
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

026  The only two Toreadors in the world

On Thursday morning, a new day began. Louise opened her eyes, felt the emptiness behind her, put down her curled hair, and got up slowly. Louise was almost used to it. She often doesn't see Ryan near her bed in the morning. Sometimes in the middle of the night, she woke up confused and Ryan was no longer around.

Vampires are nocturnal creatures. Louise has almost understood these things. Ryan has a special lineage that allows him to act in the sun. But in the sunny outdoors, Ryan always holds a cigarette, a cup of coffee, or a little food from the small bottle in his arms.

Strangely, the vampire does not have the bitter smell of tobacco and coffee, but only light and calming coolness. It has nothing to do with the temperature, only with whether he is hungry or not. The coldness of the first meeting with the vampire never appears again.

Louise calculated the time. It was very close to the vampire diet. The temperature that once made her full of vigilance would reappear again.

Louise fell in her memory two months ago.

In fact, there was nothing to do. Louise had abandoned her former career. She doesn't have to please others. Louise just combed her hair smoothly, drew eyeliner on some of her dreamless eyes, covered some dark circles under foundation make-up, and dyed some pale lips with a warm red color.

She didn't sleep well last night and had been waiting for Ryan to come. She didn't sleep until she couldn't support herself in the dark.

Louise looked at herself in the mirror remembering her face. Because Ryan once told her, 'when you become a vampire, there will be no more images of you in the mirror.'

Louise took a deep breath and took a final look at herself. She opened the door, and along the corridor, old Hank and Alice's rooms were already open. They had already gotten up and started the day's routine chores. Louise, with her white fingers sliding on the guardrail of the stairs, went down the stairs and turned around, facing the back porch door of the staircase leading to Anderson's house.

Louise went on.

"Slow down!" It was Ryan's voice that came into the cold, narrow stairwell through the door.

"Breathe!" Ryan's voice.

"Breathe?" Some strange young voice followed by some funny inspirations.

"Well, I mean, it's like breathe." Ryan's helpless voice was a little funny, and the tone was unconsciously emphasized, "feel the flow of blood in the blood vessels! Just like people feel breathe! Heartbeat! Heartbeat is our breath!"

"Why are you urging me!" A young voice, "don't be so hard on me!"

"Thirteen years!" Ryan's voice, "thirteen years! You can't even move in the sun! You must have broken the family record!"

"Fucking family record!" The young voice said, "we are the only two 'Toreador' in the world. I am the record!"

"Hahaha!" Ryan seemed to be amused. "You're right.".

Louise just raised her finger to the door handle and stopped. A slight airflow came out of Louise's warm and delicate lips. She took back her finger and turned to the kitchen. Alice must need help preparing breakfast.

Ryan was standing in the sunshine from the East. The early morning sunshine is not enough to affect Ryan. He looked at Ian under the eaves of the porch, a young vampire took a step towards the sun in embarrassment.


Ian's eyes lost their look and he closed them. Like a monkey with shaved bones, he fell to the ground. Ryan sighed, lifted Ian, who was facing the ground, and threw him back into the shadow on the porch. Ian opened his eyes and looked at Ryan vaguely, "did I succeed?"

"No." Ryan made no secret of his answer.

Ian, looking at his body, didn't lack any skin and parts. "At least I didn't burn! This is progress, right?"

Ryan shook his head reluctantly and nodded again. Ian had been very good. Ryan has only taught this descendant for 32 days, plus last night.

"Rest." Ryan patted Ian on the shoulder. "We all worked hard yesterday."

Ian's expression suddenly became alert, because Benjamin, who was bare, scratched his back vaguely and walked towards the two vampires. He put his hand on Ryan's shoulder and rubbed his nose. "You two stink."

"You just..."

Ryan waved his hand to stop the impulsive young vampire, smiled, and said to the werewolf, "I'm in a good mood, so I drank more."

"Enjoy yourself." The werewolf said casually, "I called Sam yesterday. Are you going or am I going?"

Ryan winked at Ian, then turned to Benjamin, "you go."

Benjamin nodded and glanced at Ian, which was the kind of 'aiming' that he put his eyes aside without any expression and then took back. Benjamin turned and left. Alpha's disdain seemed to irritate the young vampire. Ian's pupils turned red in an instant, but all he could do was stand on the porch and bite his teeth. Werewolves are creatures in the sun, vampires are not.

Ryan pressed the excited Ian and said seriously, "Ian, Benjamin is a friend and a partner!"

"Why should we partner with a four-legged creature!" The time Ian became a vampire, minus his sleeping time, was less than a year. Ryan really doesn't know where his strong sense of racial superiority came from!

Ryan frowned. He didn't remember any words that exaggerated the threat of werewolves to vampires in his 32-day 'teaching' career. After all, the most important 'quality' of vampires is immortality, not being bitten to death by werewolves. The one who really feels racial superiority is Ryan.

Ryan just forgot his vigilance when he first saw Benjamin on the battlefield. Thirteen years can change a person's cognition.

Ryan shook his head reluctantly, "you will find that Benjamin is a partner we can trust." In the weakest moment, facing Benjamin's wolf body, the still miraculously alive vampire is qualified to say this.

Ian frowned, the red in his eyes dispersed, but his face was still incomprehensible. If one thing is made to kill another, it is not easy for the latter to eliminate the instinctive resistance. In particular, the latter is still so young and has just been abused by the former.

Ryan no longer considered this issue. In fact, he was not worried about what Ian will do to Benjamin. Benjamin is alpha. Ryan has some difficulties trying to defeat him. Don't say Ian. On the other hand, Ryan trusts Benjamin's self-control.

"Do you want to see Anthony? I can call him." Ryan changed the subject.

Ian's vigilance immediately dissipated and changed into melancholy. "Did he forgive me?"

Ryan didn't answer. This is not a question he can answer.

After a long silence, Ian seemed to make a decision, "call him! I want to see him!"

Ryan nodded. The answer didn't need to be asked. Ian came to Porto 13 years ago, but his younger brother dreamed every day that he would live in that new city called 'Porto' after the war. It was said that there was a city founded by a group of righteous men. There was a philanthropist named 'Quinn'. They set up families for children who lost their parents in the war.

When the war was still going on, it was the only belief that soldiers believed that all this was meaningful when they shed blood.