
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

032  Chapter End    Louise,are you ready to be a vampire?

"Before you say anything, allow me first." Ryan held Louise's shoulder and pushed open the back door of Anderson's house.

9 or 10 in the morning is when the sun is at its best. Ryan squinted and stopped under the porch, sheltering from the most comfortable sunlight for ordinary people.

"First of all, I need to thank you. If you hadn't guessed that I was looking for those hunters, I wouldn't be here right now."

Louise lowered her head and did not respond. Such gratitude did not make her happy, it was just a guess by a woman with a fragile sense of security who did not trust men.

When Louise woke up, she found that Ryan was not there, and made a very inferior guess---Ryan didn't go for her, but happened to meet her when he was looking for the hunters! Such speculation saved Ryan, and verified her insecurities. Louise didn't think it was something to be happy about.

"Second, I should apologize to you. For leaving without saying goodbye in the morning."

Louise's body was slightly sideways from Ryan, an apology that would never make up for the damage.

"Third, I do want you to come back. What I said last night was not entirely false."

'Not entirely'? Should this be comforting? Louise didn't want to hear it anymore, and this time she didn't even need to pack her luggage, she just had to walk out of the Anderson House.

"Finally, I want to relieve your insecurities. I want you to know that you will always be safe at Anderson House. I am not dodging your questions."

Louise retracted her raised foot and looked at Ryan.

"You're safe here, no one or anything can hurt you, you already know that." Ryan raised his mouth slightly: "And I'm your only source of insecurity, because James told you 'you will be my descendant'."

Louise frowned slightly. we can't recognize from her beautiful face whether she was expecting or nervous: "Are you going to tell me now?"

Ryan nodded. "I did think about it, but I can't make a decision until now. Maybe it's best to let you judge for yourself."

The vampire began to recount ancient inheritance rituals. It was a quiet blood exchange, a life form transformation. There is no loss of ethics, pain, and personality that Louise fears. Instead, it seems more like the beginning of an intertwined fate.

If Louise is descended from Ryan's blood, Ryan will be her teacher, her guardian. Of course, he can also be a friend, a lover...

"Would you like to be a vampire? Please listen to me." Ryan continued to look at Louise, who was already looking forward to it.

Do you want to be a vampire?

You will keep your present appearance forever, and time will not have any effect on you. You'll see sights you couldn't see before, and you'll hear sounds you couldn't hear before.

But at the same time, you will never be able to see yourself, the mirror will not reflect your image. You will not be able to touch the sun for a long time. The sounds you will hear are more of people's steady, sleepy breathing and heartbeats.

You'll be faster, stronger, and you'll master the 'magic' of getting others to do what you want. You will be the king under the moon and stars in the sky.

However, all your extraordinary abilities, including your life, come from the blood of other living beings, and all the food you once had is like hay to you. And when the moon is full, you will see your natural enemies.

You will have eternal life and you can travel anywhere in the world.

But if you die, your death will also be painful and cruel. There are many places in this world that you can never set foot on without the permission of the owner.

You will live through countless generations, and one day, you will learn to forget something and dress up new memories.

You will...

With all of the above, you will become a life beyond ordinary people in the crowd. But at the same time, you have also become an alien in their eyes, and you will also become the prey of the hunters.

"Still want to be 'my offspring'? Louise." Ryan looked at Louise with his lips slightly open.

The beautiful woman lowered her head and raised her head again with a smile on her face: "No. At least not now."

Ryan raised his eyebrows, as he felt when he first met Louise, a smart woman.


The night of the full moon passed, and Benjamin obviously ate the tracking trap set by the hunters by mistake, and his whole body was covered with red lines.

What made Ryan even more helpless was that because the werewolf's transformation was ahead of schedule, no one knew where the "wild" body of the wolf went. On the first sunrise after the end of the full moon night, the vampire did not go to deliver the clothes. Benjamin came back naked, which caused him to not speak to Ryan for a week, which made the vampire who had sneaked a little trick behind Benjamin a little scared.

Connor's funeral went smoothly, just like Mr. Quinn's funeral. In order to avoid annoying reporters, all the strong men of the Anderson House hid in the cemetery, including the real James Lance.

Warehouse 13, located at the northern end of Becky Street. With the closure of the case, the cordon of Porto police station had long been removed. But this warehouse for storing waste was no longer what it used to be.

In front of the warehouse, candles, bouquets and photos were piled up. The cemetery was a very private place, and Connor's friends were not eligible to visit at will. So at the place where Connor "left", they held a small seven-day condolence ceremony for Connor.

Many seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys and girls wrote cards and posted them on the walls of the warehouse. It looked like a very warm ceremony.

"you'll always be the captain of the Beavers!" "In heaven, keep winning!" "You're the best quarterback in heaven!" These were the boys' notes, and then...

"I wish you happy." "I'm so sad you're gone." "You're a great kisser, and I'll miss you." "I told you, Liz is not a good woman." "Why Risa crying so sadly? Connor! I'm your girlfriend!" "Connor! You said you broke up with Rachel! Why does she think you are her boyfriend!" "How many girlfriends do you have? ???" "!! You really are a scumbag!" "You should go to hell!"...

When the place was taken over by the girls, the Beavers left the grudge-filled place.

Laura's initial warning to Alice was obviously not a little girl's gossip...

But at this time, Laura, standing quietly behind a group of quarreling girls, held a white card in her hand, unable to write anything.

Alice patted her friend on the shoulder comfortingly, "It's not your fault."

"But why don't I feel like this now?" Laura lowered her head, her eyes were already wet, "I shouldn't be gloating, I should call the police. If I called the police, none of this would have happened..."

The banshee embraced Laura, whose shoulders were trembling slightly. She couldn't comfort her friend. All she could do was to stay by Laura's side.

Laura shivered as she wrote down a few words and posted them on the wall of warehouse 13.

"I'm sorry, Connor.---Laura Porto."


Louise returned to live at the Anderson House, and the mistakes of Porto's younger generation had returned to the original place.. But we know that all things have changed. The choice of the vampire falls to Louise, and Kyle's sins were carried by Laura. That's what happens when you live in a city with an alien creatures.

There is no need to sigh, the story is not over yet...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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