
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

029   Louise, come home with me

It was past midnight, and most of Porto had fallen into a deep sleep. Ryan was driving Benjamin's van through the dimly lit streets.

Ryan knew the hunters had not left Porto for one simple reason. Tomorrow night will be full moon, and while tackling David the Shapeshifter, Benjamin unleashes new rumors that there is Alpha in Porto. Those aliens who left or lurked because of the shock would disperse this rumor. Hunters who don't want to hunt Alpha are not good hunters.

Of course, it is very stupid to provoke the werewolf group on the night of the full moon, but the forced transformation of the full moon will reveal the hidden places of the werewolf. If hunters want to discover the identity of the werewolf, tomorrow night is the best time.

Ryan had already asked about the traps the hunters had laid in Porto by the time they were torturing the hunters at the Anderson House. According to the werewolf's habit, the transformation will be in the woods with a large range, avoiding contact with people. In the woods south of Anderson's house, which was penetrated by Route 27, the woods in the west of Porto and the city of Newton, the woods in the west of Pai Siying... These places were all traps set by hunters to track werewolves.

An herb called aconite, which can persist in the body of a werewolf. Even if the werewolf's transformation is removed, it will leave traces on people. Wolves are a tribal society, and the activities of group action are mostly predation. Once a wolf eats an animal infused with aconite herbs, his human identity is revealed. Hunters can use this as a clue to discover the entire group.

But they obviously made a mistake, Benjamin's clan was only him.

Ryan didn't check the woods. As I said before, it's stupid to touch a werewolf at the full moon. Then it would be foolish to stay in those woods for three days before the full moon. Because the responsible Alpha will check the safety of the transforming ground for the safety of the group.

This had provided Ryan with convenience. The places he searched had been reduced a lot. He had excluded three hunter bases from the torture. If possible, the vampire will now burp to express his satisfaction at this time. Now he was driving to the last place, because his main target had not yet appeared.

The truck entered Porto South from Route 27 and turned into a slip road that extends east. After leaving the North District, street lamps had become a luxury item. It was often after half a kilometer to see a crooked lamp pole with a broken lampshade on the side of the road.

I don't know how long it took, the road got narrower and narrower, and the sound of the waves entered Ryan's ears. The vampire stopped the car and started walking in the dark. Five minutes later, a rusty sign stood on the side of the road - 'Private property, no private entry', the vampire stretched out a finger, and the red sparks were remarkable in the darkness Conspicuous. Now we know why Ryan ended up here.

Porto was a young city, so failed investments were not uncommon. For example, in front of him, 100 meters away, was a villa that was erected by the sea and abandoned by its owner.

The vampire turned around in the darkness, but without leaving the villa in front of him, he started to circle to the left.

A man's voice came into his ears.

"What happened! They didn't answer my calls!"

The vampire recognized the voice, it was the guy he tortured, the hunter who chose the latter between 'become a vampire and die' and 'say everything'. Of course, he won't remember betraying his teammates.

"Maybe they moved."

This was the hunter who used fire to kill the vampire.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow we'll go into the city to see."

When the voice spoke, there were obvious pauses and breaths, accompanied by the sound of torn bandages. It must be Revenge Gust, whose gunshot wound had not yet healed.

"Where is that woman?"

The vampire had circled to the left side of the villa, and he stopped, looking at the reef in the darkness ahead.

"I don't know if she's outside."

"Hey! Louise! Do you want to catch a cold! Come in!"

The vampire looked at the woman standing on the reef and turning her head in the shouting, and the night wind by the sea blew her loose curls. Louise tightened the blanket, ignoring the screams in the villa, and continued to turn her head, looking at the dark sea, we don't know what she's thinking.

Our vampire Ryan, frowned, why was Louise here?

"Louise." Ryan's figure was hidden in the crack between the reefs, but he didn't go up. It wasn't because he was worried that he would be discovered by the light, but if he took a step forward, he would be wiped out.

Louise seemed to be shivering, and turned her head vigilantly. There was no one else on the reef except her. Louise smiled helplessly, her slender fingers pulling the blown hair behind her ears.


Louise was startled again. She looked around, moved her steps, and even stretched her neck to look in front of the reef and under the slap of the night waves, but there was still no one there. Louise sighed melancholy, but I'm afraid no one except vampires could hear the sigh in the crash of the waves.

"Left, below." The vampire helplessly reminded this beautiful woman who didn't know what she was thinking.

Louise's big eyes were stunned. This time, she confirmed that she was not hearing hallucinations for some reason!


