
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

030   Life and death contest

The vampire couldn't judge what he was thinking, his lips left the sleeping woman's forehead and gently closed the door. Old Hank glanced at Ryan who carefully exited the room, pouted, and slowly went downstairs. Old man, always the first to wake up.

The darkest hour before dawn was coming to the Anderson House. Ryan got into Benjamin's van and left the Anderson house again before the werewolf woke up.

Vampires are too tempting to the werewolves now. Ryan didn't want to take the risk.

Back on Route 27, Ryan's destination was clear, a sea-view villa on the northern boundary of Porto's southern district. We can't guess the psychological activities of the vampire last night, maybe it was a momentary impulse caused by the residual human nature, or maybe it was just a practical consideration of "can't enter the villa for action anyway, and choose to wait". In short, last night had passed. Hunters always have to come out of the abandoned villa. What the vampire need is for them to step out.

The sun dispelled the darkness, and above the eastern sea horizon. The huge fire wheel reminds all creatures of darkness, 'Your time is over'. Ryan grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, reached out to his metal square wine bottle, and refilled some food. This is the daily and the eve of the battle, different ways of eating.

It's just daybreak, so there were no other vehicles on the road. Because of this, the black car driving from Ryan's right (east) was very conspicuous. And it's not the common farmer's utility vehicles such as vans and trucks in the southern part of Porto.

Ryan frowned, stepped on the accelerator, and blocked the car's path before it turned into Route 27!

"Damn it! What are you doing?!"

After the sudden braking sound, the black car parked on the right side of the truck!

James opened the car door with red eyes, "What are you doing! Do you want me to die here?!"

Ryan didn't get out of the car, rolled down the window, leaned one hand against the eaves of the window, and looked at James lance, who was in a hurry to bypass the front of the truck and walked to the left. "Why are you here, detective Lance?"

The vampire reluctantly discovered that this place would meet someone he didn't expect.

James' dark brown hair was messy on top of his head, the collar of his shirt was turned inward under his formal suit, and the dark circles under his eyes were more pronounced than yesterday. He didn't speak, and stared up at the expressionless vampire in the van.

"Don't tell me, you're here to remind them." Ryan tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"I am!" James' thick straight eyebrows pressed down: "What can you do!"

"Okay." Ryan turned his head and looked straight ahead, "I'm very disappointed, and Mr. Herman should be very disappointed too."


James punched the door!

"Don't drag Herman in!!" Being caught in the vortex of two kinds of justice made the young police detective lose the demeanor of a general's son! "It has nothing to do with Herman..."

James grabbed Ryan's arm leaning against the window eaves and stared at the vampire angrily: "You! Why did you force me!!"

"Oh? Is it me?" Ryan pushed James' hand away: "You should make it clear that it wasn't me who put the body back in its place, it was Run's parents." Ryan looked down at James with a ferocious expression: "You don't want to get involved with Herman, so what about Run's parents? What kind of parent allows their son to disappear, twice?"

James clenched his fists, he kept resisting the pressure that the vampire threw in front of him, however, the vampire kept throwing new pressure, smashing into his heart!

"No!" James shook his head, "Run is already dead! He shouldn't exist!"

"You're right." Ryan chuckled, "so he 'should' be dug up and burned. If I remember correctly, it's illegal. Even if he gets a second chance, yours The job is to ensure that no one has a second chance?"

James was shaking all over, whether it was anger or something else.

"Look at yourself." Ryan looked at James and shook his head. "You ruined my morning mood. Now, get out of here." Well, we know the vampire was telling the truth.

Ryan turned the key and started the van again.

"Wait!" James heard the roar of the broken truck engine and slapped the door again: "what are you doing?!"

"What do you think?" Ryan turned the steering wheel, clearing the way that blocked the James' car, clearly trying to turn east. "If the detective can't do his job, I'll have to do it myself."

"No!" James took a quick step, followed the turning van, and grabbed the canopy with one hand: "Revenge said, they lost contact with the person in the North District! Did you do it?! You can't Do this! You have no right to kill anyone..."

Ryan held the steering wheel with his right hand and rolled up the window with his left hand. James' fingers rose with the glass and finally separated. The detective's voice was isolated from the car. Ryan drove towards the villa.

There were still broken street lights and narrower and narrower roads.. Ryan shook his head helplessly, listening to the police-whistle coming from behind, the guy James seemed to followed him!

The police-whistle was not something vampires want to hear, because...

From the direction of the villa, another old-fashioned car drove out.

James whistled more rapidly and Ryan slowed down, calculating the distance. The old-fashioned car drove out of the range where the rusted signboard was. Ryan smiled and waved to the hunters who passed by. He stepped on the accelerator, accelerated past the back of the old car. The steering wheel turned sharply, and the old car's retreat was cut horizontally!

James' head stuck out of the side of his car.

