prepared at all. The bullet was deeply buried in the internal organs, blocking the blood flow. Once it was taken out, Ryan felt a lot more relaxed.

Old Hank checked the wound on Ryan's body again, and after confirming that there was no omission, he withdrew the knife, took out a metal square wine bottle from his waist, threw it to Ryan, and snorted: "Madison, Alice, beautiful Woman! Let's go back!"

The vampire sat up and nodded to the people beside him with different expressions. After a while, the sound of the engine starting came, and Louise supported Alice's trembling shoulders, got into Madison's car, and slowly turned around, leaving Kim behind.

James half-opened his mouth, things happened too fast. If it wasn't Kim, who was exactly like him, still standing here, James would have wondered if all this was a dream!

This dream started when the hunter threw a grenade, and the hunter's impression in the detective's mind was closer to the criminal.

"Replace him, Kim." Ryan finished drinking the blood sent by old Hank, his own was punctured in the explosion, and there was not a drop left.

"What! What are you doing!" That's how another dream of James began. Kim shoved James on the hood with a blank face, and started to pick up James' clothes!

James' right arm was twisted weirdly from the shoulder to the wrist, unable to resist the shapeshifter at all. After a while, he lay on the ground in embarrassment, watching Kim put on his clothes!

"Don't look at me like that, Detective Lance." Ryan looked calmly at James who glared at him.

James, of course, stared at the vampire! Kim, who took off his clothes, just accepted this guy's order!

"I changed my mind." Ryan grabbed James and rudely held his dislocated shoulder. With the click and James' scream, his shoulder was pushed back into place, then his elbow and wrist, "I won't kill them, but I still have a promise to Mr. Herman to do it." The vampire glanced at the hunter under the car, pulled James into Benjamin's van, and said a simple thing to Kim. After a few words of explanation, he also left and returned to Anderson's house.

Do you know why the vampire's decision suddenly changed? Because of the old Hank who swore the vampire, Alice who needs to be taken care of, Benjamin the werewolf who still retains a trace of rationality even though he is a wolf, and Louise who we don't know if she is angry or worried. They all came for the vampire, and it wasn't Ryan's doing alone anymore.

Two hours later, Anderson's house, Ryan's office.

Ryan picked up the phone, and he held the receiver sideways in the air so that James, who had a bandage on his arm, could hear Mr. Herman's voice.

"They found the murderer." The voice on the receiver was not excited, but sad. A woman's cry could be heard on the receiver. It should be Mrs. Herman.

"When they found it, one died and two were injured." There was a hint of anger in Mr. Herman's voice: "You said you would let them die!"

Ryan squinted slightly, with an unidentified smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at James with a pale face, and said: "Sorry, Mr. Herman, the detective named James Lance is there too. What can I say, that's a responsible detective. Mr. Herman should be thankful that Porto has such a detective."

James turned sideways, his face even paler.

"I don't care! I want them to pay in blood!"

"Well, I think that Mr. Herman has the ability to put them on the death row, maybe it's better. Isn't it?" Ryan no longer stimulated James' heart, he put the receiver back to his ear, and said lightly.

There was silence on the receiver, only the sound of suppressed breathing. After a while, Herman's voice reappeared: "You're right! I'll confirm this!" After a short pause, "I'll send you the check."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Herman." Ryan stopped Herman, who was about to hang up: "Connor, he need a proper funeral, right?"

The repressed silence with choked breathing, with the cry of a middle-aged woman as the background, was extremely heart-wrenching.

"You're right, my Connor needs a proper funeral..."

Ryan put down the phone and looked again at James, who deliberately turned his head sideways, "After everything you've done, while recovering from the injury, at least prepare a funeral for Connor, do you think it's okay?"

James' chin was trembling, and his frowning brows were thinking about something, and nodded.

Ryan lowered his eyes, nodded, stood up, left the desk, and walked towards the side door.

"Wait a minute!" James turned sideways, staring at Ryan who had opened the side door, revealing Louise who was waiting outside. "Who is the real murderer! Connor's murderer! Before the Earthbound Spirit!"

"Run." Ryan turned his head and looked at James calmly: "His name is Run, and you should call him by his name. If you want to know the complete thing, you should ask him."

The football jacket showed up in front of James' eyes, and Ryan closed the door.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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