Louise lowered her head and looked down at Ryan standing in the gap from the reef. Her surprise call was stopped by the vampire.

"Go over there." Ryan looked up at Louise, whose eyes were shining, and made a gesture.

Louise blinked, and the person in the gap had disappeared.

Louise jumped off the reef, and someone in the villa shouted, "Hey! Don't leave the confines of this house!"

Another voice at a normal volume said, "Let her go. With Alpha's wolves, there will be no vampires.

Well, common sense is such that people can be disappointed in unexpected places.

Away from the rocks of the villa, Ryan leaned against the black and cold rock, watching Louise walking over holding a blanket, "Why are you here?"

As soon as Louise saw Ryan's joy, she was blown away by a word.

"Why are you here!" Louise stared into the vampire's eyes.

Ryan frowned, not ready to answer Louise's question, and asked persistently, "Why, are you here?"

Because of the cold night wind by the sea, Louise, whose lips were a little white, bit her lower lip and looked at the vampire quietly: "Why ask, it will be faster to use your red eyes.."

"Do you want me to twist your will?" Ryan looked at the woman, red spreading in his eyes.

Louise didn't speak. Between her slender eyebrows, the brows were slowly approaching each other. The bitten lower lip was trembling slightly, but she didn't take her eyes away from looking at Ryan's eyes. Disappointment was forming between the eyes and eyebrows of the beautiful woman.

Red occupied Louise's field of vision, and the vampire's voice was cold and calm: "Tell me, why are you with the hunter?"

Louise's disappointment did not show up in front of Ryan after all, and Louise's face became calm, looking at those red eyes.

"I'm very scared." Louise began to answer the question asked by the vampire under the command of Charming Eyes.

"Every day, every night. I'm scared."

"In the crowd, I don't know if the person next to me has become a monster. On the road without people, I worry that something will suddenly appear behind me and eat me."

"I became paranoid. Whenever I got home, I checked to see if anything had been moved. Whenever I had a conversation with someone, I was afraid to look them in the eye. Whenever I unintentionally talked to other people When touching, I have to carefully recall whether the other party is cold..."

Ryan's brows furrowed.

"I'm scared, I'm scared of everything, people, things, day, night, streets, buildings, I don't know what to do."

Maybe this time, it should be the time when a normal man said 'you can go back to the Anderson House'. Vampire Ryan opened his mouth.

"And you."

Ryan shut up.

"You say: 'If you feel unsafe, trust your instincts and get out of here.'" (i Chapter 5)

Louise's calm expression became excited!

"What kind of man would say this to a woman!"

Ryan's frown deepened, but Louise didn't stop.

"Of course I would be insecure because you wouldn't tell me anything! What the hell do you mean by 'your offspring'?! Am I still myself? What am I to you?! You didn't say anything!!"

"So I left! I left the only place where I didn't wake up from my dreams, worry about touching people, worry about being hurt by monsters! Then I lived in fear again! I I don't know what to do!"

Louise squatted on the damp and cold ground with her shoulders in her arms, her scattered hair covered most of her face, and her voice was filled with sadness and grievance.

"So I went to James. Although he is too idealistic and not practical, at least he is honest and responsible. I just want to borrow a little sense of security."

Ryan's brows spread, and he looked at the helplessly woman squatting in front of him.

"I don't think anyone is safe." Louise raised her head and looked at Ryan with tear-stained eyes. "I was just happy that I at least helped him a little. Then I realized that I should never trust my security on others."

Crystal tears swept across Louise's face, but the grievances and sadness on her face had disappeared, turning into a cold and firm determination.

"So, I rediscovered the lucky, dead, hunter that James spoke of, Revenge. At least, I have to learn to protect myself!"

Louise's misty eyelashes fanned, she had already explained why she was here, and had no intention of showing her vulnerability in front of Ryan again from the beginning. After answering this question, she has realized that the vampire really used the eye of charm on her.

Louise held the blanket on her body and stood up slowly, avoiding Ryan's eyes, not wanting to let her disappointment fall into the eyes of the man in front of her.

"I have answered your question, you should answer mine." Louise's voice returned to calm.

The sound of fine waves floated in the air, like a rhythmic heartbeat, rising and falling together. Under the wet and cold night, our vampire Ryan looked at Louise, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the stars were reflected in his light green eyes: "I'm here to find you."

Louise could no longer avoid the vampire, and under her long eyelashes, there were also stars.

"Now that I've found you, it's time to go home."