
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

027  Is the isolated life gone?

After having breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Gust, led by old Hank, walked to the tomb area in the West. Since Sebella lives in Anderson for the time being, there's no need to provide Papa Midnite with the opportunity to use the tomb area for walking.

To the south of Benjamin's warehouse was a new real warehouse, where all the stones transported from Ford funeral home were stacked. Of course, in addition to the stones, the items originally transferred from Anderson's western tomb area were piled here by the werewolf, too.

Benjamin lifted the dark green dust cover, chose a truck that was more suitable for his taste, drove out of Anderson's house, turned to highway 27, and drove to Sam's farm.

The sun climbed slowly in the East. When it reached the top of Porto, Benjamin drove a truck and dragged a group of 'goods' back from highway 27. At the back of the truck, a dozen sheep huddled in a container without a roof.

This is the story of a werewolf dragging a flock of sheep to feed a vampire.

The Anderson family has one more member with special dietary needs. These sheep were prepared for him.

When turning from highway 27 to Anderson's lane, Benjamin turned the steering wheel and took a look at a car parked on the roadside.

A hollowed-out 'Herman' logo stands in front of the black body. As the Mayor of Porto, it is natural to support local enterprises. Anthony sat in the driver's seat and had accumulated a long strip of gray ash in front of the cigarette butts on his lips.

"Do you want to go in or not?" Benjamin stopped next to the car, stretched out his thick arm, and knocked his knuckles directly on the car roof.

Anthony's cigarette ash was broken in front of his mouth. He leaned to look out of the front passenger's window.

The werewolf looked down at Anthony. The Mayor, who had begun to get fat, seemed to have been carefully dressed. A straight black suit, a dark blue tie buried under the collar of a pure white shirt, and a gold tie clip pinned to the chest.

Benjamin looked at Anthony sideways, grinned, and said, "nice tie."

Anthony was inexplicably angry. He threw away the cigarette end and sat upright. The leather seat made a friction squeak under him. Anthony slapped the ashes that fell on his body, and the gray smoke marks were smeared on his clothes under his random fiddling.

Anthony was agitated for a while. His eyebrows were twisted into a line. He grabbed the hem and rubbed it quickly, but the scope of the stain was getting larger and larger. His hands angrily clapped at the steering wheel, and the sudden whistle sounded on the gravel road, startling the birds resting on the roadside trees.

Anthony's chest was undulating. He wanted to take a deep breath, but the shackles of the collar prevented him from breathing smoothly. He violently pulled open his dark blue tie, threw it aside, pulled open the collar button, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, put his hands back on the steering wheel, and released the brake under his feet.

As the car moved on, Benjamin shrugged. The two brothers were similar in some way.

The truck also moved forward again. Anthony stopped outside the front porch of Anderson's house. After getting off, he seemed to give up grooming, so he opened the door of Anderson's house with his coat and collar open.

Benjamin did not turn into Anderson's backyard, but went straight ahead and bypassed the front yard. In the west of Anderson's house, there was a grassland separated by a small forest. Like most residents in the south, Anderson's house had its own barn. As for the fields, Anderson didn't. They had cemeteries. No wonder people in the North District think that the south district is rural.

Benjamin stopped the truck and put down the guardrail of the trunk. The werewolf jumped onto the front of the car and clapped his hands. The frightened sheep didn't need to be driven away. They flocked into the sheepfold like fleeing for their lives. I don't know how long it will take for the new sheep to find out that their fate is more 'happy' than staying at Sam's farm.

Benjamin went to the back of the shed again, took out the filled blood storage tank, loosened a few mentally depressed sheep, added some fodder for them, and returned to the truck with the blood tank.

Yesterday afternoon's "blood exchange" almost emptied Ryan's blood bank. When Ryan and Ian chatted, Benjamin was already storing new food for his' brother'.

When Benjamin got on the truck, he just saw Hank and the Gusts who came back from the Western tomb area for lunch. He recruited three people to get on, and then drove to the backyard of Anderson's house.

"Your graveyard is like a wasteland." Sitting in the truck, Sebella suddenly said that her face was a little tired. The continuous incantation in the morning made her mental strength consume a little more. Corden's strong arm had been hugging his wife, showing a distressed look.