"Run! Revenge! He's a vampire!!"

Revenge in the passenger seat looked at James who had just left and turned back in surprise, 'What is he talking about? vampire? vampire? ! '


The door on the driver's side of the old car had been torn off and blown away!

"Meet again." Ryan's body was completely inside the car, he pulled the handbrake with one hand and pressed the back of the driver's seat with the other. He smiled and looked at the man driving the car, the one he had tortured before, the cowardly hunter.

Remember, memories never go away, they are just buried, buried by memories that the brain thinks are real. When the same situation occurs, memories that were once considered 'false' start to come to mind. Just like the average person won't remember that a vampire's eyes turned red, but Louise, who knows Ryan's identity, will know that she was once charmed.

When Ryan reappeared in front of the hunter in an unconventional manner, the hunter had seen the real image of a vampire once, broke through the blockade of the false memory of the enchanted pupil. He remembered what he had experienced in Anderson's house four days ago!

Looking at the flickering light in the hunter's eyes, the vampire's goal of disrupting the enemy was achieved, and he did not continue to give him time to react. This posture was very suitable for vampires to bite the blood vessels in the opponent's neck!

So the vampire attacked!!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A loud gunshot came from the front of James' outstretched arm!

Behind the hunter's neck, the vampire's eyes suddenly turned bright red! Silver bullets!


The black shadow flashed through the small area surrounded by three cars pointing in different directions!

"Uh!" James felt his feet off the ground, and the scene in his field of vision quickly flipped, bang!

Severe pain in James' back! He had been put on his back by the vampire on the hood of his car!

On the bound neckline, the vampire's palm pressed James' throat, and the oppressed trachea lost its ability to draw air! And the wrist of the right hand had been caught by the vampire, and it was bent into an incredible angle with the soft sound of "Crack"! The black gun spun in the air and hit the ground!

The collision of metal, the bouncing sound of tight crossbow strings, and the whistling sound of metal cones piercing the air!

The vampire's coat was cut and torn in the air!

With his left hand on his neck, James slipped off the hood in a violent cough. James' right arm drooped weirdly by his side, but he didn't have time to take care of his right arm. He sat on the ground with his knees on the ground, his eyes swept left and right, and finally he saw the gun that fell on the right side of the car.

The front door of the hunter's vehicle, which was thrown to one side, was picked up by a black figure and blocked in front of him. Bang, bang, bang! The silver thorns that reflected in the sun pierced the raised door, but were powerless to penetrate!

"Take cover!"

Revenge shouted, controlling the modified crossbow with one hand and reaching for the waist with the other! The detonating tab on the front end was torn off, and the fist-sized ball was thrown!

James, who just got his gun back, suddenly contracted his pupils! He opened the front passenger door of his car, and despite the severe pain from his right hand, his whole body fell into the car!

Bang! ! !

silver! The silver light spot instantly wrapped the space enclosed by the three cars!

The smashing of the window glass, the roar of the metal pierced through the steel...


The door that was guarded by the vampire fell, and the door, which was already like a honeycomb, slammed into the ground, and then collapsed weakly.

The vampire's custom-made clothes had been riddled with holes, and the bright red blood had soaked the whole body!

Ryan raised his arm and pulled a silver nail that was not deeply embedded from his left chest! Boo! Without the obstruction of silver, the bloody wound began to heal slowly. Slow, very slow!

"Go back! Go back!" Revenge shouted, and together with another hunter, they dragged the companion who was looking a little confused and was holding the wound on his neck that was still bleeding out from the car!

The hunters did not relax, a vampire who can move in the sun is not so easy to kill!

Revenge kept the crossbow alert with one hand, and continued to touch his waist with the other, his fingers fell on the lighter and a brown leather bag!

Bang! !

The hunter's car, which had been riddled with holes, shook violently under the sudden impact!

James raised his head from his car tremblingly, and the blood-stained vampire was already half-kneeling on the ground. Behind him, a black-brown, black-brown... wolf? !


The howl of the beast came from the mouth of the creature that was lifting the whole car from one side!

The hunters who were relying on the other side of the car for cover widened their eyes! Watching his car roll over and holding them down!

Benjamin, who had completely turned into a wolf as tall as a person, he, no, its sturdy front paws landed, head deflection that made people fear involuntarily, the brown eyes stared to one side. The vampire was sitting down with his head bowed, humming in a low voice. The squeak came out of the throat.

The heavy breathing raised the dust on the ground, and the sharp claws digged on the ground! Finally, it lowered its body, jumped its limbs, turned and disappeared from James' field of vision!

The sound of a car coming from far away sounded behind James, and James deflected his head with difficulty. The car's rear door was opened, and old Hank, Alice, Kim disguised as James, Louise, and Madison, who had only been seen a few times, rushed out of the car.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

michael_lyucreators' thoughts