Old Hank snorted. Obviously, the master of the previous generation of Anderson was not very satisfied with the management of this generation.

Benjamin was embarrassed. Old Hank, which side are you on? Most of the guests who came to Anderson were scolded by the old man! In the past ten years, many people were scared away by Hank in the exhibition hall before they could enter Ryan's office. This guy can't see any comments about the coffin he made!

"You should start from North cemetery. Other places are basically rotten and have little action power." Benjamin looked at Sebella and responded.

Sebella nodded. "You are more isolated than we thought."

Benjamin frowned. He didn't quite understand Sebella 's words. It was not far from the grassland to Anderson. Benjamin could not prolong the topic. He stopped the car and everyone went to the hall room.

It was a silent lunch, and Anderson's table was filled with people. It's not that there were outsiders some time ago, so it's necessary to pretend. At this time, everyone here knows the essence of Anderson. It was supposed to be an open-minded time to talk. Everyone seemed to be separated by an invisible wall, and no one spoke.

After a disharmonious lunch, everyone dispersed. The Gusts still went to the tomb area. Old Hank seemed to be very familiar with them and walked with them all the time. Ryan and Benjamin were sitting in the office. The vampire was OK. It's not eavesdropping. A layer of cement can't stop his hearing. It was Benjamin who deliberately put a sharp ear on his side and listened to the conversation between Anthony and his brother in the basement.

The werewolf nodded suddenly and looked at the vampire with a disdainful smile. Sometimes he shook his head with regret. Sometimes he pretended to be concerned and asked the vampire, "it seems that there is a fight. Don't you really have to persuade?"

Ryan glared at Benjamin. "Don't you have anything else to do?"

Benjamin shook his head. "No." But immediately, he seemed to think of something and said, "Sebella said we were very isolated."

Ryan frowned. For the time being, he did not care about the middle-aged brother and young brother in the basement. He took back his attention: "seclusion is the survival law of the alien race."

Benjamin took back part of the alpha in his ears and thought on his face, "isolated. I think she is expressing something else."

Ryan thought for a while, smiled, and shook his head. "This woman is really hard to please. Last time I visited her, she thought Anderson was swaggering."

Benjamin also smiled, thinking that he seemed to have an answer, and his eyes drifted, "so, what she said is that we are isolating ourselves from other races."

That's it.

When the vampire was allowed to enter Gust's house for the first time, Gust and his wife seemed to have great opinions about the sudden fame of 'Anderson'. Aliens should follow the principle of seclusion and live in the shadow of human society, not in the sun. There should be a clear boundary between people and different races. That's how those lower races came into being.

But after discovering the desolation of the tomb area, Sebella said that it was isolated, which represented Anderson's isolation from the alien society. In Sebella 's understanding, the cemetery run by a vampire and a werewolf should not be so isolated. Under that soil layer, there should be a 'sign' belonging to an alien. Sebella was ready to 'see' the mutilated human corpse. This is the human prejudice against an alien.

But in fact, those cemeteries were really deserted. The two seemed to have lost their 'symbols' and were living like ordinary people.

"This is what we want." Ryan looked at Benjamin and said, "I, you, Anthony, hope that James can help us in the future. We should be proud to build Porto into a city isolated from foreign interference."

Benjamin was silent for a moment and said, "do you remember what Papa Midnite said at the west side cemetery?"

"Why should I waste my time in Massa?" Ryan leaned back in his chair and repeated Papa Midnite's words. It seemed that he was immersed in memories. "If the 'Toreador' still existed in the 'Camarilla', I would also leave Massa or even the Federation."

Benjamin smiled and seemed to enter the memory mode. Since the vampire has started the 'if' sentence pattern, he also said: "if I have my wolves, I will too."

Aliens hate cremation.

"Maybe we have been separated from the society for too long." Ryan looked at Benjamin and thanked the werewolf for using his own experience to keep him from falling into sadness in his memories. Ryan thought of another member of Anderson, who used to be the lowest member in the alien society, "where is Kim?"

"Kim!!!" The werewolf opened his voice, and his voice rushed out of the office and into the distance.

In the woods far away from Anderson's house, the big Dane, who was taking a walk after dinner, had its ears pricked, and ran to Anderson's house.